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by Cooper, Jodi

  "That's not an issue. I'll make sure that you still earn the same salary as you would if you were working in the estate. Does that help make things easier?"

  "Yes…” the offer sunk in. “Thank you so much, Mr. Maxwell."


  “Sorry. Thank you Mr. Nathan.”

  She couldn't believe she was going to have the ability to stay in his private penthouse whenever she wanted.

  Hannah was sure that he was going to let her go when he invited her for a talk.

  She figured he had taken the afternoon to let her little outburst sink in and had decided that she wasn't worth the trouble of trying to keep in line.

  This was a pleasant surprise.

  "You're welcome. So, now that business is out of the way, how about we talk a little more and get to know one another a bit better?" Nathan suggested.

  "What would you like to know?" Hannah was much more relaxed now.

  "Tell me about yourself. What do you enjoy? What do you desire from life?"

  "Whoa, getting deep very quickly. Okay. Well, I guess I'm a pretty simplistic person. I enjoy good coffee, fine wine and excellent books. I spend a lot of time in the coffee shop under my apartment when I'm not working. I guess I just desire happiness," Hannah blushed. "That's probably silly. What I want is what everyone else seems to want. A life where they have joy in the little things, a family and friends who love them and who can be counted on when life gets hard. Somewhere to call home and something to be proud of."

  She gave a little shrug.

  She wasn't sure she had explained herself well at all, but looking at Nathan he seemed to be very enthralled in what she was talking about.

  "I understand completely. I like literature too and espresso now and then and of course good wine."

  He held up the bottle and topped off her glass.

  "Since we're getting to know each other, I have something that I've been curious about since I've worked here," Hannah admitted.

  "Now I'm curious, too," Nathan leaned in closer.

  Hannah laughed.

  "You aren't married," she said.

  "No, I'm not," Nathan agreed.

  Hannah laughed again. "I'm sorry. I just… I guess I assumed you would be. It's just you in this big house, and I thought you would have a family."

  "I did for a short time, or close to it. I was engaged to a woman a few years ago, but we parted ways before the wedding took place."

  He looked to the distance, envisioning her in his mind.

  "I'm sorry to hear that."

  "Well, it works out for the best. Always does. She turned out to be a wretched woman behind all of the parties and charity events." He took a deep breath. "So I find what I need elsewhere these days. What fulfills me," Nathan explained.

  "Sorry?" She wasn't sure if she was reading him right.


  Oh no…

  Chapter Five

  Hannah blushed deeply thinking about what Nathan meant when he confidently spoke of his ‘desires.’ His eyes rested on her, slowing examining every part of her soul.

  She could imagine him coming up to a woman and flirting with her. He had the charm, the looks, the way of life that would win anyone woman over.

  "I have to admit I was quite taken by you when I first met you," Nathan told her as if divulging a secret.

  Hannah was stunned.

  This man wasn’t short of confidence…

  He was taken with her?

  As in… he found her attractive and desirable?

  Sure she was a gorgeous girl but she was his maid… the man's servant.

  She had never dared to think that he would feel that way about her.

  "Though I have to admit Hannah, knowing now that you enjoy and thrive upon the simple things in life, I'm not sure I'd be much of a match for you."

  Nathan poured more wine into his own glass.

  "What do you mean?" Hannah was shocked they were having such a blunt conversation on the subject.

  "I tend to indulge in the complex, the abnormal, the deviant some would tend to say. Simple is only good for so long before something more is necessitated by the mind, body and soul. Wouldn't you say?"

  Nathan had a look about him that was making her panties wet.

  What was it about this darkly mysterious man, who was supposed to be a boring businessman, that was driving her absolutely crazy and dominating her thoughts with sinfully sexy images and downright dirty thoughts that made her flush with desire?

  The evening certainly was taking a turn in a direction she hadn't seen when she had been asked to stay with him.

  She thought he was going to fire her, but here he was confessing an attraction that to most was a forbidden and taboo thing.

  Her boss…

  His employee…

  His servant…

  Her master?

  "I want you, Hannah," Nathan admitted in a deep voice barely over a whisper.

  It was breathtaking to be told that so openly.

  "I want to take you to a place inside of yourself you've never indulged. I want to show you what it's like to explore outside of the simple and the ordinary. I want to give you the gift of the extraordinary, of an intensity of which you've never imagined nor experienced. I want you to be mine, and I want you to take what I give you, and give me what I need in return."

  Her body was now on fire with longing.

  "What is it that you're offering me, Nathan?" she asked.

  It all seemed so much deeper than merely sex, or simply a relationship or even a one-night stand full of heated passion. It sounded like he was offering her so much more than any of that.

  "I'm offering you what I know you desire in your heart. Power, a man in control who will take you as you are and ravage you until you can barely speak, someone who will push you to your limits and make you see that simple isn't all. Vanilla, the most basic of flavors, is bland. I'm going to introduce you to a world you never knew existed. But I need you to trust me, and I need you to obey me."

  Hannah bit her lip as she listened to him.

  Everything inside of her was screaming 'Yes! Take me now!'

  But a little voice in the back was hesitant to find out what more there was to be had.

  That voice was drowned out by her body as it drove her on.

  "I want you to show me," Hannah said slowly.

  "Being involved with me isn't as simple as affection, sex and desire. There are expectations, rules, danger on occasion, and often you will be pushed to your limits. I need someone who is strong enough to stand on her own but who is willing to obey my command and submit to my will."

  Nathan took a sip from his glass and looked over the rim at Hannah.

  Her cheeks seemed to have a pink tint to them, and he wondered if it was embarrassment, arousal or the Italian wine.

  If he had his way, he was going to put a lot more color into her cheeks before the night was over.

  Chapter Six

  The thought of submitting to a man like Nathan was a natural reaction.

  The way he subliminally demanded the control in a situation, and the strength of his demeanor enchanted her.

  He had a commanding presence that stemmed from untethered confidence.

  Both his confidence and his cock were rock solid as he watched his words be absorbed by the beautiful woman sitting next to him.

  He knew that she wanted him.

  The way her body moved toward him when they were together, the clumsiness that only infatuation could explain and her easy acceptance of his dominance and the explanation of what he was looking for all pointed to her inner desire to submit and belong to him.

  "Do you think you could handle that?" Nathan gave her an appraising look.

  He wanted to hear it in her voice when she told him she could.

  Nathan was willing to work with her.

  He would train her and mold her to be his.

  He would take everything inside of her and make it shine like
diamonds in the sun on display only for him.

  'Could I handle it? Of course I can. The real question is should I? Should I get involved with a man who wants to claim my innocence and make me submit to him while he does deliciously dark things to my body?' Hannah could only imagine what that would feel like.

  "Yes," she finally replied, taking a small sip from her wine.

  The alcohol was going straight to her head and making everything feel light and sleepy, yet she wanted nothing more than to be claimed by Nathan and for him to show her just what he meant when he spoke of his domination of her and her complete and utter submission in the bedroom.

  "If you think you can handle it, we can do a trial run. A tasting, if you will, of the exotic."

  Nathan set his glass down, and his eyes focused on hers.

  The way he looked at her felt like he was getting inside of her, penetrating her from across the couch, and taking her deeper into the realm of submission that she was tip-toeing into.

  Hannah nodded slowly.

  She had some knowledge about what he was offering her, but beyond a few short novellas and a movie or two, she was completely out of her element.

  "You need to let me have control. Are you willing to do that?”

  His stare was intense and she couldn’t respond.

  “Can you give up control of yourself? Your body? Your submission? Your obedience? And most of all, I want and need your trust. Can you trust me, Hannah?"

  His hand found a resting place on her thigh, and his touch was making her heart beat faster in anticipation.

  The voice deep inside of her knew letting him have complete control over her was a huge risk.

  Alarm bells should have been ringing in every touch that connected them and each word between them, but it was silent inside of her except for the thundering of her racing heart and the sharp inhalation of breath when his hands found their destination up her thighs and parted them gently.

  "Yes, sir," she managed to whisper as his hands explored her through her work uniform.

  "Good girl. Then I have a surprise for you."

  He stood and went to the cabinet behind the bar and came back with a handful of silk scarves.

  Nathan walked behind her.

  His hands resting on her shoulders for a moment before he wrapped the black silk around her, covering her eyes.

  "Trust means knowing that you will be in good hands even when you can't see what those hands are doing."

  A chill ran through Hannah's body as his hands ran through her hair after tightening the silk sash around her eyes.

  Her other senses were enhanced by her inability to see.

  The smell of wine and the strong smell of his all male body wrapped around her.

  Her heart was pounding so fast.

  She shouldn’t be here.

  This is the wrong decision.

  He is her boss.

  Not her master.

  She shouldn’t be here.

  She knew that.

  But she couldn’t resist him…

  Chapter Seven

  The sound of Hannah’s beating heart filled her ears, and she was acutely aware of each time

  Nathan made a movement behind her.

  She gasped as he rounded the couch and lifted her easily into his arms.

  Nathan carried her down the hallway.

  His mouth was on hers and she could do nothing but let him take what he wanted, letting his tongue explore her mouth deeply.

  The taste of tart wine heavy on his breath and the heady spin of alcohol taking her over and filling her lungs with each inhale she took of his exhale.

  Her breasts rising to meet his broad chest that was hard with taught muscles in a way only passion could bring on.

  Hannah wanted to see him.

  She wanted to watch him carry her and see the way his muscles rippled as he hauled her down the hallway to the guest room off of the ballroom.

  The thought of being disobedient enough to remove the sash or even to steal a peek made her feel naughty, and she wasn't sure how Nathan would handle her breaking the trust.

  As much as she wanted to see him, Hannah wanted to allow him to show her something she had no experience with, to take her on an erotic adventure and feast on her body with his as she surrendered to him in complete submission in a way she had never done before with any man who had been lucky enough to be called her lover.

  Nathan flipped her up over his shoulder and carried her through the guest room doorway into the dimly lit room.

  His wide hand giving her ass a smack as her carried her, and she could feel the goose bumps clustering around the burning area on the curve of her ass that would surely have the imprint of his hand on it now.

  He kicked the door shut, and it slammed into place, leaving them alone in the bedroom as he laid her out on the tall bed that she had made earlier that morning.

  Nathan slowly unzipped her skirt from the side and slid it down her shapely legs.

  The sound of the zipper slowly lowering made her quiver, and when the fabric moved down her body she lifted her ass to let him take it.

  Watching her skin be revealed inch-by-inch fed the desires that had been growing in his loins for weeks now.

  When he removed the thin white cotton shirt and revealed the swell of her breasts held in place by a lace-cupped bra his cock throbbed.

  The sight of her dark nipples peeking through the thin virginal lace was maddening, and he wanted to taste her warm skin with the tip of his tongue.

  Hints of her through the cotton made him groan.

  He needed her naked.

  With a single swift movement of his fingers he unhooked her bra in the front, letting her breasts fall free of their restraint.

  All that stood between Nathan and having her completely, vulnerably naked before him was a thin white thong that showed the faint outline of her pussy beneath the opaque lace.

  Nathan ran his hands up her thighs, and she made a small sound as his fingers looped around the sides and pulled the panties down, leaving her completely exposed and overwhelmingly aroused.

  Hannah was utterly beautiful laying there.

  Not a stitch of clothing covering her beautiful body and the hills and valleys of her curves stretched on forever.

  He wanted her completely vulnerable to him.

  At his will and mercy, she would be entirely in full submission.

  Nathan wondered how she would handle the intense feeling that comes with a power exchange experience.

  Different women handle it in completely different ways.

  The chest at the end of the bed held a number of things that she would soon become familiar with. Nathan moved aside some of the toys and bindings.

  There were things he would have to build her up to and gain more of her trust before introducing things that might make her uncomfortable.

  He planned on pushing her out of her comfort zone, but if he did too much too soon, she would bolt like a deer.

  Nathan moved aside the ball gag and the jeweled butt plugs he loved so much that came in various sizes and colors.

  He loved watching a girl stick her ass in the air and revealing a tightly fitted jewel.

  All of those would need to be talked through before he pulled them out and thought about using them.

  Having control didn't mean he was going to disregard things that would make her nervous or concerned.

  It was his job to make sure she understood everything and felt safe while pleasing both of them.

  Nathan pulled several lengths of Moco Jute rope from the bottom of the cedar chest and uncoiled it, giving it a snap as he stretched it out across his hands.

  Oh yes…

  Chapter Eight

  The sound of taught rope filling the silence as Hannah's ears strained for every morsel of sound.

  Hannah waited in anticipation for him to touch her.

  Her body and all of her nerves were at heightened levels of stimulated excitement, and she wante
d to feel the sensual weight of his body on top of hers, the touch of his fingers against her skin, his breath on her neck.

  She wanted anything that would bring him closer to her.

  She wanted him…

  But she also wanted to fully submit.

  Reaching out with her hand, she looked for him. Nathan moved a few steps closer and put his cock in her path. She found it tenting his pants and gripped it through the expensive fabric.

  "Oh!" Hannah exclaimed, stroking him through the suit with a feverish fervor.

  Nathan closed his eyes and took a clarifying breath before taking her hand and securing it to the bedpost above her.

  First the right and then the left.

  He could see her mentally adjusting to being restrained by him.

  She was taking it in easily enough.

  Nathan kept her legs freed on the mattress.

  He wanted to be between her thighs.

  He had to reel in the desire.

  Rushing through this right now would be a mistake.

  This moment was something to savor and relish.

  Being a man of patience, he understood that anticipation and reward were highly sought-after commodities.

  Her first submission was not to be rushed.

  There was nothing in the world like that first taste of sweet release.

  The surrendering of control that gave the freedom to feel things that had been suppressed and buried behind the responsibilities and duties requiring attention and taking away focus.

  It was a gift.

  Chapter Nine

  Admiring the ropes around her wrists hugging her skin tightly, Nathan pulled her legs apart, spreading them wide open, exposing her wettening pussy.

  Fingers slipping in between her lips, running up and down her slick, juice-slickened slit, Nathan pushed two fingers into her.

  Hannah gasped, and her body clenched tightly around his fingers.

  Feeling Hannah respond and react to his touch heightened Nathan's arousal further.

  Using his fingers on her, he fucked her hard and fast.

  Arching her back, she cried out as she came in his hand.


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