Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2

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Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2 Page 6

by Alicia Montgomery

  According to the file, Quinn’s father was part of the New York clan. He couldn’t believe that his father was in the same state. Grant Anderson probably knew him, too, though he probably wasn’t Alpha yet when Quinn’s mother got pregnant. Jacob Martin. That was his name. And with a little bit of Googling, everything clicked into place. Right around the time Quinn was born, Jacob Martin was elected to Congress. He was one of the youngest congressmen ever to be elected in his district. Inside the file was a picture of his father at his victory party, standing next to his lovely wife. With so much at stake, Martin probably didn't want to risk news of the affair or love child being splashed across tabloid headlines. And now, according to the billboard he passed on the way here, Martin was running for Governor of New York.

  Quinn gripped the steering wheel. Inside him, Wolf was going crazy. It did not like reminders of the past, and, right now, all it wanted to do was rip something up. Archie had taught Quinn to control the animal, and he took a deep breath, trying to remember the lessons the old man had taught him. He really should just walk away. He opened the envelope, confirmed what he knew (that his biological father was a selfish, heartless bastard), and so he didn’t need to be here.

  Still, Quinn couldn’t scratch the itch. He opened the door of his car and walked across the street. Now or never, he thought. As he walked up the porch, he could feel Wolf start to get agitated. Get a grip. Lycans lived in this house, and he couldn’t let them sense his damaged wolf.

  He pressed the doorbell, and, by the time the door opened, he still didn’t know what he was going to say. Would his father answer?

  An older, attractive woman with blond hair opened the door. “Yes?”

  “Um, hi.” His throat closed up, and his palms suddenly got sweaty.

  “Can I help you?” Her eyes narrowed into slits and her nostrils flared. Lycan. He could sense the wolf inside her. And she could sense Wolf, too.

  “No. I mean, yes.” Fuck. “I’m here to see Congressman Martin. I’m—”

  “He doesn’t want to see you.” The woman’s voice was cold and cutting.

  “Excuse me?” Quinn tried to keep his voice steady and calm. Looking down at the woman, he realized who she was. She was much older now than in the picture, but she was still beautiful. His father’s wife. Carla Martin. “You don’t even know who I am or why I need to see him.”

  “I know who you are.” She stepped forward and closed the door behind her. “You’re that woman’s son. His former secretary, Anna.”

  “Then you know what I am to him.”

  “Yes, but why you’re here, I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Didn’t your mother tell you?”

  “My mother’s dead.”

  “I’m sorry,” Carla said in a voice that didn’t sound sorry at all. “But she should have told you that Jacob wanted no communication from either of you.”

  “I just want—”

  “Can’t you see what you’d do to him if you keep this up?” Carla asked. “He’s about to become Governor of New York. The highest office any Lycan has ever held. And, who knows, he might make it all the way to the White House. Can you imagine what that would be like? The Alpha himself has thrown his support behind Jacob. If it came out he had an affair and a son outside marriage, you wouldn’t just be ruining his life but also destroying any chance our kind has to advance in politics.”

  “Jesus, lady,” he said. “I just want to see him.” He was starting to hate this bitch. No, scratch that, he already hated her.

  “And then what?” Carla crossed her arms over her chest. “He doesn’t want you,” she added with a huff. “That should be clear by now. That’s why he paid her to go away. He couldn’t let the tabloids know about you and ruin his chances of getting elected.”

  Quinn kept his hands at his side, trying to control the turmoil of emotions running through him. His jaw tightened and his lips pursed together.

  “What do you want? More money? I can give you money.”

  “I don’t want your fucking money, lady.” Quinn took a deep breath. “This was a mistake,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Damn right,” Carla agreed. “Do us all a favor and just leave. And don’t come back.”

  “I’m not planning to,” he snarled as he turned away. His legs felt like lead, but he used all his strength to walk back to the car and get inside. As he turned the key in the ignition, he saw Carla watching him. Probably making sure he did leave. Well, rest assured, Quinn was never going to come back here again.

  He stepped on the gas, following the road back to the highway. Inside him, Wolf was howling in pain, pleading with and begging him. For what? The animal whimpered. It needed comfort, soothing. He suddenly swerved onto the shoulder and then slammed his fists on the horn, letting out an anguished cry. Goddammit. He wished Wolf would just get angry and rip out of his skin, but the animal was too broken. Maybe because, deep down inside, he always wished that his mother was wrong. That his father did love her back and that he wanted Quinn, too. But it was evident now. Life was not a fairy tale, and there was no happy ever after in the end.

  With a deep breath, he looked at the road ahead. It was a long drive, and it would be dark by the time he got to New York. Better get a move on.

  Chapter Eight

  Selena let out a satisfied moan as she sank into the warm water. There was nothing like soaking in a bubble bath at the end of the day. After lunch, she had gone back to the library and focused on work, trying to get Quinn out of her mind. The next day, she got up, went to work and kept busy until she exhausted herself. The only way to trick her brain into not thinking about Quinn was to fill it with something else.

  Her conversation with the girls shook her to her very core. They all agreed Quinn was a player. Hell, she pegged him as a man-slut the moment they met. Then why couldn’t she stop her heart from doing somersaults when she thought of him? Why couldn’t she get his smile out of his mind? She would just have to find a way. Avoid him at all costs and forget about Quinn.

  And of course, her father called again, right before she got into the bath. She told him she was still thinking about the proposal, but would make her decision soon.

  The sound of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts. “Ugh. Go away,” she said to no one in particular. It couldn’t have been Evie. She was out late at an open mic night in East Village, and she never forgot her keys. Probably some delivery guy who was at the wrong door. Maybe, if she kept quiet, whoever it was would just go away and leave her in peace. She closed her eyes, trying to relax, but the damn doorbell kept on ringing.

  “All right, all right!” She rose from the bath quickly, splashing water all over the floor. Grabbing her robe and yanking it on, she stomped to the front door, ready to give whoever was interrupting her alone time a piece of her mind. “What the fuck—Quinn?”

  The Lycan was standing there, in front of her door, eerily still. His face was drawn into a scowl, and his hair was mussed up like he had been running his fingers through it.

  “Wow, you look like hell,” she joked, but when he didn’t say anything or give a snappy comeback, she knew something was up. “Quinn? What’s wrong?”

  “Can I come in?” he asked in a hoarse voice. “I just … I need to talk to someone.”

  The pain in his words slashed at her, and she nodded, opening the door to let him in. “Go on inside. I’ll make us some tea.”

  Selena went to the kitchen and prepared the kettle, then opened a canister of tea, placing a bag in each mug. When the water boiled, she added it to the mugs and then went out to the living room. Quinn was sitting on the couch, his gaze straight ahead. He said nothing as she sat down and set the mugs on the coffee table.

  “Quinn, tell me what’s going on,” she urged. “Please.”

  He sat there in silence for a few moments, then he spoke. “I found him. My father.”

  “What?” she asked. “I thought your dad was dead?”

  “No,” he said. “I mean, he is. Archie
is gone, but I found my biological father. He’s from New York.”

  “Quinn … what happened?”

  “I went to see him. Upstate.” He paused, his hands curling into fists. “Shit. I don’t know why the fuck I went there anyway. I already knew. Mom told me.”

  “Told you what?”

  “He didn’t want me,” he croaked. “He never wanted me. And when I got there, I confirmed it.” He buried his face in his hands.

  “Quinn …” Unsure what to do, she moved closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Quinn, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She placed her hand on his thigh, rubbing it back and forth in a soothing manner. “Look at me.”

  He lifted his head and turned to her, his face drawn in anguish and blue eyes stormy with emotions.

  “Quinn,” she continued, swallowing the lump in her throat. “That man … whoever he is, is not your father. Archie was your dad, in every way that mattered. He took you in and put you back together. He gave you a home. He gave you a family.”

  Quinn’s eyes searched hers, then glazed over. God, she didn’t realize how close he was to her. She could smell his aftershave and feel the warmth of his breath. She suddenly felt conscious of how naked she was under her robe.

  “Selena,” he breathed, then moved his head forward to capture her mouth in a kiss.

  She gasped in surprise, but she let out a moan as soon as their lips touched. Quinn’s hands went up to the sides of her head to steady her. His mouth was intent on devouring her. And dear Lord, at that moment, she wanted to be devoured, to be consumed by this man until there was nothing left.

  His demanding lips caressed hers, and soon Selena found herself on her back, his weight on top of her. Quinn’s lips seared a path down her neck to her collarbones. As deft fingers untied the belt and parted the front of her robe, his other hand closed around her breast. She sighed when his fingers found a pink nipple and teased it.

  Quinn groaned as he went lower, wrapping his lips around one of the hardened buds. He sucked on her nipple, pulling it deep into his mouth. His warm, wet mouth felt incredible, and she had never felt such a sensation before. Unsure what to do, she thrust her fingers into his hair, pulling at the locks as he continued to lave her breasts with attention.

  God, all these new sensations were frying her brain. Her knees spread, and he settled himself between her legs. When the hard bulge in his pants rubbed against her core, she shivered. Quinn stiffened and then relaxed. He moved up again, staring down at her with his piercing blue eyes before leaning down to crush his lips to hers.

  Selena opened up to him, their tongues dancing as they kissed. His hand moved again, down to skim over her belly and lower still. She gasped into his mouth at the first touch of his fingers over her curls and slit. He explored her expertly, fingers rubbing up and down her damp folds, then stroking her clit until she was soaking wet. Moving his hand around, two fingers slid right into her..

  She cried out, her arms winding around his neck as her body moved in rhythm with his thrusting fingers. His mouth pulled away from hers but found the soft spot under her neck, and he sucked at the delicate skin. Selena bit her lip to keep from crying out, but it was useless as a sob ripped from her throat. His fingers, his lips, and the scent of grass and sawdust that threatened to overwhelm her brought her closer to orgasm. Her nails dug into his back as the wave of pleasure hit her, and she thrust her hips hard against his hand, riding it until the end.

  “Selena,” he rasped. “You’re so beautiful when you come.”

  Selena gasped, her body useless and weak as she recovered from her orgasm. Quinn shifted his body and reached down between them. When she heard the unbuckling of his belt and the unzipping of his fly, a sudden fear gripped her. No, she couldn’t. Her body, however, was still on fire from her orgasm and wanted more.

  Quinn moaned, and she felt the tip of his cock brush against her pelvis. “Quinn …” she pushed him gently. He looked up at her, eyes clouded with desire. “Quinn, no ...”

  He stopped suddenly. “Selena?”

  “I said, no!” This time, she shoved at him hard, and he nearly fell but managed to steady himself. She scrambled away from him, yanking her robe shut as she huddled on the other end of the couch. Oh God, what was she thinking? “Please,” she choked. “I’m sorry. I can’t … I mean … please leave.”

  “What the fuck are you saying?” Quinn’s voice was edgy, almost a growl. “Selena … I thought …”

  “You thought wrong!” she cried.

  “Fucking hell I did. Or did I imagine you coming all over my fingers?”

  “Shut up!” she yelled.

  “C’mon, Selena,” he scooted closer to her. “You can’t deny it. You want me. I can smell how wet you are right now.” He grabbed her hand and placed it over the hard bulge between his legs. “And I want you.”

  She pulled her hand away. Damn, he was right. Her body was buzzing with excitement, and she wanted to know what it would feel like to make love to Quinn. But her mind was telling her it wasn’t right. “We shouldn’t. You know it. This is wrong.”

  “Goddammit, then why is this the only thing that feels right?” With a loud growl, he jerked back and ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

  “What do you want? A pity fuck?” she exclaimed. “Did you come here hoping I’d feel sorry enough to give you what you want?”

  Quinn’s eyes went flat and unreadable as stone, and his mouth turned into a hard line. He stood up silently and walked toward the door.

  “Quinn,” she called. Her stomach clenched tight, and something tore at her chest. “I—”

  “I wasn’t looking for a pity fuck,” he said without looking back.

  “Then why did you come here? What do you want?”

  “I …” he hesitated. “Never mind.” He disappeared into the foyer without another word.

  The sound of the door slamming seemed so final to Selena. She sat at the end of the couch, feeling like she was swimming through a haze of emotions and desire. What had they done? They almost had sex. She almost lost her virginity to Quinn. Sure, she wasn’t saving it or anything, but still … She never knew lust could be so consuming. And confusing. Selena sensed his pain, how his father’s rejection was eating at him, and all she wanted to do was comfort him. But then he was kissing her and on top of her and making her feel so good …

  The sound of the door opening made her jump in surprise. Did Quinn come back?

  “I’m home!” Evie announced as she barged into the apartment. “Hey Selena …” Her best friend’s expression changed as soon as it landed on her. “What’s going on?”

  “Evie …” she choked.

  “Selena?” Evie dropped her bag and scrambled onto the couch. “Did something happen to you?”

  Tears sprang in her eyes. “Oh, Evie …”

  Chapter Nine

  Quinn punched his fist on the keyboard and pushed at the table. The back of his chair slammed into the wall behind him. “Fucking shit!” He leaned back and closed his eyes. “Goddamn motherfucker.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, Quinn closed his eyes. Monday morning came too fast and, at the same time, it didn’t come soon enough. He spent the entire weekend cooped up in his loft. His place was spacious, which was one of the reasons he bought it. Whenever he felt like shifting and couldn’t get away, Wolf was usually sated by roaming around the living space and sniffing at all the interesting corners and smells. But this weekend, the animal was unmanageable. Two times, police officers had come knocking on his door when his neighbors complained about the strange noises coming from his apartment. Goddamn nosy people. He was glad he had enough control over Wolf to tuck him away when the cops came.

  What he should have done was go out, get drunk, and find some chick he could jump into bed with and forget about Selena. But each time he made a move to leave, Wolf ripped out of him, preventing him from even opening the door. What a cock blocker. And he ripped two of his best outfits, too.
  By the time Monday morning rolled around, he was edgy and on the verge of losing his goddamned mind. Thoughts of his father’s rejection, then Selena’s, were consuming him all weekend. What the fuck was her problem anyway? One moment she was falling apart in his arms, then the next she was shoving at him like he was the scum of the earth. She wanted his body, that was for sure. He could see it in her eyes and smell the arousal from her sweet, tight little snatch. God, all he wanted to do was bury himself in her and forget about his fucking awful day and for once, just once, feel something good and real. He thought he could have that with Selena, but he was wrong.

  And now the fucking internet wasn’t working. Fuck my life.

  “Evie,” he growled as he kicked his door open. “Evie!”

  “What?” she called out from the front. The irritation in her voice was evident. “I’m working.”

  Quinn stalked out to the reception area. “When are they going to fix the goddamn internet? I can’t get any fucking work done around here.”

  “I already called it in,” she retorted. “Some road crew accidentally cut into a cable somewhere. They’re trying to fix it now, but it’ll take a while.”

  “Then why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because you’ve been a beast today and I didn’t want to get my head bitten off,” she shot back.

  “What the hell is going on?” Connor suddenly appeared in the hallway, his gaze moving from Evie to Quinn. “Why the fuck are you cussing at Evie?”

  Oh great, Quinn thought. Connor and his fucking weird hard-on for Evie were here. Just what I need. Well, if it’s a fight he wants, it’s a fight he’s going to get. Wolf was screaming to tear something open, and he was just crazy enough to take on the feral Lone Wolf. “Stay out of this, Connor. I’ll chew her out if I want to, especially if she’s not doing her goddamn—” Quinn let out a choked gasp, not finishing the sentence as Connor grabbed him by the throat and slammed him back. The back of his head hit the wall so hard his brain rattled in his skull.


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