The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 40

by Finian Blake

  “Dad, Rajiya is a survivor from the other side on our last job.” Nadia reviewed the last few weeks with Alex. She detailed their arrangements and how Rajiya would lose her family in order to protect them. Alex listened carefully as Nadia added her finishing statement. “Father, I wanted to be sure that all of these arrangements met with your approval.” Suddenly Alex realized that Rajiya needed to hear a man approve of the arrangements. Alex embraced Nadia tenderly framing his words carefully.

  “My daughter has my full confidence and her word is my word. Nadia we will treat her as family. Take Rajiya and tell the others that she is family. I will put my word on it.” Before they left Alex added. “You have met my other daughter Cherry. I would like you to know that she also has my full confidence. Nadia talk to Susan and have her make the proper arrangements for your new sister and introduce them to your other brothers and sisters.” He called out as she left. “Please remember that Rhonda is your new sister.”

  “Is your father always so trusting of you?”

  “He is trusting of us all.”

  “How many brothers and sisters do you have?”

  “I have nineteen brothers and sisters and four mothers two of which are no longer with us. He just gave you two million dollars.”

  “What, I didn’t hear…”

  “He put his word on you and told me to set you up like the others, which means that he will put two million in your account and accept your word when you give it.”

  “I must tell him…,” Rajiya tried to turn back to talk with Alex.

  Nadia stopped her, “Alex said that he was tired. He never says that which means he is going to take a nap. We can talk to him later.” Nadia spotted Adam with his arms wrapped tightly around Colleen talking to Edward who was holding Layla. Nadia walked over and started the introductions. As the night progressed Rajiya began to feel confident in her decision. She finally pulled Nadia to the side.

  “I need to leave I must find a place to stay.”

  “I have taken care of that. There is an empty apartment next to mine. I had our driver Xavier take your things there. You may use the apartment as long as you like.” Nadia smiled warmly at the surprised Rajiya. “We take care of our own and you are one of us now.”

  “Which reminds me, I need to thank Alex for his warm reception,” Rajiya was not going to accept no for an answer. Nadia looked for Anna and could not find her, so she signaled Edward and Layla.

  “Edward, have you seen mom or dad?”

  “No dad went to take a nap and she went to wake him a few minutes ago.” Edward joked, “Maybe they are having sex, let me check.”

  Edward ran up the stairs to the guest room. Knocking on the door Edward received a quiet answer from Anna.

  “Come in dear you are not disturbing us.” Edward slipped in the room quietly closing the door behind him. Alex was lying peacefully in Anna’s arms.

  “I thought that you were going to wake dad up.”

  “He isn’t going to wake up.” There was a wistful tone in her voice instead of the normal playfully sarcastic tone that she used when teasing him. “Your Father was dead when I came in here. He was very tired and couldn’t keep his eyes open.” Edward quickly checked his pulse finding none and that his temperature was several degrees lower than it should be.

  “We need to do something!” Edward did not understand his mother’s calm demeanor.

  “He could have died so many times.” Anna smirked, “I never thought that he would have died in bed, not with his habits. He was always quiet after that ‘Sweeper’ business. He instructed Cherry to let this proceed in order to find out what they had on the family. Alex told me about the bargain between Rajiya and Nadia, so we will be sure to keep his word.” Anna took a deep breath. “Send Nadia to me and have her bring Rajiya. Then I would like you to call for an ambulance. I don’t think that Helen would like her house if someone died in it.”

  Nadia walked quietly in to the room sensing a change in atmosphere. Anna lay quietly on the bed holding Alex.

  “Your father died an hour ago.” Anna nodded solemnly toward Rajiya. “Before he went upstairs he told me that he was going to double his promise to Rajiya, so we will set up an account for four million and the ‘Blood Money’ to her family will be half a million. Anna turned her attention to Rajiya. “Get together with Cherry and decide what name you would like to use.”

  “What is your last name?”

  “Chalenger with one L…” Anna smiled.

  “Then if you are going to treat me as a daughter I would like to be known as Alexa Chalenger.” Rajiya looked hopefully at Anna. “May I call you mother?”

  “I would be honored. I would like a few more minutes with your father. Nadia will take you downstairs and introduce you to your niece and your brother-in-law.”

  “Please make sure that her family is cared for. Use our best connections.” Anna said in Arabic wanting to be sure that Rajiya understood.

  Nadia stopped Rajiya after the door had closed.

  “Alexa, our mother wants me to personally insure the wellbeing of your family using our best people. You may be assured that even though my Father made the promise, we will keep his word.”

  Felix awoke in a hospital bed to find that he could not move his arms or legs freely and he felt like he had a headache from a week long bender. The effect from the pills that Cherry had given him in the cell had just worn off. He had been unconscious for the whole transfer to the security ward. Doctor Breeze had given Felix a light hallucinogenic and Thorazine injection so that he would be disorientated and hung over when he awoke. Betty had agreed to make him believe that he had been there for weeks. She was sitting at the foot of his bed. The bandages had been removed and there was an ugly red scar from her hair line to the corner of her eye.

  “The doctor will be right back. When you started to come around I wanted to be the first one to see you, but you were totally incoherent. I have rung for him and he will answer all of your questions.”

  “Where have you been and where are the kids.”

  “I have been at home and so have the kids when they aren’t in school.” Betty smiled sweetly. “You have been here for a week now. They took you here right after you put me in the hospital. You were raving about terrorists blowing up the Baltimore Oriels. You said that they were mixing a 20,000-pound bomb. The AG said that you have been under a lot of stress.”

  “It’s true! They tortured me and stole $6,000 that I took out of our savings. With the $4,000 that you took out we are short $10,000.” Felix was shouting.

  “We haven’t taken any money out of our account in three years. You went into the hospital the night after you put me in the hospital. You escaped once ending up at some guy’s house and broke your jaw falling down the stairs.”

  “No two thirteen-year-old girls kicked my teeth out.” Felix was getting frantic and started to struggle against his bonds. Betty reached under the covers in between his legs squeezing firmly.

  “You son of a bitch, you went to somebody’s house and got the shit kicked out of you by a couple of little girls. I suggest that you stick to the falling down the stairs story. They checked the bank records and there have been no withdrawals. The FBI checked out the warehouse that you mentioned finding that it hasn’t been used in years. You assaulted a Federal employee and ripped her clothes off just before you came home and knocked me out. I hacked your computer and found some scary pictures of your handy work. If you come within sight of me or the kids, I will rip these off.” Betty released her grip and smoothed the bedding, covering Felix with a smile. She sat down quietly composing herself and by the time that the doctor had walked in the room Betty’s complexion had returned to normal.

  “Doctor Breeze, Felix has been out of his mind with this terrorist thing and he claims that the only reason that I am here is to torment him.”

  “Mister Owens, it appears that you have had a psychotic break. Your wife fully supports our treatment plan and plans to visit you
every day to support your recovery. You are lucky to have such a devoted woman on your side.”

  “Doctor when can we take these restraints off? My husband looks so uncomfortable.” There seemed to be a genuine pleading sound in her voice.

  “I am afraid that it will be some time down the road. Felix has escaped twice and with the last assault we cannot afford to take the chance. Mister Owens does not remember that you were here yesterday?” The doctor scribbled some notes in Felix’s chart. “I suggest that you leave now. The nurse will be in with his shot. We have upped his meds, so the side effects may be worse than yesterday. I am afraid that at his current rate of progress this may take a few months. Electro Shock might be necessary.”

  “The AG called and assured me that this would be sick leave and Felix’s benefits would continue until he is back on his feet.” Betty smiled warmly at Doctor Breeze. “I will be here every day.” The nurse came in and pumped two shots into Felix’s IV before he could respond. Doctor Breeze had been reinstated to the Hospital at the insistence of the Surgeon General’s Office and was not about to take any chances with Felix again. The nurse attending him was six foot six, 300 pounds and looked like a professional wrestler. He put his massive hand in the middle of Felix’s chest pushing him tightly against the bed.

  “Mister Owens, my name is Max and I will be your nurse for the duration of your stay. If you behave yourself, we will get along just fine. You are my only patient so you will have my undivided attention.” Max increased his pressure on Felix’s chest until his eyes went out of focus.

  “Felix can’t talk to well,” Betty said with a smile. “A fourteen-year-old girl kicked his teeth out breaking his jaw when he broke into her house and assaulted her. I am sure that he will tell you all about it during your quality time.”

  “I have a thirteen-year-old daughter,” Max frowned. “Rest assured mam your husband and I will spend a lot of quality time together during his stay.”

  “Max has no sense of humor are you sure…?” Doctor Breeze cautioned looking at Betty.

  “I am sure that he will be perfect.” Betty turned on her heel storming down the hall way. “Absolutely fucking perfect…”

  When the ambulance arrived everybody was shocked. Helen went up to the guest bedroom knocking on the door not waiting for an answer.

  “Anna the ambulance is here. Before you bribe them to say that he is still alive, I want to tell you that Alex is dead.”

  “Helen, how…?”

  “Nadia told me. I am a military wife and I am not that sensitive. Thank you for thinking of me at a time like this.” Helen helped Anna off of the bed giving the paramedics their instructions. “His name is Alexander Chalenger and we believe that he died in his sleep some time ago. Do what you need to do we will stand out of your way.” The paramedics checked him carefully finding that Helen was right in her assessment. Nadia had everybody move out of the house and into the back yard. Helen walked Anna to the raised patio and Anna waved her arms to get everyone’s attention.

  “I wish to make an announcement. Alex has died in his sleep about an hour ago.” There were groans and tears throughout the crowd as Anna continued. “Alex and I loved you all equally and I could not decide who to tell first, so I am telling everyone at the same time. He always took care of business first so I would like to talk to Cherry, Rhonda, Boris and Tamar first.” Anna went to the den and waited for the first group.

  A teary eyed Cherry was followed in by the others. Anna sat on the small couch giving her a sympathetic hug and proceeded to business.

  “We promised you seventy-five and that will not have to be repaid. Susan will keep it on the books as a loan, but I want you to cede your stake in the Inn to your sisters and set aside five million for Tamar to set up her business.”

  “I don’t have…,” Tamar started to say. Anna held up her hand to stop her.

  “You will have,” Anna injected. “As parents we can’t be dependent on our children.” Cherry hugged her mother.

  “Mom I was planning slightly more for Tamar,” Cherry said quietly.

  “Good…,” Anna continued. “You, Rhonda and Boris have your arrangements and I will stand behind them.” Anna started to let her tears go. “Now that we have taken care of business…” Anna cried for a while with the new members of her family. “Please send Ted, Cher and Nadia in with her new sister Alexa.” Nadia came in the room with all of the requested people. Anna motioned Alexa and Cher to sit on either side of her.

  “I am sure that Cher is still in school, but is Alexa going to finish her schooling. I want to pay for both of their educations, have Susan cover everything that is needed. I would like you to start accounts for both of them with four million in each.” Alexa started to protest, but Anna stopped her. “I do the same thing for all of my daughters and granddaughters, so that if I become destitute they can take care of me. If you have Susan invest it for you will be as rich as Nadia.”

  “Who is Susan,” Alexandria asked.

  “Susan is one of your sisters and you will meet her in a few days when we have services for Alex in Manchester, England.”

  “But I have no papers!” Alexa protested.

  “Your sister Cherry will start working on them as soon as she finishes crying with Boris’s abilities we can still have the job done by tomorrow evening.” Anna betrayed no lack of confidence in her statement. “All of your brothers and sisters will be there.”

  “But I tried to blowup a bomb in your country.” Alexa was not confident.

  “Rhonda was with a group that tried to kill Edward, Layla, and Alex, but Cherry’s sister Vicki saw something in her just as Cherry and Nadia saw something in you. We will treat you as family. Nadia will explain everything to you.”

  “We rescue and train people to protect.” Nadia started.

  “I will be able to spend more time with Cher later but now I must talk to Adam and Colleen. Please send them in when you leave.” Anna accepted their condolences and gave hers as they left.

  Adam and Colleen entered with Edward and Layla. Anna was about to say something but decided to wait for them to speak. Adam decided to lead the conversation.

  “Mom, Colleen has agreed to marry me. She just landed a job making six figures with Cherry’s company and doesn’t care that I am on military pay. I know that it is horrible timing but would you give us your blessing?” Anna caught on to Adam’s deception.

  “You would be living off of your wife.” Anna said grateful for the distraction. “I am afraid that it would bruise your ego.”

  “We love each other Misses Chalenger,” Colleen pressed. “He won’t marry without your permission since he is your stepson. It seems old fashioned but that is one of the many things that I love about him.”

  “You don’t think that you are marrying a momma’s boy?” Anna said getting into the game.

  “Misses Chalenger, Adam is anything but a momma’s boy. He neutralized two police officers when we helped on that bomb thing!” Colleen raised half way out of her chair.”

  “She has backbone Adam. You have my blessing and I will help you with Lynn.” Anna kissed Colleen warmly embracing her and Adam. “Go tell the others, we could use some good news today.” Adam stood up dragging Colleen out the door.

  Edward kicked back into the still warm chair that Adam had been occupying pulling Layla into his lap.

  “I am sorry to push in with Adam and Colleen, but she made Layla promise to be her moral support. I thought that you were going to break out laughing when you asked if she thought that he was a Momma’s boy.” Edward was laughing heartily.

  “You should have been looking at his face when I said it.” Anna had a hard time talking over her laughter. “Layla what do you think of her?”

  “I think that she will be a good fit.” Layla said trying to control her laughter making a pumping motion with her fist. “They already tried out that other fit.”

  “Well I am glad that they came in when they did. I was really getting depr
essed.” Anna coughed putting on a straight face. “I am sorry to hold you off for so long but your father would have wanted me to take care of business. Would you call Athena and have her tell her sisters? I have to call Lynn before too much time passes.”

  “I know how much she means to both of you,” Edward said. “I will tell the others that you need to make some calls.”

  It was late at the Inn and Lynn was having a drink at Terri’s place with the girls. Susan and the two Lynn’s were well into their cups when the phone rang at the bar. She was going to refuse the call but it was Anna on the phone.

  “Anna if your calling to tell me that Adam and Colleen are getting married it is no surprise. They were shagging all over the Inn. I am just surprised that they waited this long. I want them to get married here so that I can give them a proper party.” Lynn was slurring her words and Anna could hear Susan and her sister Lynn making rude comments in the background. “Has she found out what he is worth yet?”

  “No, we are keeping his secret until we get out there, but that is not why I called.” Lynn caught the melancholy tone in Anna’s voice.

  “You two shut it!” All of the background noise ceased, since Lynn had never talked that way. “What’s wrong?”

  “Alex passed away in his sleep while he was taking a nap. We think that it was the same type of aneurism that Susan died from. Here one moment and gone the next!” Anna burst into tears. Lynn was silent for the next minute while Anna composed herself.

  “Just like that…!” said a shocked Lynn.

  “He was tired and went to lie down for a nap. He was gone,” Anna sobbed.

  “Is there anything that I can do?”

  “Yes, would you let the kids know? I can’t repeat this all of these times. The coroner will probably need to do and autopsy since Alex was not sick before he died. I don’t think that it will take all that long. I would like to have his service at the Inn could you clear the schedule at the Inn. We may even have to use the dorm at the training center. I believe that we will need every inch of space.” Anna paused realizing that she had not asked. “Would that be alright with you?”


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