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Page 11

by H. P. Mallory

  “I observed you, Sweet, the twinkle in your eyes, the way you bit your lip. I watched your body respond to me, how you arched your back, how your nipples hardened at my touch.” I opened my eyes as he brought his gaze to my face again. “I heard the heaviness of your breathing, and I could smell your desire.”

  I shook my head emphatically. “You manifested those reactions from me, Bram, and you’re damn well aware that none of it was real. You tricked me into feeling what you wanted me to feel.”

  He shook his head, his eyes now pleading. “Your words only betray you, Sweet. You know as well as I do that you long for me to make love to you.”

  I closed my eyes, refusing to ponder the possibility that I might have wanted him, as he kept intimating that I had. Was it possible? Was there truth to his insistence that he could only glamour a willing victim?

  You know yourself, Dulcie, I thought. You know yourself well enough to know that if you are attracted to Bram at all, it’s only on the surface and you would never act on it if you were in your right mind.

  “Allow me to make love to you just this once,” he crooned in words almost as quiet as a whisper.

  I gulped down the fear that this situation might go south in a hurry. Was Bram the sort of person to force himself on me? I didn’t know. ’Course, he’d sort of come close just a few minutes ago with the whole glamouring incident, but I guessed since he hadn’t gone through with it, and I remembered him telling me to fight him, maybe he wasn’t the sort?

  Well, it looked like I was about to find out.

  “No,” I said simply, but every fiber of my being was on alert, ready to fight him if he so much as breathed in a way I didn’t approve of.

  Bram didn’t release me right away. Instead, we both just stood there, staring at each other as if we were preparing to duel. Then, just when I began to wonder what he was going to do, and if I could really fend off the advances of such a powerful vampire, he simply released my wrists.

  “Very well,” he said softly while stepping aside, allowing me more space. I didn’t say anything as he headed for the archway that led to the dining room, so I did the same. I followed him through the dining room, down the hallway and into the entryway. His steps were hurried and the silence between us was more than uncomfortable.

  He reached for the doorknob on the front door before turning around and regarding me with what I can only describe as utter disappointment.

  “I wish you much luck,” he said as he opened the door and allowed me to walk through it. He closed it behind us and beeped the Rolls-Royce unlocked. Saying nothing, he opened the passenger door wide as I seated myself.

  “Thank you, Bram,” I said softly with an encouraging smile, not knowing what else I could say or do. After basically admitting that I wanted nothing to do with him romantically, much less sexually, I could only imagine how badly I’d wounded his masculine pride.

  He nodded and we both just stared at each other for a few seconds before he broke the silence. “I hope you prevail against your father, Sweet.”


  After traveling through three portals, we arrived at another of Bram’s estates, this one more modern and sitting atop a large hill in Hades only knew where. Bram hadn’t managed to say one word to me so I wasn’t about to make small talk. Instead, I just wanted to get in, get Christina, and get back to the Hotel Des Balances where Knight was awaiting us.

  “I shall return shortly,” Bram said as he pulled up in front of the four-story, Spanish styled villa and left the Rolls running. I figured he was going to get Christina so I’d patiently wait for his return. Trying to find something to do, I played with the radio stations but didn’t encounter much other than static so eventually turned it off.

  When Bram appeared at the front door, he was carrying Christina bride style and she appeared to be either asleep or passed out. I immediately stood up and opened my door, fearing the worst. “What’s wrong with her?” I called out as I watched him carry her across the olive-tree lined entryway and up to the Rolls. He opened the car door and plopped her in the backseat. She breathed out heavily and then returned to her previous state.

  “There is nothing wrong with her,” Bram said quickly as he closed the rear door and opened his door, seating himself. He glanced over at me and frowned. “She is merely in a deep sleep as the Blueliss works its way from her body. She will be fully restored by morning.”

  And that was apparently all he had to say about that because he turned the key in the ignition and we were off. It seemed only moments later that we pulled up to the hotel. Bram put the Rolls in park and then proceeded to act every ounce the undead gentleman. He not only opened my door, but then heaved Christina into his arms and walked us both through the lobby to the elevator.

  “I previously made room arrangements for Christina,” he announced and then fished inside his pocket, handing me a room key.

  “That was nice of you,” I said quickly.

  Bram didn’t respond but simply started down the hallway as soon as the elevator beeped open. I was left with no choice but to follow him and glancing down at the key in my hand, read “304.” Christina’s room was at the end of the hall and Bram stood outside the door, patiently waiting for me to open the door. Once I did so, he deposited Christina on the bed, covered her with a nearby blanket and then retreated back into the hallway, being careful to close her door behind him. Then he glanced at me and offered me a quick smile before bowing low and kissing my hand. Even though he played up his customary role of gallant vampire, there was definitely something different between us now. That easy affability and informality that used to characterize our relationship was gone, leaving in its place something aloof and awkward. I couldn’t allow myself to worry about it though because I had way too much on my mind already.

  Tomorrow we would attack the Netherworld and there was still so much information I needed to tell Knight. Not only that, but I was more than sure he had plenty of updates for me too.

  Glancing at the clock at the end of the hall, I saw it was nearly two a.m., which meant the dawn was only a few hours away. I gave Bram one last smile as the elevator dinged, announcing it was headed downstairs. Bram wasted no time in entering it and seconds later, the doors closed and I was alone. A moment or so later, my elevator arrived and I entered it with a heavy heart. I expected Knight wouldn’t be too happy about the length of time I’d spent with Bram. In my defense, though, Bram had definitely provided more than useful information, but I was sure that Knight was about to read me the riot act.

  The elevator doors opened with a “ding” and I hurried down the corridor to our room, knocking on the door sheepishly. Within seconds, the door flew open and an unhappy Loki stood peering down at me.

  “Two o’clock in the morning?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. Even though he was obviously pissed, just the image of him standing there in his dark jeans and white T-shirt with his hair in disarray was enough for me to want to throw my arms around him and kiss him until my lips hurt.

  “I’m sorry,” I said with an apologetic smile.

  Saying nothing, he held the door open for me and I entered the room, without a word. Instead, I kicked off my sneakers and walked over to the windows, noticing the reflection of the streetlamps on the river. When I heard Knight close and lock the door behind us, I turned to face him.

  “Christina is in a room on the third floor, sleeping off the Blueliss,” I started. “And I’ve got a lot of other good information for you,” I continued, but I could tell Knight’s attention wasn’t on that. Instead, he was busily scrutinizing my clothing.

  “Why are you wearing a different outfit than you were when you left?” he demanded as he crossed his arms against his broad chest and regarded me angrily.

  I gulped, striving to prove my innocence. “As part of our agreement, I have to wear a gown every time Bram and I dine together.”

  Knight regarded me coolly, but his jaw was so tight, it seemed like he was about to shatter his teet
h. “So why not change back into the clothes you were wearing before you put on the gown? Or, better yet, why not wear the gown home so I could enjoy seeing you in it?”

  I cleared my throat, unsure of what excuse I could find to explain why I didn’t do exactly what Knight was asking. Unfortunately, I was a terrible liar.

  “Dulcie, sometimes I can’t help but wonder what is going on between you and the vampire,” he said softly, shaking his head. “I want to believe you when you say he means nothing to you, but when these situations arise, I find my faith in you challenged.”

  I knew I had to confess the truth of what happened, whether it meant Knight might hold a grudge against Bram or not. The way I looked at it, the truth was better than having him believe I was having an affair with Bram. “The truth is that Bram isn’t three hundred years old,” I started.

  Knight wore an expression of surprise, which quickly gave way to puzzlement. “What the hell does that have to do …”

  “Let me finish and I’ll tell you,” I snapped with a frown that told him I’d appreciate not being interrupted again. “Bram is actually seven hundred, which is significant because he glamoured me. And his power was so intense, I nearly succumbed.”

  “What do you mean he glamoured you and you nearly succumbed?”

  I took another deep breath, fully aware of how bad my words sounded. “I mean, Bram tried to assert his will on me to prove whether or not I was strong enough to resist him. He claims the vampires in the Netherworld Guard are older than three hundred, and will use their powers of persuasion to throw us, and if we aren’t prepared to resist them, we’ll lose.”

  Knight glared at me for a few seconds, his cheeks and the tops of his ears flushing. “So what you’re trying to tell me is that you weren’t strong enough to resist him, meaning you had sex with Bram?” His eyes began to glow as he dropped his arms from his chest and cracked his knuckles.

  “No, that’s not what I’m trying to tell you,” I protested, throwing my hands on my hips as I grew angry that this whole situation wasn’t exactly going as I planned.

  “Then get to the point and get there quickly.”

  “Bram had a portrait painted of me,” I said with steely reserve, not appreciating the look of condemnation in Knight’s eyes. “He glamoured me into using my magic to dress myself in the same fashion as the portrait. Because of his glamour, I was forced to use my magic to change into this,” I finished, with a quick glance at myself.

  “Then he didn’t try to use his powers and force you into his bed?”

  I shook my head, before I nodded. “Sort of. He glamoured me into believing I wanted to be with him, but at the same time, he told me to fight his power. So, to make a very long story short: yes, he glamoured me, and yes, I was eventually able to fight his power. But no, I didn’t have sex with him. End of story.”

  “Did he kiss you?” Knight continued, his eyes now fully white.

  I felt my cheeks coloring. “Yes.”

  He took a step closer to me. “Did he touch you?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yes.”


  I felt my eyes widening the closer he came. “He touched my breast.”

  Knight didn’t say anything but stood merely an inch or so away from me, just staring down at me as I stared back up at him. To avoid letting him think that I’d brought any of this on myself, I decided to further explain. “When I found out what he’d done, I punched him,” I whispered, my heart racing as I wondered if he believed me. Not only that, but the way he was staring at me and his close proximity created butterflies in my stomach.

  Knight reached forward and ran the backs of his fingers down my cheek. “If anyone ever touches you again without your permission, he will answer to me.” He paused a second or two. “And as for Bram, he and I have unfinished business.”

  “He was testing me, Knight,” I started in Bram’s defense. “He was trying to prove that if I wasn’t strong enough to defend myself against him, I shouldn’t be fighting the Netherworld Guard. It was just his way of trying to dissuade me.”

  “There are other ways he could have tested you,” Knight said. When he shook his head, I realized he made a good point. “He took advantage of you when you weren’t in the right frame of mind to defend yourself. It’s a wonder the bastard didn’t take full advantage of the situation.”

  “At any rate,” I started, choosing to change the subject, “I’m sure there are way more important subjects for us to discuss. First off, what is the plan for tomorrow?”

  Knight shrugged. “We’ve put the invasion off until ten p.m. tomorrow night because Fagan still needs a little more time with the draft, and we wanted to appease our nocturnal faction.”

  I figured he meant the vampires. While vampires could be out and about at any time of day or night in the Netherworld, such was not the case here. And since we still had to travel from here to there, it made sense to do so under the cover of night.

  “Okay, I have information on where we should enter the Netherworld, and Bram gave me this,” I started, fishing for the timepiece inside my pocket. I handed the pocket watch to Knight and watched him study it quizzically. “It’s programmed to locate my father’s whereabouts at any given second.”

  Knight’s eyebrows rose as he shook his head and brought his gaze to mine. “Bram must really want to see your father taken out.”

  I nodded as I wondered just why that was.


  The sunlight filtered through the blinds, hitting me squarely in the face. I shielded my eyes, opening them just a sliver as my pupils adjusted to the light. Yawning, I sat up and stretched, immediately feeling Knight’s big arms encircling my waist as he pulled me into him and planted a chaste kiss on the back of my neck. I glanced down, smiling, and covered his hands with my own, realizing I was still naked.

  “Maybe you and I aren’t going to make it as a couple,” he grumbled.

  I frowned. “And why is that?”

  He smiled, the grin lighting up his entire face, and reflecting in his piercing blue eyes. “Because you’re a morning person and I, most definitely, am not.”

  “Silly man,” I scolded without making any motion to move. I just sat in the bed of our hotel room and admired him. I could only hope Christina wasn’t a morning person either because I wanted a little one-on-one time with my Loki.

  He leaned up on one elbow while I continued to gaze at him. The blankets fell all the way down to his midsection, baring half of his incredible body. I traced the line of a deltoid, down to his bicep and further down his forearm, relishing the feel of his wiry arm hair and the way it tickled my fingers. Even though Knight’s unparalleled beauty was a diversion from my overwrought mind, that’s all it was—a diversion. I sighed, dropping my hand as I tried to think of happier times, but my all-consuming thoughts centered entirely on our impending future.

  “You’re nervous,” Knight said softly.

  I nodded; there was no reason to try and hide my feelings. Today could possibly be the last day of everything as I knew it. Tonight we would invade the Netherworld, and who knew what that meant? Tonight I could lose my life, or Knight could lose his, or my father could lose his. Maybe all three of us would pay the ultimate price, or maybe none of us would. Really, only fate dictated whether we rolled an ace or a deuce. Anyway I looked at it, though, after tonight, nothing would be the same again. And those words weren’t easy to think in any way, shape or form.

  “Dulcie, we don’t have to go through with this,” Knight started. He reached over and tilted my chin up until we were eye to eye. “We can remain in hiding while we continue planning. We don’t have to act now if you don’t feel like we’re ready.”

  I shook my head, refusing to comprehend his words for even one second. “No, we have to do this and we have to do it now. You know it as well as I do.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything for a few moments, and instead, just gazed at me. He secured a stray piece of my hair behind my ear an
d picked up my hand, intertwining my fingers in his. “I just hate to see you like this.”

  I smiled and tried to appear more hopeful, attempting to camouflage my insides, which were roiling with fear, anger and worry. “The situation is what it is.”

  “I want you to know something,” he started, clearing his throat when it sounded like his morning voice snuck in. “You are my number one priority; and no matter what happens, your safety is the most important thing to me.”

  I adamantly shook my head. “You can’t think that way.”

  “I can’t help it,” he started, but I brought my fingers to his lips to silence him.

  “I’m not the most important person in this and you have to convince yourself of that. The most important thing is our freedom as well as the freedom of all Netherworld creatures. They are the reason we’re all willing to put our lives on the line.” I took a breath, holding his gaze. “I’m a soldier just like the rest of us; and if that means risking my life, I’m doing it.”

  Knight dropped his eyes to the bed and spanned his fingers across the linens, his mood suddenly more somber. But only seconds later, he eyed me again and the former anxiety and concern that was present merely moments ago totally vanished. “You’re right. We need to focus on the positive,” he said resolutely. “We need to center all of our energy on our plan of attack.” He sighed deeply and then nodded. “Just like you said, we’re soldiers, first and foremost.”

  I nodded as I smiled at him, loving him with every fiber of my being. He stood up, gloriously naked; but before I could bask in his male allure, he pulled on his boxer shorts, turning away from me. He approached the giant windows, opening the blinds and stared at the still river. My attention immediately settled on the scratches covering his back. A blush filled my cheeks when I remembered making love to him the night before. At first, in a mutually ravenous impulse, we tore each other’s clothes off. He’d pressed my body against the wall and taken me right there. The scratches on his back reminded me of how I’d allowed my inner wild child to surface. After our first foray of animalistic, sexual instinct, we took a half-hour breather. Then, after crawling on top of him, our love making became much quieter and more serenely intense.


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