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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Finian Blake

  “Boris darling, I always ask.” Cherry watched Rhonda go to the dresser drawer and pull out six of her favorite sex toys. “Just because I did you a favor does not mean that I own you. You may say no and I will still be your friend.” Her tone of voice left no doubt that she was serious.

  “Please tell me what you need.”

  “Boris darling,” Cherry let out an audible groan trying desperately to keep her mind on the conversation as Rhonda started to play. “There is a man called… Nabil working… at EPA… need hack his computer… see what he is… Fucking shit…!”

  “Is Nabil his first name or last name?” Cherry could hear the tapping of a keyboard in the back ground. “Is that the EPA here in Maryland?”

  “Yes, I believe soOOOO!”

  “And where would you like the information sent?”

  “Send it… Randal Byrne… Acme Temporary Service please… Oh God…. When do you think… be able to send it?”

  “I will do it in seconds.”

  “You have it already! How…? Fucking Rhonda… Not that one. I couldn’t stand it!”

  “That answer is very involved but the short form is that we were asked to test the security status of various agencies and the EPA was one of those agencies. Nabil is a one of a kind name here so there was only one unlike Smith or Jones.” Boris paused briefly. “Oh, you do realize that you are asking me to send this to an FBI computer.” Boris was concerned about Cherry’s lack of concentration. “Are you all right?”

  “How do you know? Rhonda, stop for two minutes, please!”

  “There are certain security protocols that my program picks up.”

  “It will be alright.” Cherry was trying to catch her breath. Since Rhonda, decided to give her two minutes. “… trying to track a terrorist that… building a really big bomb… this guy is a key player.” Cherry hesitated for a few moments. “If… represents a problem… you… can get… information the other way.”

  “No there is no problem what about your other request, Cherry?”

  “I am part owner of Knoll productions and I am going to move my part of the operation over here and work our U.S. contracts over here. We have so much business we have to move. Since we are moving all of the U.S. business will be done primarily out of Maryland, so I can stay near my two most favorite people in the world.”

  “But are you sure that you want to go with Cray computers. It seems that you are swatting a fly with a sledge hammer.”

  “Yes we will need at least one Cray computer maybe more because the NSA will be asking us to do several favors for them. If you decide to go with us, I hope that we will be able to oblige them, but we can talk about that tomorrow.”

  Rhonda rolled next to Cherry on the bed stroking her beautiful legs sensually between Cherry’s legs. “Why do you always give Boris a way out?”

  “Because I don’t want him to feel trapped, I know that he will do whatever I ask so giving him a way out is a formality.” Cherry watched as Rhonda picked up her most effective toy. “No…!”

  “And if he refuses?” The toy started to make almost enough noise to drown out Rhonda’s question.

  “Loves Boris… almost as much… love you… will accept… refusal the same as if you refused me something. Nobody is locked into doing anything against her will.” Rhonda gave her a strange look as Cherry continued. “… Everybody… free agent and loyalty is the only currency… in our dealings… each other.… He want something from you… not demand it… also true with you.” Cherry thought she was going to lose her mind.

  “So you really do love us both?” Rhonda knew that Cherry was incapable of lying in her current state.

  “Love both…! Want both…! Need both…! No choice…!” Cherry made a low animal growl, “OH MY GOD, DON’T STOP NOW!” Cherry was thrashing around in the bed, but with her wrists tied to her ankles there was nothing that she could do. Rhonda made a gag out of one of the larger scarfs, making sure that it would do a good job of muffling Cherry, being sure that it was securely in place.

  “Good night Boris, I hope you’re satisfied.” Rhonda stabbed the off button on the speakerphone with her finger making sure that the red light came on signifying that the connection had indeed been broken. Rhonda thought that Cherry’s eyes would pop out of her head as she fiercely mumbled into her gag.

  “Yes, darling, two can play at the open line game.” Rhonda picked up another toy off the bed. “We’re not done yet I still need to introduce you to my newest toy. It’s called ‘INSANITY’ and look the last setting is just labeled OMG, now what could that mean!”

  Maalik hated to call the benefactor. He had been asking for money for over a year and had not produced any desirable results. Sabir was the money man and his great wealth allowed him to finance operations without raising funds. He had found Maalik when he was interviewing candidates for the religious police. Maalik’s father was a Saudi diplomat that was assigned to the United States. Maalik grew up attending American schools and spoke perfect English. His father was a dedicated Salafi Muslim and instilled a fundamentalist passion in his son. Maalik was also desirable because his father was also Sabir’s cousin. Sabir had Maalik form a closed group personally selected by him for the purpose of making a major statement in the morally inferior United States. Maalik made few demands and kept a low profile while waiting for a big event. Sabir had only heard from Maalik once since initiating the group so when he heard the voice of his protégé on the phone he was not sure of Maalik’s question.

  “Maalik it is good to hear from you it has been so long.”

  “Sir, I am sorry to disturb you but I have an urgent request.”

  “And what might that be.”

  “We have found a way to make a major device and we need funds to assemble it.”

  “How big and how much…?”

  “It will affect a few thousand and we need $100,000 but the surrounding damage will be great.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Maalik decided to make up his own facts. “Yes I am sure the bomb will be 2,500 gallons or 20,000 pounds. I do have one additional request we need a machinist to assemble the device since Jamaal and Haroun are no longer with us.”

  “The money will be delivered but we will need to check on the other request since machinists of that skill level are hard to find. See if you can hire out the work that you need perhaps if you hire it out in segments.”

  “That may work I will have Nabil evaluate the problem.”

  “Yes Nabil is a good man he worked for me in the oil fields. I assigned him to the group because he has the technical talents that will help you succeed you can trust him. Nabil is extremely loyal.”

  “What has he said about me?”

  “Nabil is frustrating me,” Sabir said. “He tells me that you are the leader and I should talk to you. I am assuming that you have not called because you do not wish to draw attention to me which I am thankful for. I will have the machinist deliver $100,000 in cash when he comes. Please do not call me until you get back home. I do business in the U.S. and it would be awkward if they knew that I was sponsoring terrorist activities. Please give my warmest regards to Nabil and assure him that I am looking after his family. Allah be praised.”

  Maalik responded, “Allah be praised.” Sabir broke the connection leaving the phone silent.

  Maalik called Nabil on the cell phone, “We need to talk.”

  “I am in the field but I am near the coffee shop that you favor. We will meet there in thirty minutes if that is ok.”

  “Thirty minutes for coffee…” Maalik broke the connection. The whole conversation took only ten seconds and used no names. He knew the coffee shop that Nabil suggested, intentionally keeping the name out of the conversation.

  The coffee shop was owned by a family from Egypt and both men knew the owners well. Maalik favored their Turkish coffee and Nabil liked strong tea. They ordered honeyed pastries to go with their drinks. The owner played music from Egypt loudly in the seating area an
d turned it up louder when the two men seated themselves.

  Maalik was first to speak. “I have talked to the benefactor and he will give us $100,000 and will send it out in cash with the machinist. Proceed with your plan I will select a target based on your requirements.”

  “The fumes from the rocket fuel are quite toxic and will affect thousands depending on which way the wind is blowing. The blast itself will take out everything within a 300-yard radius and cause severe damage to anything in a 600-yard radius. I am running the figures on my computer and can give you a better idea in a few days. I have researched the propane trucks and they will be perfect for our requirements. They hold 3,000 gallons of liquid propane which gives me a 500 gallon void which gives me an idea for a trigger that may increase the effect. I need to create some models but the plan is very workable and could end up right along with 9 1 1 for destruction.”

  Maalik smiled warmly, silently thanking the benefactor for his gift of Nabil. “The benefactor said that he is caring for your family and that they are well.” Nabil nodded his gratitude without comment. Maalik continued, “You did not say that you knew the benefactor. Why did you not tell him of our need?”

  “Once he placed you in charge, I owed my loyalty to you. There can be only one leader otherwise things will get confused.”

  “You could have gone around me and gotten anything that you wanted.”

  “There can be only one leader otherwise things will get confused.” Nabil repeated. “I will follow your orders and offer my advice when asked. What do you require?”

  Maalik was not ready for this. He was prepared for a struggle with Nabil and found out that he was his strongest ally. “I think that we should tighten security and stop buying weapons. I do not want you trying to buy a truck we can have Khalid buy it. Can you see anything else?”

  “We cannot make the modifications in the open air. We will need a place to work on the truck when you rent the place have the machinist rent it taking out a five-year lease.”

  “That is a good point. It shall be done as you suggest.” Maalik rose to leave before his coffee was finished. “Let us finish our drinks and pastries. We have not been here long enough for a casual meeting leaving too soon will not look good.” Maalik acknowledged the wisdom of the idea.

  “Where did you live back home?”

  Felix awoke at five fifteen panicking as he looked at the clock. From where he lived in Fairfax it would take him an hour to get into the Justice Department in DC. He showered quickly and looked for some clean clothes. The underwear was right where it should be but the dry-cleaning was not there. Betty always picked up the dry-cleaning on Tuesday. Then it struck him that yesterday was Tuesday and Betty was in the hospital. He went deeper in the closet finding an old suit that was somewhat threadbare and just a little tight. He dressed quickly finding that he really had to suck it in to get the waist band closed. He grabbed his lap top and jumped in the car noting that the tank was near empty. He always filled the car on Monday evening on the way home and then he remembered Monday evening. Felix raced to the gas station only half filling the tank to save time hitting the highway at a quarter of six. The traffic was heavy but it moved at 55 miles an hour in tight formation allowing him to make reasonable time. Felix arrived at the AG’s office twenty minutes late knowing that the AG had no patience for him being late.

  “Felix I came in early so that you would have a chance to explain your actions before I have the press conference to explain your actions. The press conference begins in ten minutes.”

  “I’m sorry I over slept and…”

  “Do you want to use your time making excuses or explaining your actions?”

  “Where would you like me to begin?”

  “Shall we start with your work?” The Attorney General held up a stack of papers Felix nodded. “You filed a ‘National Security Letter’ to freeze the accounts of one Alexander Chalenger but did not present a reason.”

  “I can do that and withhold the reason in the interests of National Security. I need to get at that file.”

  “You mean the ‘Sweeper file’.”


  “We will get to that in a few items down the road.” Felix started to say something but the AG held up his hand. “You sent these papers to be served by the U.S District Attorney.”


  “Do you know who that is?”

  “I can look that up for you.”

  “I will save you the time. Her name is Athena Chalenger.”

  “Do you think…?”

  “Yes, she is his daughter. My secretary matched the name and found that out in less than two minutes when she pulled her profile up.”

  “Do you think that she should refuse herself?”

  “Let’s move on.” The AG said impatiently. “So you need the ‘Sweeper File’ and you bribe Colleen Arthur with $10,000 of counterfeit money that was in evidence on another case which is screwed that case because the director of the NSA is holding the counterfeit money as evidence in this case.” The AG held up an envelope. “You are on the access list you could have just asked for the file.”

  “I didn’t want to tip anybody off.” Felix pleaded.

  The AG shook his head and moved to the next point. “You then filed a formal request and beat the shit out of a female NSA employee ripping her clothes off leaving her unconscious on the floor.”

  “She called me names.”

  “What names…?”

  “She called me needle dick.”

  “That’s what your wife calls you!” Felix started to stand. “Relax I was just testing and you flunked. Then you get arrested for stalking her getting thrown in jail for violating that order and top things off by getting thrown in jail for putting your wife in the hospital.” The AG’s secretary voice came over the intercom.

  “It is time for the press conference.”

  “Tell them five more minutes.”

  “Felix I have worked out a deal with the NSA.” The AG stood looking down at Felix as if he were a judge passing sentence. “The Director, Miss Arthur and Miss Savage will not press charges for violating protocol. Miss Newly has been told that she will not press charges in lieu of a promotion and your wife will agree that you accidently clobbered her.”

  Felix started to stand. “That’s great all I need is access to those files and…” The AG pushed Felix back in his chair.

  “Shut up and listen. I am going out to that press conference and tell them that you have had a complete mental break down. You are going to commit yourself at Bethesda hospital for an extended period of treatment.”

  “And if I don’t?” Felix could see Senator Belight’s promise of a recommendation for being the new AG going down the drain with his commitment to the hospital.

  “There is a marshal in the outside office that will either take you to the jail or the hospital. The choice is yours.” The AG placed the commitment papers on the desk in front of Felix. “If you sign you get to keep a job with the DOJ, just not the one you’re doing now.” Felix took the offered pen and signed the papers

  “I have to pick up my wife from the hospital.”

  “I sent my wife to get her out. She knows Betty and will stay with her for a few days. You may call her from the hospital.”

  “But my kids, CPS will not release them unless Betty and I are both there for the interview.”

  “Relax Felix the CPS will release your kids to Betty. She was not the problem. You were.”

  “I am the problem…!” Felix jumped out of his chair with the AG pushing him back down.

  “I have a press conference to conduct and I am sending the U.S Marshal in. You may tell him whether you want to go to the hospital or to jail. The choice would be yours.

  Cherry and Rhonda let themselves into Boris’s office. He was completely engaged in a video game. Characters on the screen were performing an impossible sex act and the female characters looked amazingly like Cherry and Rhonda. They removed their shoes
and snuck up behind Boris. They were within a few feet when Boris greeted them. “Good morning my dears how are you today.” Boris pointed to the screen just below the one with the game. The women could see themselves on the monitor.

  “Nikki designs triple X video games for extra cash. The Russian Government has put the Computer Geeks on two thirds salary so Nikki designs games for wankers.”

  Cherry looked at the picture, “Fill those tits with helium and she can be a parade balloon.”

  Boris roared with laughter. “Nikki did you hear that?”

  “I have never thought about that.” Nikki said thoughtfully

  Cherry did her best not to laugh saying, “I would have laughed if she did not look so much like me.” Another character walked in with exaggerated legs when she turned around the character looked amazingly like Rhonda.

  “Nikki, if you put our faces on those characters, we will cut your nuts off.”

  “May I call you boss lady?”

  “No,” said Rhonda not having lost that irritated tone in her voice, “not until you make those corrections that we told you about.”

  “What kind of salary?”

  “$175,000 plus royalties, your papers, transportation, and temporary housing for your people is the signing bonus.” The faces on both of the characters changed magically. “The staff at Four Seasons will make the rest of the arrangements for your people, but right now you need to prepare for your journey. Somebody will be in touch with you to arrange your fatal accident. If you are still alive they will never stop looking for you, so the accident will be very necessary.”

  “I would love to see my funeral. I want to see who cries.” The tone and Nikki’s voice was decidedly serious.

  Cherry reached over his shoulder and severed the connection, before the conversation dropped any lower.

  “Boris, how many people did Nikki get?”

  “He found ten, four of those were marginal but he felt that they were worth it. One of the marginal ones is his girlfriend.”

  Cherry turned to Rhonda, “Rhonda would you say that we should go with ten?


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