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Page 27

by Anne Malcom

  “Well, I can’t go on without making these sick fucks pay,” she said quietly. “Do you get that? Do you understand what they did to me? What I went through for ten fucking years? Maybe Shelby can go to therapy and get all better, and of course, I’m so fucking proud of her, but she only spent two years in there, Maddox. I had ten fucking years of that hell. Ten miserable years.” She took a sharp breath, her heart racing. “I need this.”

  He hesitated for a moment, letting her words sink in, anguish written on his features. “Okay,” he muttered.

  “Okay, what?” she retorted. She had hoped for this, that Maddox would accept the monster in her, see the darkness and love her anyway. She’d hoped for it like she’d hoped he’d rescue her those first weeks. She didn’t expect him to come through.

  “Okay, I get it. And I’ll do what I can to cover your tracks. But Orion . . .” His voice trailed off. He cocked his head, looked her deep in the eyes. “Can you at least stick to the ones in Clark County? Make my job a little easier.”

  Orion blinked rapidly. Was this happening? Hope was winning out. Maddox wasn’t saving her. Not in the conventional hero, damsel in distress kind of way, at least. This had not been written in any fucking fairy tale or put in any fucking Disney movie.

  “Won’t that alert the cops? Like, the ones above you?” Orion clarified.

  He met her stare, his eyes glittering with anger. Yes, he was pissed off at her for this. “Not if there are no bodies. And not if I’m scrubbing any evidence.”

  She nodded, a hand to her chin. She abruptly put a hand out. “Deal.”

  He shook his head, disappointed and a little amused. Then he took her hand, pulling her in, and kissed her long and hard.

  These violent delights have violent ends.

  - William Shakespeare



  I have long said that I’d never write a book with someone. Especially not my fiancé. Never say never, right?

  I am so thankful I got to experience this with my best friend. Writing this book came so naturally to me. Writing with my man was so gosh darn easy, even though the subject matter is so dark.

  I’m so proud of us, babe. I’m so proud of you for giving this dark story some light. I’m so lucky to be on this journey with you. To live this life with you.

  The people I have to thank hasn’t changed. These people are pillars in my life. Steadfast. Always there. I’m so very lucky.

  Dad. You can’t read this. Or maybe you can, if heaven has Amazon Prime. But nonetheless, you are the reason I’m here. Because you taught me how to be a badass, how to believe in myself, how to leave my manners on the side of the court when I was playing netball. To be kind. And you’re the reason I have such expensive taste.

  Mum. You are my hero. My best friend. I am always so surprised when everyone doesn’t list their mother as one of their best friends. Because not everyone is lucky like me. Thank you for taking my calls, for never judging me for buying shoes that I don’t need, for urging me to get the matching bag. I know what a strong woman looks like because of you.

  Polly, Emma, Harriet. My girls. You’re still over on the other side of the world, but you’re always there if I need an opinion on a selfie, or to have some form of breakdown.

  Jessica Gadziala. My #sisterqueen. You are the reason I get through many of my writing blocks and general anxieties. You are a selfless friend, a kickass author and an all around queen.

  Amo Jones. My ride or die. You tell me when I’m being crazy, you support me no matter what.

  Michelle Clay. I am so lucky that you came into my life. You are such a special human. You’re so precious to me. In short, you’re family.

  Annette Brignac. I’m so glad my books brought us together. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you. My books would not be the same. My life would not be the same. Thank you for being you.

  Ginny. You are so important to my books. To my life. You know my characters almost as well as you know me. You know when I need a kick up the butt or some kind words. Thank you for being there for me always.

  You. The reader. I would not be typing this without you. Without your support. You are the reason I get to live my dream. Why I get to write stories and call it a job. Thank you for making my dreams come true.


  I’m so thankful for the love and support of my fiancée, best friend, and, now, co-author. It’s surreal to even write that, but I’m so proud that this is our reality and we get to share this deep, beautifully dark story with each other, and with the world.

  I love you, forever and then some!

  To those like me who have lived through abuse. My own was not to the extent of these characters, thank God, but the abuse I was subjected to as a child, and the rage it brought on in adulthood, was the fuel for this story. As was the heartache I feel for the women whose lives do mirror these characters; their identities, innocence, and freedom stolen for years at a time for a monster’s sick perversions. We are all one in this fight. And I hope to God there is a day when the abuse ends. And if that day doesn’t come, I hope, at the very least, for a day when these monsters get their due justice. This broken system must be fixed.

  Pops, Britto, Brad, and Zane. I would love to be able to put into words what having you in my life has meant to me, but it seems they all come up short. There are many times that I’ve come to realize if it weren’t for your constant support, your unconditional love, and just the ease, calmness, and serenity seeing and talking to you guys brings me, I very well may not have made it to this day. To the love of my life. To the best book I’ve ever helped create. (And I don’t say that lightly or disparagingly. This book just means that much.) Thank you for being my family. Thank you for loving me through the hard and ugly times. Thank you for never giving up.

  Cara. My confidant. My advisor. My right hand lady. My friend. Thanks for backing me up throughout the years. Thanks for always being a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen, for helping me to dig each story out of the recesses of my brain, and for knowing me, sometimes, better than I do myself haha. You’re the best!

  My Squirrels. Gah, it’s been a journey. There are invaluable relationships I’ve made with so many of you. Both in person and online. The support and love you show my work, my relationship, my short films, and my stupid movie and music posts, all of it, means so so much to me. I’ve missed you all even more with this pandemic shutting down signings. Meeting you all, taking photos, signing books, and partying into the wee hours is like fuel for me. Just know that I am always thinking of you, always here for you as you have been for me, and that I appreciate and love you all endlessly!

  About the Author

  BT URRUELA is a combat wounded amputee, purple heart recipient, contemporary author who has written both independent and traditionally published books. He is a RARE under 40 award recipient, Rockwood Summit High School and Rockwood School District Hall of Fame inductee, Co-founder and Brand Ambassador for VETSports, Cover Model, Motivational Speaker and Philanthropist.

  Upon medically retiring from the US Army after losing his leg to an improvised explosive device, BT focused on two of his passions, working out and writing. He obtained his personal training certification and began attending the University of Tampa for creative writing.

  After being invited to attend a photoshoot with acclaimed photographer Michael Stokes, he flew to California in December of 2014 with incredible excitement. His photos with Mr. Stokes soon gained exposure to the literary world like he'd always dreamed of. That opportunity launched him into his present writing career. He is now writing full-time while finishing his last semester at UT with a degree in film and media studies.

  About the Author

  ANNE MALCOM has been an avid reader since before she can remember, her mother responsible for her love of reading. It started with magical journeys into the world of Hogwarts and Middle Earth, then as she grew up her reading tastes grew with her. Her love of reading does
n’t discriminate, she reads across many genres, although classics like Little Women and Gone with the Wind will hold special places in her heart. She also can’t get enough romance, especially when some possessive alpha males throw their weight around.

  One day, in a reading slump, Cade and Gwen’s story came to her and started taking up space in her head until she put their story into words. Now that she has started, it doesn’t look like she’s going to stop anytime soon, with many more characters demanding their story be told as well.

  Raised in small town New Zealand, Anne had a truly special childhood, growing up in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. She has backpacked across Europe, ridden camels in the Sahara and eaten her way through Italy, loving every moment. She has settled down with her fiancé, their dogs and happy to be in one place…for a while at least.

  Want to get in touch with Anne? She loves to hear from her readers.

  You can email her:

  Or join her reader group on Facebook.

  Also by Anne Malcom

  The Sons of Templar Series

  Making the Cut


  Outside the Lines

  Out of the Ashes

  Beyond the Horizon


  Battles of the Broken

  Hollow Hearts

  Deadline to Damnation

  The Unquiet Mind Series

  Echoes of Silence

  Skeletons of Us

  Broken Shelves

  Mistake’s Melody

  Censored Soul

  Greenstone Security

  Still Waters


  The Problem With Peace

  The Vein Chronicles

  Fatal Harmony


  Faults in Fate

  Eternity’s Awakening

  Buried Destiny


  Birds of Paradise


  Retired Sinners

  Splinters of You

  Also by BT Urruela


  Thirty Days



  A Lover’s Lament

  Wicked Little Words

  King’s Ransom




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