Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2

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Loving Quinn: The Lone Wolf Defenders Book 2 Page 7

by Alicia Montgomery

  “You little shit,” Connor growled. “You don’t talk to her that way, you hear? Say you’re sorry.” His beefy hands were wrapped around Quinn’s neck, squeezing slowly.

  “Connor!” Evie cried, grabbing at his arm. “Stop, please.”

  Connor let go of Quinn’s neck and turned to Evie. While his brother was distracted, Quinn used the opening to slam his body into Connor’s, sending them both to the ground.

  Evie let out a scream as they rolled on the floor, each trying to get the upper hand. Connor landed a punch in his stomach, and the air rushed out of him. The other fist got him square on the eye. Ouch. That one was going to leave a mark. Good thing for Lycan healing. While Connor was the best fighter out of all his siblings, Quinn and Wolf were determined to win. When Evie screamed Connor’s name and distracted him again, Quinn used his weight against his brother, rolling on top. Quinn landed a punch on Connor’s jaw, but his brother merely grunted in response, then slammed his fist into Quinn’s side. Pain shot through him, but he held steady, digging his knees into either side of Connor.

  “Stop!” Killian’s voice boomed through the reception area. “What the fuck is going on here? Quinn, get off Connor before you get yourself killed.”

  “Me?” Quinn growled as he got to his feet, blood dripping down over his eye and onto the carpet. “I had him!”

  “You and I both know Connor could rip you apart, even on a bad day,” Killian said. “Now, what is going on?”

  Connor got up, pulling himself to full height and puffing out his chest. “This fucking idiot was rude to Evie for no goddamn reason other than he’s been having a shitty day. He screamed at her.”

  “Is this true?” Killian asked Quinn. “Were you rude to her?”

  Quinn let out a huff. Damn, what could he say? “Yes.” He turned to Evie. “I’m sorry.”

  Evie was on the verge of tears with her hands wringing together. “I don’t forgive you. You’re such an asshole.” She walked over to her desk and grabbed her purse. “I need to go.” She looked at Killian. “I have that … other thing I told you about, Boss.”

  “I understand,” Killian said. “Go ahead.”

  Evie gave him a curt nod and headed toward the door.

  Shit. “Evie, no, please.”

  Quinn tried to make a grab for her arm, but she evaded him. “You said you wouldn’t hurt her and you did!” Evie’s chin trembled as she spoke. “She’s a virgin, you dick. She was scared, and she didn’t know how to tell you!” With that, she pivoted and left the office, the door slamming behind her.

  Quinn remained rooted to the spot, his mouth hanging open. Selena's a virgin? Goddamn. Now he really was scum.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Killian yelled at Quinn. “Why were you guys fighting and who’s a virgin? Did you try to fuck Evie?”

  “What?” Quinn asked. The air suddenly grew dense and a loud growl from behind suddenly made him want to cower in fear. Goddamn Connor. “Fuck, no, not Evie! Selena!”

  “Wait, you tried to sleep with Selena? Evie’s friend?”

  “Yeah … Um, it’s a long story.”

  Killian and Connor stared at him as if waiting for an explanation. He rolled his eyes. “Goddammit, are we going to start drinking wine while we talk about our feelings? Fuck you guys. I’m outta here.”

  Quinn stalked to the door, yanked it open, and stepped out, making sure to slam it behind him as loud as he could. He stormed to the elevator, jabbing his finger at the call button.

  “Fuck!” he cursed aloud. Selena … no wonder she was scared. She was comforting him, being a good friend, and then what did he do? Try to fuck her the first chance he got. Shit. He was a lowlife, that’s what he was. Wolf growled in agreement. Yeah, buddy, tell me about it. But what was he supposed to do now? Selena probably wouldn’t want to talk to him. But he had to see her, make sure she was okay, and apologize. Again. Dammit, he couldn’t seem to do anything but hurt her. After this, he was going to stay away from her. For real this time and for good. But that ache inside him wouldn’t go away until he at least said his peace.

  Chapter Ten

  Quinn wasn’t surprised at all that Selena wasn’t at work. He probably traumatized her. Shit, he didn’t want to say it, but he was all over her and if she didn’t say no … Fuck.

  The fact that Selena was a virgin still blew his mind. How could anyone that gorgeous stay untouched? Surely some guy would have snapped her up by now. Thinking about her with some guy made his chest ache. But no, if she was a virgin …

  “Goddammit.” Talk about an inappropriate time to have an erection. He quickly walked away before some parent or cop saw him sporting a chubby right outside a public library. Still, the thought of Selena untouched made something primal in him rise up, and he wasn’t just talking about his dick. He was probably the first man to touch her pussy and make her moan like that. Dammit, thinking about her delicious, untouched body and her soft tits wasn’t making this any better. He didn’t just need a cold shower; he needed a dunking in the polar ice caps.

  He hailed a cab and gave the driver Selena’s address. It was a long trip, and, unfortunately, a wasted one. As he stood outside her front door, his keen hearing couldn’t pick up any sounds coming from the inside. Where the hell was she? He never thought to get her number.

  He fished his phone out of his pocket and tried to call Evie, but her phone was off. There was only one person who knew where Selena could be and that was Evie. But there was only one person who knew where Evie was, and he hoped he hadn’t pissed off Killian too much.

  “Hello?” Killian answered when Quinn called his number.

  “Kill, it’s me,” he said.

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “I need to know where Evie is,” Quinn said. “You know where she is, don't you?”

  Killian let out an exasperated sigh. “Don’t make things worse with her, you hear?”

  “I won’t. Selena’s gone. I mean, I don’t know where she is, and Evie turned her phone off.”

  “All right, I’ll tell you, but don’t tell anyone else. She told me as a courtesy, but asked I keep it to myself.”

  “Why the hell are you whispering?” Quinn asked in an irritated voice.

  “Because Connor is in his office and he might hear what I’m about to tell you.”

  “Right.” He paused. “Well?”

  Killian’s muffled voice came through the receiver, saying the name of a place they were all familiar with.

  “Goddamn,” Quinn laughed. “You’re right to worry about Connor. What is she doing there?”

  “How the hell should I know? I’m not her secretary. Just go and say you’re sorry. You better make things right with her or I swear, if she quits, I’m going to make you and Connor organize the file cabinets and order supplies for the office.”

  Quinn shuddered, though the image of Connor labeling folders and working with spreadsheets filled him with glee. “I will. I promise.”


  Quinn stood outside the nondescript warehouse in Soho, hands on his hips, and stared at the massive metal door. To most people, it probably looked like any other converted factory building in Manhattan, but only a few knew the secrets behind the brick walls and darkly-tinted windows.

  Merlin’s was a secret witch club in New York. A male strip club that catered to the magical community to be exact. When he and his siblings were investigating Archie’s death, they discovered Merlin’s was the last place he was before he was murdered. They had to go undercover to find out what their father was doing is such a place and Quinn, of course, volunteered to work as an ‘entertainer,' along with Daric. While he didn’t take the stage, he had a chance to entertain some very uninhibited and lively witches at a private party. Of course, that evening didn’t exactly turn out as he’d expected (which was, aside from finding out who murdered Archie, score with a witch or two), seeing as Wolf decided to make an appearance when their witness, Sven, tried to run away. After being hit with a st
rong confounding potion that gave him a headache for hours, it was understandable why he didn’t want to step foot in Merlin’s again.

  But what the fuck was Evie doing here?

  He walked closer, examining the door. Tuning his sharp ears, he could hear noises and music coming from inside. Unfortunately, the din made it hard to figure out if Evie was in there.

  The first time they were here, they were thinking of ways to break in to find out what was inside. Daric (though formerly evil, wasn’t a criminal like them) was the only one who thought to knock. Hmmm … maybe that would work too.

  Quinn raised his fist and rapped his knuckles on the door. He waited, and then moments later, the door slid open.

  “You again,” the squat, balding man said with an annoyed snort. “Did you come back for more potion, Lycan?”

  “No thanks, last time was plenty.”

  “Then what do you want?” Ivar said, his piercing green eyes narrowing at him.

  “I’m looking for someone. Evie. King.”

  He frowned. “Ms. King is indisposed.”

  “Well, I’m going to in-dispose of your ass if you don’t let me in.”

  “Why you—”

  “Ivar?” A smooth voice called from behind the door. “Who’s there?” Lucien Merlin’s head popped out from behind Ivar. “Oh, it’s you. Quinn, right? What are you doing here? Looking to make some extra cash? I might have an opening for the two a.m. slot on Wednesdays.”

  “Jesus, no.” Quinn slapped a hand over his forehead. “I’m looking for Evie.”

  “Evie?” The handsome warlock frowned. “Oh, you mean Guinevere,” he said, mentioning Evie’s full name. “She’s here, but she’s working.”

  “I have to see her.”

  Merlin crossed his arms over his chest, and his inky black eyes seemed to pierce right into him. “Really? What for?”

  “I …” Shit. He wanted to make an emergency at Lone Wolf, but something about Merlin made him think twice about lying. So he decided to go for the truth. “I’m here because I was rude to her and I want to say sorry. And make sure she’s okay.” Part of the truth anyway.

  “Ah, so that’s why she seemed a little snippy today.” Merlin let out an exasperated sigh. “I suppose you can come in, but if she doesn’t want to speak with you, then you’re going to have to leave.”


  Merlin crooked a finger at him. “Follow me, handsome.”

  Ivar slid the door open to let him in, and Quinn followed the warlock into the main room of Merlin’s. It was just as he remembered—red carpets, red walls, red lights. It was a classy joint but definitely screamed of sex.

  “I made a few changes,” Merlin said as they walked towards the stage. “To our lineup and our entertainment. First, despite your little show on that night, you were a big hit with my regular clientele, so I found a couple of shifters who were looking for a good way to earn money.”

  “No shit, huh?” Quinn laughed. “Turning into a wolf in front of a room full of witches and warlocks was good for business after all. Maybe I deserve a cut?”

  Merlin smirked. “I’m still paying for the damage you caused, by the way. Do you think I use cheap glass here? No, crystal only, including the chandeliers you broke. Anyway, here you go.”

  Quinn swerved his head toward the main stage. There were about a dozen male dancers wearing nothing but black underwear and knee-high leather boots. In the center was Evie, talking to another well-built man who was just as naked as the others, save for a sparkly red jacket and top hat. Evie was holding a riding crop and was showing sparkly jacket how to smack it against one of the dancer’s buttocks.

  Holy shit. Quinn had a great idea. He whipped out his phone and snapped a picture of Evie the exact moment the crop hit the guy’s ass.

  “Hey, hey, no pictures,” Merlin warned. “We haven’t debuted our new show yet.”

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Quinn asked, gesturing to the stage. “You turning this place into an S & M dungeon now?”

  “I told you,” Merlin drawled. “I’m making a few changes. One of them being the entertainment.”

  “All right, guys,” Evie called. “Let’s take it from the top! Jack,” she said to sparkly jacket man. “Good job, keep it up, okay?”

  “Thanks, babe,” he said, flashing her a smile that was full of pearly white teeth.

  Evie turned to walk down the steps from the stage to the main floor, and as she neared the bottom, her eyes landed on Quinn. “Quinn! What are you doing?”

  “I’m texting Connor,” he said matter-of-factly, attaching the photo to his message. This was payback for the black eye and bruised rib.

  “I mean, what are you doing here? And what do you mean you’re texting Connor?”

  “Haha,” Quinn cackled as he opened his contacts folder. “Connor’s gonna get a big surprise in his inbox in 3 … 2 …”

  “Quinn!” Evie lunged at him, but Quinn was too tall and too quick. He pulled the phone out of her reach and pressed send.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Just getting back at my brother for this,” he said, pointing to his eye.

  “You big baby, it’s already healing. It’ll be gone in a few hours. Now,” she put her hands on her hips. “What did you say to Connor?”

  “Nothing!” When Evie gave him the stink-eye, he relented. “I just sent him a nice picture of you doing your best dominatrix impression.”

  “Quinn!” she screamed. “You idiot! I was showing Jack how to do it for the show! I’m directing a segment for Merlin’s new lineup!”

  “Huh?” He looked up at the stage as the music began to play and the dancers moved around Jack. It was like he was playing a ringmaster and the dancers around him were circus animals. With the staging, costumes, and music (that guy sure could sing), the show was tasteful. Very Broadway, with less clothing.

  “Uh, you’re such an asshole,” Evie pouted. “How could you text him that?”

  “Why would it matter to you, anyway?” he asked. “Do you have anything to hide? Is that why you told Killian about working here but not me and Connor?”

  “You don’t understand.”

  He cocked his head. “Tell me, do you have a crush on Connor?”

  “What?” Evie turned red. “No! I do not.”

  “Because you know, only women with a special kind of crazy go after Connor.” Quinn raised a brow at her. “Are you that special kind of crazy, Evie? Maybe if you do fuck him, he’ll finally relax.”

  Evie bit her lip. “How did you get in here? And what do you want?”

  “I’ve been here before,” he said. “And well … kidding aside, I came here to say sorry to you and to ask you if you’ve seen … Selena?”

  A flash of auburn hair from the corner of his eye made Quinn whip his head to the right of the stage. There she was. Selena, waiting in the wings, talking to some guy. A guy dressed in nothing but a black speedo and a smile.

  “What the fuck is she doing here?” he growled. Wolf was gnashing its teeth, screaming at him to go there and wipe that smile off the man’s face.

  “She got me this job. Of course, she’s here, she’s—”

  Quinn’s vision went red, and he didn’t hear the rest of Evie’s sentence. He marched up the steps, much to the annoyance of the performers on stage, and headed straight to Selena and her beefcake.

  Chapter Eleven

  Selena laughed as Brad told her the story of how he met one of their teachers on some hook up app. She hadn’t seen him in years, not since they went to high school together; she didn’t even know that he worked at Merlin’s. Brad said he enjoyed the job and being around other warlocks. She understood, as she missed life with the coven, the sense of community and feeling safe. She probably would visit more often if it weren’t for her stepsisters.

  “Oh my God, Brad!” She swatted him playfully on the shoulder. “No. Way. Mr. Jenkins?”

  “Oh yes way, Selena,” he laughe
d. “His profile said he was a papa bear looking for his baby bear.”

  “I don’t even know what that means … so what happened?”

  “Well, we went to the backseat of his car and—”


  The familiar voice made her freeze. It couldn’t be. Slowly, she pivoted toward the speaker. “Quinn?”

  Quinn’s mouth was pulled into a hard line, and his jaw was set tight. “What are you doing here?”

  Selena’s expression went quickly from surprise to irritation. “Excuse me, what am I doing here? What about you? What are you doing here?”

  “I came here to say sorry to Evie,” he answered in a clipped voice. “Wow, you sure do recover quickly,” he said, his eyes flickering to Brad.

  “Who is this guy and what the fuck is he talking about, Sel?” Brad asked.

  Irritation was now going to full-blown anger, and Selena felt the pressure building behind her eyes. “You jerk. What gives you the right to come here and judge me?”

  “Well, it’s true, right? What, you can’t stand a Lycan touching you, but you’ll gladly fool around with some warlock stripper?”

  “Entertainer,” Brad interjected. “We’re changing our job titles to entertainer now.”

  “For your information,” Selena retorted, putting her hands on her hips. “Brad is a friend from high school. I ran into him, and I didn’t know he worked here.”

  “And just what are you doing here, anyway?”

  “I got Evie this job. I recommended her to Uncle Lucien.”

  Quinn’s eyes bulged from their sockets. “Uncle?”

  “Yeah, you jackass,” Brad said in an annoyed voice. “Her last name should have given you a clue. Selena Merlin.”


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