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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

Page 39

by Finian Blake

  “It would be a mistake to try an escape before you know where you are.” Cherry said in Arabic with a heavy British accent which really confused her. “Have a nice wash and I will take you back to your cell. You will be well treated if you behave but that can change.”

  “But how…?”

  “Jamal and Haroun left things behind in their apartments which led us to Maalik and that gave us the rest of your cell. Maalik contacted Sabir and that gave us seven other cells in Germany, England, France, Spain, Pakistan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.” Cherry enjoyed the shocked look on Rajiya’s face. “Yes Sabir is planning on assassinating the King, along with his sons and daughters. Why do you look so surprised assassination happens all the time in your family? Why do you think that you have not been interrogated? As your attendant, I am instructed that you are to be treated with dignity and respect until the Kings personal jet arrives at which time you will be transported as a member of the Royal Family to Riyadh. It seems that Sabir has died in his sleep from a heart attack after he returned home from a talk with the Secret Police.”

  “What about the bomb?” Rajiya was getting frustrated at not being able to see the face of the woman in her burka.

  “Your three comrades died in a hazardous materials accident which is being cleaned up as we speak. Unfortunately, they were so contaminated that they had to be respectfully cremated. They will be transported back to Saudi Arabia with you and their families receiving ‘Blood Money’ to compensate them for their unfortunate early demise. According to the Yanks your little plot came to nothing more than an industrial accident.”

  “And that is all? You are not going to do anything to Safiyyah or me?” Rajiya could not believe her luck.

  “The Yanks claim the whole thing never happened and left any repercussions to the Saudi Government. I will take you back to your cell and you may tell Safiyyah about what we discussed.” Cherry could not hide the pleasure in her voice. “You have done your country a valuable service by exposing the traitors. I am sure that the King will commend you personally in a public ceremony, right in your hometown.”

  Safiyyah was sitting at a small ledge at the foot of her bed drinking a cup of tea sampling the offerings from a plate of fresh fruit. Rajiya walked into the room completely ashen.

  “Have they tortured you?” Safiyyah said surprised at Rajiya’s expression.

  “No, I wish that they had tortured me.” Rajiya went into detail about her discussion with the mystery woman unclear what the King would do when they returned home.

  “That is not so bad,” said Safiyyah innocently.

  “I can think of nothing worse,” Rajiya screamed. “Our entire cell has been killed and only Allah knows how many other people will be killed after which the King will take us to our hometown and praise us for stopping them in front of their families. Do you know what will happen to us and our families?”

  “But Sabir turned them in!” Safiyyah was catching on to the situation.

  “Sabir died of a heart attack after he returned home. Are you going to call the King a liar? We will need three male witnesses to testify that he is lying. We will take weeks to die and what will happen to our families.” Safiyyah spit her food out as Rajiya’s appraisal hit home.

  “They cannot do that!” Safiyyah howled. “It is not the truth.”

  Tom, and Ted, listened to the conversation while Nadia watched the monitor when Cherry walked in the room tossing the burka on the back of a chair. She was wearing a thin silk tank top with a very thin pair of jogging shorts.

  “I really don’t mind wearing those things. They are great for interrogation your subject has no idea of who you are and cannot get a read on what you are thinking.” Cherry looked thoughtfully into the monitor. “Nadia what do you think?”

  “Rajiya and Safiyyah did a good job taking care of Felix. Rajiya was pretty crafty in talking Maalik and Khalid out of torturing the idiot and Safiyyah got the job done without making a big fuss. Neither one violated any laws, yet.”

  “But they did help build the bomb and Rajiya did come up with the delivery system.” Tom pointed out.

  “Yes that was an extra ordinary piece of thinking on her part.” Cherry offered looking to Nadia for support.

  “Ted I believe that there is something to these women. I would like to give them a chance.” Nadia remained silent waiting for some indication from Ted or Tom. Finally, Ted nodded his consent followed by a nod from a frowning Tom.

  “Rhonda proved up…” Tom stalled. “We can have a look at both of them.”

  “Good…,” Nadia smiled. “Cherry, go make the offer.”

  Rajiya and Safiyyah were praying when they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “This is a prison why are you knocking?” Rajiya said in an annoyed voice.

  “I told you that we would treat you with dignity and respect.” Cherry said mildly from under the cover of her burka. “I have been instructed to make you an offer. After thinking about what would happen to you and your family if you were returned to your homeland? The party I represent thinks that the penalty sounds too severe for what you have actually done. Here is the offer: You may not return home ever, your family will be informed that you died in the same accident that the men had died in and your families will receive ‘Blood Money’ for your accidental death.”

  “And all we have to do is tell you everything that we know,” Rajiya snapped. “That would mean that we really would betray the others. No, I will not sacrifice my life or betray my comrades to save my life.”

  “We already know more than you could tell us. You will not be asked to compromise your principles or beliefs. Cherry proceeded carefully. All that we ask is that you swear an oath that you will not betray our trust in you.”

  “And what about the bodies,” Safiyyah pressed.

  “We will do the same thing as we did for the three men. You will be cremated because your bodies were too toxic due to the accident and your family may give you the best burial possible. Your family will receive their money and you will receive a new identity.” Cherry’s voice remained calm. “Sleep on it tonight. I think that you would be making a mistake if you answered me now.”

  “How do we know that you are trust worthy,” Safiyyah pressed. “We don’t even know who you are.” Cherry had to acknowledge her point. She removed the veil of the burka revealing her soft brown hair and blue eyes. Rajiya and Safiyyah were really stunned when Cherry slipped off the burka revealing the tank top and sport shorts that she was wearing. Cherry read the disapproving look in their eyes.

  “You either trust me or you don’t. I will have them shut down all of the monitors for the rest of the time that you are here so that you may discuss my offer openly.” Cherry pointed to a switch on the wall. “If you wish anything, turn the switch to call and someone will answer.” When Cherry turned to leave Rajiya stepped up to block the door from closing.

  “How do we know that we can trust you?”

  “Rajiya when you chased Felix out of the bunker they could have killed you and Safiyyah could never have awakened when she was knocked unconscious. There was no need to interrogate you. We are not assassins and that is the only reason that we are here talking to you today.” Cherry extended her hand palm up boldly inviting Rajiya away from the door closing it behind her.

  Cherry walked into the control room looking hopefully at Nadia.

  “I hope that they take the deal. If the King gets his hands on them, it will be the end of their family. It would have been kinder to kill them back at the bunker.”

  “We are not assassins and I will not drop the hammer on unarmed people. Our job was to end the threat and rescue Felix, which we have done successfully. I think that we are doing the right thing by making this offer, but the choice will be theirs.” Nadia sighed, “I hope that they will make the right choice.” Tom was not happy about the idea of releasing Rajiya and Safiyyah.

  “What if they agree and then change their minds?”

Then we will make the adjustments later. I see something in these two and we cannot condemn their families for their actions.” Nadia smiled at both Tom and Ted reaching out to brush their cheeks. “Allah favors the compassionate. It is just one saying from the Koran. If you insist I will withdraw the offer.” Both men thought for several minutes before nodding their consent.

  “You’re the boss go ahead and give it a try.” Tom said firmly.

  “No Tom we all have a stake in this, I want to hear what your thoughts are. Either we all approve or it will be a no go.” They both knew that Nadia meant what she said.

  “Since you put your name on them I will go for the deal.” Tom smiled.

  “You know what my call is,” Ted smiled.

  The phone rang in the control room breaking the groups' silent contemplation. Tom picked up the phone and after a twenty second conversation he turned to Nadia.

  “Alex and Anna have landed at Tipton and Xavier is going to bring them to my place.” Tom could see the excited look on Nadia and Cherry’s faces. “Why don’t the two of you go see your father and I will stay with Rajiya and Safiyyah.”

  “No, one of us should be here in case they need something. A woman must see to their needs. Their moral sensibilities require it.” Nadia was all business. “Cherry why don’t you call Rhonda, and have Boris bring Tamar to Tom’s place. Ted you can introduce Cher to Alex and Anna. Tom I will call a caterer and have dinner delivered for the prisoners.” Everybody picked up a phone and for five minutes there was a babble of instructions with Nadia finding herself standing alone in the control room.

  Nadia thought for a few minutes trying to guess what Rajiya and Safiyyah would do finally calling the coroner’s private number. When he answered she spoke quietly in Arabic.

  “Ahmed this is Nadia. You have three bodies awaiting pick up for cremation. I warned you that there may be some changes. I want you to add the paper work for two more bodies. The morgue will sign for five bodies.” Nadia listened for a minute. “Yes we need to hide two living bodies to protect their families. I will double the money that we discussed earlier. I am going to send a courier over with the money and your instructions. Please be assured that this is an act of compassion.” Nadia smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. She wrapped a simple hijab around her head walking down to the cell waiting politely for an answer before opening the door enjoying the surprised look on Rajiya and Safiyyah’s face as she stood in the doorway. The two women looked at her feet noting that the six foot four amazon was not wearing high heels moving their gaze up to her smiling face. Nadia was dressed modestly in linen slacks and a long sleeve blouse. The only skin that was visible was her face from the chin to the eyebrows and her hands. Nadia decided to address them in Arabic.

  “My name is Nadia and we have decided not to make you wait until the morning, it would not be right.”

  “You are going to kill us!” Rajiya tensed to spring and Safiyyah cringed.

  “No, I wanted to tell you that we will report you as having died in a toxic waste spill and each one of your families will receive $250,000 in ‘Blood Money’ to compensate them for your deaths. The only choice that you need to make is how you will be released. We will fly you to Dubai, so that you may make your own way or you can renounce your revenge and we will help you with our full resources.”

  “How do we know that we can trust you?” Rajiya challenged. Nadia continued to speak in Arabic so that there would be no error in translation.

  “Rajiya, I could have shot you when you chased Felix out of the bunker. I almost shot Safiyyah when my shot went through Khalid’s chest and I chose not to shoot once more when I had her in my sights because she was not holding a weapon. I shot Maalik between the eyes, Haroun dead center in the chest, and my partner shot Nabil in the side of his chest taking out his heart and both lungs. We could have killed you any number of times. We only kill to protect.”

  “What do you want from us in exchange for your help?”

  “I want your oath that you will not seek revenge and that you will never see your families again otherwise we will release you in Dubai with no promises.”

  “You may have my oath,” Safiyyah said quickly.

  “What kind of oath do you require?” Rajiya said after a few moments.

  “Your personal oath will work,” Nadia smiled. “I must trust you as you must trust me. You will not be asked to act against your religion, country or betray your friends.”

  “Then you may have my oath,” Rajiya said,

  Nadia led the way back to the showers. She pointed to the two suitcases on the floor.

  “We brought your possessions here from the warehouse. I am sure that you will be more comfortable in your own clothes. Nadia had her purse on the counter in the changing room. As she picked up her purse Nadia’s cell phone rang.

  “I will be right outside the door. Please let me know when you are ready.” Nadia opened the flap at the end of her purse.

  “Hello…” Nadia closed the door leaving the two women to finish changing. Safiyyah ran to her suitcase she reached down in the bag pulling out a thirty-two caliber pistol.

  “We have given our word.” Rajiya frowned.

  “They blackmailed us so it does not bind us.” Safiyyah protested.

  “I have given my word and I will not help you, but I will not betray you either.”

  “Nadia we are finished,” Safiyyah called out as Rajiya moved to the side of the room.

  “… I will accept your estimate.” Nadia walked in the door lowering her hand from her ear. Safiyyah took a firing stance leveling her gun at Nadia. Before she could say anything Nadia’s hand seemed to explode with a deafening roar. Safiyyah flew back against the tiled wall leaving a red smear as she slid down the wall.

  Nadia spun around cocking her Derringer at Rajiya who was holding her hands out defensively, frozen in her tracks. Nadia bent down picking up the pistol from the floor. She removed the magazine and cleared the breach letting the shell fall to the floor.

  “We did not remove the gun from your bag or unload it. Why didn’t you help her?” Nadia said, not letting her voice betray her excitement. “You still have a gun in your bag and it is loaded.”

  “I gave you my word and I shall keep it.”

  “And you will not seek revenge,” Nadia pressed.

  “She had an equal chance to kill you, but you succeeded. You could have killed me just now, but did not.” Nadia looked down at Safiyyah.

  “We must cremate your friend to maintain the illusion, but we will treat her honorably and her family will be paid their ‘Blood Money’ as we have promised.”

  “You are still going to keep your promise! Why…?” Rajiya was completely caught off guard.

  “I made a promise that you would not be forced to betray your friends and Safiyyah was your friend. You did not betray your friend but you did not raise your hand against me, so you did not violate your oath. I will not violate mine.” Nadia picked up the phone and after issuing some instructions she allowed Rajiya time to pray for her friend.

  Alex and Anna were being led around the new barn by Sue and Cher. Ted had introduced his new daughter to their grandparents. Cher was happy with the thought of two more people that really seemed to love her. Cher had a firm grip on both Alex and Anna’s hands. Ted was standing on Alex’s left side watching the horses.

  “Ted, Anna and I will setup an account for Cher.” Alex looked across Cher to Anna. “I believe that we will start with four M.”

  “And a pony,” Anna added. “I am sure that Grandma Lynn will give you one of Shultz’s puppies.” Cher was too busy gushing about the pony and the dog to appreciate the fact that she had just become a millionaire. Ted was pleased with the way that his new daughter was accepted by everyone, but was sorry that Nadia would not be there for the introduction. Cher turned to continue the tour and squealed loudly as they looked down the aisle.

  “There are my other mothers.” Cher released their hands running to h
ug Cherry and Rhonda. Boris and Tamar were just a few steps behind the two women. Rhonda had followed Cherry’s instructions and wore a short miniskirt with hose and four-inch spiked steel heel sandals which displayed Rhonda’s knockout legs to perfection. Alex’s attention was drawn to the display as Cherry made the introductions. Anna elbowed him firmly in the ribs taking Alex by the chin.

  “This is Rhonda, Boris, Tamar Boris’s mother and your grand-daughter Cher. Rhonda and Boris are going to be business partners with Cherry.” Anna released his chin and his gaze returned to Rhonda’s legs.

  “Cherry, I think that you went a little too far highlighting Rhonda’s legs.” Anna laughed. “Rhonda it is a pleasure to meet you. Boris, Cherry has very good things to say about you and your mother.” Anna took Tamar by the arm holding on tightly to Alex with her other hand. “Tamar I understand that you are an accomplished seamstress. Is Cherry going to take advantage of your skills?”

  “Yes Anna she is very interested in working closely together. Cherry has quite a range of talents you must be very proud of her. She tells me that you are from Batumi. She was not sure of which district that you come from perhaps you could give me a better idea. My daughter remembers a tall girl that everybody made fun of in school.” Anna and Tamar dismissed Alex as their conversation turned to Batumi. They found out that they knew a few of the same people and had shopped in some of the same stores having lived only a few blocks apart. Tamar found that she liked Anna very much and looked forward to spending more time with her.

  Alex was extremely tired from his trip and decided to lay down for a short nap. He was almost to the back door when Nadia rounded the corner with a young lady in tow.

  “Rajiya this is my father Alex. He is the head of our clan.” Alex was uncomfortable with the introduction but knew that Nadia must have a reason for it. “The three of us must speak privately.” Alex nodded pointing to the shady side of the barn. Since Rajiya and Nadia were both wearing hijab he guessed that had something to do with their last job. Alex gave Nadia a short nod without saying a word.


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