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The Real Housewives of Adverse City 2

Page 5

by Shelia E. Bell

  “Carlton, one thing you said that I agree with and that is we have to trust God. I want our family and our marriage to work. But this pain, this pain runs deep. Yet, I know God is able. And, well, all I can promise you is that I’ll try. I have no choice since I’m carrying your child.”

  Carlton was totally taken aback. “What did you say?” he said, a huge smile appearing on his face. “Did you say you’re carrying my baby?”

  From across the restaurant, Avery watched. Ryker and the girls were away from the table playing video games, leaving her alone with a good view of Carlton. She saw the huge smile form on his face and wondered what Meesha had said. Had she told him she wanted to save their marriage? Well, no such luck, Avery thought to herself. He’s mine, all mine now.

  Meesha nodded, “Yes, I’m pregnant.” For the first time in a long time, Meesha allowed herself to smile then she broke out in a chuckle. “We’re pregnant,” she beamed.

  “What? If this isn’t God,” Carlton said, jumping up from his chair and running to his wife’s side of the table and pulling her chair back.

  “Carlton, what are you doing?” she asked, taken by pleasant surprise.

  He scooped her up in his arms and twirled her round and round right in the restaurant. “You’re carrying my baby,” he all but yelled.

  Avery basically read his lips. The restaurant was too loud for her to actually hear what he was saying.

  “We’re pregnant. Thank you, God. Thank you, God,” he said louder and louder.

  There was no mistaking his words this time around because Avery had gotten up from her seat and walked over to Carlton and Meesha’s table, just as he said the words out loud.

  “Pregnant? Oh, baby. That’s fantastic news.”

  “Avery, hi. What are you doing here?” Carlton stopped and said, surprised to see that Avery had walked up on them.

  “Did I hear you say that you’re pregnant?” Avery asked trying to hide the indignation in her voice.

  “Yes. You heard right. I’m pregnant,” Meesha confessed, holding her belly, while Carlton looked on nervously, uncertain if Avery would say something and ruin everything.

  “God acts in mysterious ways,” Meesha said.

  “He most certainly does.” Avery said and started walking off. “Oh, by the way, congratulations. I’ll talk to you some other time, Meesha,” Avery said coolly.

  With a curious look on her face, Meesha watched as Avery swiftly walked away.

  Chapter 8

  “It is a lonely feeling when someone you care about becomes a stranger.” Unknown

  The following morning, Peyton got up early. The bright Florida sun made her feel especially hopeful. She had a difficult task ahead but she told herself that Derek would hear her out. All she wanted was to get the DNA test done and over with.

  She showered, and got dressed, choosing an ankle length designer sundress and heels. She sprayed on a dash of her favorite perfume, then went downstairs to enjoy a breakfast of a toasted bagel and a strong black cup of coffee.

  After breakfast, she called Derek. He picked up right away.

  “What is it, Peyton.”

  “Hello to you too,” she remarked. She was getting sick of his holier than thou attitude toward her. He acted like he was so perfect when in reality he was far from it. He’d done his share of things during their marriage that could have taken them directly past go and straight into divorce court, but yet, she’d stuck it out with him. She hardly ever told him that she loved him, but truth be told, she really did. He was a good man. He was a good father, and he was most definitely a good provider. Sure, her parents helped him out when they first started out, and she was the one with the money, but he’d earned his own way now, and made his own fortune apart from her money. He was a go getter, a hustler, and it had paid off handsomely for him and for them as a family.

  “I want to talk to you,” she told him, dispelling her thoughts and feelings toward him and instead focusing on the present situation.

  “I’m at the office, so talk quick. I have a meeting in ten minutes.”

  “When will you be free? I want to come to the office or meet you for lunch.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “If you want me to beg, then okay, I’ll beg. Please, Derek. This is important. It’s about Liam.”


  “Meet me at Zuma at eleven.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Goodbye, Peyton. Oh, and one more thing,” he added.

  “What is it?”

  “Please be sober.”

  “I’ll see you at eleven,” Peyton said, ashamed that her husband would have to request such a thing of her.

  She had to change things in her life. If there was ever a chance of getting her husband and son to come back home, she would have to do something drastic, and she knew exactly what that was. Once she got things settled with the DNA test and got the results, she was going to enter rehab. She pulled out her phone from the hidden pocket on her sundress, and searched the number of the best Drug and Alcohol center in the country.

  “Hi, can you send me some information on your program, please.”


  Sitting across the table from Derek, she stared into his deep dark brown eyes. He had always been a handsome man to Peyton. He was tall, stocky, coffee cream complexion, and in her eyes nothing short of a genius.

  He’d taken a hard knock life and turned it into multimillionaire status. He was driven and assertive, all turn-ons to Peyton.

  “So you say you want Liam to have a DNA test?”

  “Yes, I do. I’ve got to talk to Carlton, but I’m sure he’ll agree. Breyonna is dead, God rest her soul. And Liam will never know her. I can’t say that I’m sad about that part. The woman would have ruined his life, but of course I didn’t want her dead.”

  “You sure about that?” Derek said sarcastically.”

  “I’m not going to let you make me go there, Derek. I want Liam to know for sure if Carlton is his father. If he is, then I’ll let Liam decide if he wants a relationship with him.”

  “And what about you, Peyton?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you going to leave it up to him to decide if he still wants a relationship with you?”

  His question stung. It was so unexpected. She couldn’t fathom not having a relationship with her son. She loved Liam. He kept her going. He kept her alive and he made her want to do better. Maybe he wouldn’t want to have anything to do with her now, and she could understand that. He was hurt and angry. It was a lot for a fifteen year old kid to digest. But she was going to do whatever it took to right things for him.

  “I can say this, I hope he forgives me, and I hope you forgive me as well. I want my marriage to work. I want us to be a family again. I haven’t told you this since God knows when, but I’m going to tell you now.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “That I love you.”

  Derek appeared shocked. Hearing Peyton confess love for him surprisingly tugged at his heart, making him feel some type of way. He’d long accepted the fact that his marriage only existed for the sake of Liam. Peyton’s heavy drinking had caused such a huge rift in what used to be to Derek, the perfect relationship. Isn’t that how most marriages begin? Starry eyed lovers, thinking, hoping, and believing that the love they first saw in each other will last forever. Doesn’t every married couple enter marriage believing in happily ever after? Derek had to soon come to the raw realization that that wasn’t what real life was all about. The light in his life was his son. He adopted Liam and no matter what a DNA test proved, he would forever be Liam’s father.

  “You love me. That’s a joke, Peyton.”

  “I’m serious, Derek. I love you.”

  “Look, I have to get back to the office in about forty-five minutes, so let’s get to the real reason you wanted me here.”

  “I want you to come back home. I want you and our son back. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to mak
e that happen.”

  “Meaning what?” Derek responded nonchalantly. It was hard to believe anything Peyton said. She’d promised time and time again to stop the drinking, but yet it only got worse instead of better. This huge reveal about Liam and this dead woman who claimed she was his birth mother, only made him realize that Peyton couldn’t be trusted. Now she was sitting across the table from him confessing undying love for him, promising that once again she would change, and he just did not believe a word coming out of her mouth.

  “Derek, I want this DNA test done. No matter what the results turn out to be, you and I both know that Liam is your son. You adopted him. You’ve raised him and he loves you. You’re his father no matter what a DNA test says. After the results come back, I’m going into rehab.”

  Derek stopped eating his food. He laughed so loud that Peyton looked around to see if anyone else noticed. She was embarrassed and ashamed. “You have got to be kidding me. I know you do not expect me to believe that. You? And rehab? That’s a joke if I ever heard one,” Derek said and continued chuckling.

  “I mean it, Derek. I’ve already checked into it. I’ve called them and made arrangements to visit the facility next week. I don’t care if you believe me or not, and I can’t say that I blame you for not believing me. But I’m serious this time. I realize I have too much at stake. If it means I need to go away to get myself together, then I’m going to do it. I’m just asking you to keep doing what you’re doing and that’s looking after our son.”

  “I’ll never stop doing that. I don’t care what some dang DNA test says or doesn’t say. As for you going to rehab, I’ll believe it when I see it. I can’t promise you anything, Peyton. I can’t say that me and Liam will be waiting for you with open arms. You haven’t gone anywhere yet, and frankly I don’t think you will. You’ll go back to your old ways. Tell me, when was the last time you had a drink? If you’ve really changed, you’ll tell the truth.” Derek eyed her, not once deflecting his stare.

  It made Peyton a little uneasy, but she accepted his stare, looked back at him, and spoke the truth. Yesterday,” she said.

  “Exactly what I thought. At least you were honest. I guess. You sure you didn’t have some coffee with your morning cup of vodka,” he mocked.

  “No, I didn’t. And I deserve your sarcasm but you just watch what I tell you.”

  Derek picked up his cloth napkin, wiped his mouth, and backed away from the table. “I’ve got to get back to the office.” He saw the server and beckoned for him to come over. “Will you please bring the check?”

  “Yes, sir,” the man said.

  “For Liam’s sake, I hope you’re telling the truth this time, Peyton. As for you and me, I can’t promise you what will happen between us.”

  “That’s fair enough,” Peyton answered, although it wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear about the future of their relationship.

  The server returned with the check. “Here you go, Sir.”

  “Thanks.” Derek placed his American Express card inside the black holder along with a comparable tip for the seventy-six dollar meal.

  The server returned shortly after with Derek’s card and receipt.

  Derek stood up. “Call or text me when the DNA test is scheduled. I’ll make sure Liam is there. Have yourself a good day, Peyton.” He paused before walking off. Looking at his wife for the first time with softness in his eyes, he said, “I really do hope and pray that you mean what you say. It would be a shame to lose everything we’ve tried to build for Liam all these years…and for us.”

  Peyton left the restaurant more determined than ever to change her life situation. She got in her car and called Carlton. He didn’t pick up so she texted him. “Scheduling a DNA test for you and Liam. Will let u know date/time.”

  As she put the car in drive she called to check up on Eva. She hadn’t heard from her or Avery since they met for lunch a couple of days ago. She wondered if Eva had talked to Harper and told him that she wasn’t pregnant.

  “Hey, girl. How are things going?” she asked Eva. Eva’s three Yorkies were barking loudly in the background.

  “Shush,” she said and almost immediately everything went quiet. “I’m okay. What are you doing today?”

  “I just left from having lunch with Derek.”

  “Oh, yeah. How did that go?”

  “Umm, as well as can be expected. I told him about having a DNA test done.”

  “What’d he say about that?”

  “Nothing much. Like we both agreed, he’ll always be Liam’s father. Nothing or no one can take that away from him.”

  “Well, that’s true. And what about you and him? Do you see the two of you getting back together?”

  “I hope so. I told him once this DNA test is done and we know who Liam’s biological father is, then I’m checking myself into rehab.”

  “Are you serious?” Eva asked, surprised to hear Peyton say this.

  “As a heart attack,” was Peyton’s response. “I want my family back. That means I have to make some serious changes, starting with my out of control drinking.”

  “You don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that, Peyton. I’m behind you one hundred percent. I know Avery will be too, and whether you believe it or not, so will Meesha. You know she’s back in town, don’t you?” Eva told her.

  “No, I didn’t. And thanks for being such a good friend. I know I’ve said and done some things way out of line. That’s with all of you, and I’m sorry. I really am.”

  “I know you are. Half of the time, we just chalk it up to you being Peyton, or you being wasted,” Eva laughed lightly into the phone. “But seriously, I think you should reach out to Meesha one more time. Who knows, maybe she’ll listen to you this time around.”

  “I might just do that. So what does the remainder of your day look like?” Peyton asked.

  “I haven’t gone to see Harper yet nor have I tried to call him. I need some time to myself to digest this. I still can’t believe that I’m not pregnant. My belly was swelling and everything. I had morning sickness. I wonder if the doctor is wrong.”

  “You heard what he said. You’re not pregnant, Eva. I know it’s hard for you to accept. You wanted babies so badly, and I understand that. And I believe you’re going to have a kid, but you’re not pregnant. Have you scheduled the appointment to see about getting the cysts removed? The doctor said it would be outpatient surgery, and I’ll be more than happy to go with you.”

  “Yes, the scheduling nurse is supposed to be calling me back with my appointment. I’ll let you know. As for today, I was thinking about going out to look for a house or condo to move into. I’m tired of hotel living. And my babies don’t have the freedom they need here. I’ve got to get something of my own.”

  “Is Harper still footing all expenses?”


  “And you haven’t talked to him at all?”

  “No, not really.”

  “I’m not trying to be funny when I ask you this, but have you talked to Seth?”

  Eva immediately felt a little irritated. Not over the fact Peyton asked her about Seth, but irritated with herself for sleeping with her husband’s son. What was she thinking? She prayed that Seth would never say anything to his father about their one night fling.

  “No, I haven’t and I hope I don’t.”

  “Are you going to tell him that you aren’t pregnant?”

  “No, why should I? We’ve never discussed it and like I told you and Avery, it meant nothing. It was all hormones and nothing else. I don’t owe him an explanation about anything. I’m just praying he keeps his mouth shut and doesn’t tell Harper what happened. Something tells me that he won’t.”

  “Well, I don’t have anything else scheduled for the remainder of the day. If you want to go house hunting, I’ll go with you. That is, if you want some company.”

  “Yeah, that would be great. I’ll come by your house and get you.”


  “I’m g
oing to get dressed. I should be there in the next hour. Will you be home by then?”

  “Sure. I’m on my way there now. See you in a little bit.”

  “Okay, bye for now,” said Eva.

  Before getting dressed, Eva spontaneously called Harper. She was surprised that he answered. He was always wrapped up with hospital stuff. She understood him being the chief cardiologist and medical director at Adverse General Hospital, but dang, didn’t he ever have time for family? That was what drove her to the arms of Seth. She wasn’t trying to make excuses for her actions, but the truth was the truth.

  “Hey, Eva. How can I help you? If it’s more money you want, that credit card I gave you is more than enough for you to do what you need to do,” he said harshly.

  “We need to talk. I have something to tell you, Harper.”

  “I think you’ve told me everything there is to tell. You’re pregnant and it’s not my kid. What more do you have to explain?”

  “We need to talk. I’ll call you later this evening, say around six. Better yet, meet me here at the hotel around that time. You should be finished gallivanting around that hospital by then I’m sure.”

  “Goodbye, Eva. If I can get away, I’ll see you at seven. If not, I’ll see you when I see you,” he said and abruptly hung up the phone.

  Eva bit on her bottom lip, furious at the way Harper was treating her. She went to the huge hotel closet to decide what she would wear. She settled on a bright orange romper with a pair of flat slip on shoes and a cute hat to set off her attire. She pulled her long, black hair up in a ball on top of her head, put on a pair of large hoop earrings with a coordinating necklace and set out to go meet up with Peyton.


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