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Beast of Dreams

Page 4

by Cynthia Williams

  He drank in the sight of her unadorned splendor and fell to his knees, overwhelmed by his desire for her.

  Moved by his need for her, she opened her arms to him and spread her knees apart to draw him in. Her exposed breasts hung provocatively, the ruby tips hardening as his chest drew close to hers.

  He pressed his body between her legs, only inches separating them. He stared hard into her eyes and asked, “Are you frightened of me, Beauty?”

  “A little,” she said. “But I want you more.” She lifted her palms to rest against the fur on his chest. Weaving her fingers into the thick coat, she said in a warm voice, “I love the texture of your fur. It’s coarse but soft. I wonder what the fur on your face feels like?”

  He grasped her hands in his and gazed at her with a sensual smile. “I’ll be happy to show you.” He placed her hands in her lap. As she was about to lift them to stroke his face, he stopped her, saying, “No, not with your hands.”

  She looked at him, puzzled.

  He wrapped one arm around her back and the other under her knees. The silk gown slithered to the floor, leaving her completely naked as he lifted her quickly in his arms and stood up. She gasped as the room spun around with the sudden shift of movement. He carried her over to the dresser and set her bottom on it.

  Gently pulling her knees apart, he knelt down again. He pushed himself forward and blew a gentle breath of warm air on the fine hair covering her pussy. She shivered with desire.

  “You want to know what the hair on my face feels like?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes…” she said.

  He placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her left thigh. His lips were firm but soft. He followed it with a small lick from the tip of his tongue. He lifted his head and smiled up at her wickedly.

  “Beast, those are your lips. I have yet to feel your fur,” she insisted, playfully.

  Looking at her with secret intention, he leaned in and rubbed his chin and lower cheeks on her inner thighs. Each time his mouth passed her pussy, he blew warm air on her soft curls. He breathed in the sweet scent of her arousal through his nostrils. It sapped him of all will to resist. He gently bit down on the inside of her left thigh, leaving a red mark. She moaned deeply.

  “Your fur feels like mink…” she panted.

  The Beast kissed the outside of her warm mound, slipping the tip of his index finger in at the bottom of the slim crevice between her legs. He very slowly moved it up, barely touching the swollen folds buried within. Slick moisture puddled in the crease.

  He leaned in and placed his lips gently on her crease, sucking her fragrant nectar into his mouth. The taste was sweet and drove him to the edge of madness.

  “Let me lick your pussy,” he said, his voice rough with desire.

  “Oh, yes…” she said, spreading her legs farther apart and scooting as far forward as possible on the edge of the dresser.

  “Put your legs over my shoulders,” he said.

  She lifted her legs and he helped her to rest the backs of her thighs on his shoulders. She enjoyed the sensation of the soft fur of his broad and muscular shoulders rubbing the undersides of her thighs.

  He slid his large hands under her bottom to cup her buttocks and lift her into his mouth. She could feel his thick wet tongue against her labia and a gentle prick from the sharpness of one of his incisors. She gasped with need, her palms clutching the back of the dresser, desperately wanting the penetration of his tongue. “Push your tongue in further,” she demanded.

  He pushed his tongue into the folds of her swollen labia, eliciting a long moan from her.

  Leaning in to further slither his tongue between her wet folds and touch the tip of it into her vaginal opening, he could tell that she had become even wetter, hotter than before. He continued to lick her, hungry for more of her juices. Every few licks, he would stop to gently bite the insides of her thighs, compelled to do so by a need to mark her as his. He leaned back and looked at her long and hard, his nostrils flaring with the scent of her sexual perfume.

  “Cradle my head in your hands,” he commanded, gazing at her flushed face. “Look at me.”

  Beauty obeyed, raw desire burning in her eyes, as she entwined her fingers through his thick mane to rest her palms on each side of his head.

  “The scent of your arousal is making my cock rock-hard. It’s taking all my will to not throw you on the floor and fuck you,” he growled, gripping her thighs tightly.

  Her heart fluttered wildly, hearing this.

  He pushed his mouth into her wet pussy and thrust his long, thick tongue deep into the slick folds, teasing at her opening. She shuddered at the invasion. He lapped at her labia, running his tongue over and around the folds and then over her clitoris.

  She dug her fingers deep into his hair, her breath panting and her fingernails scratching the skin beneath.

  As he laved her folds, he ran his tongue along a long path from her clitoris down to her vaginal opening, twisting the tip of his tongue into hard little thrusts, as he drove his tongue faster and harder into her hot, wet core. Her wet juices lubricated his mouth and lips, her aroma driving him into a primitive madness.

  She felt the heat building in her, the fire flowing through her veins, as she neared the point of climax. Throwing her head back, she cried out her release as waves of ecstasy shuddered through her.

  Suddenly, she was gone and Karrick was left kneeling alone on the hard stone castle floor, rampant desire burning through him, his cock turgid with need.

  Damn, he thought.

  Opening his eyes, he could see her awakening next to the pool, a wide smile on her face. The sight of her happy reaction warmed him. Getting up on his feet as quietly as possible, he decided to head down and speak with her in person. He needed to meet her face to face; he could no longer resist being in her physical presence.

  He knew of a path that the wolfan used to visit the mineral springs from their nearby compound. He figured that he’d be able to sneak up on her unaware.

  * * * * *

  Shodan’s pale blue eyes narrowed and hardened as he watched Karrick leave his vantage point, realizing that Karrick was going to go down to the mineral springs to get closer to the woman. He stealthily moved from the thick vegetation he had been hiding behind to rest on the rocky outcropping. Nice view, he thought, appreciating the woman’s curved backside and long shapely legs. I’d love to have those wrapped around me.

  His balls tightened under his stiffening cock as he watched her slide her hands in a caressing movement over her stomach and then stopping at her chest to cup her firm rounded breasts. She sighed and stretched her arms above her head, clasping her hands together to dreamily watch the clouds pass overhead.

  Anger coursed through Shodan’s veins, his pale blue eyes narrowing. It was clear she had just been heavily aroused by Karrick’s dream manipulations. It was a stern dictate from Bethan herself that no wolfan was to enter another’s dreams for sexual pleasure unless they were mated. Yet here was Karrick, obviously defying his own mother’s rules and getting away with it. Shodan had long felt that Karrick wasn’t bound by his mother’s dictates. If it had been he who’d done this, he was certain he would have been severely punished and humiliated.

  Shodan watched as Karrick emerged from behind several large boulders, out of sight of the woman. Karrick crouched in a running stance, and Shodan wondered if he meant to pounce on her.

  * * * * *

  Karrick debated on the best way to approach her. He’d noticed the stun gun she kept nearby and thought that a slow cautious advance might give her too much time to shoot him. On the other hand, if he could surprise her before she could get her weapon, he might be able to obtain it first, to keep her from using it against him. With a springy bounce, he was off and running toward the gun. Just as she was turning toward him with a startled look upon her face, he shot through some kind of invisible wall of pain.

  “Dammit!” he yelled, falling to his knees a meter or two past the barrier she’d
set up earlier. “What the hell…!” He gave her a black look. “Goddammit, woman, if you wanted to set up a security barrier, you didn’t have to turn the power up so high that it would fry the hair off my backside!”

  Without even thinking, Amanda jumped up with the stun gun in her hand and discharged it at the wolfan, knocking him unconscious at her feet, but not before his large paw slapped the weapon out of her hand, causing it to fall irretrievably down a heated vent. She stood for a moment in shock, wondering what to do. Checking him over for weapons, she didn’t find any, but she decided to be prudent and at least restrain him. Amanda quickly pulled the safety harness she used for rock climbing out of her backpack and had just finished restraining the wolfan’s hands behind his back when he woke a few minutes later.

  At first, Amanda was taken aback at the sudden invasion of her space by the large wolfan, but her long-standing desire to meet one dissipated any panic that was starting to build. In fact, amusement warred with caution as Amanda took in his outraged demeanor, evident the moment he came to. His amber eyes sparked annoyance as he flashed his fangs at her. She realized this was supposed to intimidate her but there was something about him that made her feel that his growl was much worse than his bite.

  She was thrilled to finally see a wolfan in person, her childhood fascination with the subspecies having grown into an obsession over the years. She admired his coat of thick soft fur, which completely covered his body except for the palms of his hands and soles of his feet. It was a luxuriant mixture of nut brown, jet black, and ivory.

  His face was also furred, though this fur was much shorter and finer, allowing her to easily read his features, which were very expressive. A mane of rich brown, thick, shaggy hair surrounded his head, and seemed to need a bit of a trim, she thought. The feeling of attraction she felt toward the big, handsome wolfan sitting on the ground, looking up at her, was immediate.

  She couldn’t help noticing how muscular he was under all that fur, and admitted to herself that she rather liked the look of him dressed in a leather breechclout and vest.

  Something about him also seemed so familiar. It was odd, but normally her heart would be pumping like mad with apprehension, and yet she felt a certain amount of anticipation in his presence. Must be all that focus on the wolfan and the dreams I’ve been having, she speculated.

  There was a spark of some kind of indefinable emotion in his eyes as he slowly looked her up and down as he climbed back to his feet. Once he was standing, Amanda realized that her head came only to his chest level. Amanda found him just a bit intimidating in a purely masculine kind of way. Looking up at him, she thought the features of his face quite sensual; the pointy tips of his fangs added a bit of menace to his looks, and his amber eyes were sharp and assessing.

  She was suddenly uncomfortable with her nudity in front of him and made a move to get herself covered up as soon as possible.

  She walked over to the large towel she’d lain on earlier and palmed the plasma blaster she had hidden below it after she’d taken her swim. Feeling confident in her ability to deal with the wolfan in hand-to-hand combat, she carried the bundle nonchalantly to where she put the analyzer and water purification tablets, and hid her actions from his gaze for a moment as she gently dropped the blaster into the bag and picked up a bottle of lotion.

  Shaking the towel open and wrapping it around her, she said, “You should have shown some foresight and simply shouted from behind the boulders that you were coming.” She stared at him for a moment. “You’re a wolfan, aren’t you? I’ve seen holograms of your subspecies before, but I have to admit, you’re even more impressive close up.”

  “Yes, I’m wolfan. Glad to hear you think we’re so impressive,” he said, sarcasm coloring his voice. He glowered at her. “You know, you really didn’t need to shoot me like that. All I wanted to know was why you’re here…”

  Amanda paused for a moment as she squeezed some lotion into her palm and began rubbing her arms with it. She bit back the smile that wanted to form. He sounded so put upon.

  A faint glimmer of amusement twinkled in the depths of her eyes as she faced his unrelenting stare. “Well, I tend to shoot first and ask questions later—something my uncle taught me. In any case, perhaps I’m here for the same reason as you.” She inspected him with curious intensity. “Maybe you should tell me why you’re here, first? After all, you’re the one who invaded my camp,” she commented, a bit of censure in her tone.

  Karrick had discussed with his father what to say if he was forced into a one-on-one situation. They had decided a mixture of some of the truth would be the best course, since they didn’t know what politics had transpired between the Conglomerate and the wolfan in the past thirty years.

  “I came here several weeks ago to research what happened to the crash site of the Logan party. Several other wolfan and I are camped at the site investigating the ruins,” Karrick said, lying easily.

  “Interesting. You must have been well hidden, since I didn’t see any of you from my ship. I’m here for the same reason.” Amanda relented and walked behind him to untie the bonds around his wrists. She quickly moved back in front of him, just out of his reach. “By the way, my name’s Amanda. What’s yours?” she asked.

  “Karrick. You have a beautiful name, Amanda,” he asked, a glow of masculine appreciation in his eyes, as he took in the bare skin not covered by her towel.

  Amanda tightened the towel around her, making sure her breasts and crotch were well-hidden beneath. The sensual way he said her name and the hot looks he kept sending her left her tingling inside. She schooled her face to look calm as she offered him her hand in friendship.

  Karrick grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips to place a soft kiss on her palm. He had enjoyed her attempt to hide herself beneath the towel. He smiled at her look of surprise as she felt the tip of his soft tongue flicker on her palm. She cast him a speculative look when he let her hand go. “How long have you been here?”

  Amanda decided she better take control of the conversation. “I’ve only been here a couple of days. Didn’t your group have problems with coming here because of the isolation decree?”

  “The decree. Well…we did have to gain special permission to come here. It was a long process and took about a year before the approval came down.”

  “I’m surprised you were given permission at all, with the current hostilities going on between the Conglomerate and the wolfan and other subspecies,” she said.

  “I wasn’t involved with the process at all and was told that I didn’t need to know any particulars. With what’s been going on, I’d rather not get all that involved anyway. I’m really only here to help with the expedition,” he said, continuing to prevaricate. He decided to turn the tables on her a bit. “So, you’re here for the same reason. Can you tell me what you’re trying to determine from the site? I find it a bit odd that we weren’t told that there would be another expedition investigating.”

  “Yes, it is odd, isn’t it?” Thinking fast, she said, “I received approval through Jonathon Parker’s office about two months ago.”

  At that, his eyes widened a bit, just enough to indicate to Amanda that her father’s name caused some recognition. “Do you know of Jonathon Parker?”

  “I remember hearing something about Jonathon Parker being friends with Dr. Logan and his wife Bethan…”

  “Not many know that,” she said suspiciously. “Where did you come by that information?”

  “It was just something passed on to me during the past year by the head scientist leading our expedition,” he said. “Are you here alone?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. I generally work on teams but the sensitive nature of this investigation warranted that I work alone.”

  “Isn’t it a bit dangerous to be here by yourself?” He decided to frighten her just a little. “Anything can happen, you know. Have you heard of the mjoran bears on this planet? They’re quite vicious and known for the speed at which they can pou
nce on their kill.”

  She looked at him in a bit of a huff. “They don’t come this far north on the Palenor continent.”

  He smiled; she was fun to tease. “What of the night jackals? I saw a holovid once that showed a pack of twenty of them pursuing a small herd of horses. Some idiot decided to breed them on Eridani when it was first discovered. That didn’t last too long…” His eyes narrowed at her, a bit of an unholy glee in their depths, and he lowered his voice to a melodramatic whisper. “I can still hear their cries when the jackals attacked…”

  Amanda didn’t know whether to laugh or be irritated at the big wolfan. “That’s sick and either you haven’t researched this planet very thoroughly or you’re deliberately trying to frighten me. The night jackals don’t even live in Palenor.”

  “You think that this place is perfectly safe, huh?” He reached out and tilted her head so that his eyes bored into hers. “I wouldn’t recommend running around half naked with just a skimpy towel to cover you. There’s a type of animal that is even more dangerous…and very close by…” he softly growled. “What of the wolfan?”

  She took a step back, pulling the towel a bit tighter around her. “What of them?” she said.

  “Wolfan can be very dangerous…”

  She stared at him haughtily, “Wolfan are no more dangerous than any other human species.”

  “All human males, regardless of subspecies, are dangerous. Especially when around a beautiful, sexy female like you. Humans are the most dangerous animals in the universe,” he insisted, stalking toward her slowly.

  She hoped that this would turn physical; she had a few tricks up her sleeve that she wanted to try on him. “You think I’m sexy, huh? Well, human females, smart ones, learn early how to protect themselves from over-eager males,” she said tartly as she backed up.

  “What could you do to stop me, if I decided that I wanted you?” he said, his eyes impaling her.


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