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Spank Her Very Much

Page 3

by Holla Dean

  Stepping out from behind the door, Gina said, “Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my bedroom?”

  She spoke in a firm, demanding tone and she could tell the burglar was startled. He turned around quickly and they both stared at each other.

  “You!” She exclaimed as she recognized the man who had blistered her ass. She didn’t remember him being quite so hunky and handsome.

  “You!” Brent exclaimed as he realized he was looking at the same young woman he’d fooled into believing he was the owner of the house she was robbing several weeks ago.

  They stood there, both of them completely dumbfounded with the situation.

  Slowly it dawned on Gina that this man who had threatened to call the police if she didn’t submit to a spanking was not the owner of that house as he had claimed. He was simply another burglar and she had fallen for his ruse.

  “You son of a bitch!” Gina cried as she launched herself at him. She was ready to do him bodily harm now that she understood he’d tricked her into that spanking.

  Brent caught her arms and stopped her before she could scratch his eyes out.

  “Whoa!” He said. “Calm down; there’s no need for violence here.”

  “No need for violence?!” She exclaimed as she tried to kick him in the shin. “What do you call that spanking you gave me if not violence?”

  Brent picked her up and tossed her on the bed. Then he covered her body with his to hold her down so she couldn’t hurt him.

  “Get off me, you asshole!”

  “Not until you calm down, honey.”

  Gina took a deep breath and heaved her body upwards trying to buck him off. But it didn’t work; he was still on top of her. She tried again with the same results.

  After several panting breaths, she said, “Okay, okay. I’m calm now, get the hell off me.”

  Brent eased up a little, but wasn’t sure he could trust her so he kept the majority of his weight on her.

  “I’m gonna let you up but I want your promise that you won’t start attacking me again.”

  Gina nodded her head.

  Brent shook his head and said, “I want you to say it. Say you’ll behave yourself when I let you up.”

  She gave him a dark look, “After what you did to me in that other house, I should call the cops and have them put your ass in jail.”

  He smiled a charming crooked smile at her and replied, “But you’d have to tell them how you came to find me here and I think you’d end up in jail right along with me.”

  “Let me up.” She growled as she gave her hips a wiggle to emphasize what she wanted.

  He felt his cock respond to her wiggling.

  “Just as soon as you promise to behave.”

  “Fine! I promise I won’t attack you.”

  Brent moved to the side and let her sit up. She scooted to the other side of the bed.

  “So what do you want to do about this?” She asked.

  He shrugged and said, “I suppose you’ve already cleaned out all the best stuff?”

  “Not really,” she said. “I just filled my pockets. There’s plenty more in the closets. I don’t like to carry a bag so I just take what fits in my pockets.”

  “Did you find a wall safe?” He asked, glad that she wasn’t looking at his crotch or she’d see the raging hard-on he had developed while she was wiggling underneath him.

  “Not in here. I was going to see if I could find a den or office and check there.”

  “Okay. I think you should share with me what you’ve already taken and then we’ll go together to see if we can find a safe.”

  “Share! You’re nuts! Why the hell should I share my loot with you?”

  “Because I don’t trust you that there’s anything else in these closets.”

  “Well, that’s just too damn bad. Whatever I got, I got without your help and I’m not sharing.”

  She got up from the bed and he asked, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m done here. If there’s a safe you can find it and crack it.”

  “No, if you’re not going to share then you’re coming in the closets with me and then we’ll go together to find the safe.”

  “Fine, let’s just do it quick. I’ve been in here too long already.”

  In the closets he found she had told the truth. There was still plenty of jewelry and he snatched it up and stuffed it in his pockets.

  “Can we go now?” Gina asked.

  “Yeah, we’re going to check this floor for an office or den and then we’ll check downstairs if we don’t find it up here.”

  “Why don’t you check up here and I’ll run and look downstairs?” Gina had every intention of just leaving and getting the hell away from this guy.

  Brent shook his head and said, “No way. I don’t trust you not to take off and call the police.”

  She gave a big sigh and said, “I’m not going to call the cops, but I do want to get out of here. I don’t care about the safe.”

  “Too bad.” He grabbed her arm and half dragged her through the rest of the second floor as they looked for a den or office.

  They went downstairs and took a right since they knew the formal dining and kitchen were to the left. They were in a large living room that spilled over into a billiards room with two pool tables. That room led into a short hall that took them to the office.

  “I’ll check behind the wall art, you check the cabinets.” Brent ordered.

  Gina bristled at being told what to do but she did it. She opened the doors of a small table next to an easy chair but it was just storage. Then she went to the credenza behind the desk and found the safe.

  She immediately started to work on the dial trying to crack it open. Brent saw what she was doing and came to stand behind her.

  “Are you any good at cracking safes?” He asked her.

  “I’m not great at it, but I’ve managed a few. If I can’t get it open in a few minutes I usually stop and get out. What about you?”

  “I’m no good with just my fingers, but I have a stethoscope that usually works for me.”

  She moved over and said, “Have at it.”

  Brent sat on the floor in front of the safe and pulled out a stethoscope that was tucked inside his shirt. He fitted the earpieces in place and then put the end of it on the combination dial of the safe.

  “Keep quiet.” He told her as he began turning the dial.

  He turned the dial three complete revolutions to the right before he switched direction and began turning to the left. Gina thought she counted two revolutions and then he went right again for just about a quarter of a turn.

  Brent pushed the handle down and the door swung open. He pulled out several files that were stacked about three inches high. Then he reached his arm in and did a sweep of the entire interior of the safe. Out tumbled eight stacks of one hundred dollar bills.

  Gina’s eyes grew wide and round, “Holy shit! How much is that?”

  “If they’re regular bank stacks that haven’t had any bills removed, then there are a hundred bills per stack. That makes ten grand per stack for a tidy total of eighty grand.”

  “Wow! Let’s grab ‘em and get outta here.” Gina said, her heart wildly pounding now.

  He tossed her four of the stacks and crammed the remaining four under his shirt. He stuffed the stethoscope down the neck of the shirt and stood up. Then he put the files back into the safe, closed the door, and spun the dial.

  Brent stood up, looked at her and asked, “Ready?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  They walked swiftly through the lower floor and in the mudroom Gina set the alarm to the on position and they exited through the garage.

  Once outside they paused and scanned the grounds for any activity. Then Gina took off running towards her corner where she could get an easy boost from the tree to get back over the fence.

  Brent followed her, wanting to call out but knowing he needed to remain quiet. When they reached the tree Gin
a found she couldn’t reach the branch from this side of the fence. Brent gave her a boost up, and once he saw she was safely over, he jumped to grab the branch and pulled himself up.

  Gina walked briskly towards her car and Brent kept up with her. She really wanted to lose him but she wanted to get to her car even more.

  As she unlocked her car Brent asked, “Will you give me a lift to my car?”

  She hesitated but couldn’t really think of a reason to say no. To be safe it was better that they both clear out of the area as soon as possible. If she refused and someone had seen them, then the police could be called and if he was caught, he might give her up as well.

  “Get in.” She said as she put the vehicle in drive and took off as soon as he’d shut the door.

  “My car is half a mile down and over two streets.” He told her.

  She didn’t answer him and just kept driving.

  “Hey, what do you say we go out get a drink to celebrate our lucky night?”

  “No way,” she replied. “We’d be too conspicuous dressed the way we are. I’m going home.”

  He shifted in his seat so he was facing her and said, “My name is Brent. Pleased to meet you.”

  She glanced at him and grinned. She was feeling an incredible rush over the jewelry she’d scored and the forty thousand dollars that was her half of the cash.

  “I’m Gina, nice to meet you Brent.”

  “We work well together, Gina. What do you say we exchange phone numbers and get together sometime? We could work a couple of bigger jobs together.”

  She was still embarrassed about the spanking from a few months ago but she didn’t want to bring it up. She certainly didn’t want to bring up what had happened following the spanking. She decided to push that unfortunate incident to the back of her mind and not talk about or think about it. Working with a partner could be beneficial. She would let bygones be bygones.

  “Sure,” she answered. “There’s a notepad in the glove box with a pen. Write your number down and I’ll give you mine.”

  They reached his car while Brent was still writing down the phone numbers. He ripped off the sheet with her number and then wrote his down on the next sheet.

  “How ‘bout lunch tomorrow?” He asked her.

  “Sounds good. Let’s meet at Julio’s on Bell and Pima Road.”

  “Great. One o’clock? The lunch rush should be thinning out by then.”

  “Yeah, see you then.”

  Chapter Three

  After their lunch things began to move fairly quickly as far as their partnership went. They agreed to split the take on all jobs evenly.

  Gina invited Brent to her apartment so she could fill him in on all the research she did to make sure the jobs she went on would not end up with her in jail.

  Brent was impressed with how she did things. He had never bothered doing much in the way of research. Mostly he just made sure the house he was breaking into was empty. He had to admit that Gina’s methods made for a safer break-in.

  As they sat at her kitchen table with her iPad opened to the county’s public records website, she realized they had not yet spoken about their first meeting and how he had deceived her and conned her into letting him spank her.

  “You know I’m still mad at you about how you let me think you were the owner of that house we first met in.”

  Brent had wondered when she’d bring that up. Now he looked at her and asked, “Are you mad because I let you think I was the owner or mad that I gave you a spanking?”

  “Both,” she answered. “I was afraid you’d still call the cops. And you have to admit the spanking was much more than I deserved.”

  “If I’d been the owner of that house I’d say you deserved every smack you got on your very spankable ass.”

  “Besides,” he continued, “your pussy was soaking wet afterwards and it didn’t take much to make you come.”

  Gina blushed at the reminder of how he’d plunged his fingers deep inside her and her body had almost instantly convulsed around his fingers.

  Brent leaned over towards her and asked softly, “Wanna do it again?”

  “No! I want to forget it ever happened!”

  He chuckled and said, “I don’t how you’re going to do that; I know it’s something that I will be remembering for a long time. And I do want to do it again.”

  Gina wanted to change the subject and she started talking about their first robbery as a team. She was far too attracted to Brent in her opinion.

  On their first planned job together they broke into another mansion. This one was a little smaller and Gina was not able to find a floor plan so they had to go in without knowing anything about the layout.

  Brent picked the lock on the French doors of the master bedroom that led out into the pool area. They entered a very opulent bedroom. The bed was draped with sheer hangings from the canopy. The furniture was all a deep walnut. Gina stood and admired the beautiful art on the walls, the small collection of tiny vases on a table near the chaise lounge, and the elaborate hand painted wall coverings.

  “Quit gawking,” Brent ordered. “Let’s hit the closets.”

  Gina followed him to the closets and they ransacked all the drawers but found very little. Next they looked for a safe behind the artwork on the walls but there wasn’t one.

  She went into the huge restroom which boasted a double width jet tub. Two people could sit side by side, facing each other in this huge tub. There was an opaque glass door next to the tub and Gina opened it and stepped into a shower that was the size of a small bedroom.

  Two walls were lined with built-in seating wide enough to lie down on. The ceiling and all walls had several shower heads. There was enough room in this shower for at least eight people. She wondered if the owners were into kinky group showers. Maybe they had orgies and then all came in to shower together.

  Brent came up behind her saying, “You’re gawking again.” But then he ended up gawking as well.

  “I want to take a shower in here,” Gina announced.

  “We can’t, Gina. We’ve got to limit our time in these houses and we haven’t found any substantial loot yet.”

  “I don’t care,” she replied. “When will I ever get a chance to be in a shower like this again?”

  Brent shook his head and said, “Do what you want, I’m gonna go look for the safe.”

  Gina looked over her shoulder to make sure he had left the room. Then she stripped and stepped into the massive shower.

  Figuring out how to turn on the water took her several minutes. The control panel was all electronic and she was blasted with icy water before she figured out the temperature control.

  Oh! This is heaven! As hot water cascaded from the ceiling and gently sprayed her from the walls she thought this was pure luxury. She laid down on one of the long seating benches and switched the controls to a massage level. After a few minutes she rolled over and let the massage continue on her other side. Next she tried a soft, gentle rainfall setting

  Laying there on her back, completely relaxed with her eyes closed, she basked in the most wonderful shower experience she’d ever had.

  She didn’t hear the door open but suddenly a naked Brent was leaning over her and kissing her as he cupped her breast in his hand.

  Her eyes flew open and for a second she thought she should push him away. But she was too relaxed and it did feel so good.

  She kissed him back bringing one arm up behind his neck to pull him in closer and make it a deeper kiss.

  He slipped his tongue into her mouth and she touched it with her tongue. A low moan sounded from deep in Brent’s throat and he moved to lie over Gina’s body.

  Brent’s hand caressed her side, dipping in at her small waist and then rounding over the gentle swell of her hip and back up to her breast.

  “Let me fuck you,” he whispered as he nibbled on her tender earlobe.

  Gina’s breath caught at the vulgarity, but at the same time she felt her pussy tighten in anti
cipation. She knew she should say no. She should get up, dry off, get dressed, and then they should get the hell out of this house.

  But she didn’t say no. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him again. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her hip and it felt good. It felt big, and long, and very hard. She imagined it entering her and having him pound away at her.

  She answered him with a movement that put his hips between her legs and his cock was pressing against her wet slit.

  Brent took her breast in his mouth and sucked on it, making her nipple hard and taut. He nipped at it with his teeth and caused a jolt to shoot down to her pussy.

  He slipped his arms under her thighs and draped her legs over his shoulder. Then he slowly entered her. Inch by inch he slipped into her pussy waiting for her body to accommodate his size. When he was in all the way he began to move in and out.

  Gina met every one of his moves with one of her own. She hooked her ankles together behind his shoulders and pulled him in as deep as she could.

  He pulled out and she pouted with disappointment and moaned her protest.

  “Turn over and get on your knees,” he commanded.

  Hmmm...doggy style, my favorite. She quickly did what he asked.

  Brent caressed her ass and dipped his fingers into her juicy pussy. Then he gave her a few quick sharp slaps on her ass.

  “Ow! What was that for?” She squealed.

  “For having the most spankable ass I’ve ever seen.”

  He smacked her a few more times and then plunged his cock into her. Gina shoved her ass backwards to meet his thrusts. She was somewhat surprised to find the slaps on her ass gave an extra thrill to the fucking.

  The tingling caused by the spanks seemed to radiate right to her pussy and in very short order she was on the verge of coming.

  Brent wasn’t quite as ready as she was and he slowed the pace he had set. He reached around Gina’s hip and began to tease her clit so she could come and then he’d get her ready to do it again when he came. It wasn’t long before she came, hard and fast.


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