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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 1 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

Page 15

by Charlie Buxton

  "Well Neirna, I look forward to hearing..."

  He never got any further, she was suddenly wrapped around him, her lips seeking his, her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms holding him close.

  "You have the best smile," she said in an intense whisper. "Your smile is so amazing. It is the most beautiful thing I've seen in three months."

  "Okay, but Neirna..."

  "Shh!" she said, "don't talk about official nonsense - it's all in my report. For now, let's just talk about us."

  There wasn't much talking involved, however. She soon had his shirt open and was kissing his neck and chest lovingly, looking up occasionally to study his face. Then she had his pants open and his cock free. She stroked it lovingly and sucked it the rest of the way to hardness (there wasn't far to go). The next thing he knew her clothes were also off and she was climbing up to straddle him in the chair.

  With a deep intake of breath and of cock, she was soon enveloping him and moaning with pleasure as she reached the base of his shaft, her warmth enfolding him.

  "Neirna..." started Angelo, but again, she silenced him - this time with a finger to his lips.

  "Shh," she urged him, "just let me watch your face."

  She began a slow, sensuous ride of his cock and the entire time she was intensely focused on his face - watching his every expression with unusual fascination.

  Angelo soon gave up thinking about the oddness of her sexual attack and simply surrendered to the passion she was emanating.

  "God, I could watch you all night. I could watch you forever," she sighed.

  He reached up and kissed her passionately, to which she responded instantly.

  "Oh gods," she moaned as spasms began in her hips. "Oh gods, Angelo, I haven't felt like this, not like this in the longest time. Oh GODS!"

  She froze in divine climax, her face a mask of pleasure, her body hot from passion. When the strongest part of her orgasm was past, she looked deeply into his eyes - a glint of a tear forming in the corners of her own.

  "Can I ask you something, and will you promise not to get too freaked out by it?"

  "Of course," said Angelo tenderly.

  "Do you think," she started, and then had to suppress some tears, "do you think you could love me? If the situation was different, do you think I'm someone you could fall in love with?"

  "Of course," said Angelo, though he was a bit taken aback by the question. "I always admired you at the Academy. You're smart, pretty, compassionate - of course I could fall in love with you."

  "You're telling the truth, aren't you?" she sobbed. "You really mean it."

  Her hips began bucking and her inner muscles began squeezing his cock intensely. It was clear she only had one goal in mind now, and she worked with a fervor to achieve it. Within minutes, she had ridden Angelo to his own climax and he moaned as he spilled himself into her.

  She cried a bit more, holding him tightly to her chest as he pumped his cum deep into her warm cavern.

  Moments later, she was dressing, her face wearing a mask of embarrassment.

  "What was all of that about?" he asked her softly.

  "I... I'm sorry Angelo. That was a shameful display, really?"

  "I disagree," said the young Commander. "It was amazing. Confusing - but amazing all the same. You were so intense, so wonderful."

  "Thank you," she said, brushing back some tears. "Now I must be going."

  She noticed that Angelo was starting to put on his own uniform.

  "Oh, don't bother," she said. "Clothes make them terribly uncomfortable."

  "They do?" he asked. "So it's true?"

  "The nudity, the constant sex, yes, those rumors are all true. You'll see."

  "But, the debrief," he asked, "aren't you going to tell me more?"

  "No point," she said quietly. "You wouldn't understand, no matter what I told you."

  "Wouldn't understand what?"

  "It's in the vidlog," she explained.

  "What vidlog?"

  "The one that only the liaisons make entries in. The one that only the liaisons can read. This cabin and everything in it is ours. Diplomatically protected - no Aquilans are allowed in here."

  "Okay?" he said, more curious than ever.

  She finished buttoning her uniform and pulled him up from the bunk, pulling him tightly to her and pulling his head down for a gentle kiss.

  "Don't despair," she said in a terribly serious tone. "No matter how dark it looks, don't give up hope. There is love. There is passion somewhere in the universe. You and I just proved it."

  "I still don't..."

  "Others have tried," she stammered. "Others have tried to explain what it's like, but none of them can. Watch the vidlogs, they bring some comfort - but only you can come to know what this place will mean to you."


  "Goodbye, Angelo. Stay strong."

  And with that, she was gone, departing toward the hatch which would take her back to the fleet transport.

  Once the hatch was closed, Angelo stood very self-consciously in the corridor. He suddenly had the feeling he was being watched - and he was. Three stunningly beautiful women suddenly peeked around the corner. The three women approached him in almost stalking fashion, evaluating his body with such scrutiny that he felt even more self-conscious.

  One was a brunette with fair skin, high round breasts, her eyes were a piercing blue.

  The next was undoubtedly from ancient African stock, chocolate-skin, long neck and body, ample hips, and big beautiful breasts. The third seemed to borrow from many ancestries, olive-shaped eyes with a slight upturn that spoke of some sort of mixed ancient Asian ancestry, light-brown skin, smaller breasts but wider hips and thighs, yet blond hair that stood in fascinating contrast to her slightly darker complexion.

  "Greetings, Liaison Angelo Telegin," said the darker skinned woman. I am crewmember A'nish and it is my honor to welcome you aboard."

  "I am Flennie," said the brunette. "It is also my honor to extend the greetings of the crew."

  "I am called Leneria," said the exotic blond.

  The women were slowly circling Angelo in a sensuous dance. Their hands were brushing playfully across his skin, their bodies rubbing against him now and again.

  "You have a pleasing form," said A'nish, "well muscled, seemingly fit, and your sexual organ gives the appearance of being very capable. Oh, and recently used - it appears from the remaining fluids."

  "Though we will be able to teach you much in the ways of pleasure and endurance," continued the chocolate-skinned A'nish, whose large breasts had just brushed against Angelo's back.

  "Now for your first partnering," said Flennie. "We prefer that we be the ones to determine who your sexual partner should be."

  "Do you kiss?" asked A'nish. "Your kind almost always does, or so we have noticed. Kissing is a common element of foreplay."

  "I... yes, of course," stammered Angelo.

  His mind was a jumble of thoughts. He was still reeling from his encounter with Neirna. He was torn between being affronted and flattered at the frank sexual approach of the Aquilans. There was a fleeting thought in his mind that he might not be able to recover quickly enough after the recent sex, though his 'sexual organ' seemed to be indicating quite otherwise as it grew larger and stiffer with each tug the three women were giving it.

  "Good," said Flennie. "I will kiss you first, my crew members will observe. Please keep your eyes open, it assists in evaluation."

  Flennie stood up on her tiptoes, pushing her supple body into his and kissing him with a calculated approach.

  Angelo found it to be an exciting, but disturbing kiss. Flennie's beautiful body seemed to be moving against him in such a way as to be almost instinctive, yet calculated. Her nipples brushed against his chest before pushing into him more firmly, her arms and hands caressed his back, and her lips were indeed very kissable. Yet, her eyes were cold. They were watching him from a clinical distance and there was no sign of the passion the rest of her
body was relaying.

  "Very good," she said upon finishing the kiss. "His pupils responded well, his nerves were sensitive. The vessels in his penis seemed to dilate a satisfactory amount, wouldn't you agree?"

  "We would," concurred the other two women.

  Now it was A'nish's turn, she was a bit taller - almost as tall as him - their lips met easily and he had to fight a bit of dizziness from the intensity of their kiss. His hands rose unbidden to the ample breasts pressed against him and caressed them tenderly. Yet again, however, there was the cold removal in her eyes.

  "I thank you for that added stimulation," said A'nish. "Whether you are chosen for me on this occasion, I look forward to copulating with you at some point during your time on the ship. Crewmates, how would you rate our kiss?"

  "It was quite satisfactory," said Flennie. "Yet, I am having difficulty in differentiating my kiss from yours in any qualitative fashion."

  "I must agree," said the dark-skinned beauty. "It remains to Leneria to see whom might gain honor of first coitus with you, our new liaison."

  "Very well," said the exotic woman. "We shall see if I elicit any greater circulatory or nervous responses in Commander Angelo Telegin."

  She pushed her body into his and rapped a hand around his neck, pulling him down into a passionate, open-mouthed kiss.

  The effect was immediate and startling for Angelo. While his lovemaking session with Neirna had been unique and amazing, and his kisses with the first two women had been 'stimulating' as they put it, his body instantly sang out to Leneria. Forgetting the directions they had given him, he closed his eyes as they kissed. Fireworks, constellations, pathways of light burst in his mind at the intensity of their kiss. He opened his eyes and saw with some satisfaction that her eyes were closed, too. Pulling back from her, he watched her in wonder as she stayed there, her eyes still closed, her lips still parted. Her eyes suddenly flew open and she held her hand to her mouth in shock.

  "I am somewhat disappointed," said A'nish, "it is clear his body responds most readily to yours."

  "Indeed," said the brunette who called herself Flennie. "You are well matched and the first coupling should indeed be with Leneria."

  They had not noticed Leneria's response, but Angelo had. She was looking down at the ground, blushing.

  "Are you alright?" he asked with some concern."

  "I am perfectly right," said Leneria. "All of me. However, I must disagree with your analysis. It is A'nish who provoked the greatest response. I will leave it to you to welcome Commander Telegin aboard. Flennie, I will give the responsibility of observing and reporting on the copulation. I have business to attend to elsewhere."

  "But, I'd like to try it with Leneria," said Angelo, quite seriously.

  "But it isn't your decision, is it," said Leneria, with more than just a slight bit of annoyance. "It was ours to choose, and A'nish will couple with you now. Goodbye."

  With something akin to a huff, Leneria turned on her heel and departed to other portions of the ship.

  "Come, Commander Angelo Telegin," said A'nish, "we will find surroundings more comfortable for sexual congress."

  A'nish took Angelo's hand and led him to a cabin. As the hatch slid open, Angelo was first worried that she had led him to a padded cell. From floor to ceiling, the room was covered in padding, silks, and sheets.

  "Umm, she's coming with? Is she going to join in?" he said, indicating Flennie who had taken a seat with an electronic writing tablet.

  "No, Flennie is merely here to observe our sexual union and take notes on your strengths and deficiencies."


  Commander Telegin, we take our copulation quite seriously, there is always room for improvement. Practice until perfection; that is our motto.

  "Where've you been all of my life?" said Angelo with a grin.

  Flennie took a note.

  "We hear that quite frequently from the liaisons," she said, "especially from the males. Now, it is time for us to couple."

  A'nish, the stunning chocolate-skinned beauty began to do just that. Her body was soon pressed against him and she was lowering him to the floor, kissing her way down his torso.

  All the while, Flennie sat by and continued a steady stream of typing as she observed the two together.

  When A'nish arrived at his cock, she examined it both sensuously and clinically (if such a thing was possible).

  "Reasonable size," she said. "Aesthetically pleasing glans, circumcision providing more ready access for oral stimulation."

  "Is she going to... okay!"

  The oral stimulation A'nish had been referring to had just begun, stopping Angelo mid-sentence, making him quite readily forget any objections he had to the side-by-side examination and seduction.

  A'nish then proceeded to give Angelo a truly crippling blowjob. If he'd been asked to do anything at all while her gorgeous full lips were wrapped around his shaft, he would have been truly incapable of even responding. Just as his balls began to simmer with the hints of an orgasm, she backed off, making him moan with the divine torture of her ceasing her activities.

  "You may now stimulate me," she said calmly.

  Rolling off of him and lying back - she beckoned him to her.

  If Angelo had been uncomfortable with the scrutiny he'd been receiving, now he was more than a bit nervous. A'nish laid back to receive his attentions, Flennie continued observing and notating.

  "I feel like I'm being graded as a lover," he said with a nervous chuckle.

  "But you are," said A'nish, "though we prefer the term sexual partner."

  "However, there is no specific grade if you are referring to typical human school grading systems," continued Flennie. "You are merely being evaluated for strengths, weaknesses, and predilections."

  "Oh," said Angelo, "that makes me feel better. Well, here goes."

  He began kissing A'nish, and she responded in ways that certainly led him to believe he would get some sort of passing grade in at least some areas.

  There was an oddness about the encounter, however - and that was in the lack of talk. Not that Angelo was obsessed with dirty talk, or expected A'nish to be screaming out 'lick me' or something else along those lines - but her silence was off-putting. The only clue he had of his effectiveness was the way her body responded and increases in her breathing. Occasionally she would moan slightly with pleasure - but anything audible seemed more involuntary.

  Working his way down her body, he was soon kissing away at her vulva and paying special attention to her clitoris. With his index finger, he reached inside of her and was pleased to quickly find her G-spot and elicit the first true moan from his odd yet beautiful partner.

  "That is very good," she sighed. "Very good, indeed. Oh! I'm going to climax now."

  A'nish gave a huge sigh as her body began to shake with tremors of pleasure. When her body had recovered, she gave him a slight smile and complimented him.

  "Excellent manual manipulation, Commander Telegin, your oral endeavors could use some improved technique - but we will be pleased with you. Now, let us proceed to full copulation."

  Angelo soon found his cock pressing against his partner's moist pussy, dripping from his recent attentions.

  They began the slow and sensuous horizontal dance known throughout the universe to all of human form. Never before had Angelo lain with such a responsive lover. Every move she made seemed perfectly calculated to heighten his pleasure. Her hands on his back, her hips against his pelvis, her lips on his chest - it was though she was plugged directly into his nervous system.

  He felt he was doing his best to respond in kind, but knew somehow he was falling short. Had he not been so deep in the throes of pleasure, he might have felt more guilty about it. As it was, he was lost to passion.

  "You are amazing," he moaned as A'nish rode him with great expertise after they had spun around and she had taken him cowgirl style.

  "No, I am not," said A'nish - while at the same time massaging his coc
k with her inner muscles. "Our union has been clumsy and inefficient, but that can be rectified with further practice between the two of us."

  This statement seemed to be a challenge of sorts, and one which Angelo felt he must rise to.

  He began pounding his cock into her from below, taking full of advantage of the hours of intense physical workouts he had engaged in on the trip out. Her dark skin soon flushed and he was pleased to see his rapid-fire thrusts had pushed her over the edge into a second orgasm. As she collapsed against him, he still felt stung by her comment. He kept going, rocking her body on top of him, her weight resting on her ample breasts and her body shifting back and forth atop him in almost fluid-like fashion.


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