The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 41

by Finian Blake

  “Anna…!” Lynn screeched, “Do you think that you have to ask? I will put Lynn and Susan on it right away. Just let us know what you want. Hold the line a minute.” Anna started to sob again while she waited for Lynn to come back on the line. “There is a cargo jet leaving in an hour and I am putting a package on it do not do anything with the body until it gets there. Keep your satellite phone with you.”

  “Thank you Lynn.”

  Not wanting a large crowd Anna elected to have Tom take her to the hospital since he knew the ins and outs in Maryland. Unwilling to deal with parking, they used Xavier as a driver. The others wanted to go too, but Anna stood firm.

  “He was one of a kind,” Tom said quietly. “I owe him a lot.”

  “We owe you a lot Tom, you have been a good and loyal friend,” Anna said quietly. “I look on you, Helen and Susan as family. I deeply regret that this had to happen in your house and appreciate Helen’s considerations. I do hope that this will not affect her view of your home.”

  “Helen is an Army wife and seen more than her share of death. She understands completely.” Tom was not just being polite. “During the Gulf War, Ramstein Air base moved hundreds of dead and wounded through the Base and Helen actively helped many of the families with arrangements. Alex was probably the least traumatic death that she has had to deal with.”

  Xavier pulled up in front of the hospital ER dropping Tom and Anna off. It took a few minutes and they were shown into the room where the doctor had just finished the official pronouncement of Alex’s death.

  “Most times the family comes in with the body,” the doctor said coolly. “We were wondering if you were going to show up.”

  “Alex was dead before the paramedics were summoned. I had to deal with my family.” Anna did little to hide the distain in her voice. “My husband went to take a nap and we found him dead.”

  “And what special skill do you have that allows you to determine these things.” The doctor said acidly.

  “Anna,” Tom stepped in quickly, “Anna would you step out please I will have a word with the doctor.” Her jaw muscles flexed several times before Anna stepped out closing the door behind her. There were several minutes of loud conversation until a man in a grey pinstriped suit walked past Anna. There were several more minutes of loud conversation before Tom stepped out of the room.

  “The hospital will transfer the body to the morgue for autopsy. The other gentleman was the hospital administrator. He came down. When I pointed out that your daughter owned thirty percent of the holding company that owns the hospital. I believe that the doctor will be out to apologize shortly.”

  “How soon are they going to transfer Alex to the coroner?” Anna asked.

  “He has facilities in this hospital and they should have him transferred within the hour.”

  “Good let’s go to his office.” Anna motioned Tom to lead the way. Before they made it to the corner of the hall the doctor came running up to them.

  “Misses Chalenger, I would like to…” Anna held up her hand to stop him.

  “When I was three apologies meant something, but now they are just so many words.”

  “What are you trying to say?” The doctor was stunned. Anna turned with an overly sweet smile on her face.

  “I was trying to be polite the real message is ‘FUCK OFF’. I have business which needs my attention and you have other people to offend.” Anna turned and stormed off. The doctor went to follow her but Tom put his hand squarely in the middle of the doctor’s chest.

  “I don’t think that you want to follow her.”

  Tom had just worked with the coroner getting the bodies of Jamal and Haroun released, so they were familiar with each other. Umar indicated the two chairs in front of his desk waiting for both people to be seated before talking.

  “Tomas I hope that you are not here on personal business.”

  “As a matter of fact I am. This lady is Anna Chalenger and her husband has died. She has a request to make of you.” Umar looked worried thinking that her request would be extreme. He had worked on Maalik, Khalid and Nabil with Safiyyah coming in later. They had all been hit by fifty caliber ammunition with the exception of Safiyyah and she had been hit by something smaller. The exit wounds on all of them were big enough to put his fist in. Agent Wright from the FBI had put extreme pressure on him to call the cause of death as poisoning from a toxic spill, so that they could be cremated and their ashes sent home. Umar finally consented when they promised him that their families would receive a quarter of a million in ‘Blood Money’ for each victim and their ashes would be turned over to their families. The alternative was that they would be cremated and dumped in the ocean. Umar acceded to the request for the benefit of the families.

  “What can I do for you, kind lady?” Umar asked cautiously.

  “My husband died in his sleep this afternoon.” Anna decided to start the conversation in the Arabic dialect of his home region. “I know that you have a job to do please do everything that is required of you, but could you do it as quickly as you can? I would like you to release the body as quickly as your requirements permit.” Umar was surprised that the personal request was so simple and that it was made in his preferred dialect.

  “Rest assured that I will expedite your case. I have not seen the body yet, so I cannot guess when release might occur, but I will be happy to do everything in my power to expedite your case. I am happy to oblige such a simple request,” Umar switched to English. “Some of the other requests have been most unreasonable.” Umar decided to see if Tom could help him. “I have four corpses that have come in and one of their friends is missing could you help me?” Tom started to speak but Anna answered first.

  “Rajiya is safe as long as everyone thinks that she is dead. Pull her name up on your computer.” Umar was shocked to find that Rajiya had an autopsy report signed by him.

  “How…?” Umar stammered.

  “Just know that you must never deny that report or she will be in great danger. Blood Money will be paid to her family and they may have some ashes to bury.” Umar studied the seventy-year-old woman in front of him wondering how she came by this information, but decided to follow her instructions knowing that disappointing her would bring bad luck.

  “I will be happy to perform all that you have requested.” Umar was sure that he would not wish to fail.

  “I would like to donate to some charity that you might deem worthy.” Anna pushed an envelope that was at least three inches thick across the desk as she stood to leave. Umar waited for several minutes after Tom and Anna had left before he opened the envelope. He decided that charity begins at home as he began to count out the three-inch stack of hundred dollar bills finding 300 one hundred dollar bills. All that the FBI gave him for his cooperation were threats.

  Anna and Tom climbed into the back seat of the limo sitting in silence until they were well away from the hospital.

  “Did you have to tell the coroner that Rajiya was alive?” Tom knew that this went against everything that Alex preached.

  “Tom the odds are good that the Saudis will investigate on their own. If he says that it is a forgery it will start a larger search. The coroner is a good man and seems genuinely concerned about the welfare of all concerned. Homeland Security put some tremendous pressure on him to blame the deaths on a toxic spill. I fully expect them to ask at least a few questions which is why they will be using a female medical cadaver for Rajiya’s ashes. At least the ashes will prove to be human.”

  “But can you trust the doctor?”

  “The doctor is from the Emirates and not Saudi Arabia. I spoke to him in a dialect from his region which really surprised him. He was concerned about Rajiya and I dropped her name before he could mention it which alerted him to the fact that I am the pleasant part of the pressure that he received earlier. We are giving the families five times the normal compensation and giving them someone to pray for. I included the $30,000 to add weight to our argument.” The satellite ph
one rang just as Anna was finishing.

  “Misses Chalenger this is the coroner. After a quick examination of the body I think that we will be able to release your husband in two days. I will come in tomorrow to begin the work. I wanted to thank you for the news from our mutual friend. I hope that she continues to enjoy her good health.” There was a sound of relief in Umar’s voice.

  “She is in good health and recovering from her brush with disaster. Thank you for your wonderful cooperation.” Anna said in his home dialect.

  “Good bye kind lady my wife will appreciate your little kindness.” Umar hung up the phone and called his wife telling her to prepare for a celebration dinner. He put the $30,000 in his briefcase and locked the office.

  “The good doctor has assured me of his cooperation and will release Alex on Tuesday. He has accepted our gift in the spirit that it was intended and will confirm the coroner’s report on Rajiya. Let’s go see how Nadia and Helen are doing with the others.”

  “Why didn’t you let Nadia come with us?” Tom had to ask.

  “Tom, next to me Nadia is the heart of our branch of the family. She is the perfect one to help Helen. Despite any pretense Nadia was always Alex’s favorite over all of the others. She has the heart to calm everything down and nobody doubts her leadership. Nadia will take control from now on, everybody asked Alex and Alex asked whoever had the right area. We manage by consent. Nothing will change you will still have North America, Nadia will have the International and Boris will have the computer security along with the computer end of Cherry’s production studio.”

  “Why trust Boris so quickly?” Tom pressed.

  “I seem to remember that we trusted you quickly and Nadia made that call. Cherry made the call on Rajiya and Nadia accepted it. I am sure that Nadia will be willing to discuss any reservation that you may have.” Anna did her best not to make it sound like a challenge. “She put her trust in you just as she is putting her trust in Boris.” Tom knew that if he said anything else he would circle back to the subject so he was quiet for the rest of the trip.

  Tom was in a much better mood when they walked in his front door. People were quietly laughing and drinking moderately. Nadia had just turned away from Cherry when Anna walked in the room. Alexa caught her by the arm pulling Anna to the side.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble but I think that your daughter is gay.” Anna had forgotten that the Muslims were not tolerant of homosexuals.

  “I believe that the correct term is ‘Bi’ for bi-sexual, but I prefer to call her omnisexual Cherry loves men and women with equal enthusiasm.” Anna pointed at Boris who was holding both women. “He is the third wheel on the tricycle.”

  “He tolerates this behavior?” Alexa squawked.

  “Tolerates is not the best word to use. I would say that he whole heartedly participates,” Anna smiled warmly. “You may love who you love and pray however you choose to pray. We have all religions and all races here. The only thing that we ask is that you give the same respect that you wish to be given. We will even give you a private room for prayer so that you will not be disturbed.” Anna pointed to the sun which was just touching the horizon. I believe that the den is free, please feel free to use it.”

  “Thank you I have much to pray on.” Alexa made her way to the den closing the door.

  Anna was making her way over to Tamar when Colleen intercepted her.

  “Anna, do you know if Cherry will let me work from the Inn? Adam is still in the army and I don’t want to lose this job.” Colleen sounded nervous.

  “I am sure that your future sister-in law will work something out. There are a few spare cottages on the property. Your other sister Susan runs the financial services. Even though she is not married I am sure that she will have a few ideas.”

  “Adam, get over here.” Anna was tired of playing the game. Adam walked over to his mother’s side kissing her lightly. “Tell her!”

  “But…,” Adam started to protest.

  “You love her because she is both beautiful and smart.” Anna was not going to allow the game to go farther.

  “There was also the great sex,” Adam exclaimed.

  “Tell her!” Colleen was dying to ask a question, but Adam started right in with the explanation.

  “When I was born, my mother’s put some money in a savings account and we will have enough money to buy a house.” Anna folded her arms across her chest glaring at Adam. Colleen took advantage of the lull in the conversation to ask a question.

  “How much.,” Colleen pressed.

  “Two million each…,” Adam smiled sheepishly. “Momma Lynn has been investing it over the last 28 years. At last check it was just over 200,000,000.”

  “You have 200,000,000 and you still live with your mother!” Colleen’s jaw dropped in shocked silence.”

  “I live on my military salary and I love my family. I live with my family because I can’t find better accommodations.” Adam took advantage of the continuing silence. “Oh, I live in England so that was Pounds not dollars and my mothers did the same for all of us kids.”

  “We have to talk,” Colleen said taking Adam by the arm.

  “I suggest that you use the barn, your mother would.” Anna said smiling brightly pointing to the back door.

  Anna awoke in her bed alone feeling refreshed and happy. She had a beautiful dream about Alex, Terri, Susan and her. She had a suspicion that Edward and Layla had been tampering with her dream. Sera was busy making breakfast and the smell of coffee along with fresh baked bread permeated the house making her ravenously hungry. Sera placed a cup of strong Arabic coffee and a small plate of bread on the small table in front of her. Anna noticed that Alexa was almost finished with her plate.

  “Sera was just telling me the story of how Alex saved her from being killed and how Nadia rescued her from some hit men. I am beginning to see what you meant when you said that your group was designed for protection.”

  “Alexa feel free to ask anyone about your concerns. We ask for your trust and won’t demand it. You will not be asked to abandon the values that you hold dear. It will take some time to find your place, finish your education and assume the place that seems right for you. Your sisters Nadia and Cherry will provide you with what you need.” Anna always insisted on commanding loyalty not demanding it.

  “What would you suggest?” Alexa asked. She had always been told what to do.

  “You are an intelligent young woman, take some time and tell us what you would suggest and then tell Nadia what you would like to do.” Cherry and Rhonda entered the kitchen wearing their business attire affectionately kissing Anna on the cheek.

  “Has Rajiya decided on her new name?” Cherry asked. Anna nodded toward Rajiya.”

  “I believe that I would like to be called Alexa Chalenger if that is alright with you.”

  “That is a perfect name. I will start on the papers and they should be done by tonight with Boris’s assistance our turn time will be lightening quick. He has tapped into all of the necessary data bases and we can print the documents while we are at work. You will be able to attend our father’s services in the UK should you decide to go.” Alexa looked at Anna for an answer to the question.

  “The choice is yours, but I think that it would help you if you could see your family.”

  “Then I must go.”

  Nadia walked into the kitchen holding a small box with Anna’s name on it.

  “This was delivered by a pilot from Everywhere Air. He said that ‘Momma Lynn’ gave it to him with instructions to deliver it personally.” Anna opened the envelope that was attached to the box: PLEASE PUT THESE IN WITH ALEX WHEN HE IS CREMATED. Anna opened the box to find several pairs of soiled panties and a name tag attached to each panty. Alexa looked horrified, but Anna laughed.

  “It has to do with a joke between Alex and the women that loved him.” Anna reached up under her robe removing her panties adding them to the box handing the box to Nadia.

  “Call your si
sters in LA to see if they want to contribute and then make a collection here.” Nadia smiled at Alexa. “Go with Nadia and she will explain.”

  “Susan and Lynn were partners in the Inn. Alex provided the money and other things. When Alex went home to his wife they put their panties in his suit case as a joke. His wife divorced him before he returned home, but the joke stuck. Now every time he goes some where the women nearest to him put their panties in his bag.”

  “What about Anna?” Alexa asked.

  “You saw Anna give me her panties. It is his last trip and I guess it would be termed as a fond farewell. You are welcome to contribute since he accepted you as a daughter.” Alexa ran upstairs and brought down a pair of clean panties. Nadia smiled at the gesture realizing that the extremely modest Alexa was making a huge concession to go this far.

  “Thank you for your token, I know that this does not correspond with your beliefs. You are a pure woman and this was a large exception. Alex would have been flattered by your offering.” Nadia picked up her cell phone and made the request of the other daughters.

  Nadia took Alexa back to the kitchen making them both a cup of strong tea.

  “I would recommend that you ask Cherry for a set of British papers too. I help set up protection services all over the world and I would like you to remain close so that I can provide any assistance that you may need. That would allow you to become more familiar with the way that we do things.”

  “I was hoping to go out to LA with Anna.” Alexa countered.

  “I only made a suggestion. If you would prefer to go with Anna it would be a choice between you and her although she will be moody for several months. She has probably only spent twenty nights away from him in thirty years. Anna was a full partner with him and they did everything together.” Alexa had no idea that they were so close.

  “And they never fought?” Alexa asked.

  “They fought frequently, but just because you argue with someone that does not mean that you don’t love them. So do you want to go to LA?” Nadia asked.

  “No,” Alexa sighed, “I would not like to intrude on her grief.”


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