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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

Page 18

by Roxanne Witherell

  The rest of the ride was uneventful. Jessica had gone back to sleep, and Madison nodded off an hour into the ride. The only one that was awake with him was Liam.

  “Hey man,” he got Liam’s attention. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about your tattoo. What does it mean?”

  “This one?” Liam pulled up his sleeve revealing the same tattoo that was in the picture from the phone.

  Alexander nodded. It’s an unusual tattoo, part tribal with a series of markings in the center creating another design.

  “I’m not sure exactly. I don’t remember getting it.” He said looking at the tattoo. “You know, like one of those things you do when you’re drunk out of your mind.”

  “How long have you had it?”

  “Few years I reckon.” Liam looked up at him. “I don’t remember much from before the change.”

  Alexander can understand that. He may be a full blood shifter but he has seen ones that were changed over the years. Some losing their mind, others stay the same, and there are ones that block the past. Starting new always seemed to be the way most went.

  After all, you can’t tell humans about being a shifter or you risk being put away. That’s one of Alexander’s biggest fears for Michael. If he isn’t there to protect Michael then there’s a chance the government would take him away. There wouldn’t be anything Jessica could do to stop them. He must find a way to get her to stay.

  Looking over at Jessica, he hated to have to wake her. They were still about thirty minutes out, but this is the perfect time to stop. He waited until he got off the interstate, and pulled into a gas station to wake her up. She stretched with her arms above her head. Her back was arched, pressing her breast against the fabric of her shirt. Alexander opened his door letting the cool night’s air in. He smiled as her nipples hardened in response to the cold. She had caught him looking right before he got out. She smiled in return, though she doesn’t know he seen.

  Everyone took care of business as Alexander filled the gas tank. Liam and Logan came out of the store first. Logan finished fueling so Alexander can hit the head. Jessica and Madison were walking out of the restrooms when he walked in. He smiled at her as he passed, and Madison asked for candy. They were still looking at candy when Alexander came out of the restroom.

  “Alright, come on we have to get back on the road.” He told Madison. She was looking back and forth between a couple of choices. “Get them both, and get one for Michael too.”

  Madison grabbed two packs of M&M’s, and two packs of Skittles. Her arms were full as she followed them to the register. Alexander picked her up so she could put her candy on the counter. He paid for the fuel, and candy then handed Madison her bag for her to carry. She proudly carried the bag out to the SUV.

  Once everyone was back in the vehicle, he pulled up to a parking space. He grabbed the laptop from the back seat and opened it up. Pulling up the screenshot from the trace, Alexander merged it with a street map. This allows him to know where to start looking with more detail.

  “Okay,” he enlarged the picture, and placed the laptop in Jessica’s lap. “We will be coming from this road here.” He pointed to the route he will be taking. “When I tell you, we will be within range. Keep your eye out for buildings that look the way Madison described.”

  “Madison, when I say ‘start looking,’ you let me know if you see the building that Michael is in. Okay?” Madison gave him a thumb up.

  Now that everyone knew what was going on, and how close they were, Alexander got back on the road. It won’t be long before they get to the call zone. He had guessed it would take them thirty minutes, but due to the lack of traffic, he was able to gain some ground.

  When they came upon the area he had noted on the map, he told everyone to keep an eye out. There isn’t much on this side of town. You can see the city in the distance, lit up with lights from the tall buildings. The part they are in now must be considered downtown, or the slums. The streets and alleys were dark. Many of the street lights were busted out, leaving dark shadows everywhere.

  This isn’t the type of place he wants his family to be. He should have forced them to stay behind. Even the thought of leaving them in the vehicle, had the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. This place could be loaded with vampires, and no one would be the wiser. Prostitutes were working the corners, staying in the shadows.

  Alexander didn’t see any buildings that looked anything like a mechanics shop. They had come upon a shop that was clearly abandoned. Alexander slowed down as he passed it, even though he already knew this wasn’t the place.

  “See anything, Madison?” He looked at her through the rearview mirror.

  She shook her head. Coming up to a red light, Madison sat up in her seat. She was looking anxiously out the windows. Even though, she didn’t say anything, Alexander could tell she was feeling something. When he stopped at the light, he turned around in his seat to look at Madison.

  “Sweetie, if you think we should go a different way, let me know.” Alexander told her. “What way should we go?”

  Without hesitation, she pointed to the right. Alexander wasn’t going to question it. Sebastian said twins can sense each other. He just has to have faith. He turned to the right, and everyone sat up a little straighter. Making sure not to swerve, he tried to view all the surrounds as they passed.

  “There!” Jessica shouted in excited. She pointed at warehouses off to the right. “What about that, baby?”

  “Yay, mommy!” Madison shouted, dancing in her seat.

  Alexander could see some warehouses through the buildings. He debated on whether or not to turn down the street that leads to them. He decided to drive around to check out the area first. There were no gates around them for security. For a moment, he wasn’t sure they were in the right place. Until Madison jumped, and pointed at the second warehouse.

  “That one, daddy!”

  Jessica had whipped her head around, and looked at Madison. When she turned back to the front he saw the smile that lit her face. She could say what she wants, but he knew she liked the sound of that as much as he did.

  They had gone around the property. Liam had spotted cameras near the door of the warehouse. A red light had blinked in the trees at the entrance leading onto the property. They had some surveillance, but they didn’t want it known. The only light that can be seen in the warehouse is from a small window in the upper back of the building.

  Alexander pulled between two buildings across the street from the warehouses. The warehouse is in clear view for them, but anyone looking out won’t be able to see them in the darkness.

  “I want you two to stay in this vehicle. Keep the doors locked, and don’t get out for anything.” He instructed Jessica.

  “Just bring our boy back.” She replied. Alexander took that as her agreeing.

  “Liam, you got the spray?” He asked reaching his hand out.

  “Right here.” Liam reached into his bag, and pulled out one of the perfume bottle with the de-scenting spray.

  Alexander made sure Liam and Logan sprayed down with the de-scenter also to ensure they went undetected. They need all the advantage they can get right now. Having previously driven around the warehouse, he knew there was only one way in. This knocked the element of surprise down a notch. Without knowing how many shifters are inside, they’re taking a risk by walking in the front door. He doesn’t see any other way.

  They stayed in the shadows as they crept across the street to the warehouse. They were sure not to get into view of the first camera. Alexander hasn’t figured out how to get passed the camera at the door. Liam tapped his arm to let them know to stop. He held up a finger for them to wait. After digging in his bag, he pulled out the spray. Keeping it in his hand, Liam slowly made his way up to the camera nearest the door. Reaching his hand up, it looked like he sprayed the lens. After spraying the lens a couple more times, Liam waved them over.

  Alexander couldn’t get there quick enough. He knew now his boy is
on the inside of this building, he can feel it now. They lined up against the warehouse wall, taking care not to touch the lit areas of the building that may give their location away. Alexander listened at the door for any noises indicating that someone was on the other side. Not hearing anything, he gave Liam the go ahead to pick the lock on the door.

  Once the click of the lock sounded, Liam stepped back to let Alexander in front. He slowly opened the door just enough to have a crack to peer in. There wasn’t any movement that he could see. The only things in sight were bars. He chanced opening the door wider for him to slip inside. One by one, they slipped in unnoticed. There were rows upon rows of what could only be describe as jail cells. The only ones that seemed to have walls were the ones on the ends. The others were surrounded steel bars.

  Muffled sounds were coming from the rear of the warehouse. The sounds of a man yelping cracked through the warehouse. The sounds of torture only fueled his anger. They stayed low to the floor as they passed by the rows. They kept an eye out for any sign of Michael or anyone else locked in the cells. Tonight will be their lucky night. Alexander doesn’t plan on leaving anyone behind.

  It wasn’t long before Alexander seen the source of the yelping. A large man was standing on the outside of the last cell on the third row, holding a cattle prod. Every time he would jab it into the cell, a man would yelp. Whether it’s shocking him or burning him, Alexander won’t let this continue. Although before he can make himself known he needs to locate Michael.

  He crept to the last row, but it was completely empty. Liam and Logan spread out to the front, and rear wall. When Alexander turned back to the row with the man torturing the shifter, he noticed there was someone in the cell across the row. It was a woman, and she had her eyes straight on him. He pressed his finger to his lips in hopes that this is the woman that was with Michael.

  She glanced at the man with the prod then pointed up to a small office that is set slightly higher than the rest of the warehouse. It’s not far enough up to be considered a two story, so Madison had that right. It was up a small flight of steps leading to the door in a loft area.

  There wasn’t a way for Alexander to get to the other end without being seen. Logan, on the other hand, was less than five yards away from the man. He was too busy having his torturing fun, to notice Logan sneaking up behind him. Logan clasped both his hands together, and raised his arms back above his head. Just as he came down on the back of the man’s neck, the warehouse door burst open. He crumpled to the ground as three men came through the door, looking to be on a mission. Somehow, they must have realized what was going on. Alexander didn’t even know they were outside. Logan ran towards Liam, as two of the men began to tag team him. The third man came straight for Alexander.

  Cursing came from inside the office as the door burst open. A tall man with brown hair came out of the office. It’s the same man that was on the video surveillance at the cabin. Alexander wanted to go after him, but he didn’t see Michael. Alexander had to get to that office. He wanted to put this man down quickly, but the man could handle more than Alexander thought. He must have lost concentration for a moment because suddenly he was hit with the prod that was on the floor. It was silver tip, and was still charged. Alexander fell to his knees when the volts hit. He watched as the man from the video ran out the door. Alexander was unable to get up.

  He heard a scream coming from outside. He knew it was Jessica. What the hell is she doing out there? He had to get to her. Even with the prod still against his back Alexander reached behind him, and grabbed the prod. The silver burned his arm where it’s touching the rod. Yanking the rod forward, the man lost his balance. He hit the bars on the next cell. Hands came from between the bars, and grabbed the man’s arms, and pulling them back through the bars. The woman who helped him, held onto the man’s arms.

  “Kill him!” She shouted.

  Without a second thought he punched the man in the throat with enough force to break his hyoid bone. The man fell to the floor. To make sure he won’t be getting back up Alexander shifted just his hand and ripped out the man’s throat.

  “We’ll come back.” He assured her as he took off for door.

  Chapter 29


  “What’s going on in there?” Jessica mumbles to herself.

  “I no see.” Madison said simply.

  “Michael closing his eyes?” She asked Madison.

  Madison nodded. That was the simplest way she could put it to a three-year-old. Michael doesn’t want her to see whatever is going on in there. That alone scares the shit out of her.

  “Mommy! Mommy! He got shot!” Madison panicked. “He not doctor, he bad man mommy.”

  Suddenly Jessica realized that Madison was saying the man hand a syringe. She can’t sit here any longer. Michael needs her, now.

  “Unbuckle baby, and come here.” She had debated briefly on whether to leave Madison in the vehicle or not. But just the looks of this place alone had her bunking that idea. Madison climbed onto the center console, and waited for instructions.

  “Okay, here’s what we are going to do.” Before she could even tell Madison anymore, a black van pulled onto the warehouse property.

  Jessica watched for a few seconds, hoping they would be going somewhere else. No luck such luck. Three men got out from the van. At first, they appeared to be casually walking, until they were closer to the warehouse door that Alexander had gone through. The door was slightly ajar letting light shine through the crack. After a second the three men burst through the door.

  “Shit!” Jessica said to herself. “Come on, baby. Piggyback time.”

  Jessica opened the door, and stood up. Madison climbed onto her back, and wrapped her legs around Jessica’s waist. She quietly shut the door behind her, and stepped further into the shadows. Even with everyone inside, she still didn’t want to be seen. She didn’t know if there would be more men coming or not.

  Making it across the street, and onto the warehouse property, Jessica stayed to the left of the property. The van was on the right, and she didn’t want to be in direct path of anyone coming out. She wanted to rush in, but with Madison here, that isn’t an option.

  Jessica needed to get closer. There isn’t much to use for cover in the empty lot. Spotting a light pole that had a thick concrete base, Jessica ran behind it. Of course, it’s not big enough for her to hide behind but it’s perfect for Madison. The light was out, so the shadows will help conceal them. She tapped Madison’s leg to let her know to climb down.

  Just as Jessica bent down to let Madison know to stay against the concrete, the door to the warehouse swung open. Madison turned so she could peek out from behind the base.

  “Michael!” Madison whispered loudly.

  Jessica peeked out from behind the other side of the base. A tall man came out of the door. He looked like he was alone. Jessica turned back to Madison, but she wasn’t there. Her heart dropped as she looked back around the base. Madison is tiptoeing towards the man. Jessica stood up in time to see Madison take off running. The man noticed Madison out in the open, and turned towards her. Jessica screamed out as Madison jumped low into the air. Before her eyes, Madison transformed into a small white wolf. Madison whined out for a second, but continued to run.

  Jessica ran towards them. No way will she let this man take both her children. Madison bit onto a canvas bag, Jessica didn’t even know the man had. He looked a little shocked that Madison had shifted in midair. The bag dropped from his hand with a thud when it hit the ground.

  He didn’t seem to care about Madison any more as he focused on Jessica. Madison was trying to pull the bag farther away from the man. Jessica had no clue what the hell she was doing. Her plan is to try to knock him off his feet. At least keep him occupied until Alexander could get out here.

  Jessica heard a pop coming from the man. He smiled as he drew a clawed hand back into the air. As soon as the man’s hand came down, what felt like a train hit her from the left; the force k
nocked her down, and back a few feet. She lifted her head, so she could see what the hell hit her. The weight that she felt on her legs was Liam. He pushed her out of the way.

  “Wait, you’re already dead.” The man said with confusion written all over his face.

  Movement caught her eyes. Alexander came running out the door, shifting as he ran. The man didn’t have a chance he was too focused on the carnage he dealt Liam that he didn’t notice Alexander until the sounds of his shift cracked through the night. When Alexander plowed into the man they both tumbled, and rolled. Popping rang out as the man shifted, detangling them.

  Jessica’s legs felt wet, and warm. Confused she looked down at Liam. He was still laying on her legs. She quickly sat up trying to pull her legs out from underneath him. He grunted his discomfort. Jessica leaned forward to assess his wounds. His hands were pressed tightly against his neck. There was so much blood that it was unclear where the majority of it was coming from.

  Jessica glances at the fighting wolves to see one pinned down to the pavement. Shit! She can’t tell which one is Alexander. Unable to focus on that, she glanced over to Madison. She is still tugging at the bag. Jessica took off her shirt, thankful that she had put a tank top on underneath.

  “Liam, look at me.” Not moving his head, he focused his eyes on her. She was taken aback by the red in his eyes. “I need you to move your hands.”

  He refused to move.

  “Damn it, I’m not a doctor, I’m a vet.” She admitted. “But if I can’t stop this bleeding you are going to die right here!”

  He must have realized she meant it because he slowly dropped his hands to the side. Large gashes were ripped from his neck to past his shoulder. Jessica had never seen anything this deep before. With the amount of blood flowing from his neck, she knew the carotid artery is damaged. Time is running out for Liam, she had to do something, fast. She slid the tips of her fingers in his neck wound. She was able to find the split artery by the force of the blood against her fingers. Pinching it shut, she stopped the arterial flow. With her free hand, she pressed the shirt back over his wound, to stop the rest of the blood flow.


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