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Eternal Damnation: A novel of the Amagarians

Page 27

by Reid, Stacy

  Turning away from the portal, his hands clasped behind his back, he prowled on foot over the vastness of the wastelands. He could feel the crouching creatures of Taryllion, their hackles stirring as they smelled the predator walking through their lands. He could feel the darkness rising, that hollow emptiness yawning like a tremendous endless hole threatening to swallow him whole. A poisonous rage flooded through his veins, a dark red stain that spread rapidly, encompassing all the light that had tethered his soul. The sheer intensity of his rage threatened to rip him to pieces, but he set his jaw and kept walking, his mind filling with cold purpose.

  He was going hunting.

  Hundreds of assassins across the seven kingdoms had answered the call for her recapture. It did not matter that she had left and might never return, they would all be made to understand the depth of their error. And all the pain and rage he felt now would have an outlet. Darkness roared, the bloodletter rose in him and he embraced it, for the monster was familiar, the beast was a comfort, and the absence of his mate was an unrelenting pain he only knew to assuage in blood and death.

  * * *


  The Kingdom of Dxyriah.

  Raw, pounding energy tore Shilah apart as she spun with nauseating speed across the stars. The color in the nexus constantly changed, swirling with a deep purple through dark red then with blue and green. The humming at the center grew louder, and then the multi-colored whirling force spewed Shilah and Kala out with such power they slammed into the floor of the cave. Kala cried out her pain, but with Darkan blood coursing through Shilah’s veins, she barely felt the jarring impact.

  “Princess Shilah?” a familiar voice whispered, emotions roughing the tone.

  Glancing up, she watched as the gatekeeper, Herron, used his telekinesis to weave back the barrier in place, shutting away the shimmering effect of the portal. He stared at her as if he’d conjured her, before scrubbing a hand over his face, and quickly bending his knee to the stone ground.

  “Please stand, Herron,” she said, unfamiliar emotions tearing through her.

  He rose, his mahogany brown eyes shimmering with so many emotions. “I’ve long hoped you would return to us, Princess Shilah, Princess Kala. The statues have been raised for you both. I…we…I am delighted you are both here.”

  The honorary statues were only erected after a prince or princess has been declared dead. She carefully brushed against the psychic network of her people. Shilah wanted to weep at the aura surrounding the wall of their connection. It was a deep purple, which hinted at the unrelenting pain. They mourned her, and they mourned Kala. Shilah did not want to risk going deeper if traitors lingered within the network seeking the pathway to her and Kala.

  “Do I have your loyalty, Herron?” Shilah asked softly, her gaze darting around the underground cave. They were deep within the mountain trails, leading to the network of the caves. Few knew of the location, but surely Prince Quan would set spies in the mountains and at the portal. She flared her telepathy and sensed no other aura for miles.

  “Always, Princess Shilah,” he hurriedly assured her.

  And from his thoughts, she gleaned his honesty. Even though she had known of his love and fidelity to her family, she had to check. His family had pledged fealty to her house when her father had granted a group of Arcadians refuge from political unrest which had broken out in their kingdom. To please the purists in Dxyriah, all the refugees and their descendants who chose to remain within the territory had to be registered and were required to bear a mark on their foreheads. It had been Herron who had helped them escape to Amagarie after swearing an oath to not reveal where they had fled to. But much could have changed within the last few months.

  “Rah Blevinstoke has been relentlessly searching for you, Princess Shilah. He bid me to direct you to his location should you resurface. I did not inform him of where you escaped with Princess Kala, but he seemed to be aware of it, and of your imminent return.”

  Her stomach tightened. Rah had no doubt used a foreseer to try and find her, and she sensed he’d used Megladine, his great love whom he could not marry for she too was impure. Rah had been a friend of her father, a mentor to her and she trusted him. Yet she hesitated, hating that sense of mistrust she had for her people which had taken root and flowered since the betrayal at her coronation. “And what directive were you given?”

  “To safeguard the portal till your return. And the Baron showed me a map, but I did not understand it, nor can I remember it.”

  She walked over to him. “With your permission, Herron.”

  “Most certainly, my princess.”

  She delved deep into his mind, moving past his barriers sifting through his memories. She saw that the prince was persecuting Herron’s people as traitors and all who remained were in hiding. She pushed past his pain and anger and finally came to the map as he’d seen it. Shilah studied it, locating the marked networks of a cave deep underground her castle which led toward the Senate and was perilously close to her home. Unease filled her that he would choose to meet so close to the enemy, for undoubtedly Prince Quan lived at castle Ashmir.

  “Thank you, Herron,” she said, stepping back.

  “Princess Shilah, for days our new…Prince Quan has had a hovercraft patrol these parts of the mountains. Many whispered that you fled the realm and would return to your rightful place. I believe these whispers have also reached his ears.”

  “Thank you for the warning, I already suspected the prince might be vigilant. These caves are my home, and Prince Quan and his followers do not know them as I do. Please rest easy, Herron, I will be cautious.”

  Questions swirled in his gaze, but he bowed deferentially. Kala who had stood silently during their exchange walked over to him and enfolded him in a hug. She whispered in his ears softly, telling him of a future she saw, a wife that would bring him great happiness and children.

  Herron closed his eyes, and hope burned his aura bright yellow.

  Kala released him and hurried over. Drawing her sister close, Shilah made her way deep underground the cavern, skirting past large crystal stalactites, and going deeper. She’d missed her home and her people. But she missed Lachlan Ravenswood with such intensity it bordered on pain.

  “I am still in disbelief we are home,” Kala said, a smile on her lips but a vein of fear in her tone.

  “I too am pleased, Kala.”

  “You mourn him,” her sister said with a gasp of surprise.

  Shilah paused. “Who?” Though she full well knew her sister spoke of Lachlan Ravenswood.

  “You will deny it, but I see visions of you curled on your bed, screaming your tears and sorrow into your pillow. Oh, Shilah, I never realized you had such feelings for him!”

  Kala’s arms were suddenly around her, holding her tight as Shilah returned her embrace, wrapping her arms around her sister comfortingly.

  “You made the right choice, and I promise you the pain of walking away from him will pass.”

  Relief pierced Shilah. “You’ve seen it?”

  Kala stiffened but made no reply. Shilah brushed against her mind, absorbing the images of her staring listlessly above her kingdom as snow blanketed their streets and buildings. She released her sister, and stepped back, pasting a forced smile on her lips.

  “So, in eight months’ time with the arrival of winter, I will still be mourning him.” The pain of it almost felled her, and she knew then, a part of her would hunger for him always.

  “But I see you…and you are alive,” Kala said, with calm logic. “That is what is most important.”

  Their love affair had been brief, but she’d come to recognize what he was to her, and what another would never be. He was her warrior, her partner, her strength as well as her weakness and she had walked away. He would always cloak her with layers of protective violence if she allowed him to do it. When she would find forgiveness and administer justice, he would deliver pain and vengeance. And upon her death, which would be inevitable for her
kind was not immortal, he would slaughter.

  “Let’s go. We need to find proper clothes and connect with those loyal to our house.”

  It took them hours, but they carefully made their way through the network of caves, pausing at intervals to seek the enemy, Shilah with her telepathy and Kala with her foresight. They made their way down the caves and ice tunnels for miles until they spilled out onto the lawns behind the building of the Senate. Shilah could have covered the journey in minutes while carrying Kala on her back, but she wasn’t ready to reveal her new abilities just yet, not even to Kala given they would soon be around other telepaths. Shilah saw the sweat glistening on Kala’s skin and heard her increased heart rate, but the journey had felt like a stroll to her. She felt like a predator roaming her jungle, aware of everything, she could even feel the subtle changes in the atmosphere as the sun dipped behind the mountain to herald the night.

  The large white building loomed several meters away, climbing four stories tall, and it was the only place in Dxyriah not modernized by their advanced technology. It was not allowed within the walls of the Senate or on the grounds, and the round structure with its many round Corinthian columns and balconies had the same design that was displayed in their history books. Prince Quan had only been able to attack her coronation for it had been done in the temple of the high priestess, another place where no technology was allowed.

  “There is no one ahead.”

  They sprinted across the open lawns to the side of the building. Shilah stayed low, sticking as close to the side of the building as she could. In the far distance, their once vibrant city was quiet, only a few hovercrafts zipped through the skies, and only one rover craft rolled over the steel-plated road. Unable to resist, she peered up at the mountaintop which loomed high behind the Senate to Castle Ashmir, her home. Seemingly built into the rock atop the highest mountain of Dxyriah, her castle was like a small city unto itself, with at least six hundred men and ladies of the court residing there. It boasted large glass structures with sweeping terraces and turrets, gleaming pyramids, statues, and columns.

  Taking a steadying breath, Shilah lifted her chin. “The map leads to an underground bunker of olden times beneath the Senate.”

  “The bunker the rebellion used?”


  Kala closed her eyes, and energy buzzed around her and then a smile burst on her lips. “My power can be handy,” she said with a low chuckle. “Rah Blevinstoke is in that bunker now, with several loyal supporters. I see a clear path, follow me.”

  Tension seeped from Shilah’s veins, and she allowed Kala to lead the way as she used her vision to guide them to a side entrance, then down the underground drains for a few minutes, and then to an iron door.

  “They are in here.”

  “Can you see why they are here?”

  Kala closed her eyes again. “No.”

  Shilah nodded, flared her powers, brushing against the mind of everyone inside the bunker. Thirty-nine people in total. She found Rah’s thread and brushed against his mind, a stirring of warmth. She felt his alarm, his hope, and his fear. Carefully by-passing the thread, he had connected with the hive Psychic Net, sliding with deft skill through his various synapses, she spoke.

  “Rah, it’s Princess Shilah. I am here.”

  A loud groan sounded, of iron grinding against iron as the blot of the massive door slid back, and there he stood. Ignoring protocol, he drew her into a fierce hug, his thoughts of relief and joy spilling to her.

  They stepped into the upper floors of the spacious bunker, which had been designed to hold eight hundred of their people. A large table was in the center with various maps, scrolls, and legal books strewed about. What she saw of the resistance force so far was made up of several army generals, a few of their scientists, and even a senior member of the Senate, Prince Novar— her former consort.

  She faced them, so many feelings burning through her. “Thank you all for being here. I fled Serange because—”

  “We know why you ran, princess,” Rah said, his gaze jumping from one member to the other. “Your home was viciously attacked, and you lost people you love. You saved your life, and Princess Kala’s, and now you’ve returned to us. That is all that matters. If you had stayed, you would have died, for none of us, expected or was prepared for the prince’s action. Now we are prepared, and we will only look forward, not behind.”

  A lump formed in her throat. Her people stared at her with varying degrees of emotions—shock, relief, joy, and pain. Still, at the heart of it all, she was surrounded by trusted friends and supporters, and the air filled with camaraderie, with acceptance, with belonging.

  Megladine stepped forward, scanning behind Shilah before relief wilted her shoulder. “I’ve been tormented with visions of darkness ravaging our city, Princess Shilah,” she said huskily. “A decision was made that has changed something, and I am glad for it.”

  Shilah’s knees went weak. “You no longer see this slaughter?”

  “All I see is hovering darkness waiting, but I do not know for what it waits. But I prefer such an outcome than the pain and death I saw before.”

  The small crowd parted as she made her way over to the table. “What is all this?”

  “We have been making plans while we awaited your return. We had every confidence both of you would come back,” Rah said. “The Senate declared you both dead at Prince Quan’s insistence. We will slowly spread the word that you’ve returned and put pressure on the Senate to convene immediately.”

  “They will demand proof,” Baron Shaffer said, stepping forward.

  “And the proof will be provided when you appear at the Senate meetings,” Prince Novar said, his eyes warm and sensual. “Prince Quan has demanded the Federated Coalition of Senates to assemble, and a date has been set for six days from today. We suspect his greater agenda will become known at the meeting, so we must meet with our Senate before then.”

  Shilah frowned at the gentle flutters along her mind for a telepathic connection. She closed him out, refusing to connect with him outside of the Psychic Network. It oddly felt like a betrayal to the intimate bond she’d formed with Lachlan Ravenswood.

  “Prince Quan broke the laws with his barbaric actions. The foundations of his plan before rested on ending the Symonrah bloodline. He failed. He will have no choice now but to meet you on the floor of the Senate,” Rah said. “We’ve prepared all the legal arguments, and we have been thorough.”

  Kala jerked, and a small cry slipped from her. “I see hundreds of soldiers scouring the city, breaking into homes searching for us at his command. They will not rest until our death is secured. Unrest will rise for those who believe he has no right to the throne will be emboldened by our return and will fight. Lives will be lost. Dozens,” she ended hoarsely.

  Megladine’s lips flattened. “The Prince will do everything to prevent you both from reaching the Senate.”

  “We must hide you until we’ve convened the Senate. And only after you’re both hidden can we let it be known you're alive, princess. And we must assemble the Senate immediately. Too long a delay will be disastrous for our city,” Prince Novar said, moving to stand beside Shilah.

  Everyone’s murmur of assent filled the bunker.

  “Do we know why Prince Quan has acted with such rank disregard for our laws?”

  Prince Novar stared at her for several moments before saying, “He has made a petition to the Senate to repeal aspects of the bloodline laws. He has proposed a motion that Impure be allowed to marry, even if they should remain sterilized.”

  Her gaze jumped to Megladine who was looking at Rah with such naked longing it was painful to witness.

  Kala stepped forward. “The kingdom of Arcadia sent such a request to our brother. All three Senate branches of the three kingdoms must agree about overturning any part of the law that has been the bedrock to the society we lived in. My brother said no. To allow even an adjustment is to threaten the golden age we live in. It will s
tart with marriage. Then perhaps sterilization will fail. A child will be born in secret. Then another. And another. And before we know it, we may have another Na’Vita. That risk we cannot allow.”

  Shilah’s stomach rebelled, but she fought hard to stay in control, breathing deep. “You’ve never told me this, Kala.”

  Her sister froze. “I am sorry, sister. I was afraid…afraid you would have agreed with Prince Quan.”

  “Do you think so little of me that I would put my desires above the safety of our future generations?” And the temptation was there, the hunger for another life for those who had been branded Impure. But why did Prince Quan seek such an alteration to the law? Was he impure?

  Shilah took a bracing breath. “Where is our hovercraft? Has Prince Quan taken command of it?”

  “No. All its systems had been shut down, and the prince has not been able to override it.”

  The operation and internal defense mechanism of their hovercraft, and home were controlled by Arrow, who was programmed to respond only to Kala and Shilah. Arrow had access to all the databases in Dyxriah. And they had armbands that they uploaded his intelligence on, and once they were within range of any technological construct, he could infect it with a virus and take control of it. Their father had been the creator of the Prime Sentient 2.1, and there had been no development in their realm that surpassed it.

  Arrow had been programmed to respond to whoever ruled Castle Ashmir and was the most powerful sentient intelligence of their realm. Almost all other households operated on model 1.5. Knowing that the command of her household interface would be integral to Prince Quan, she had used her telekinetic powers to input the kill code that would deactivate it as she fled. There had been a possibility Arrow would not have responded to the prince’s commands, but his attack had been so well coordinated and brutal she hadn’t taken the chance.


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