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Bitter Kind of Love: Prairie Devils MC Romance (Outlaw Love)

Page 24

by Snow, Nicole

  Tank's anger swelled in his face, and then the redness faded a shade. Still growling, he turned away, reaching for his burner phone.

  “Fucking fine. I'll make the call myself, boss. It's not like I don't trust the security here. All that's on me for setting shit up. Trouble is, I'm not sure how we're gonna protect this fuck when somebody realizes what patch he's wearing.”

  “Make sure Blaze gets the message and passes it along to the whole club,” I said sternly. “No fucking fights with any clubs. Not unless they're gonna draw on us or fuck this club some other way.”

  I turned back to Brass. Fucker's eyes were just as beady as ever, but he was looking at me like I'd done him one helluva solid. In truth, I had, but I didn't do it for him.

  Reaching for Alice's hand, I grabbed her, pulling her away from the shit in the rival cut. “Let's get going, soon as Tank's off the phone. Brass, you stick close to us and sit your ass down where we tell you to. I'll have somebody find a plain jacket you can throw on for the reception. Then say hello to sis, give 'em your well wishes, and get the fuck on the road. You better be outta here by midnight.”

  “Never thought I'd make a deal with a Devil.” He extended a hand. “But I'm game.”

  I took his hand and shook it harder than anything meant to be friendly. Least the asshole had been smart enough not to use the phrase 'Prairie Pussy.'

  At two o'clock sharp that afternoon, we were all in our pews. Alice and I were up in the front, right next to Tank and Em, all the brothers lined up by seniority, and family on the other side. Brass was way the hell in the back. A shitty view, sure, but so far, nobody had given him a second look.

  Alice couldn't stop staring at the high ceilings, the neon torches, the crazy ass 'priest' in the front with a purple robe and big shades. It was a Reno wedding, after all. Crazy and outlandish was the norm with several dozen brothers and their old ladies packing the over-decorated chapel.

  When the bells chimed two, the brothers at the big door leading outside opened up, and we could hear the roar dying down outside. Smokey, Stone, and a couple other brothers from Dakota who'd come down for the fun parked their bikes next to Saffron's limo after escorting it a couple blocks.

  The bride stepped outta the sleek black car with a hand from the chauffeur and our boys. They carried her long ass veil up the stairs and gently let it glide down, one inch off the ground above the long red carpet.

  Shit. Alice suppressed a giggle. Blaze's old lady must've grown at least three inches in those wicked high heels she had attached to the white hose going up her legs. She looked like a total babe decked out in white – but I really lost my mind when I imagined Alice wearing the same damned thing someday.

  Fuck, now the little secret in my pocket was dangerously close to starting my dick on fire. I watched Saffron slowly walk down the aisle, some weird rock rendition of Here Comes the Bride droning on the speakers. Up front, Blaze couldn't stop smiling.

  The Prez's eyes were wide as silver dollars seeing his old lady coming toward him, dolled up to perfection, about to be his in every way imaginable. Claiming her again with a ring, a kiss, and a certificate from the state was only second to putting his brand on her.

  Alice's fingers danced in my hand. I squeezed it tight, watching as the music died down and Saffron stopped at the altar, beaming pure love into her old man's eyes.

  The priest's jabber was short and sweet. Blaze paid the dude good money to lock down this chapel for us all evening, but he didn't seem to mind him moving smoothly toward the words both those grinning lovers were waiting for.

  I heard a whimper next to me and looked over. Em cracked, smiling and blotting at her eyes. Tank flashed me a big crazy grin and pulled her into his chest, holding her like a kitten as they watched the ceremony roll on.

  The rings went on bride and groom. Brothers clapped and made the rafters echo with their gruff hoots while the dude officiating waited for shit to quiet down for the climax. Blaze already looked like he was gonna rip that pretty dress off and fuck her right there on the altar.

  Couldn't get the greedy bastard in my pants to behave neither. Every time Alice wiggled a little closer, making me feel drunk on that sweet cherry blossom shit she was wearing for perfume, I wanted to take her right there, right in front of my brothers and God, holding onto the leash for my inner beast with all my might.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you man and wife,” the priest said, smiling as shrill hoots from old ladies rattled the final part. “Kiss the bride like there's no tomorrow, Mister President.”

  Blaze had his arms around her. They jerked his woman to his chest so fast he was right ahead of the wilder, crazier hollering that broke out. I added my hoarse roars of approval to the mix when he threw back her veil and smashed his lips on hers, kissing her so fucking hard her knees went weak, trembling along with the rest of her while tears slid down her cheeks.

  Fuck it. I couldn't wait anymore. Amid all the commotion, I grabbed my Alice, putting my hands on her ass and giving it a good squeeze while I shoved my lips to hers. It surprised her at first, but soon she tucked into it, sweet proof that she wanted it just as bad as I did.

  Christ. All the fiery kisses we'd had before were like a ghost of this kiss, all lips and tongue and fire, so warm it flowed right down to my dick and caused it to jolt.

  If this was what weddings did to her, then I wanted fucking more of them.

  When we finally came up for air, the bride and groom were walking down the aisle, down to the limo waiting, flanked by the same honor guard of brothers as before. Tank was still furiously sucking face with Em next to us, probably overwhelmed with the same crazy ache that was coursing through our blood. Blaze caught my eye and gave me a smile as he passed. I nodded, happy as hell for the man who held this club together through several brutal storms.

  If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have the girl wrapped around me right now, safe and tight, all mine. He'd thrown some boomerangs trying to keep us apart, yeah, but overall the Prez didn't stop the love bug once it bit.

  We all filed out, my hand wrapped tight around Alice's, heading for the reception. They'd picked a big ass ballroom with a fountain and skylights, one more freakishly awesome contrast between grit and elegance.

  The tables were huge and plentiful. Alice and I had one to ourselves, not far from Tank and Em and several other brothers. The back table was even bigger, stacked high with all kinds of appetizers and three separate bars tended by neat dressed staff.

  Half the liquor there had been sent down by Throttle with his congratulations from mother charter. Yesterday, the boys and I triple checked every fucking bottle and keg to make sure nothing was outta place. After Dakota heard what happened to us last fall, they put a special Devils' seal on every shipment, clearly identifying where their gifts were coming from so no brother would ever fall down poisoned again.

  There was a lotta razzing at dinner, but no clinking glasses. No fucking need. The happy couple couldn't keep their hands and lips off each other. Only thing I couldn't figure out was how Blaze was keeping himself under control instead of dragging her back to their suite early, smacking his girls ass 'til she drove those spiked heels into his his own rear end.

  Alice sipped her wine and I had my Jack straight, trying to space out my shots to keep sober for later tonight. Seeing Brass walk up to the bride and groom had me on edge too.

  The ass was smart enough to wear the plain jacket Roller scrounged up, covering up his Grizzlies MC patches. Blaze knew exactly who the fuck he was, and he looked none too pleased. But the expression on his old lady's face said it all. She popped up and threw her arms around her brother, smiling the whole time.

  Less than an hour later, brothers started to hit the dance floor, mingling with their girls. I pushed one hand underneath the table onto Alice's thigh. She flushed and looked at me with a sly little smile.

  Fucking tease. If I couldn't have her yet with my dick between her legs, then I was
gonna get my hands all over her on the dance floor.

  “You feeling too tipsy to move with me, baby?”

  She broke into a wide grin and grabbed my hand with both hers, pulling me up. I laughed. The girl wanted it so damned bad, and who was I to hold back?

  We danced close, nice and fluid, to nineties rock. The shit never sounded so strange to me with the high ceiling and crazy acoustics, but damn if it didn't excite her.

  “This is a wonderful night,” she purred, nipping evilly at my ear. “Just say the word and we can get out of here anytime. I know you're holding back, Sting.”

  She pushed her hips into mine. My cock went absolutely fucking nuts, twitching in my pants, screaming so loud through my nerves my head rattled.

  I grunted, pulling her closer with a growl, letting her feel my hard-on. There was nothing to be shy about here. Half the girls were sluts the Dakota boys picked up and brought down, and they were getting their fingers and tongues a whole lot dirtier than Alice and I on the floor.

  One of the Dickinson crew was down on his knees, moving his tongue up some chick's thigh, before pulling her completely off the floor and carrying her to a more private spot.

  Sex was in the air, all right, and it would've had me strapped down tight if it wasn't for this last, crazy thing I was gonna do.

  “Hang on, baby,” I said, grabbing for her hands. She gave me a curious look, slowing the sexy little twist in her hips. “Don't worry. You better believe you're gonna get fucked all night. But before that happens, I got something to say.”

  “Sting? What's up?”

  “Come on.” I yanked on her hands and pulled her to the nearest table, right next to Blaze and Saffron, bride and groom about to take off together.

  Alice shook her head, wondering what the fuck I was doing as I stood up on the table. Several brothers looked at me with the same confusion in their eyes. Even Moose was following me now, one arm around Connie at his table, his lone good eye locked on us both.

  “Listen up, brothers,” I said, grabbing a strategically placed shot of Jack on the table. “I gotta make a toast to Blaze and Saffron, my brother and this charter's Prez, the best damned Prez this side of the continental divide...”

  A man at the table next to me laughed. I looked over and saw Maverick nodding, genuine agreement and a little sarcasm in his eyes. His old lady, June, elbowed him.

  Fuck it, I thought. Might as well make this quick and dirty. That's the way things have always been with this girl, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  “But I'm not toasting with this fucking drink.” Other brothers holding up their glasses lowered them, adding to the confusion I'd stirred. “No, I'm gonna toast to the bride and groom by following Blaze's example. You see Alice here?”

  I grabbed her hand and held it up, giving her arm an exaggerated wave. That got a smile on her face, though she was still looking at me like I'd lost my damned mind. Hell, maybe I had.

  “Next wedding you boys are gonna come to is mine, after my old lady gives me a yes.” Laughter and surprised shouts rang out.

  I looked over. Saffron was grinning and Blaze shook his head, unable to hide his cocky smile. The Prez was probably glad I was making his escape easier for the honeymoon by stealing the spotlight.

  My cue to drop to my knees, though I was still kneeling on the table over her, fingers squeezing her wrist tighter than ever before. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the box.

  Alice started to shake when she saw it, and it was like the poor girl put her finger in a socket when I popped it open. Hoped like hell her shakes were excitement. Damned good chance with her eyes alive and sparkling, taking in the big ass stone I'd picked out set in the gold ring.

  “Will you, baby? Will you marry your old man?”

  The three seconds I waited for an answer was the quietest, most agonizing time of my life. Finally, she drew one hand over mine, the trembling in her fingers slowing. Grip tightening, she plucked out the ring and drew it to her lips, lips to die for, giving it a little kiss before she moved it back toward me with her fingers stretched out.

  “Of course I will, Sting. You're the love of my life. It just took pure hell and some time to figure that out.”

  I jumped down and threw my arms around my girl. Her shape was always pure heaven in my hands, but shit, hearing her say that turned her into a total goddess, unreal fucking beauty I couldn't keep my hands and hips and lips away from.

  The room exploded. Brothers started pounding their fists on the table. Saffron popped outta her chair and ran over, nearly tripping on her crazy heels. She threw her arms around Alice, purring her congratulations.

  Fuck that shit. There'd be plenty of time for girls to celebrate later. I jealously pulled my girl toward me, tipping her back the same way Blaze did at the altar, throwing the most intense kiss I could muster on her lips.

  The wedding bells and rock songs blasting earlier today echoed in my brain as we kissed and kissed. When I came up for air, everybody was looking at me, laughing and pointing or just giving approving nods.

  Everybody except Tank. I saw the pissed look on his face and did a double take, wondering what the fuck was eating him.

  Next thing I knew, he was heading right for me, jerking Em off the dance floor with one hand. He stopped next to Alice and me, blocking out half the brothers at their tables with his huge bulk.

  “Congratulations, boss. I really fucking mean it.” The giant's arms crushed us both, and then he pulled away, smiling like a fool.

  I was relieved, but he sure wasn't moving after his brotherly congratulations. Instead, he took Em, lifting her into the air as she squealed while he jumped onto the same table I'd been on just seconds before.

  “I got something to say too, boss. I'm gonna follow your example, you and Blaze both, just like you said...”

  “Fucking great,” I heard Blaze grumble, halfway amused and exasperated with the craziness blowing up the room.

  Em realized what was coming a second after the rest of us. When Tank's hand went into his pocket, her hands went over her mouth. Smiling, Alice and Saffron patted her on the back, trying to get her to breathe. The little blonde nurse was the last woman in the world I'd expected to see hyperventilating.

  “Babe,” Tank said, holding out a box with his own gold ring glowing bright. “I promised I was gonna put a ring on your finger the instant I claimed you. The Prez and the VP showed me the way, and now I'm not gonna wait a single fucking second longer to ask: will you marry me, Em?”

  Another long, brutal silence. Then, squealing, Em threw herself into his arms, mouthing a dozen yeses in rapid fire.

  Thank fuck.

  I threw my hands and lips on Alice all over again as the whole ballroom exploded into commotion. Deafening biker growls shook the room for the next five minutes. Loud as they were, the chaos faded in my ears as our tongues mingled, the entire world slipping into a distant fuzz, disappearing into one hot fucking kiss with the only woman who'd ever matter to me again.

  Today, it was just me and my old lady, the girl I was gonna make my wife. And just knowing she'd become PROPERTY OF STINGER in every single way sent lava surging through my veins.

  My kisses kept coming, hard and possessive, never letting up 'til she pushed against my chest. We locked eyes with her tilted in my arms, her gaze narrowed.

  “Sting, let's go. Now.”

  No fucking way was I gonna argue with that. Tank and Em were still at it, devouring each other. Blaze was standing next to our little cluster too, one arm coiled around Saffron, the same wild desire in his eyes I knew I had in mine.

  We took off to our room, leaving the best damned party the Prairie Devils MC could've asked for. A year ago, I would've stayed for the laughs, the booze, the sluts.

  But now, I had something a thousand times better to look forward to. Alice and I weren't coming down 'til morning, when she'd be spent and hoarse from all the screaming, off the walls fucking I had planned.

  “Jesus, Sting,
take it easy!” Upstairs, Alice whimpered when we got to our bed.

  I wasn't listening.

  My hand was already on one strap of that pretty dress, pulling it off her shoulder, working the zipper with my other in a race to get her naked. I rolled my hips, pinning her in place.

  We had all night to climb into bed and do this slow and sensual. But with time our side, that shit could wait.

  What we needed right now was a quick, savage fuck, with her bent over beneath me while I shook her body, balls deep in her tight warmth.

  “Don't bullshit me, baby. I know what my fiancee wants when her nips are this hard.” I reached up and shoved away one bra cup, tweaking the hard little pebble in my fingers.

  Alice gasped, grinding her ass into my crotch. Caught her playing coy red handed, and it was pure fucking heaven.

  I let her rise, just enough to help shake off the dress. When she raised her feet, I gently swept it aside, grabbing her sweet thighs and holding them apart.

  All the modesty flew out the big glass window overlooking the neon lit city when I sank to my knees, tonguing down the small of her back. Fuck, she tasted good, every bare inch of her skin.

  Alice gasped, stretching her arms out on the bed high above her head. Her legs started to shake the second I hit one knee and started rising, moving to her panties, soaked and ready to be ripped away so I could tuck into the sweetness they hid.

  Christ, she was wet, and her scent drove me a little more crazy each time I breathed in. I wrapped my arm around her legs tight while my teeth went for the waistband above her ass, tearing it straight to her ankles in a jerk a wild animal would've been proud of.

  “Oh, God...”

  That's right, baby, I thought. Better let it out now. Those are the last words you're gonna say before all you can do is scream.

  My dick was leaking pre-come all over my own fabric. I ignored the greedy steel throbbing between my legs a little while longer, diving into her pussy, spreading her open with two tense fingers.


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