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Night Owl (The Complete Serial)

Page 5

by M. C. Cerny

  “Quivering, Casey. This is how I always want you.” He gives another biting lick, pumping furiously. I shatter into a million fragmented sound bites, along with my cries.



  I let my palm cup her cheek and move down to rest against her chest, catching each breath and heartbeat, gently holding her together as a fragile smile edges at the corners of her face. A relaxed Casey is a rarity, but one I’d like to see more of, especially if I’m the cause of it. Plump breasts heave under my touch, and her skin glistens under the studio’s lights. Watching her come undone, I’ve forgotten myself. While I might be perfectly comfortable with the world knowing I’ve got Casey as my girl, I know she’s yet to wrap her mind around what’s happening. Her legs are splayed open over the arms of the chair, her leggings tossed across the floor, and her hair is completely lopsided in the bun and falling down, sweat sticking her hair to her cheeks. In short, she’s a mess. Repairing her current appearance will not hide the fact that I finger fucked her senseless. My dick strains, reminding me that I haven’t been inside her in a week, even though my fingers can strum her clit to sing a sweet song.

  “Let me up. Please.” She’s quiet and I’m afraid she regrets what we’ve done. She’s pulled her body from me, putting up the emotional wall. This may be the thing that changes her mind. I wish I could be sorry, but I’m not. “James?” She’s pushing me away and I hate that.

  “Hmm? Oh, right.” Her appearance is distracting and I’m still lusting over her. Leaning back, I help her sit up and pull her legs down. Turning, I grab her pants and hand them to her.

  She tries to weakly tug them from me, but I hold on a little tighter than I should. “Do you…? Can you…?” Casey is shaking slightly, a flush covering her face.

  My chest aches, my heart concerned about this saucy woman who repeatedly pushes me away. “Hey, it’s all right.” I pull her up and into my arms sitting on the desk. I let my hand travel under her shirt, lightly stroking her damp skin. I rest my hips against hers, her body fitting nicely against mine. My hard dick lightly presses into her and I pray for it to subside for the moment.

  “I need…” Her arms hang at her sides. While we may be a nicely designed puzzle, intricately fitting together, we are still complicated pieces to the whole.

  “You need some space. I get it.” Kissing the top of her head, I squeeze her arms reassuringly setting her to stand on her own. Unlocking the door, I walk out and wait outside for her to compose herself. A moment later, she slips through. “Ready?” Holding out my hand, she looks at it and then me. I’m hoping she gets what I’m asking her. When I told her she was mine a week ago, I meant it.

  “Is this what you call space?” Smirking, her nose scrunched.

  “Come on. You’ve made me beg enough today. Give me something to work with here.”

  Finally, after holding my breath, she slips her cool palm into mine. I tug her with me to the elevator without giving her a choice to turn back and run.

  “Where are we going, James?” I love her soft voice and stubborn tugs on my hand to slow down.

  “Back to my office, Casey.” As I push the UP button, she pulls back and I’m forced to let go of her hand.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she glares at me. “To do what exactly?” Petulance comes easy to Casey. Twenty bucks says she would stomp her foot if she could.

  Backing her against the wall, I brush tangled strands of hair over her shoulder, then remove a hairpin that swings guiltily from her hair. Her eyes dart to my fingers and she tries grabbing the pin. I close my hand around it, raising my arm up and out of her reach. “Tut. Tut.” I taunt her a little. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  Rolling her eyes, she always has a smart answer on her tongue. “Haven’t we already covered the ‘don’ts’ for today?”

  “To eat and to rest, nothing more.” The elevator pings and I step inside, leaving Casey to ponder my request. I slip the hairpin in my pocket and press the button to hold the door open when she takes a moment too long.

  “Just food. No monkey business.” Casey pokes my chest and I seize the opportunity to grab her.

  “Whatever do you mean?” Chuckling, I push her into the corner and kiss her upturned lips, earning me a squeal. Casey makes the best damn sounds, causing a zing of desire to shoot straight to my still hard cock. I let her go just as quickly when the elevator dings again, opening up to the accounting floor.

  “Mr. Austin.” One of my many employees nods as he walks into the elevator, going back to reading his legal pad of notes. Neither Casey nor I make eye contact, but I keep her hand firmly in mine, rubbing over the soft skin.

  Walking hand in hand earns me a glare from, Michelle, my assistant. It’s none of her business, so I give her something productive to do, while I usher my girl to keep walking forward into my office.

  I lean over my assistant’s desk grabbing my phone messages, “Michelle, please send out for the usual from Larry’s Deli. Make it a double order.”

  “Anything else, Mr. Austin?” Michelle’s face reminds me of a sour lemon and I shake my head no walking away. I don’t think my assistant has been pleasant to work with since the day I hired her.

  “Sir, you have a meeting in a half hour with–” I cut her off holding my hand up.

  “Cancel my afternoon appointments, something has, uh, come up.” I shut the door leaning against it hoping Michelle will do her job for once and not pester me the rest of the day. I want to keep Casey for as long as she’ll have me, even if I have to be a little bit of an ass to do it.

  I watch Casey stand at the window in what I assume is either admiring the view or cursing my prolific means. It’s hard to tell with her sometimes.

  I tell her, “Make yourself comfortable. I have a few calls to make while we wait for dinner.” Shrugging off my jacket, I roll up my sleeves, loosen the button of my collar, and remove my tie, stuffing it into a drawer in my desk.

  “I’ll just go freshen up.” Casey steps around me and heads for my private bathroom with shyness I didn’t expect. She softly closes the door behind her, the lock clicking into place, effectively shutting me out… for now. Understanding her moods is like trying to calculate the direction of a tornado. One minute, she is calm and serene; the next, a swirling vortex of what the fuck headed directly towards me.

  Eventually, the door opens and Casey comes out of the bathroom, her hair fixed in a loose braid over her shoulder. I try not thinking of all the ways grabbing that braid would turn me on. “Feeling better?”

  “Much, thank you.” She moves to sit on the couch and I get up from my desk to sit next to her. “So, tell me. What makes a man like James Austin give up a promising career in law for all of this?” Casey looks around and I follow her gaze. It’s no secret I chose a different career initially, but I came back to the family business as CEO of Austin Communications.

  “The law fascinates me, it always has, but I also knew this would be where my responsibilities lay.” I pick up Casey’s hand and study her fingers, soft and perfectly fit in my own. Her nails are rounded and painted a loud shade of dark purple, almost black. It’s mysterious, yet that’s Casey’s allure to me. She doesn’t give me a single inch to work with instead making me fight for her attention.

  “You say that almost begrudgingly.” Casey plucks her hand back from me and places it under her arms, cutting me out from touching her further.

  “Some things were already decided and this was one of them I chose not to fight. I liked school. I like the dissertation of cases. Don’t get me wrong. The preparation to fight a case took a lot of time away from more… relaxed pursuits.”

  “Huh.” Casey seems unimpressed and I don’t blame her. I could have told her I like expensive champagne and Formula One race cars, and she would have turned her nose up at me with the same distaste.

  “I know. I’m a spoiled little rich boy, and it got worse after my parents died, but that’s been my honest life experien
ce. I’m not trying to lord it over anyone. That’s one of the reasons I like working here and owning the company. I can do a lot of good with the visibility of radio. Maybe more that I could have working in law. For instance, take that leukemia 5k fundraiser advertisement.”

  “What about it?” Casey’s brow furrows as she looks at me, causing me to feel slightly uncomfortable. She’ll know where her bonus came from and it wasn’t the race directors paying for the ad.

  “Well, I didn’t charge for it.”

  “What?” she whispers, her eyes wide. “B-but that’s, like, a ten thousand dollar radio ad with air time.” My marketing team will tell me it’s probably ten times that amount but I don’t bother to correct her.

  “I know, but it’s a good cause and it’s my prerogative to give that air time away. That’s the reason I accepted the CEO position. So some random family member down the line couldn’t corrupt the things my grandfather stood for with pricey radio ads and nonsense.”

  “You’re–” Casey doesn’t get a chance to finish because Michelle knocks on the door, walking in with dinner, and an attitude I’ll need to address later.

  “Perfect timing.” Michelle and I exchange a look, my voice laced with sarcasm as she puts the bags down on a side table for us to sort through.

  “Double order, Mr. Austin.” Michelle is flippant as she walks out eying Casey over. I know she’s commenting on Casey’s figure but the joke is on her because I love those curves. I want to say something to her like she should keep her attitude in check if she wants to keep working here, but Casey places her hand on my arm stopping me. I let it go for now and get up to help her.

  “Smells delicious.” Casey pulls out the wrapped sandwiches and my nosey assistant is quickly forgotten.

  “I completely agree.” Casey turns to look at me over her shoulder exasperated. “What? I know you taste just as good.” Casey rolls her eye, ignoring me. I’m going to have to work on her self-confidence, right about when we decide to have dessert...



  “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.” James is brushing hair off my face, his fingertips trailing down my cheek. The pads of his fingers are rough and I shiver from the contact.

  “What time is it?” My voice is gravelly.

  “You’ve got plenty of time.” He continues to lazily brush my hair back, my head lying in his lap, and it takes a bit of effort to get up off the leather sofa in his office. I think about the dinner of deli sandwiches we shared and the confession James made to me about the radio ad he gave away. He isn’t exactly the rich playboy I assumed him to be. Shattering my preconceived notions about him makes me feel daring in what I want to do next, what I’ve been trying not to run from while keeping a piece of me safe.

  James releases me and I get up, boldly straddling his lap resting my hands on his shoulders as I speak. “Maybe we should make use of it.” He gives me a cocky grin, which is ruined by his boyish good looks. In the moment, he doesn’t have that dominant look about him at all, despite the alpha energy he keeps trying to throw off.

  “What did you have in mind?” He reaches up, folding his hands behind his head, no longer reaching out to touch me. I’m feeling self-conscious, but James maintains eye contact with me. He has this way of making me feel delicate when I know I’m not. Part of me worries he might be uncomfortable with me sitting on his lap, but he doesn’t do anything to take charge.


  “Take your shirt off, Casey.” Heat rushes through me. He doesn’t make a move, just waits. Looking down, I pull the bottom of my shirt over my head. This feels easier if he directs me a little. I’m wearing a lacey bra in a nude color, which barely conceals my nipples. James hisses, his chest lifting. On impulse, I want to cover myself, but he makes me feel just a little braver than before nudging my arms back down. I know he’s had me, seen me, tasted me, but this feels more.

  “Stunning.” James shifts, forcing me to part my legs and straddle him deeper. A hand reaches out and his finger makes the briefest pass over the edging of lace. “You must tell me where you find your lingerie.”

  “Why do you want to know?” Closing my eyes, I let my mind follow his fingertips gently running whisper soft over my breasts, tugging the lace down to expose my aching nipples.

  “So I can buy you more when I tear this to shreds.”

  “On-online.” He turns me into a stuttering mess every single time. “I only shop online. I hate going to the mall.” A murmur is the only sound he makes before soft lips, wet mouth, and hot tongue take my painfully wanton nipple into his mouth. Sucking deep, his other hand roughly cups my other breast, his restraint waning.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Casey,” he whispers into my ear.

  “Yes, please.” I’ll beg him if it will subside the hunger coursing through my body.

  James and I hastily unbutton his shirt and I help him pull it from his pants. Belt, pants, everything else goes quickly and we roll over, skin to skin, lying on the buttery softness of the leather couch, limbs intertwined.

  “Fuck me, James.”

  Roughly, he picks me up, impaling his cock inside me. A sensation of stretching and burning forces tears to prick from under my eyelashes and, without mercy, he pumps a few times, sinking deep within me.

  “It will be my pleasure to fuck you.”

  Still joined, James carries me over to his desk, lying me down on it, tossing papers, pens, and other items to the floor. Somewhere in the distant office space a door slams as my ankles dig snuggly into his backside, and he pushes my arms over my head.

  Delightful sensations continue to build with each pound of James’ hips against my own. I slide up the desk, my arms hanging over the edge. Never in my life have I been more grateful for large, sturdy office desks. My eyes open and I can see the Philadelphia skyline dotted in blinking lights and stars out the window. James’ hips find a steady rhythm of pound, pull back, wait a moment, then pound again and again. Catching my breath is nearly impossible… until the first wave of my orgasm hits me.

  “That’s it, Casey. Find your way back to me.” Undulating my hips, I meet James’ thrusts, our bodies lifting from the top of his desk to slam back down.

  “Oh, yes! Yes!” My head rolls back and forth. James wraps his arms around me, holding me close and staying firmly planted inside me. It’s the safest I’ve felt in my life, so much for maintaining my integrity because I’ve literally screwed my morals along with James shamelessly. We kiss slowly, letting our hearts come back to earth, and I’m overcome with giggles at how not awkward I feel splayed out over his desk.



  Her soft giggles tickle against my chest. “What’s so funny down there?” I glance down and see a blush covering Casey from the roots of her hair down to her rosy nipples. It’s the prettiest pink I’ve ever seen. I make a note to find a lingerie set in the exact same shade.

  “It’s nothing. I just never expected this.”


  “You know…” Casey pokes me in the chest. Damn if her finger isn’t asking for trouble. I take the offending digit and nip the tip of it, earning me a soft moan. “I never expected to be thrown down on your desk, papers flying, that kind of thing.”

  “I prefer a gentle tossing.”

  A buzzing of the phone interrupts us and we both exchange a knowing look. I don’t answer the call, but we both know the real world has interrupted us again and we’ve run out of precious time for this evening.

  “I should get ready and head down to the studio.”

  “I prefer you stay here.”

  “And who would run my show?”

  “Let’s make Tucker do it, or call in someone.”

  “No, James. I’m not playing hooky. Let me up.” A few playful pushes and she’s dashing off, clothes in hand, back to my private bathroom. When she comes out a moment later, she’s dressed and ready to go.

  “Promise to meet me in the lobby afterwards.”

/>   “Why?”

  “So I can continue to have my way with you. I want to take you to my place tonight.” I tuck loose strands of hair behind her ear and kiss her on the forehead. My only consolation is that she smells like me inadvertently branded.

  “All right. Later then.” She smiles and leaves my office.

  Once she’s gone, I set about the task of cleaning up the papers. I sit down at my desk, running my hand over the polished wood, remembering her cries of pleasure, looking forward to repeat sessions later.

  I have the sound system set to play in my office whenever she is on and I wait patiently for her to go through her introduction. Even though I plan to meet her later, I contemplate a call in to ask her to dinner just to mess with her a little. It’s kind of been our thing since she started doing this. I grab my phone, ready to make the next call so Tucker can put me through.

  “Hello, this is Casey Cole, ready to listen to your confession…” Her sweet voice resonates through my speakers, bringing a smile to my face.

  “Evening, Miss Cole.”

  “How can I help you tonight? A song? A chat?”

  “I was thinking about a confession from you instead.”

  “Oh…” Casey gives a soft laugh before continuing, “I don’t have much in the way of confessions. Tell me about a song you’d like to hear instead. Maybe a dedication?”

  “Sure… I’d like to hear Chris Isaak’s ‘Wicked Game’.”

  “Sounds like this song has a story behind it.”

  I hear the caller chuckle. It’s an interesting pick for a song. “Yeah, I guess so,” the voice says.

  The radio has a millisecond of dead air before the song begins to play. Suddenly, the sound bites get choppy and static hits the airwaves. A chill runs over my skin and I’m standing at my desk before I realize it. Muffles, then moans of pleasure fill the night.


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