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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

Page 5

by Roxanne Witherell

  “What do you want?” She said low enough that the wolf wouldn’t hear her, at least she thinks.

  The wolf jerked his head to the side then turned in that direction. After taking a few steps he stopped and looked at her, jerking his head once more. Michael let out a whimper. When Jessica looked at Michael he licked her face.

  “Go, mommy,” Madison whispered. “Wolf help.”

  “You want me to follow you?” Jessica called out to the wolf.

  This is crazy, she thought until the wolf barked in response. Jessica looked over her shoulder and saw Madison nodding.

  “Okay, we are going to follow this strange wolf in the middle of the woods.” Jessica said sarcastically.

  The wolf whined, turned back around and started walking. Jessica did a little hop to readjust Madison higher up then started walking. She had to stop when Madison got sick again. This time she managed to get it on the ground this time. Jessica tucked Michael under her arm like a football and started walking again with one arm under Madison’s leg.

  After walking for a good twenty minutes, Jessica began to get tired of carrying the twins. She had made up some distance between them and the wolf, but she stayed far enough away for some reaction time. Wolves were unpredictable, she knows that much. He had stopped once and whined, but Jessica backed away when he walked towards her. When she had backed away the wolf turned back around and kept walking. He didn’t look back again. Soon the opening to the cabin came into view.

  “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” Jessica whispered pinching her eyes shut as if her praise would reach further.

  When she opened her eyes, she realized the wolf had stopped.

  “Thank you for helping us. You can go away now.” Jessica hoped he would leave now.

  To her surprise the wolf took off back into the woods. Jessica let out a deep breath in relief. Checking behind her to make sure the wolf is gone, Jessica rushed into the cabin. Locking the door behind her she put Michael and Madison down. Madison ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Michael tried to run off but Jessica was able to catch him.

  “Oh, no you don’t. Do you realize you could have been hurt?” Jessica quickly realized she is wasting her breath on her pup so she put him down. “We will continue this later.”

  Chapter 8


  When Alexander was driving up the driveway to cabin three, he heard a woman screaming. He pulled over and turned his car off so he would be able to hear. With the window down, it was easy to hear a woman calling for her child. There is only one place it could be coming from. Alexander didn’t need to drive up to the cabin. It will be faster shifting here and running through the woods.

  Alexander passed the cabin and ran further into the woods. He could tell by her scent where the human woman is. Instead of going to her, he went around and went ahead of her. He caught the same scent from last night. Is the woman chasing after a shifter? Regardless of who she is chasing, Alexander had to help her.

  He weaved around a few trees following the scent. After 100 yards or so he could hear the running steps of another. He howled to get the shifters attention. It didn’t work out the way he had hoped. He wanted the shifter to stop, instead the shifter stopped briefly then started running again. If the sound is anything to go by it sounded as if the shifter is having a rough time. Alexander could tell the shifter is small and sounds like a clumsy shifter. He knows he’s catching up. By the direction he is running, Alexander took a chance on where they were heading. Whoever this is; was following the path Alexander had taken the night before. He turned off the path so he can try and cut the shifter off before it got to the dried-up creek. That’s the boundary between the O’Neil pack mountain and the smaller mountain next to them. Is he trying to find the pack? If so why wouldn’t the shifter realize he is here?

  Alexander came up to the point in which he thought the shifter will be. He didn’t hear anything, maybe he arrived too early. He ran straight down the path he took. Alexander howled out when saw a small pup stumble across the path looking lost. He should have known it would be a pup, Alexander mentally smacked his forehead. That’s why the scent is off it has more human scent than wolf.

  The pup whined loudly and ran behind the nearest tree. Alexander ran up to the tree and popped up in front up the pup. First the pup let out a sad little growl that ended in a whimper. Without hesitation Alexander picked the pup up with his teeth, taking care not to hurt the pup’s neck. ‘Time to take you to your mother’, Alexander thought.

  The pup seemed to relax and accept that he is being carried this way. Alexander won’t run with the pup because he didn’t want to scare him. So he just walked down the path he took last night. If she was able to follow the pup then he knows he’ll run into her in a little bit. When the breeze started blowing through the trees he could tell they were close. Alexander scrunched up his nose. The smell is unpleasant to say the least. The pups mother is just around the bend ahead. He cut through the trees to meet them.

  Alexander couldn’t believe his eyes. Jennifer is walking with a little girl, not a Jessica Salone. Did Logan get the name wrong? She may have gained some weight but that’s her, he is sure of it. He could never forget Jennifer; she’s the one that got away. The one his heart desired. She is still the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. The little girl mirrored her mother’s looks. For a moment, he forgot what he was doing. The moment she saw him, she looked terrified pulling the little girl behind her.

  “Oh dear God, please don’t hurt him.” She cried out.

  Alexander slowed down a little but continued to walk towards her. He took in the sight of her. She is scared but she’s brave. She showed little fear; at least she hid it well. She is more beautiful than he remembers. The weight filled her out in the sexiest ways imaginable.

  “Please put him down.” She begged.

  Alexander didn’t want her to be afraid of him, not now or ever. He kept walking to her. He expected her to back up, prepared to run but she stood where she was. Once he stood right in front of her, he gently put the pup at her feet. Trying to make sure she would notice his kindness and relax. He couldn’t take his eyes away from hers. In front of him stood his mate. Alexander knew that with every fiber of his being, now that he laid his eyes on her. He backed up slowly still looking at her. He tried to ‘will’ her to understand she is his mate but he knew it didn’t work like that. It will come in time. He didn’t look away from her beautiful eyes. Many things are running through his mind. She still didn’t move so Alexander sat back to let her know he isn’t going anywhere. She bent down to pick the pup up.

  “Madison, climb on my back. Let’s go for another piggy back ride.” She said to the little girl.

  “Scared,” he heard the little girl whisper behind her mother’s back.

  “It’s okay. Mommy won’t let anything happen.”

  Alexander didn’t want the little girl to fear him. He laid on the ground putting his head down. This changed the little girl’s mind since she climbed onto her mother’s back wrapping her legs around, and a death grip around mom’s neck. Cradling the pup on the side opposite of what Alexander thinks can be nothing other than vomit, she stood up.

  She slowly started backing up with her children loaded up. She has strength, he’ll give her that. Alexander let her go. He was afraid if he moved she will take off running. She may want to watch where she is going. When Alexander realized she wasn’t going to turn around to see what’s behind her, that he needs to warn her about the tree behind her. He lets out a bark but that only seems to make her close in the distance between her and the tree a little faster, bumping the little girl into the tree. At least she wasn’t running so it didn’t seem to hurt the little girl. Alexander laughed to himself when the little girl said “momma” in a way that can only be taken as a warning. She apologized then continued backing up, this time looking back and forth. She must be making sure he didn’t move. Not wanting to scare her, Alexander stayed w
here he was until they were out of sight.

  He waited for a moment. Once he was sure they were a good distance away he got up and walked through the woods. Making sure to stay out of sight Alexander followed them. He needs to make sure they make it back to the cabin. The pup ran a far ways away from the cabin and it’s easy to get lost out here if you don’t know where you are going. True to that thought, she had stopped and spun in a circle, probably trying to figure out where she is. He will have to tell her that’s the easiest way to get lost. Alexander barked out to get her attention. When she looked his way, he jerked his head in the direction she needs to go. She took a few steps to the side and just looked at him.

  “What do you want?” She said. He didn’t think she meant for him to hear because it was barely above a whisper.

  He jerked his head to the side then turned in the right direction taking a few steps. When he looked back she still hasn’t moved so he jerked his head once more. The pup let out a whimper and licked his mother’s face.

  “Go, mommy,” the little girl whispered. “Wolf help.”

  “You want me to follow you?” She called out to him.

  Seriously you are just now getting it, he thought. He barked at her hoping she would understand he wants her to come on. She glanced back at the little girl then back at Alexander.

  “Okay, we are going to follow this strange wolf in the middle of the woods.” She said loudly in a sarcastic way.

  He whined then turned around and started walking again. He could hear her walking behind him so he continued. Slowing down, he allowed her to catch up to him. She would stop and adjust the children and start walking again. Alexander wants to help her. He is more than capable of carrying the pup and it would make it easier on her too. He stopped and took a few steps towards her but she backed up with every step he took this time. She must not want him anywhere near her. Taking the hint, Alexander turned back towards cabin three and started walking again.

  He just needs to get them back to the cabin and get away from her. She is terrified of him. Even though she put on a brave face, he knew she is scared. He didn’t look back at her the rest of the way. Maybe it would ease her mind a little. Finally, they came into view of the cabin; surely she will see it through the trees. Alexander knew the moment she noticed the cabin.

  “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” She whispered.

  Alexander stopped and stood near a tree out of the direct line of the cabin. She opened her eyes and noticed he is looking at her.

  “Thank you for helping us. You can go away now.”

  Alexander knew a sendoff when he heard one. She is dismissing him. He took his leave and didn’t turn back as he ran off. She doesn’t know it but she will be seeing him again real soon.

  Chapter 9


  Damien sat in the warehouse office thinking about checking in with the boss. It’s not a call he wants to make. Ryan hasn’t checked in since before the full moon. Ryan and two others are stationed at the mountain location in West Virginia. Their job is simple, obtain the samples the boss needs and ship them out. Sometimes if they have enough samples someone will drive up there and pick them up. However, no shipment has come yet, and Damien hasn’t heard from him. Ryan has never failed to check in, and he has been out there for ten months. Something must be wrong; Ryan seemed smart enough not to double cross the boss. Those that did turn on him didn’t live long enough to enjoy it.

  If a package doesn’t come tomorrow, Damien is sure that he will be sent up there to pick it up. Ryan has always been a problem for him. He didn’t even know why the boss kept him around. Ryan is always messing up something. There’s bound to be someone else that can collect the damn samples and send them to base. It can’t be that damn hard, he thought. This is bound to be Ryan’s last fuck up. After letting an agent in, regardless of him dealing with it, this was to be his last chance to prove he is useful. Damien will be glad to get rid of Ryan; he’s just waiting on the order. His phone started to ring. Picking it up from the desk, and looking at the screen, he sees the boss’ number pop up.

  “Good afternoon, sir.” Damien greeted.

  “Well?” His gruff voice demanded an immediate answer.

  “No delivery, sir.” The boss liked short answers.

  “What do you mean no delivery? Is the truck late?”

  “No sir, I checked and there isn’t a shipment at all. Nothing is coming.”

  “That’s not acceptable. I lost another test subject. I need more samples for the elixir.”

  Damien heard a bam in the background. He is almost positive the boss hit his fist on a desk. He can imagine the veins on the boss’ neck throbbing with his anger as his face turns red.

  “Maybe the shipment will be here tomorrow.” Damien suggested, wanting to calm the boss a little.

  “Doesn’t matter. Go up there and find out what’s going on. Don’t let Ryan know you are there until Wednesday.”

  “Yes, sir.” Damien replied.

  “Oh, and bring me another test subject.”

  A sharp click and dial tone let him know the boss hung up. Putting his phone in his pocket, he walked out of the office in search of Kyle. Kyle will need to take over here at the warehouse while Damien is gone. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where Kyle is; just follow the screams and yelps. He found Kyle poking one of the test subjects with a silver tipped probe.

  “Kyle, leave him alone.” He demanded. “They won’t be any use if they are half dead.”

  “I’m only playing with him.” Kyle reasoned. “Besides the lab won’t need any more this week, they pulled three last week.”

  “They need another one now. They don’t seem to be lasting as long as they used to.” He commented.

  Damien walked down the isle of silver holding cells. The lab is going through more and more bodies each month. This will make five this month alone. He will have to be on a look out for more test subjects since there are only three left. He stopped in front of cell 13; a young woman in her twenties is sitting on the floor with her head on her knees.

  “Hmm…” Damien kicked the bars to get her attention.

  Slowly she raised her head, narrowing her eyes at him. She isn’t broken yet. There’s still more fun to be had with her, Damien thought. He smiled at her, and licked his lips then continued walking. Three cells down a wolf laid on the floor balled up. This man broke easily. He probably hasn’t even been a shifter long, maybe a year tops. The wolf looked up at him then set his head back down.

  “This one, he’s ready.” He told Kyle.

  The wolf growled just before Kyle shot him with a tranquilizer. Damien turned to go and get the van ready for transport while the tranquilizer is getting the wolf ready. As he passed cell 13, he stopped, and looked at the female shifter.

  “When I get back we will have some more fun.” He grinned. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  To his surprise the shifter stood up with a sultry smile on her face. Just as she reached the cell door, she spits in his face.

  “You stupid bitch!” Damien wiped his face with his hand. “You’ll pay for that when I get back.”

  He didn’t have time for her ass right now. When the boss wants something done, you drop everything and do it now. Damien had to walk three blocks to get the van. The only time it’s at the warehouse is for pickup and deliveries. Every few days they would move the van to another spot so they don’t draw attention. Kyle should be getting the shifter bound and ready for pickup. Damien wants to be in West Virginia by sun up

  Chapter 10


  Jessica took a second to compose herself before she went to check on Madison. She double checked the locks on both doors before she walked down the hall to the bathroom. When she walks into the bathroom, Madison’s heaving over the toilet. This isn’t turning out to be a good day. All she needs now is for Alexander to call and her day will completely be shit. Just as the thought crossed her mind the doorbell rang.

sp; “Oh crap!” Jessica ran to the door and glanced out the peep hole.

  “Double crap,” she murmured.

  Alexander is standing on the other side of the door. She wasn’t planning on talking to him while Michael’s a wolf. Jessica took a deep breath. Looking down she noticed she had on the same shirt Madison had gotten sick on. She instantly became nervous. She looks like crap right now. Maybe she has time to change. The doorbell rang again telling her there wasn’t time.

  “Oh well, here goes nothing.” Jessica glanced around to make sure Michael isn’t running around where he can be seen.

  She opened the door and took in the sight in front of her. Damn, he looks great. His hair is longer than she remembers. She immediately wanted to run her fingers through it. They both stood there looking at each other. When his gaze went down the length of her body, she became very aware of him. She should have changed before opening the damn door.

  “Do I say hello to Jennifer or Jessica?” Alexander asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

  “Hi Alexander. I’m sorry I lied to you. It’s Jessica.” She hopes he will understand. “You know, one night stand and all. Didn’t want you to turn out to be a stalker.”

  Alexander looked at her for a moment before finally nodding in acceptance. That alone is a small relief.

  “May I come in?”

  “Yes. No. I mean it’s not a good time right now.” Jessica looked over her shoulder when she heard a small growl. Michael had managed to pull a blanket off one of the twin beds. He’s growling as he is pulling it with his teeth.

  “I can tell it’s not a good time.” Alexander indicated the vomit stain on her shirt. “Maybe I can help.”


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