The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2) Page 42

by Finian Blake

  “Then will you be coming to Manchester with me?”

  “Yes,” Alexa sighed resigned to following advice.

  “The choice is yours not ours,” Nadia said. “Cherry saw something in you and I agreed.”

  “Otherwise you would have killed me.”

  “No, as I have said we would have let events take their course. We are not assassins, but you have something special and we want to develop it. Alex was always looking for talent and wanted to keep the talent close.”

  “And what are you doing about Felix? Sera said that he tried to kill her,” Alexa pressed.

  “We have agreed that no one will raise their hand against him and events will take their course.”

  “When Felix came out of his drugged stupor he found that the restraints had been removed. Max his nurse was sitting at the foot of the bed smiling at him.

  “Good news Mister Owens, Doctor Breeze has approved removing your restraints and we are going to try letting you go without medication.” Max knew exactly when Felix was going to wake up since he had given him a double dose of adrenalin.

  “So you are going to release me?” Felix was feeling extremely agitated.

  “No Mister Owens this means that Doctor Breeze will begin therapy with you tomorrow. He wants you clear headed when he begins. We have removed the catheter but have left the IV in your arm. You will be free to move around the room but the door will be locked.”

  “I want to see my wife and kids!” Felix felt like he was going to crawl out of his skin.

  “She was just here an hour ago and was thrilled that you were going to begin therapy. Misses Owens had to pick the kids up from school but she will be back tomorrow at one just like every day.” Max smiled enjoying Felix’s frantic state.

  “I have to see them right fucking now!” Felix flung his feet over the edge of the bed gripping the rail tightly as he sunk to his knees. Max rushed to catch him and Felix hit him in the jaw using his legs to put everything that he had into the punch. Max fell to the floor pulling Felix on top of him. Felix tried to get up and Max pulled him back down with the struggle going on for several minutes.

  In the security room Doctor Breeze watched the video feed with Felix’s wife Betty, the hospital administrator and the Attorney General.

  “You see Mister Owens reverts to his base nature,” Doctor Breeze said. “Misses Owens we will need a prolonged treatment program with drugs and possibly electro shock. At this time, you are risking your life every time that you are alone with him. Did you see what he did to that other woman over at the NSA?”

  “Yes but she agreed that she would not press charges,” Betty countered.

  “That does not mean that Felix did not do it,” the AG confessed. “We agreed to drop the charges if Felix received treatment. Felix blew it when he escaped from Doctor Breeze’s care. We told you that if Felix were fired that he would lose all of his benefits and this would not be sick time. You would have lost his salary and benefits, and Betty there is the matter of that fourteen-year-old girl. She really did kick his teeth out.”

  “Felix said that her father took his guns and he was just going to get them back.” Betty was trying to believe in Felix.

  “Felix had his gun in his hand going into her room. God only knows what would have happened if you and Ellen hadn’t poured super glue in the trigger mechanism.” The AG saw Betty shiver at that statement. Just then Max entered the room. He had a cut over his eye and his lip was bleeding.

  “We have him in a strait-jacket and gave him two shots before he calmed down. Doctor Breeze walked out in the hall closing the door behind him.”

  “Christ Max you really took one for the home team.”

  “My kid sister has a better punch than ‘noodle arm’,” Max laughed. “I had to do this to myself remember I was a professional wrestler. You will give me two weeks off to go fishing won’t you?”

  “I believe that you will need three weeks to recuperate. Now if you will excuse me I need to tell Misses Owens that her husband will need at least two months of close supervision along with some serious electroshock.” Doctor Breeze had nearly lost his hospital privileges due to Felix’s escape. He was going to exact payment in full.

  Anna had insisted on being alone when Alex was cremated. She almost got away with going by herself but Nadia insisted on being her driver. Nadia had such a special bond with Alex that Anna could not refuse. Nadia wore her black chauffer’s uniform with the miniskirt, fitted double breasted coat and knee length riding boots topped off by her titanium spurs. She walked in behind Anna carrying the oak box that contained 25 pair of panties sent by the ‘Amazon Women’. Anna wore a fitted mid-length button front dress in a bright purple that most of the women at the Inn favored. Her only jewelry was her titanium wedding ring. The thing that struck the funeral director as strange was the fact that both women were smiling as if they were happy. Anna nodded to Nadia who walked up to the Director with the oak box.

  “The widow has one special request.” Nadia opened the box which greeted him with a bouquet of floral scents. “The widow would like these to be cremated with her husband.” The director looked at Anna cautiously.

  “We handle strange requests all the time but I have to ask a question. Our mortuary does not participate in personal feuds. I need to be sure that this is not an act of vengeance or malice.”

  “Sir, I can assure you that this is a personal tribute from each contributor.” Anna reached in the box and pulled out two pair of panties. “These are mine and these belong to Nadia whom is here with me. The others belong to my other daughters and close personal friends. We had sixteen daughters and three sons.”

  “What no undershorts?”

  “No, Alex would not have appreciated that.” Anna nodded to Nadia who produced three notes. “I have some personal notes from the men that will go in with other items.” The Funeral Director waved Nadia up to the body to place the items.

  “In that case I have no problem with your request,” said the director as he turned to Anna. “I would like to ask why you and your bodyguard are so happy.”

  “My husband Alex and I shared many adventures over almost thirty years during which we were only apart for twenty days. We should have died many times and I am totally astounded that he died in bed. Alex and I have had more adventure than most people would have had in ten life times. We have had nineteen children and fifteen grandchildren that are all millionaires who are all successes in their own rights.” Anna indicated Nadia, “My daughter owns Four Diamonds International and is a professional bodyguard. We are both thrilled that Alex died in bed instead of being assassinated, so yes we are both happy.” The director was stunned by Anna’s quick outburst and took a minute to ask his next question.

  “Would you like us to deliver the ashes?”

  “No, we made arrangements for you to do the cremation while we wait and take the ashes with us.” The director looked at the paperwork as Anna continued. “Nadia is here for Alex not for me. She was his favorite daughter and will accompany him every inch of the way. I believe that you are being paid triple your normal rate.”

  “Yes I see. We had better begin.” The director signaled his assistant to start. Come to my office, I believe that you will be more comfortable there.” Nadia shook her head planting her feet firmly as the director took her by the elbow trying to move her out of the room.

  “You don’t want to lose anything that you may want to use later,” Nadia smiled at the director. “I will observe the whole process and take charge of the ashes.” Anna took the director’s hand by the wrist.

  “I believe that there is no way that my daughter will compromise. She has killed at least six people protecting her father and he will be interred within sight of her bedroom window.” Anna had said it matter-of-factly giving the director the impression that it was useless to argue. He had two chairs brought in positioning them in front of the oven.

  Cherry and Rhonda were preparing to end their day when Te
d called saying that Alexa wanted to talk to them. Ronda agreed to pick her up on the way home Boris was having dinner with Tamar so they had no problem with the request. Alexa who was dressed in her hijab and a silk pant suit frowned when she saw Rhonda and Cherry dressed in their short button front dresses and high heel shoes when they picked her up. Rhonda’s skirt had ridden up as she climbed into the driver’s seat displaying the tops of her hose. Alexa was more than a little uncomfortable with the display of leg that Rhonda was showing. Cherry who had elected to sit in the back seat could clearly see her discomfort.

  “Rhonda you are making our guest uncomfortable. Could you adjust your skirt?” Rhonda made the adjustment without comment and everybody did the short drive in silence. When they arrived at the house Alexa climbed out of the car first and as soon as her head was out of sight Rhonda made a sour face that only Cherry could see Rhonda swing one leg completely out of the car before moving the other leg giving the standing Alexa a clear view of her red satin panties through the wind shield. Cherry climbed out of the car somewhat more modestly but still displayed the tops of her hose looking up just in time to see Alexa’s disapproving stare.

  “It is improper to display one’s awrah.” Alexa said with a trembling voice.

  “Your what…” Rhonda started to ask being somewhat offended.

  “That would be your sexual parts.” Cherry said calmly trying to take control of the conversation. “Alexa I am glad that you wanted to talk with us. It will be good to clear the air between us since we have so many cultural differences. I have worked throughout the Middle East and even though I do not subscribe to your religion I am aware of them. When I am in your country I follow the rules to honor my host. We do not ask that you dress as we do but here we will dress as we please.” Cherry was careful not to take her by the arm but motioned with an open hand toward the house. “This is Rhonda’s home so we will follow her.”

  Rhonda conducted a quick tour of the lower level of the house ending up in the kitchen. Cherry moved to the stove putting water on to boil.

  “Rhonda and I usually have a cocktail to relax with after work since you do not drink I suggest that you have some tea.”

  “Thank you, tea will be nice.” Alexa said not wanting to offend her hostess. Alexa noticed that the two women brewed the tea before mixing their drinks.

  “We do have many differences. I think that we also have many points of agreement. You come from an area where there are many Salafi are you Salafi?” Cherry asked Alexa casually.

  “Yes we are Salafi our family is of a more moderate strain but we still ascribe to Sharia Law. Even though Maalik was with the Religious police he used us as drivers to run his errands as long as we all traveled together.”

  “You were allowed to travel outside the country, drive, and attend an American university.” Cherry pressed.

  “Our benefactor deemed that it helped with the group’s security because the Sharia does not normally allow such things. We ran supplies and messages.” Cherry and Rhonda finished their cocktails with Alexa finishing her tea.

  “I need to get into something more comfortable,” Rhonda said as she stood up unbuttoning the top two buttons of her dress leading the way up the stairs. Cherry followed with Alexa close behind her thinking that they were both whores. Rhonda went to the back of the second floor to start the tour while Cherry went to the master bedroom.

  “If you decide to stay for the evening this room will be yours,” Rhonda began. She pointed to the hall bath. “You will be the only one using this bath so it will be private. The other two bedrooms will be unused, Cherry and I share the master bedroom.” Rhonda led the way into the huge bedroom.

  Cherry had just finished tossing her dress on the bed when Rhonda and Alexa walked in the room. Rhonda finished unbuttoning her dress tossing it on the king sized four-poster-bed. Alexa froze in the doorway.

  “You two are trying to seduce me!” Alexa sounded completely unnerved looking at the two women in their lingerie. “They tried this on me in college.”

  “No, we need to change.” Rhonda protested as she untied the scarf from around her neck revealing the scar that traveled from ear to ear.

  “You are trying to see if you can turn the Muslim chick into a raging lesbian slut.” Alexa walked in the room and pushed Rhonda on to the bed next to Cherry. “Well a person’s bedroom will tell everything about them. If you want my trust you have to trust me. Just sit there while I have a look around.”

  “We weren’t trying anything.” Rhonda waved her arm around the bedroom, “Look at what you please.” Alexa went straight to the night stand, opening a drawer pulling out two sets of hand cuffs. “Were you planning to use these on me? Two on one is not enough advantage for you!”

  “We play our little bondage games with each other. They weren’t for you.”

  “You want me to trust you, but do you trust me?” Alexa shook the cuffs in both of their faces.

  “Of course we trust you,” Rhonda said as she stood up holding out a wrist.

  “Use them on us,” Cherry offered as she turned her back on Alexa holding her hands behind her back. In just ten seconds both women were seated on the bed with their hands cuffed behind their backs. Alexa strolled over to the dresser opening a drawer finding it full of scarves. She took a hand full tossing them on the bed between Cherry and Rhonda. Alexa went through the pile selecting two of the longest scarves. She took Rhonda’s feet wrapping her ankles and finally tying it so that Rhonda could barely move her feet. Alexa moved to Cherry next repeating the process. Both women were sitting on the bed bound hand and foot in their hose, heels and lingerie. Alexa knotted two more scarves in the middle gagging both women.

  “You have both done too much talking.” Alexa reached down picking up Cherry’s feet by the scarf shaking it violently to make sure that it was secure. “I know that I swore an oath not to exact revenge, but it was an oath extracted under duress which is no oath at all. Maalik was my fiancé, Safiyyah was my cousin, and Nabil was my uncle whom I dearly loved.” She released Cherry’s feet and shook the scarf securing Rhonda’s feet examining the four-inch steel heels of her shoes. “Look at these whore shoes my favorite uncle was removed from this life by you whores.” Alexa grabbed a scarf off of the bed wrapping it twice around Rhonda’s neck pushing her violently back on to the bed and started to storm around the bedroom opening drawers and looking into closets.

  “Did you really think that you could buy me off with any amount of money? All of that high sounding talk about being protectors. This is a degenerate country and you are the worst of the degenerates.” Alexa walked into the small closet next to the bedroom door emerging with a riding crop. “I am going to beat every inch of skin off of you with your degenerate toys. Then I am going to strangle you so that my uncle can look down at you in hell from his place in paradise.” Alexa Roughly removed Cherry’s gag pushing her back violently to the side.

  “I want to hear you scream and beg for mercy.” She removed Rhonda’s gag pushing her back on the bed. Alexa raised the riding crop high over her head freezing when she heard a man’s voice from behind her shoulder.

  “I believe that you should stop her now.” Alexa looked over her shoulder to see the screen light up. All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her throat and could not catch her breath or scream to respond to the searing pain in her neck. When Boris asked his question from the lap top on the dresser Cherry reared back kicking Alexa in the throat with her four-inch spiked steel heels.

  Cherry flexed her wrists finding that the hand cuffs did not fall off as expected. Rhonda flexed her wrists and the hand cuffs fell off.

  “What in the fuck is wrong with these handcuffs?” Cherry screamed as she pulled the steel stilettoes out of Alexa’s throat being very surprised at the minimal amount of blood. The heels had pierced Alexa’s throat and larynx missing the major arteries. She was slowly suffocating and unable to speak.

  “You gave your personal oath! You accepted the reparatio
n for your friends and foreswore any revenge. You could have accepted our other offer and we would have dropped you off in Dubai to go about your life.” Rhonda had released Cherry’s hand cuffs and was working on untying the scarf binding her feet. Cherry looked down to see Alexa clutching at the waist band of her pants. Cherry brushed her hand away finding a small curved dagger in a scabbard hung on Alexa’s belt. She drew out the dagger pricking her finger and doing the same to Rhonda pushing both fingers up to Alexa’s lips.

  “You wanted to taste our blood! Well here is your death wish.” Cherry turned to Rhonda who did not seem particularly upset by her brush with death. “You switched the handcuffs what in the hell were you thinking.”

  “I planned a surprise for you and I did not want you getting away,” Rhonda held up five long Pheasant feathers. She drew one feather up between the cheeks of Cherry’s ass causing her to spring forward landing on Alexa’s chest knocking the air out of the struggling woman causing her to expire within seconds.

  “I think that she is dead,” the calm comment came from the laptop computer on the dresser.

  “Boris, are you still there,” both women shrieked. “Where is your mother?” Cherry and Rhonda suddenly felt the need to cover themselves ashamed that his mother had seen them kill the young woman.

  “Don’t worry about me. I have seen people like that kill too many other people. They say that they are doing it for God, but I think that they are putting words in His mouth,” Tamar’s voice came over the speaker. “Boris and I will be over to help you clean up.”

  “Boris…!” Cherry tried to stop him but the connection had been broken.

  Cherry called Nadia next using the satellite phone.

  “Nadia, I had to kill Alexa. She went back on her word about not taking revenge and tried to kill Rhonda and me.”

  “I will be over in a half an hour we are just finishing at the funeral home so Anna will come with me. We hold a death certificate for her so we can have her cremated. I will have Tom send someone by to collect the body. They haven’t shipped out the other remains so we will be able to send the ashes out with the others. The Saudi Secret Police know the story and will make sure that the blood money is delivered with the bodies.”


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