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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

Page 16

by Roxanne Witherell

  Hopefully Madison will take a nap for a couple of hours. On the way up the hall Jessica heard the front door open. She quickened her step thinking that it’s Alexander. Coming around the corner she almost walked right into Jayden.

  “Sorry,” she took a few steps back.

  “No, it’s my bad.” He apologized as Abby walks up.

  “Is Alexander with you?” She already knows they didn’t find Michael. She won’t be rolling out any questions on anyone other than Alexander.

  “No, we had to separate.” Jayden gave Abby a hug. “He’s with Logan. Chloe should know something.”

  Chloe didn’t mention that Alexander was with Logan. Maybe she just missed it. Shrugging it off she walks past them to go outside. She can’t sit around, and just wait. The door opens as she gets in front of it. She stops as Sebastian steps into the doorway.

  “Jessica,” he nodded a greeting. “Would you like to talk?”

  “Not really, I’m just going to go outside for a few minutes, and get some air.” She answered.

  “Very well,” he held the door open for her to pass through.

  He closed the door behind her. Grateful for the time alone, she walks down the front steps. Closing her eyes, she says a prayer for Michael to be strong. She knows she will see him again. Although she doesn’t know how yet, she will get him back. Wondering if this is going to be a ransom, she pulls her cell phone from her pocket. Damn it, it’s in the red. Jessica turned to go back inside when she heard a noise off to the right. Not thinking of anything else she slowly crept to the side of the house. The noise had stopped by the time she was at the corner of the cabin. She listened closely before glancing out. Alexander’s inches from her, staring down at her.

  “What in the world were you thinking?” Alexander boomed.

  “What?” Jessica doesn’t understand what she did wrong.

  “Taking a shifter pup out in the woods by yourself; you’re just a human.”

  “Excuse you!” Jessica’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you trying to blame this on me? How is this my fault?”

  “You’re not as fast as a shifter. A little pup can outrun you easily.”

  “I’m sorry I’m not as superior as shifters.” She grinded out sarcastically. “However, if I want to take MY son for a walk, I will do it whenever the hell I want to. Without shifter supervision.” Who knew he could piss her off so easily?

  “Now, that’s not what I said.” He took a step back.

  “Oh, that’s exactly what you said.” She shot back at him. “And..” she drew it out for dramatics, “had you told me this place is crawling with shifters, and some aren’t friendly then I wouldn’t have taken the children out.”

  “It’s not crawling…”

  “Oh yeah, so far I count eleven, and that’s not including Michael.”

  “There’s only ten of us. We don’t know the man that took Michael.”

  “Obviously,” Jessica rolled her eyes. “How do we get him back, Alexander?” All her attitude lifted away. All she wants is Michael back.

  “We have an idea of who it is. Now we just need to locate him.” He informed her.

  “Why didn’t you say so?” Jessica got excited. “Who is it?”

  “You see that’s the thing. We don’t know exactly who.” He burst her bubble just as quickly. “Short version. A few shifters came to the next mountain over but most of them are long gone.”

  “Then wouldn’t he be on that mountain?” She questioned.

  “Not exactly. We were able to follow the scents of Michael, and the shifter, but they had too much of a head start. By the time I got there, they were already on the interstate. Why didn’t you call me the minute it happened?” He asks.

  “Because I thought it was you.” She said regretfully. “He is the same color as you. Even Michael believed it was you, he ran straight to the wolf. I never thought there would be more out there.”

  “The world is full of things that are unknown to humans.” He said matter of fact.

  Jessica sighed she doesn’t care what’s out there. Michael is what matters. With the shifter taking Michael onto the interstate, there is no telling where they are going. They could be well out of West Virginia by now.

  “Okay so you know nothing then.” Jessica pointed out.

  “I will get him back.” Alexander growled out.

  He didn’t wait for a reply before he walked off. He went inside, and she didn’t want to follow. She still needed her minute alone. She leaned up against the cabin, taking a few deep breaths to keep herself from crying. She isn’t going to give up, there must be a way. With a grunt, she pushed off the cabin. Jessica heard a vehicle pulling away from the cabin. Looking around to the front, she noticed Chloe’s leaving the yard. She wonders if there is a lead with Michael.

  They will probably have better luck if the police were involved. They can probably find him quicker than the pack can. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, Jessica started back to the porch. The screen of her phone is black. Damn it, she forgot to put it on charge. It’s probably for the best any way since an officer has already been hurt. She hates not being in the loop on things.

  When she came inside, she was taken aback by the look on Alexander’s face. Then she saw it, the letter that she wrote earlier is in his hands. Fuck! She had forgotten to put it in her room after the children woke up this morning. He must have seen it folded up in the kitchen. How did she forget to put that away? He looks pissed, and she already knows this isn’t going to be good.

  He nudged his head in the direction of the hall. She has to go to her room anyway to put her phone on charge. When she took a step forward, he turned, and walked down the hall. Alexander had walked into her bedroom by the time she rounded the corner. She checked in on Madison before going into her room. Not wanting to disturb Madison while she is sleeping, Jessica closed the door behind her.

  “What the hell is this?” Alexander throws the letter onto the bed. “You were just going to leave without telling me anything? Is this a dear John letter?”

  “No, I wasn’t going to give it to you.” She admitted. “I wrote it trying to figure out what to say to you.”

  “Why not just tell me you were just taking my children from me again?” The way he said again made her cringe.

  “You knew we were only here so you can help the children. You knew we couldn’t stay. I have a career back home.” Jessica passed Alexander, and sat on the bed. “I didn’t expect to be called in to go back to work Saturday.”

  “Just tell them you can’t.” He said as if it was no big deal.

  “I can’t do that.” She looked up at him. “I need my job.”

  “Find one here.” Alexander acted like he had it all figured out.

  “Look, it’s not that simple. Besides, I’m not going anywhere until I get Michael back.” She stated.

  “Then I have some time to change your mind.” Alexander walked out of the room, once again not waiting for a response.

  Is this the way he is? She wondered. Every time there’s a disagreement, or an argument, is he just going to walk away? That’s not how she settles things, and if this is his way then they aren’t going to get very far.

  Jessica grabbed her charger from the nightstand. She decided to bring it into the living room in case the kidnapper called. Although, she doesn’t have high hopes of that since Michael doesn’t know the phone number, and she doesn’t see how the kidnapper could get it. She still wants it close just in case. Hearing a bunch of talking coming from the living room, Jessica left her room to see what’s going on. She plugged her phone up next to the coffee maker then went to the dining room.

  “What’s going on?” She asked in general, not caring who answered her.

  “We have a plan.” Makenna says with hope in her voice.

  “Really, what?” Jessica asked stepping over to Makenna.

  “We are going to track his cell phone.” Alexander answered for Makenna.

  “How do you have his
number?” She asks curiously.

  “We found some phones at some cabins they were using on the other mountain I told you about. Chloe and Jayden are on their way to get my laptop so we can try to run a trace. It’s not a 100 percent guarantee but it’s a start.”

  “With luck, Logan may be able to bring back a little more information when he is able to leave.” Sebastian joined in.

  “Is he still with the policeman that got hurt?” She asked. It has been a few hours she didn’t realize it would take them this long.

  “He went with them to the hospital. When the sheriff gets out of surgery, Logan hopes to be able to talk to him more.” Sebastian continued. “The sheriff is unable to talk right now. So, it may take a while or they may send Logan away, making him go back tomorrow.

  “I hope he can see him tonight. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to get the police involved? They would be able to run a trace easily.” Jessica suggested.

  “Human police are no use in a situation that involves shifters. That usually adds to the body count.” Alexander informed her.

  “What about shifter police? Don’t your kind have those?”

  “Yeah,” Liam laughed. “If you want us all to get thrown in shifter reserves.”

  “Liam thinks paranormal agents work with the human government to trap shifters.” Alexander explained.

  “I don’t think. I know they do.” Liam says. “What happens to all the missing ones? Their families never hear from them again. They were probably found out about, and got shipped off.”

  “Who’s missing? Other than Michael?” Jessica asked him.

  “I don’t know I just know they are missing.” Liam replied.

  Alexander raised an eyebrow at Liam, and Jessica noticed that Sebastian had the same look. Do they think Liam is off his rocker? Right now, Jessica isn’t worried about anyone else that may or may not have gone missing. The only one she wants to find is Michael.

  A vehicle started pulling in, and Jessica went to the front door to see Chloe’s jeep pull back up. Chloe and Jayden grabbed a few things from the back seat then headed up the steps. Jessica opened the door, holding it so they both can come in. They went straight to the dining room table to lay the stuff down.

  “Here you go.” Jayden placed a laptop in front of Alexander.

  Alexander thanked him, sat down, and immediately opened the laptop. Going to work on the keys, different screens popped up. Jessica walked closer, she’s curious as to what the screens said. There were Google searches, reverse lookups, and other pages behind those. Stopping, he put his hands on his head, and took a deep breath. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Jessica stepped behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders for encouragement. He placed his hand on hers then straightened up in his seat. Now with the look of determination, he reached for his phone, and made a call.

  “William, hey man, you busy right now?” He spoke into the phone.

  “I need your help again. You still dabble in cyber?” He waited for a reply before he began again. “I need a number traced to its exact location. Can you do that?”

  William must be able to since Alexander rambled off a phone number. After a few minutes, Alexander started typing again then stopped. He got up and walked outside but things were still happening on his computer.

  “William must have remote access now.” Chloe said taking Alexander’s seat. “He has always been brilliant.”

  Jessica had the feeling that Chloe may have a little crush on this William guy. Chloe rested her elbow on the table, and propped her head on her hand. While she was watching the computer, everyone scattered to various spots in the living room. This must take a while, so Jessica went to the living room and looked out the window.

  “Mommy!” Madison screamed, making her jump. Jessica ran back to the bedroom. Opening the door, she saw Madison sitting up in her bed.

  “What’s wrong, baby? Has something happened to Michael?” Madison nodded in response. Jessica’s heart ached with fear.

  “What happened?” She scooped Madison up into her arms, placing her on her lap.

  “They stop.”

  “Where?” Jessica asked. Madison shrugged her shoulders.

  “What does it look like? Maybe I can help you figure it out.” Jessica suggested.

  Madison looks as though she is focusing real hard. Her eyes are squinted as she looks around the room. Jessica wonders if she is even looking at the room or if she is looking around where Michael is.

  “Big building.” Madison stretched her arms out as wide as she could.

  “Is it tall, like the ones near mommy’s work?” Madison shakes her head.

  “Is it a house?” Again, Madison shakes her head. This would be easier if she were older.

  “Have you ever seen a place like it before?”

  Madison shrugs her shoulders but slightly nods. What the hell does that mean? She has seen one like it but she hasn’t? This had Jessica’s wheels spinning. Big building, but not a tall one. So, it has to be a single story, but not a house. She can’t think of many places a three-year-old has seen. Daycare, doctors, the animal clinic, parks, other houses, and apartments but nothing strikes her as a big building that’s only one story.

  “A barn, like where they put horses?” They did go to the country one day to ride horses.

  “No, mommy.” Madison turned, and put her hands on Jessica’s checks. “Not horsie, car,” and she started sputtering like a car.

  “A garage?” Madison shrugged one shoulder. Oh, this is nuts! Jessica took a deep breath. There’s got to be an easier way. Suddenly she had an idea.

  “Come on, baby. Mommy needs her phone and we can look at some pictures. How’s that sound?” Madison nodded with excitement.

  She carried Madison with her as she went to grab her phone from the kitchen. The front door opened just as she was coming into the living room.

  “We can’t trace it unless the phone is in use.” Alexander informed them when he came through the door.

  “Hey Madison,” his voice mellowed. “How was your nap?”

  “Good,” Madison reached her hands out for Alexander to pick her up.

  He sat down with her beside Jessica, and looked over to see what she was doing.

  “Madison maybe can identify the type of building Michael is at.” She told him.

  “Really?” He looked at Madison with a big smile. Madison nodded excitedly, and positioned herself so she can look at the pictures coming up on the phone.

  Jessica searched pictures of garages. Her first thought was a mechanics shop. Handing Madison the phone she let her scroll through the photos. She went through nearly 10 pages before coming to a picture of warehouses in a storage facility.

  “Like this!” She became excited, and began bouncing on Alexander’s knee.

  “Great job!” Jessica and Alexander said in unison. Jessica smiled at him.

  Finally, she felt as though they were getting somewhere. Now they just need to find out exactly where? If they have already stopped then they must be within a few states. Jessica wants to be in a vehicle on her way to get Michael. It’s difficult to have a clue but not much else. At least it’s a start.

  Chapter 26


  It took a few hours to get to the warehouse. The pup stayed in one spot on the floorboard, sleeping the last half of the trip. He parks as close to the warehouse door as he can. The occasional junkie or hooker coming in doesn’t go noticed, but a howling wolf may draw attention.

  Damien got out, and quickly went around to the other side of the truck. The pup ran to the other side and hid by the pedals. Damn mutt, doesn’t know who is he playing games with. Without opening the door, he pretended to walk back around the truck. When the pup returned to the passenger side to hide, he opened the door, and snatched the pup by the scruff of his neck.

  “Hush!” Damien hissed when the pup started whining again.

  When he didn’t stop, Damien clasped his hand over his muzzle to keep
him quiet. He adjusted the pup so he could get the keys from his pocket. Evidently Kyle is playing with the subjects rather than keeping an eye on things or he would have seen Damien pull up.

  Walking through the door he could hear muffled cries. Damn it, he told Kyle not to mess with the damn bobcat until he got back. This is why he didn’t bother to call. He needed to see what goes on when he isn’t here.

  “Oh Kyle I’m home.” He called out down the row cells.

  He could hear Kyle cursing as he zipped up his pants. Sobs continues even after Kyle steps out of her cell.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to touch my toy?” Damien asked when he was in front of Kyle.

  “I see you found a new kid. Boss will be pleased.” Kyle changed the subject.

  “He will be, but I’m not.” Damien growled.

  “Look the bitch started it. I had to show her that I will adjust her attitude.” Kylie explained poorly.

  “You better hope she is well enough to babysit.” Damien spat out, and continued towards the cell Kyle had just came from.

  “Here, kitty, kitty.” Damien taunted as he drew closer. “I got you a present.”

  She was curled up in the corner barely clothed. Blood is dripping from her nose, and her lip is split. Bruises scattered her face, and legs. They’ll have to keep her another week or two until she heals. If he skips an injection then she’ll heal faster. She’ll have more fight in her, but once she has healed herself the injections can start again. He has already shown Kyle how not to leave any visible marks for this exact reason. He should demonstrate again, this time on Kyle himself.

  Damien opened the cell door next to the women, and tossed the pup in. He yelped when he hit the mat then ran to the corner. When the pup laid in the corner on the mat, Damien locked the cell.

  “Get yourself cleaned up.” He ordered her before walking off. “And keep him quiet.”

  “You,” he pointed at Kyle. “Get her a damn towel or something. Don’t fucking touch her, again.”

  Kyle nodded, and hurried off. Shaking his head, Damien turned to head to the loft office. Why do they always stick him with the morons? Soon, it will be his turn to step up the ladder, and he can get out of this dump. Instead of hoe shows, he can be looking at some class ass. He thought of long legs in stockings, with perfectly round breast to go with them. The type of bodies only money can buy. Yeah, he’ll jump on that train.


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