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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 1 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

Page 24

by Charlie Buxton

  "That's a lie! My father would never disown me, especially over some trumped up allegations."

  "Considering he heard your words himself, and saw your actions as you assaulted a member of the Royal Guards, and pulled a weapon and attempted to assassinate the king, a very old friend of his from what I understand; he was fairly hasty in his move to disown you." Mykal gave him a dark smile, "He even complimented me in my sword work. I understand he is fairly handy with a sword himself. Oh, and it's Major now by the way. I won't add that to your rather extensive list of charges."

  Standing up, Mykal picked up the hydrosyringe and checked the readout on it casually. "We know you are a traitor and traitors are executed in times of war. Usually this is done fairly humanely; a simple injection and you go to sleep and never wake up. However, you are not only a traitor; you are an assassin." He set down the injector and picked up the saber. "That would normally mean that you would face beheading, after you are found guilty at your trial. Make no mistake you would be."

  Setting down the saber, Mykal picked up the shock baton. "Luckily for me though, you are also a spy and saboteur, as admitted by your own words to me in front of at least half a dozen witnesses. Two of which are the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Davidov. That means I can torture you in whatever way I want to find out what information you passed on, who worked for you and who is left." Mykal depressed the trigger button, sending a crackle of white lightning arching between the two leads at the end of the baton, making Barovos jump at the cracking sound it made. "The other captives are being questioned in much the same way as we speak. Make no mistake; I volunteered to 'question' you. I fully intend to enjoy pulling every little bit of information out of your sorry excuse for a brain before I let them take whatever is left, to be executed and jettisoned like trash out into space."

  Barovos' eyes at this point were wild and darting around the room, as if he could find a way to escape the man who had just admitted he was going to essentially torture him to death. "Y-you can't do this. You are the one that always follows the rules; the one that does the right thing!"

  "You are absolutely right, Trenton, I am. And the right thing to do is to char your miserable carcass with this baton, until you tell me every person you had ever worked with on this plot to kill your king. Now, if you give me names and they do in fact turn out to be traitors, I will refrain from cooking you and you get the clean death of the sword. You know firsthand that it will be clean and quick." Mykal said with a smirk as he advanced around the table, the baton held low and pointed towards the prisoner.

  "I'll give you all the names I know, but you have to give me your word as an officer that I get to use the poison." Barovos said hastily, trying to inch away from the baton.

  Mykal stopped, tilted his head as if he was thinking about it while examining the man before him, as if he could not figure out what exactly it was. "Okay, you give up all the names you know and I'll let you inject yourself with this." he said as he picked up the injector, "After we check out the names. Start talking."

  Barovos started spouting off names of people that were involved and Mykal sent a data pack to the security computer, while he pulled a roster of everyone on the ship. Most of the names that he was given were people that had died on Orphus III and he winced when Freddy's name was mentioned. According to Barovos, he had joined the 'rebellion' of his own free will, while the navigator Nomoro was in fact telling the truth in that he had been coerced into his betrayal, by threat of his daughter being kidnapped and killed. There were only two more people from the list still on board that had not been arrested. Sending orders through the computer, to have the two siezed immediately and brought in to be questioned, Mykal picked up the saber, re-sheathed it at his hip and clipped the baton to his belt.

  Pushing the injector close enough that Barovos could reach out and pick it up, he stepped back. "Seems that the people you gave up are mostly the same as what the other two prisoners gave us. A deal is a deal, Trenton. You have two minutes to inject yourself in the neck with that. Any last words?"

  Picking up the hydrosyringe with a shaking hand, he looked up at Mykal and swallowed, his eyes narrowing. "You will never be able to stop Marcus. He is smarter than you can imagine. I hope he kills you slowly and painfully." Jerking his hand up, he pressed the injector to his neck and triggered the injection.

  Mykal looked him in the eyes and let a large smile spread over his face. "Enjoy the saline solution. I'll see you after we land."

  Trenton's eyes got huge. "You lied to me; you said I could die peacefully! You gave your word!"

  "You are right in that I gave my word. I gave my word that I would let you inject yourself with what was in the injector. I never said it was poison. Did you really think I would give a piece of shit like you the easy way out?" Mykal barked harshly. "No, you get to face your family and die the death you deserve."

  Mykal ignored the yells of rage directed at him as he walked out the door.


  Walking back into the control room, Mykal handed the shock baton back to the Marine captain who was looking at him in awed respect. "Sir, you are one cruel and devious som'bitch . I'm really glad you are on our side."

  Hans chuckled, "I'd agree with the captain, but knowing what I do, that particular term of endearment may get me in trouble in the future." Looking back to the monitor showing a raging Barovos, he nodded. "How did you know that he'd go for the injection thing?"

  Mykal shrugged. "He's a coward. Was born a coward, raised a coward and even as an officer in the pilot corps, he was a coward and boot licker. The injection is the most painless and peaceful. A coward's way out. There is no way he would have faced a violent end if there was another option. Just having the injector there, gave his mind options he imagined for himself. I didn't have to even suggest it as an option."

  "And to think Elaine was worried about you in the court." Hans snorted.

  Mykal shook his head, as he watched Freddy ignore the questioner that was trying to interrogate him. "I figured out she's not worried about me being able to survive court. She's afraid of what I'll do to them if I treat them like I do everyone else." To emphasize his point, he pointed at the image of the still raging Barovos. "A court full of that, when I get done with them wouldn't be very effective for getting things done."

  Hans laughed out loud. "Oh, I don't know; it could be pretty entertaining."

  "Sir, it's my job to keep people from wanting and trying to kill you. Not increase the number. Not to mention it would tick off your wife." Mykal gave him a tight lipped smile. "And I'm more afraid of her than I am of you. No offense."

  The Marine captain made a choking sound as he heard this, and Mykal would have sworn he heard a cough covering up a laugh, from one of the body guards at the door.

  "Elaine was absolutely right. You are pretty quick." was Hans' laughing reply.

  Mykal turned his attention back to the monitors. The two new prisoners were being locked into their interrogation rooms amidst yells and protests. Grimacing at one of the monitors, Mykal groaned. "Master Chief Brockton is going to be pissed." he mumbled.

  "Why's that, Commander?" The marine asked him.

  "Because he's going to have to go over every one of the 'Mechs on board with a fine tooth comb." He pointed at the younger of the two new prisoners. "That's one of the senior technicians down in the hanger."

  "Hmm. That's weird; we just released this guy this morning. How did we not catch that?" the Marine Captain mumbled, looking over the information scrolling under the picture of the other prisoner that had just been brought in.

  "Davis Jacobies? Yeah, that one kind of surprised me a bit, and the fact that he has had direct and uncontrolled access to Prince Jason and Princess Brigit kind of pisses me off to no end." Mykal said. "He was in here because of a little confrontation I had with him yesterday." Something clicked in his head. "Freddy was meeting with him yesterday. That's why he was leaving the Med Lab when I ran into him. He let slip about our desti
nation when we talked in the corridor. Jacobies gave me a hard time and tried to deny me access to the Prince and Princess. That's why he was down here. I put in a report yesterday evening after I had calmed down, to have him released this morning, not knowing he had anything to do with this."

  "What should we do with the prisoner Davidson? He refuses to talk." the captain asked.

  Mykal took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Truth serum and force. I want names." He looked at the monitor again. "After, I talk to him."

  Unclipping his sheath from his belt, he handed it to the king. "Its better I don't go in there with a weapon. Don't want to be tempted, depending on what he says."


  As he walked into the room, he let the doors slide shut and mentally keyed the lock.

  Freddy smiled as Mykal sat down in front of him. "I was wondering when you were going to come down here."

  "I wasn't going to, but I changed my mind."

  "It was you that clued them into the two of us, weren't it?" Freddy asked. Mykal nodded once. "It was the planet thing, wasn't it?" Again Mykal nodded once. "Damn, I figured you would have known where we were heading since you started shacking up with the princess."

  Mykal took a deep breath to calm himself, clenching his fists until the knuckles cracked.

  "Oh yeah, not a good idea for me to insult the pure and beautiful Princess, now is it?" Fred snorted. "Hell, like you would do anything to me; I'm a bound prisoner. You'd never hit a guy that couldn't fight back. So tell me, how is she in the sack? All that red hair, I bet she's a freak, isn't she?"

  The slam and sickening crunch of Mykal smashing the hand Fred had sitting on the table, came out of nowhere. Fred let out a bellow as he cradled his smashed appendage to his chest.

  Catching his breath, he yelled at Mykal. "You fucking assaulted a bound prisoner! You are going to go down for that, you stupid ass. I hope you enjoy not having a career."

  "You are the second person to try and threaten my career today. I figured you had more imagination than Barovos." Mykal said calmly, as he sat back down. "I can do anything I want to you. His Majesty has declared war on the rebels led by his disowned son, Marcus, and his associates. You are a captured spy and saboteur. We can legally use any method to get information out of you that we want."

  Freddy's eyes went the size of tea plates and the color drained from his face. "Thankfully for you, I am not going to be the one interrogating you. That is unless you don't cooperate with the nice marine captain that will be in here to talk with you in a bit." Mykal said calmly, his voice dripping malice.

  "I just want to know one thing, Fred. Why?" Mykal whispered; the pain his friend had caused leaking through into his voice, despite his best efforts.

  Fred looked at Mykal for a long moment, and finally sighed with a shrug. "I guess I owe you that much. Marcus promised me money and power. I was never destined for greatness. Not like you were. Well, at least until you got all righteous on Barovos. I never did like that prick." Freddy said, muttering the last part.

  He looked Mykal in the eyes. "I was supposed to try and recruit you. Marcus wanted you bad, but after that thing with Barovos, he knew that you would never turn on the family and help him with a coup. That's why your career got trashed and Trenton's continued, with none the wiser as to what really went down. He was going to have you taken out, but I convinced him that we would be able to make sure you died on the battlefield; that you deserved better than shot in the dark or a knife in the back." Freddy chuckled. "Boy did I fuck that one up. If not for you and your damn in-ability to die, I'd be sitting pretty right now."

  Mykal was silent for a moment before he nodded and stood. "You are going to be tortured for information and you are going to scream in pain until you give us everything we ask for. Then, when we have no more use for you, we will execute you and dump you in an unmarked grave or some incinerator somewhere. Your mother is going to receive a copy of everything you just told me and I will tell her you died a traitor's death. I will comfort her when her heart breaks, after she finds out what you did to your family, kingdom and best friend. Your little sister, Samantha, will curse your name and your father will disown you. You will be purged from the memories of everyone that ever cared for you. You will have caused all of that pain for absolutely no reason."

  Mykal's eyes darkened and his face hardened. Freddy was certain he was looking at death personified when he spoke again, "I tell you this because I want you to know with certainty that I will put an end to this; Marcus will be brought to kneel before his king and made to pay for his treason. Know in your heart that your betrayal and deceit did nothing, but make this kingdom stronger in spite of you. Good bye Fred, you will never see me again. I hope your death is at least as painful, as your betrayal was to everyone you hurt." The last time he looked on his former friend's face, it was ashen, wet with the chilled sweat of fear and trembling. At that moment, his friend was dead to him.

  The End

  The Lady of Winter

  For many people in Great Britain the twenty fifth of December is a very special day. Churches celebrate their reason for existing. Children eagerly rip open carefully wrapped sheets of paper to free their heart's desires. Families sit around the biggest table they know of and eat until standing upright becomes problematic. Chestnuts are apparently roasted on open fires, or so we're told. Even the sternest of individuals smile if they think they hear the sound of bells outside their window pane.

  You'll notice that many of the reasons this day of the year is so special often occur whilst people are sitting inside. This is mostly because going outside is often a good way to encourage frostbite in the extremities.

  So, for Mr William Bennet who was occupying the driver's seat of a very old and very battered van whilst attempting to make his way through a seasonal blizzard, it was not a very special day at all. William didn't like the taste of roasted chestnuts. He had no family to spend the day with, no cooking skill to indulge in and he privately joked that if he ever stepped into a church he might burst into flames. Although given how cold he was right then, that particular fate might not have been so bad.

  At the ripe old age of sixty one the freezing temperature had settled into his bones a lot more than he would have liked to admit. The gloves on his hands and the big overcoat he was wearing presented an able enough defence for his body but his face was left open to the deathly cold. His jaw chattered away as his eyes tried to peer through the constant deluge of white flakes on his windscreen in the darkness before him. Why in the hell was he doing this rather than sitting on his couch at home sipping whiskey in front of his fireplace?

  William was a repairman by trade and there was nothing quite as in demand during the holiday season than a repairman who didn't celebrate the holiday season. One of his old clients had suggested him to an old lady whose central heating system had apparently given up the ghost in some remote cottage out there in the middle of nowhere. She'd had enough electric heaters to keep her warm enough but since old people and the winter cold didn't often mix well William had packed up his van and headed out at the start of the evening to see if he could help.

  When he'd set off it had been snowing heavily but since then the wind had picked up, night had fallen and he was getting steadily more and more nervous about himself rather than old Mrs Pickering with her electric heaters. He couldn't see more than ten feet in front of his windshield and was perhaps overly relying on his one reluctant concession to the modern world: satellite navigation. It was that same satellite navigation that had placed him on a narrow country road in the middle of a field that was growing worryingly whiter by the second.

  "Slay bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening. A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight..." Will quickly flicked off the all too familiar song as it crackled out over his radio. Now was not a time to start tempting irony.

  The momentary distraction was all that the storm needed. It was only a split second but as his eyes looked back
to the road he saw the low stone wall too late. His hands clenched on the wheel, violently twisting it to one side as the thunderous inevitable impact wracked his body with shock. The front of the van buckled as steel twisted against stone and Will was flung hard against his seatbelt. His jaw crunched down against the steering wheel making his vision blur and his tongue taste the coppery warmth of his own blood.

  Coarse flakes of icy snow battered against his face and as the world once again materialised around him he found that he was slumped against the steering wheel and looking out through a shattered window of the driver's side door.

  The pure whiteness of the lightly laying snow seemed to take on a faint blue colour in the darkness beyond. The crash had broken both lights of the van and the incoming white flecks contrasted against the pitch black outside. Winter closed in around him, stealing what little warmth there was from inside the van and replacing it with raw chilling cold.


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