Night Owl (The Complete Serial)
Page 8
Getting Casey to relax is like asking the wind to stop blowing. Independence is a quality I both love and hate about her, but it is the temperamental part that drives me crazy. I pity anyone on the receiving end. I want to forget the bulk of the last twenty-four hours, except the ones between her thighs and holding her in my arms. I am pissed she doesn’t have more faith in me, as if I will let something like our very public interlude come between us or jeopardize her job. It makes me wonder who let her down so badly before.
I don’t know much about her personal life outside of work and she never mentions her family. I gather she’s not close with them and the urge to protect her grows exponentially. I have money and power, and I plan to use it in spades to protect my girl. Casey is going to learn to trust me. This isn’t just about sex for me. After eighteen long months, I finally have my hands all over her body, but I want to worm myself into her heart, infiltrating her soul. I want her to wonder where she ends and I begin when it comes to the two of us against the world. She is fucking mine and I will blast it across the airwaves if I have to.
Apparently the last part was taken care of by some asshole.
“James…” On a groan, our heads sway back and forth. Mine because I’m trying to kiss her lips and hers because she’s evading my hungry mouth.
“I feel like you give me and inch and hold back the rest.”
“I may have said this before, but you’re pretty damn bossy,” she smiles hesitating.
I’ve got her where I want her, sitting on top of the counter, legs spread, hair wild. Damn it if she doesn’t make me question everything. She’s tugging me closer, yet pushing me away.
“So tell me what you want. Better yet, tell me what you need.” I let my fingers play down her back. Her shiver makes her shimmy closer to my cock, which is now hard and craving her just as much as before. I feel her legs pull me closer, but I hold her back, earning me another groan.
“Uh-uh… I’m not some sex toy you get a taste of, and then use at your whim. I’m here for the long haul, baby. Tell me, Casey.” I try coaxing her, feeling her ankles hook behind me. I was stuck on her long before she got her claws in me and I’m happy to stay, but I need her to need me on some level, not for just for her physical satisfaction. I knew I was getting in deep with her when it started to be more about the feelings, the thing I’d avoided with every other woman up until now. Trust was not something I gave freely, but I wanted to give her the world, give her everything. Although we barely knew each other and were only now exploring the physical side of our attraction, I couldn’t let her go. I wouldn’t let her go… not for this, not for anything.
“I…” My damn phone starts buzzing in my pocket. Casey squeezes her legs tighter and the phone presses against my dick, vibrating. “Don’t answer it.” She scoots closer, jamming the phone in between us. Had it been anything else but my damn phone and our current dilemma, I would have let it go and pleasured her senseless.
“It could be…” She refuses to let me go. It’s cute and pushing her away is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Perspective. I need some fucking perspective and we have a shit ton about to be shoveled down our throats by my legal team and HR.
“I don’t care right now.” I don’t think I’ve ever heard Casey whine, but this pout of hers kills me as I grip her thighs, disengaging us. I’m pretty sure my eyes cross and my balls blue, but the phone keeps on ringing. I grab the technology demon and look at the screen, frowning.
“It’s the office, Casey.” Holding her as close as she will let me, I slide my finger across the screen and answer, rubbing her smooth skin from her neck down, attempting to soothe her. “Hello?” I listen to Elroy Fens, one of my board of directors loose his shit over the phone, calling for dismal, breach of contract, and all manner of things that have me pissed and Casey frozen. I hate this man for a multitude of reasons, so it figures it’s him who calls me.
“Goddammit, James! You can’t keep your dick in your pants. This is gonna cost us huge. Always giving away advertising for free and now this. Gramps would be rolling in his grave over this.”
“Elroy, calm down. We’re meeting the legal department at one this afternoon; HR and the PR firm I deal with will handle a press statement, if needed. The FCC fines companies like this all the time for ridiculous infractions.”
“Right, because an audio of you fucking a squealing–”
“Shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you.” Elroy thinks he can say whatever he wants, but I’ve made it my secondary goal to get him off my board after this shit dies down. He is his own liability.
As I’m speaking to Elroy, Casey is pushing away from me.
“James, let me down.” Her quiet voice worries me, but I lift her from the counter and watch her pad slowly to her bedroom, shutting down. None of this feels fixable right now, but that’s never stopped me before.
Elroy continues to yammer on and I have to interrupt him again to get his attention. “Elroy, shut up and listen to me.” This weasel has been trying to get rid of me since I took over and joined the board. He’s been lurking for years, just waiting to bring me to heel, but I’ll be damned if he’ll tell me what to do with my own fucking company. “You are to say nothing and do nothing. Let me handle this.”
“James, the FCC is calling for a two million dollar fine and you know they are within their rights to do so. Ten seconds of fucking on the air is gonna cost you. You do remember what happened to those DJs who aired that couple having sex in the church… Pull the plug on your booty call and fix this shit. The board is calling for a vote of confidence because it’s you on the fucking recording, not some stranger.” I’m uneasy. The board hasn’t been crazy about me from day one, but this isn’t something for which they can just kick me off. I will not back down to these cronies.
“Elroy, I don’t think you’re hearing me correctly. This is my fucking company. I go down and I’ll take every last one of you with me. Do you fucking understand that?”
“Yes, James.” His voice practically drips with acid and condescension. “I’ll pass that on to the rest of the board.”
“You do that. We’ll meet on Monday.” I hang up the phone, wanting to throw the damn thing at the wall, hoping it will shatter. My chest hurts from my heart pounding. I used to respect Elroy, we used to be close, but I can see he only has his own interests in mind.
I hear the bedroom door open and Casey steps out, wearing something disappointingly concealing. She’s covered herself from neck to knee in a formfitting cobalt blue dress that gathers on the sides, giving her curves more knockout power. Her matching bright blue stockings in some geometrical pattern crisscross over her shapely calves and sneak under the stretchy fabric. She’s gone back to hiding under the guise of a butterfly in its cocoon. If she thinks this will stop me, she’s deeply mistaken.
“Come here, sweetheart.” With a sigh, Casey crosses the room to stand before me. Her expression is glum so I do what works… sexual distraction. I reach out and pull her to me, backing myself up against the counter. I wrap my arms around her, forcing her to either play along or fight. I don’t care what she does as long as retreat isn’t her choice. “So… Do those stockings have an open crotch for me to play with?”
Her brows knit together, her eyes fiery with a look that shows irritation, disgust, and sexual lust. “No, they do not, James.”
I let my smile show so she knows I’m kidding. “That’s disappointing.” My fingers play down her back and pull her close, rubbing my hardness all over her. She pushes back, but not enough for me to let her go. Damn if this woman doesn’t have me turned on all the time.
“Are you going to ruin another pair?” Her head tilts, flashing me a small smile that has a million interpretations. Casey Cole could give the Mona Lisa a run for her money.
Gently, I squeeze her ass. “As if you need to ask…”
Nerves are onl
y a part of why I’m trembling inside James’ car. After disentangling ourselves in my apartment, we drive to his condo. He needed fresh clothes, and I needed a reprieve. I still need one, but James isn’t letting me out of his sight for a minute. Even sitting in the parking garage of his building while he changed clothes was an exercise of wills between us. After running last night, he’s still pissed, upset, and wary of any decisions I might make by myself.
Nerves make me fidget in my seat. The leather seating molds around me comfortably, but it doesn’t help the rolling of my stomach. I try watching the scenery go by as James navigates to our destination We pass neighborhoods of brick row houses, through blocks of tall city buildings, and I’m reminded of the disparity between us. I’d give anything for more traffic to delay our arrival. We’re meeting at the law offices of Dunbar and Dolby, instead of the conference room at the station.
“Hey.” I feel his hand cover mine, giving it a small squeeze. I swallow the lump in my throat as I look at James. He’s wearing his dark sunglasses, but I know the face behind them.
“Hey yourself.” He’s told me to trust him and I do… as much as I can. My handsome dark-haired man, with eyes just as dark and as deep, keeps me coming back for more when I should be running as far as I can. Gold flecks in his eyes lighten the deep depths with mischievousness that translates into power when needed, a gentle playfulness when he’s relaxed.
We pull up to the underground garage and James smoothly swings in his black BMW. He already has a marked spot, so no one questions him. I can’t help shaking because I know something in my life is about to be altered. I might have been tarnished before, but I’m convinced a certain kind of ruin is coming my way now.
“Casey, stop what you’re doing.” James cups my face with his warm hands. I didn’t realize how cold I felt until that moment.
“James, I can’t do this. I can’t go in there with you.” I start struggling to get my seatbelt off because it’s suffocating me. I’m jamming my hand against the door handle, slapping my palm on the glass window in frustration, trying to get it open, when I hear the lock engage. “Damn it! Let me out!”
“No.” James utters the single word, letting me struggle until weariness and the realization I’m not going anywhere without him takes over. I hate it. I need it, which makes me hate it more.
Tearful words break my silent lips, “James, let me go.”
“Casey, settle down.” James is reaching for me, while I’m pushing him away. The control I am desperately fighting for is gone, too.
“I’m not a child. Don’t tell me to settle down.” Anger fuels me now. A raging destructive anger that wants to lash out, cut, and escape from all the humiliation of the last twenty-four hours.
“Then stop acting like one and listen to me.” He shakes me enough to get my attention. “We are going to go in there together and we are going to tell the truth.” Snorting earns me another gentle shake and a very annoyed look. “We are going to provide a united front, and you’re going to let me do all the talking.”
“The hell I am.” Swatting James’ hands away from me, I hug myself, sinking deeper into the seat, wanting to disappear and pretend none of this happened. Not the last twenty-fours, not the sex tape, not the altercation with my neighbor… maybe not even James.
“You’re a stubborn ass sometimes.” I barely make out the words and I don’t have a chance to lash out because he clicks the lock on the door and walks around to my side of the car. Determined steps carry him forward. He opens my door and hauls me out, the strength of his hold unbreakable. I need to feel something solid to keep myself from shattering.
He pushes me against the side of the car, his arms pinning me. The sleek metal of the car is cold as he bends me back and my knees shake, wanting to melt into the ground and slip away. “James…” My eyes dart back and forth, not wanting to look into his. Caramel flecked dark eyes capture mine in his laser stare and the alpha James I briefly met in my apartment that first night… the night he fucked me so thoroughly, so deeply, it terrified me because I knew he was never letting me go… is back. I have to focus on catching my breath because he steals it from me with a mouthwatering kiss that only fuels my need for him, confusing me. James doesn’t play fair and I guess he never has. I’m only learning this now when I feel splayed open for the world to rip apart.
Lips fuse together and tongues duel for control. His is much longer and strokes my mouth deeper, circling back and tracing my teeth. A hand captures my face and forces my neck back, compelling my mouth to open farther. He kisses and nips at my lips, my face, and the sensitive hollow of my neck.
“I would take you right now, but I don’t think you understand the gravity of our situation. So all you’re going to get is a taste of what’s to come.” James keeps me pinned against the car, his fingers tangling in my hair, fisting in his grasp. The pain borders on the edge of pleasure, but he reminds me who is in control and it’s never been me. His other hand travels down; grabbing my leg and pulling my knee up, sliding back down towards my aching center. A single finger plays against the geometrical shapes on my stockings, tracing the chevrons in excruciatingly alternating patterns before flicking my clit through the thin membrane of nylon.
“Oh, god. What you do to me, James.” I claw at his arms for solace as he continues to flick my clit. I feel wetter than I’ve ever been for this man.
“Nothing gives me greater pleasure than feeling your sweet lips suck me in deep, or squeezing me inside your honeyed center. I bet you taste just as good… sweeter than sugar, better than a glazed candy treat.” I’m biting my tongue to keep from wailing with pleasure when he pushes against me, the sharpness of his short nail pressing my swollen button. I’m ready to explode when he teases me further. “Shall we find out, sweetheart?” I feel the nylon give, a tiny little stretch that pops, tearing it open just enough for his finger to slip through and another pair of stockings bite the dust.
“P-please, J-James.” He’s got me begging all over again, and the cold of the car against my back is matched by the heat of our fused bodies. The stockings are no match for his determination to have me and I feel him use a second finger to pop and tear the fabric open a little more. I’m pulsing, my own heat washing over me.
“I love you, Casey, but I need you to trust me more than I need your love right now. Can you do that?” James leans his forehead to mine, clammy perspiration coating our faces, our hot breath mingling. The word “love” shocks me. It doesn’t exactly kill the mood, but everything is too new and damaged right now for me to go there. I can’t speak so I just nod. It’s all he needs. I feel his fingers push through and stroke me deeply in fluid thrusts. I’m so wet, so hot, so fucking turned on by everything that is James. The orgasm is quick and doubles me over with its force. He continues his relentless pace, deeply fingering me, curling his fingers towards that spot that gets me going harder, panting with need, he sucks on my neck, despite my attempts to cover it with my dress.
“You are mine. I protect what’s mine.” He’s chanting, and I’m crying out my release to the dark underbelly of the parking garage. He holds me up when he finishes, slipping sticky fingers from my still hungry body, wiping the excess against my inner thighs, taking his time to stroke me into a calmer state of mind.
I look down as a single tear falls from my cheek into a puddle of water and swirling gasoline, mixing together it becomes something as beautiful as it is dirty. The light above reflects half of it into a rainbow explosion of colors leaving the rest dark and unseen like my relationship with James. It scares me to wonder if I’m the rainbow in the dark or the dark drowning the sunshine.
Casey is breathing a lovely staccato of irregular breaths, and knowing I made her come that hard against the car has turned me into a raging asshole caveman. I love her. While I’m sure the critics all have their opinions on how fast and how hard I’ve fallen, I can’t help feeling what I do. Eighteen months of pretending we were pr
ofessional when all I wanted to do was lay her on my desk, on my car, wherever the fuck I could and slam into her consumed me. Smiling, I make her look at me, hoping like hell she’ll trust me to fix this… fix us.
“James, you’re making us late.” Leave it to Casey to turn into Ms. Cole and get all business on me.
A gentle push in the direction of the elevator propels us to move forward. When the elevator dings and the doors open, we step in and I grab her hand. “What’s going to happen?” she asks and I go right for the honest answer.
“Complaints have been filed against the station, and the FCC is threatening to impose sanctions and fines.”
“That’s not everything, right?”
I pull her against my chest for comfort, both hers and mine. “No. The board of directors is making suggestions and I have to hear them out at a meeting on Monday. It doesn’t mean I’m going to follow any of the suggestion those dimwits make but I still have to show up.”
The elevator ride is short and we’re ushered into one of the conference rooms.
“So nice of you to join us, James, Miss Cole.” Elroy sticks his hand out to shake Casey’s, and she tentatively looks at me.
“Sweetheart, this is Elroy Fens. He is one of the assistant directors on the board.”
“Come now, James. We’re much closer than that.” I hate that I know exactly where this is going and queasiness fills my stomach. “I’m actually a cousin. Our grandfathers were brothers, twins born just minutes apart.” I watch Elroy hold her hand. It makes my skin crawl, so I can’t imagine what Casey must be feeling. Elroy wasn’t always an annoying shit growing up, but as we got older he changed, and jealously fueled him becoming a colossal dick.
“As long as you’re not the kissing kind.” Casey pulls her hand back, and Elroy snickers rudely.
“Hardly, my dear. However, from what I hear, you’ll let James kiss anything.” Casey gasps at his crude comment and I step between them, my anger barely leashed.