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Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2

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by Alicia Montgomery

  She let out a laugh. “Aren’t real books too analog for you? I thought you spend all your time in front of a computer?”

  “Hey, that hurts,” he replied, putting his hand over his heart. “Of course I read books. So, would you happen to know any librarians who can help me out?” He flashed her a lopsided smile.

  “Fine,” she said wryly. “Follow me.”

  She led him back to her desk and motioned for him to stand in front of the black paneling. “All right, I’ll go ahead and put in the Lone Wolf Security office as your address, but tell me your full name.”

  “You know what it is,” he answered.

  “Yes, I know your first name, but what’s your last name?”

  “I don’t have one,” he said. “I’m a Lone Wolf, remember? No clan, no last name.”

  “Well, I have to put something in,” she said in an exasperated voice.

  “Put in whatever you want, babe,” he replied. “Whatever you think works, as long as I can get my card.”

  Selena rolled her eyes and sighed, then typed in the first thing that popped into her mind. “All right then,” she said as she reached toward the printer and took out the card. “Here you go.” She handed it to him with a sweet smile.

  Quinn took the card, and when his eyes scanned the front, he let out a chuckle. Selena frowned, not expecting his reaction. At the very least, she thought he would have had some snappy comeback.

  “Quinn McFuckface?” He chuckled. “I walked into that one.” He tucked the card into his back pocket.

  “I just hope your poor future wife won’t mind being called ‘Mrs. McFuckface,’” she retorted.

  “No chance of that, seeing as I’m never getting married.”

  Selena gave him a tight smile. She didn’t know why, but that admission sent a pang of disappointment through her. “Right,” she said as she stood up. “Now, if you’re done, I have to be getting back to work.” She motioned to the cart full of books next to her desk.

  “Did you get any lunch yet?” he asked. “It must be your lunch break or something.”

  “I came in a little late today,” she explained. “Slept in. So, I’m trying to make up for it.”

  “Right, your hot date.”

  “My what?” she said with a laugh.

  “Evie said—I mean, she seemed disappointed when you couldn’t come for lunch,” Quinn replied. “She told me you were out on a date and didn’t come back until this morning. So, tell me, who’s the guy?”

  “Harrison Ford,” she said quickly.

  “Oh, is he—what?” He frowned. “Are you shitting me?”

  “I was at the Star Wars marathon at the Odeon,” Selena explained. “They started late, but I couldn’t leave. They had actual film prints from the original trilogy, and I had to sit through those awful prequels just to see them.”

  “I didn’t know you were a nerd,” Quinn moaned.

  “Damn right,” she answered. “Anyway, I guess I’ll see you around.” Selena turned to leave, but a hand on her arm stopped her. “What?” she asked, ignoring the tingles his touch sent over her skin.

  “So, you haven’t eaten?”

  “I told you, I don’t have time. I’ll grab a candy bar from the vending machine or something.” She frowned at his hand, which remained firmly around her arm.

  “C’mon, you can’t survive on just a candy bar the whole day. I saw a hotdog cart on the corner; I’m sure you can spare fifteen minutes for a quick bite.” He flashed her another smile. “I’ll even buy you one.”

  Selena hesitated for a moment. “Fine. But you don’t need to buy me a hotdog. This isn’t a date.”

  “I didn’t say it was,” he retorted. “I don’t date unless the girl’s planning to put out.”

  “Then we’re in agreement because I’m not putting out for you,” she shot back quickly.

  “Yeah, whatever. Let’s go. I’m starving.”


  They both got hot dogs and soda from the cart across the street, then made their way back to the steps outside the library. As promised, Selena paid for her meal, but also insisted paying for his. After a brief squabble, she handed the vendor a twenty and grabbed the food.

  Why Selena said yes to Quinn, she wasn’t sure. Still, it was a nice day with spring finally arriving. The weather was warming up, and she didn’t even need to put on her light jacket to go outside.

  “I didn’t know you worked at a library,” Quinn said after he finished his hot dog in two bites.

  “I told you I worked near your office,” she replied. “It’s nice to see Evie during the day. She’s usually out at night, working at the diner or doing an open mic, and I don’t get to see her when I get home.”

  “How did you become friends?”

  Selena laughed. “She came to the library to check her email. Poor thing was new in town, and she didn’t have a computer or internet access so she could find out about casting calls. I knew New York was going to chew her up and spit her out if I didn’t take her under my wing. We became friends, and then she moved in with me to help with the rent. Eventually, she also figured out my background and confessed that her mother’s a Lycan.” She shrugged.

  “So she found your stash of eye of newt lying around? Or your broom?”

  “Ha! It was actually the dried lavender I have around the apartment. My mother always had it for protection. Anyway, it works out—I get to save money and she doesn’t have to bunk with six other girls in a fleabag hotel room in Hell’s Kitchen.”

  “What about your coven? Aren’t you witches supposed to live together or something? Communal living and all that hippy dippy shit?”

  “We don’t have to live together, but most of us do,” she said.

  “So, like, what can you do? Do you control wind or thunder or something cool?” he asked.

  “No,” she retorted. “Magic doesn’t work like that. For the most part, witches and warlocks have the ability to activate spells and potions. While anyone can mix ingredients or say a few magical words, only a witch can infuse magic into them. What you’re talking about is called ‘blessed magic,' which are active powers that only very few witches have.” Indeed, Selena herself only knew of two people who had active powers—Quinn’s brother-in-law Daric and her distant relative Lara Chatraine. “And like I told you when we first met, I’m an almost witch.”

  “I still don’t know what it means.” He took a swig of his soda. “So, what the heck is an almost witch?”

  “Well, my father is a warlock, and my mother was a witch. She was actually from the New York coven and distantly related to Charlotte Fontaine, who was kind of a big deal in our history. Anyway,” Selena continued, “they both had magic, and, usually, witches come into power right around puberty.”

  “So?” Quinn looked at her quizzically.

  “Well, I’m still waiting for my power to come in. I’m told it will. Eventually.”

  “Oh, so you’re just a human now.”

  Selena flinched visibly, and it probably would have hurt less if Quinn had physically struck her. Perhaps she’d been in denial all these years, but it helped ease the pain. She was born from two powerful bloodlines, yet here she was, showing no magical talent whatsoever. Selena the Dud. That was the cruel nickname her stepsisters, who were real witches, gave her. It followed her around most of her teen life, and she could remember nights when she cried herself to sleep, wishing—no, begging—to feel even a drop of magic within her.

  Balling her hands into fists, she stood up. “I should go.” Without a backward glance, she walked away, the heels of her stilettos clicking on the pavement in military fashion.

  “Hey!” Quinn called, but she ignored him. “Selena, stop!” He quickly caught up to her, and he grabbed her arm. “C’mon,” he said, his voice softening. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Selena felt her chin tremble, but she bit the inside of her cheek to keep the tears from spilling. “Let go of me, Quinn,” she managed to say in a shaky voice.

  “Hey, hey now,” he soothed and attempted to place his hands on her shoulder. “What’s wrong? Are you on your period or something? ‘Cause I know girls can be kinda emotional and bitchy when they’re on—”

  “Shut up!” Selena yelled, wrenching away from him. Anger was bubbling in her now, and she just wanted to be alone. “I don’t know what you have against me, Quinn,” she began. “But I’m sick and tired of it! You … you just stay the hell away from now on!”

  Chapter Three

  “What the fuck did I do?” Quinn wondered aloud as he watched Selena storm back into the library. One moment they were having a nice lunch and he was teasing her, and then she just got all huffy and stomped away. “Women,” he muttered as he slammed his trash into the bin.

  A psychologist probably would have said Quinn hated women, with the way he went through them like tissues. But that was far from it. Quinn loved women. He loved all kinds of women. Maybe that was the problem. He wanted to please all of them, a little too much, and that was sometimes what got him in trouble.

  But Selena was different. He wanted to see the fire in her eyes, wanted her to react to him needling her and dish it right back. Quinn enjoyed the challenge, but something he said today pushed her over the edge. He should just forget about her. Find some chick, go back to her place … shit. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten his dick wet. Hmmm … that girl he took to Nobu, maybe? She had been fun, but a little too clingy. Wanted him to stay the night. Yeah, right. Anyway, that was the last time he saw some action, other than his hand. He was just too busy. That was it. Too many cases, too much work. It wasn’t because of the way Selena’s tight little skirt hugged her ass or the glasses that made her look like every boy’s sexy librarian wet dream. Nuh-uh. It especially wasn’t her juicy little mouth or her butterscotch scent he found intoxicating and seemed to drive Wolf crazy whenever he had a sniff. Even now, the animal was whining in disappointment and growling at him for making Selena angry.

  Yeah, he should just forget about Selena. It was fun while it lasted, but she was obviously too sensitive to take a joke.

  Quinn walked back to the office, already planning to head out to Blood Moon that night. Maybe he could find some hot Lycan girl to hook up with. Wolf let out a growl, and he told the thing to take a chill pill. Damn animal. Why was it mad at him?

  “Hey, what the hell is wrong with your friend?” Quinn asked Evie as he walked in. The brunette was already putting her coat on and shutting down her computer.

  “Selena?” Evie asked with a frown. “What do you mean? What did you hear?”

  “I went to take her to lunch and we were talking, then she goes mental on me,” Quinn relayed.

  “What?” Evie snapped her head up. “What do you mean you took her to lunch?”

  “I went to the library,” Quinn explained. “And then we ate hotdogs, and I asked her what an almost witch was, and she explained.”

  Evie narrowed her eyes. “And then what did you say?”

  Quinn thought for a moment. “I pointed out she was human, and then she went insane.”

  “You said that?” Evie’s voice pitched higher, and she walked around her desk to face him. “You idiot!” She grabbed her purse and slammed it on his shoulder.

  “Oh! Jeez, now I know why Connor’s still mad at you—that fucking hurt!”

  “Quinn, you’re such a jerk!” Evie raised her purse again, but he blocked it with his arms. “Don’t you know how insulting that is?”

  “Well, it’s true, isn’t it?” Quinn shrugged. “Witches are basically humans with powers, so if she doesn’t have magic, then, duh, she’s human.”

  “Ugh, you are impossible.” Evie let out an exasperated sigh. “Look, my mother is a Lycan and my dad is human, which means I’m human too. In our world, that doesn’t mean anything, and I don’t mind being labeled a human, but it’s different with witches. Their status is determined by the amount of power they have and Selena, who doesn’t have any powers, is at the bottom rung in the coven. A fact that they never let her forget.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” Quinn slapped his hand on his forehead. “I am a fucking jerk.” He realized how much he insulted Selena. I basically rubbed it in her face that she was powerless. And Wolf was now scratching at his middle angrily.

  “Yeah, you and your big fat mouth.” Evie sighed. “Just leave her alone, okay? And stop trying to provoke her. Why you pick on her, I don’t know.”

  Shit. Leave her alone? Would that really be the solution? “Look, I need to tell her I’m sorry.” And I need her to forgive me, he added silently. He had a feeling that ache in his chest wouldn’t be going away until she did. Wolf certainly wasn’t going to leave him in peace, either. “How can I make it up to her?”

  Evie crossed her arms over her chest. “You promise not to hurt her anymore?”

  “I promise.”

  “Or insult her or provoke her?”

  “Yeah, yeah, I promise, okay?”

  “All right. There is something …”


  The next day, Quinn found himself at the entrance of the Lower Manhattan Library once again. Get it together, he told himself. She’s just a woman, no big deal. But for some reason, his palms were sweaty and that annoyed the shit out of him.

  The familiar scent of paper, leather, and wood hit his nose as he walked inside. It brought back memories of Archie’s library in the Portland mansion and the hours Quinn spent there as a teen. Walking by Selena’s desk, he saw it was empty, but there was a sign on the table that read: Storytime at 4:30 p.m: Children’s Section.

  After taking a quick glance at the map, he went to the second floor where he found Selena sitting on a chair in the middle of the carpeted area. A dozen children surrounded her, all looking up in rapt attention as she read from a storybook.

  “And so the Big Bad Wolf said, ‘Come out little piggy, or I’ll huff, and I’ll puff and I’ll bloooooow your house down!’” Selena raised a hand and formed it into claws, then puffed her cheeks as she blew out gusts of air. The children around her gasped in fright but kept their attention on her.

  Quinn suppressed a laugh at the irony of her reading The Three Little Pigs but stayed silent, leaning back on the bookshelves as he continued to watch Selena. A small pang tugged at his heart, seeing her surrounded by children. There was something so natural about it, and he suddenly had a vision of Selena holding a baby and maybe of her tucking a little girl into bed or kissing a boy’s skinned knee.

  The sounds of claps from the children shook him out of his daydream. The parents and the children surrounded Selena, thanking her for the story, and she smiled at them gratefully, chatting with each one. Quinn waited until the small crowd started thinning before approaching her.

  He was about to call her name when his throat went dry as his eyes were drawn to Selena’s perfectly-shaped ass. She was bent over, picking up a discarded book on the floor, her heart-shaped backside covered in a pair of tight white slacks. The fact that there were no visible panty lines made him stifle a groan. “Hey,” he managed to croak out.

  Selena froze and slowly rose up, then turned around to face him. “What part of ‘stay the hell away from me' don’t you understand?” she asked, her eyes turning stormy.

  “Selena, I’m sorry,” he said. “Please, don’t go.” He grabbed her arm when she tried to walk away. The touch of her bare skin sent tingles up his arm, but he didn’t let go. “Evie told me. I’m sorry Selena. I didn’t mean … I wasn’t trying to insult you; you have to believe me.” Shit, he was fucking this up.

  Her shoulders sagged. “Fine. You’ve said sorry, you can leave now.”

  “I can’t,” he blurted out. “I mean, I have something for you. To say sorry.” He fished an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Here.” When she looked at him with narrowed eyes, he sighed. “It’s not poison or a trick or whatever evil thing you’re thinking. Just open it.”

  Selena took the envelope an
d opened it gingerly, peering inside. Her eyes widened. “What is this? How did you get this?” She took out the two pieces of paper. “The Lord of the Rings exhibit’s been sold out for weeks, and it’s ending on Sunday! How did you get tickets?”

  “A friend owed me a favor.” He shrugged. Actually, he had spent the whole night on various internet forums, trying to buy some tickets. When he couldn’t even get those geeks to talk to him, he changed his screen name to ‘sexyelf4447’ and got flooded with offers. He shuddered at what some of those sick bastards wanted in exchange, but, finally, he got the tickets for a hefty sum.

  “Wow, I didn’t know you had real friends.”

  “Ha!” The old Selena was back, the one who wasn’t mad at him for hurting her. Wolf finally calmed down, settling inside him. It had been just as anxious as he had been, waiting for her reaction. “So, am I forgiven?”

  “Hmmm.” She thought for a moment. “I suppose.”

  “Good.” Finally, the tightness in his chest lightened. “Well, I guess I’ll see you.” He pivoted to leave, but her hand on his arm stopped him.

  “Wait,” she said.


  “Why don’t you come with me?”

  “What?” His voice croaked like he was some damned teen going through puberty. He did get her two tickets but figured she’d want to go with Evie or someone else. “I’ve never seen the movies, but sure. Let’s go.”

  “Wait, now?” Selena frowned.

  Jeez, now you scared her. “I mean, if you’ve been wanting to see the exhibit and it’s sold out, then it’ll probably be crowded this weekend since it’s closing.”

  “True.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “All right, I have to clock out, but I can leave now.”

  Quinn followed Selena to her desk, letting her walk a few steps ahead. She was wearing those spiky heels again with her white, high-waisted pants and a frilly blouse that brought out the blue in her eyes. She tucked away her reading glasses, but damn if the outfit didn’t make him think of sexy librarian fantasies again. He swallowed hard as his eyes darted across the rows of books, imagining what he’d do if they were alone. Probably start by pushing her up against the shelves and then…whoa there, cowboy. What the fuck was he thinking? This was Selena, for Christ’s sake.


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