Book Read Free

Bad Dad

Page 36

by Sloane Howell

  I leaned back and didn’t answer.

  “Well?” Starsky’s hands balled into fists at his side.

  I glanced to the copy of the Tulsa World newspaper on Shirley’s desk. “You have one of those from three days ago?”

  She nodded. “Sure.”

  Starsky rolled his eyes like I was wasting their time.

  “Evidence is in there.” I stood up.

  They both looked at each other and then back at me.

  “Huh?” Starsky said.

  I walked off. Had all the information I was going to get. He was convinced he was right. I didn’t have time to waste.

  They both followed me back the same way we came in.

  Starsky grabbed me by the forearm when we passed the receptionist’s desk. I stared down at his hand and then back up at him.

  He released his grip. “You have a name?”

  I didn’t answer.

  Shirley came up from behind him. She stared at me like I was some kind of school project or puzzle. I liked her immediately. She was a problem solver. Some people you could just tell. No wonder she’d made detective at her age in a department full of testosterone.

  Starsky glared. “Look, stay out of this, okay? I’m sure you’re some kind of family or friend looking to play investigator, but there’s nothing there. Let the professionals handle it.”

  Shirley cleared her throat.

  Starsky peeked back to her and then turned to me. “Sorry for your loss if you knew him. But we can’t have you interfering and getting in our way.”

  I snickered.

  “Something funny?” he asked.



  “How can I interfere?”

  “Huh?” He stared blankly.

  I shook my head. “Case closed. No crime.”

  Shirley grinned. Starsky’s face screwed up tight and turned bright red.

  I did a one-eighty and disappeared through the entrance and back into the stairwell.

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  Sloane Howell lives in the Midwest United States and writes hot romance stories. A former college baseball player turned author, when not reading or writing, he enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, traveling, and engaging his readers on social media. You can almost always catch him goofing on on Facebook or Twitter, and trying to convince Mrs. Howell that it is “work.”





  The Matriarch

  Panty Whisperer


  Tommy Boy

  Alpha Bad Boys

  Chloe Comes for Christmas


  The best way to stay in touch with Sloane Howell is to sign up for his newsletter on his website.

  Agent: Emily Sylvan Kim at Prospect Agency

  Publicist: Neda Amini at Ardent Prose PR






  Join his Facebook group


  This is always the most difficult section of a book for me to write. I live in constant fear that I might forget someone. It haunts me, actually. I’ll try to be as brief as possible, but there are so many people to thank. Anyone who says they wrote a book alone, all by themselves, is insane. It takes a team of people to create a polished work to be proud of. I have the best team around. There’s no way I could do what I do without them.

  First, as always, I want to thank my family, Mrs. H and the Boy. They put up with so much from me, I just can’t even express how grateful I am with words. They support me in every way humanly possible, and nothing I do will ever be enough to repay them.

  Kim Jones. Ahhh, fuck. It’s hard work being humble. Hah! Seriously, this book would not be what it is without you. Thanks so much for taking time away from your own work to help me out. It’s truly appreciated and you’re a great friend.

  Maggie Jane Schuler. Thank you so much for all of your help with my books. It’s truly invaluable. You see things in a unique way that is so rare. You don’t even know. You are the best!

  Stacey and Trina at Spellbound. You make my grammar shine and make me look like less of an idiot. You are the best copy editors in the world. There’s not much more I can say beyond that. Every book, time and time again, you prove this to me. It’s the truth. Thank you!

  Lisa Reads. Your covers and graphics are perfection. Thank you for portraying visually what I create on figurative paper. You knocked another one out of the park! Keep slaying, homie.

  Neda Amini. My publicist at Ardent Prose. Thank you for working so hard to promote my books and congratulations on that new little girl! You are the best and a wonderful friend. I love our conversations.

  Lauren, Serena, Marlena, Lucy (Loopy, as Boy calls her), Belle, Kayla, Amo, April, and so many more people I will definitely forget. I’m so sorry if I’ve forgotten anyone. Thank you all so much for reading early and helping me track down those little pesky errors that come through when I try to fix shit after Stacey and Trina have worked their magic. For little messages and words of encouragement. Thank you for taking a chance on reading my work, if this was the first time. Thank you for highlighting teaser lines. Thank you for creating a group for people to discuss this book. You’re all amazing and incredibly talented and selfless individuals.

  The Harem, my Facebook group, thank you so much for helping with promotion, the words of encouragement, but mostly, for hanging around and being my friend. My family thanks you. You’re the best group ever!

  Elaina Lucia and the Empire, my street team. You guys kick so much ass! Thank you for all the promotion and things that you do. Contests, sharing posts, spreading the word. You guys are hardcore and I owe so much to you! You’re amazing.

  To the shhluts on Goodreads. War, CC, Mercedes, Jabby, and others. I haven’t been around like I should, but thank you for everything! You are one kick ass reading group. Always love hanging with you guys.

  Bloggers, fellow authors, and people of the indie community. Thank you for taking time out of your lives to read my work and take a chance on my words. That is so special to me. Thank you for all the shares and promotions and features in newsletters. Thank you for talking about my work and building a buzz. EVERYTHING! I can’t think of an industry or community that embraces each other like ours. I’m honored to work with you.

  Readers. Thank you so much for taking a chance on my words when there are so many other options out there. I truly hope that you enjoyed this book. Thank you so much for all of your support!




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