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The Sweeper File (Remote Traveler Series Book 2)

Page 43

by Finian Blake

  Anna and Nadia arrived about the same time as Boris and Tamar with all of them walking in at the same time. Cherry was walking up the stairs with the carpet cleaner and Rhonda was coming downstairs with the bedding. Nadia was the first to speak to Cherry.

  “What happened,” Nadia asked calmly. Cherry recounted everything that happened from picking Alexa up until now. Nadia made mental notes as Cherry and Rhonda told their story.

  “I thought that Alexa was acting strangely so I went to the bedroom to turn on the Skype on my laptop while Rhonda did the nickel tour. Boris recorded the whole incident.” Nadia walked over to the laptop pushing the play button to review the encounter. After watching the Skype twice Nadia asked, “What the hell happened to the handcuffs?”

  “My lover didn’t want me escaping when she used this on me.” Cherry said in an overly sweet voice producing a pheasant’s long tail feather for examination.

  “That is a wickedly long feather,” Tamar exclaimed with a smile. “We must get together after all of this unpleasantness passes, since it appears that we will be in-laws.”

  “Yes, I think that I would like that,” Anna said kissing Tamar on the cheek. “I believe that our children have a mess to clean up in the master bedroom. We can have a cocktail in the kitchen where we will not be disturbed.” Anna looked sternly at Rhonda taking the feather from her hand. “You four may start cleaning while we get to know each other better.”

  Rhonda led the way up the stairs. When they were all in the bedroom Nadia closed the door behind them.

  “What the hell happened? Alexa was coming around and now this.” Nadia was clearly upset.

  “She was as conservative as they get,” Cherry protested. “I think that she was gaming us all of this time waiting for an opportunity. When she had us tied Alexa ranted about Maalik, Safiyyah and Nabil. We gave her too many choices and she had a meltdown.” Cherry said defensively. “Most Muslim women have a much different idea of rights than we do. Remember she was much more comfortable with Alex when you told her that he was the head of our clan. Remember that unmarried women are required to have a male guardian. We took away all of her structure at one time.”

  “I suppose that there is some validity to the idea of culture clash, but why did she try to kill you?” Nadia was still wrestling with the disaster.

  “Rhonda and I were degenerates living in a degenerate society. She made her oath under duress, so it was really no oath at all. We told our new sister that she would not be forced to betray her religion or her principles.” A sour expression crossed Cherry’s face. “Alexa was Salafi and they are the most conservative of all the Islamic sects. I guess our cultural differences caused the meltdown.”

  “What the hell are you talking about,” Rhonda blurted out. Cherry reached over gently stroking Rhonda’s cheek.

  “That is exactly what I am talking about,” Cherry said softly. “We all think that our way is the only way. For us her way was as different as it gets.”

  “Well I am glad that you killed her before she started to beat every inch of hide off of me,” Rhonda said in a sarcastic voice, storming out of the room with Cherry trying to catch her.

  Nadia and Boris were left alone in the room with Alexa and the mess. Nadia looked at Boris for some sign that he understood.

  “Boris what are your thoughts?”

  “I understand the point that you are trying to make but I am glad that Cherry did something before Alexa started in on Rhonda. If this did not trigger a response something else would have. If Alexa had stayed longer she might have caused more damage. She was an active participant in trying to kill several thousand people, so even though the final outcome was delayed. I believe that it was correct.” Boris finished his comment with a heavy sigh. “I just hope that Cherry doesn’t throw that handcuff thing in Rhonda’s face.”

  “I seriously don’t think she will. That was a deliberate kill shot. Cherry still had the choice of knocking her cold. Alexa actively threatened both of their lives, so Cherry was clear to terminate her.” Nadia started to clean as she talked. “We have a signed death certificate for Rajiya and we will ship her body back with the others, we will still pay her family the promised amount for her accidental death and they will have her ashes to pray over.” Nadia cleaned up until Tom’s crew picked up the body. She gave the driver instructions to deliver all five sets of ashes with the appropriate letters of credit for the families to the Saudi Embassy.

  Nadia and Rhonda went through the house following the raucous laughter to the kitchen. Cherry was seated on the floor with her arms and legs wrapped tightly around Rhonda. Anna was controlling her knees while Tamar was applying the pheasant feather to the soles of her bare feet. Rhonda was squirming violently as she howled with laughter.

  “What the hell…,” Nadia started to exclaim.

  “Mother…!” Boris joined Nadia’s exclamation. Rhonda used the moment of surprise to break free and rolled into a corner to collect herself as Tamar fell back against the oven laughing while holding the feather high in the air.

  “Boris I just love our new family,” Tamar slurred drunkenly with a silly smile on her face.

  “Not that way…,” Boris exclaimed with a whine letting his Russian accent break through causing the four women to burst out in laughter. Unable to stand Tamar crawled over to Boris pulling his head down to her kissing him on the cheek.

  “It’s too late to convince these ladies that you are a proper young man.” Tamar pointed to Anna who was sprawled out on the floor. “Your mother-in-law will never believe it while you are ‘diddling’ her daughters.”

  “Daughters…,” Rhonda and Cherry exclaimed at the same time.

  “Yes daughters,” Anna confirmed the statement emphatically with a drunken slur holding an arm out to Rhonda. “I told Tamar that I adopted Rhonda, so yes she meant daughters.” Rhonda crawled over to Anna collapsing on her lap with and arm around her neck.

  “Mom…,” Rhonda slurred blowing a kiss up at Anna.

  “Which daughter are you going to choose?” Anna said looking up from the floor at Boris.

  “I can’t choose. I love them both.” Boris wanted to run but Nadia had her arm around his waist pulling him tightly against her hip.

  “Good,” Anna said pulling Cherry to her, “our family has always been unconventional so you may have them both.” Tamar nodded her acceptance of the idea pulling Boris to her.


  Lynn and Anna stood in front of a gathering of 120 people up in the stone garden next to Alex’s memorial plaque and at the other end of the garden was a pink and white canopy surrounded by a mountain of flowers. Anna had chartered an airplane from Virgin Atlantic to take everybody from the states to Manchester. Cherry, Rhonda and Colleen were dressed in bridal gowns with Nadia. Boris, and Adam were wearing tuxedos. Knowing Alex’s view of life, Anna and Momma Lynn had insisted on having the wedding and memorial at the same time. For all of their time together they embraced life to the fullest measure. Anna had gone to great pains convincing everybody that this is what Alex would have wished.

  “Lynn I am so glad that you helped me sell this idea. Alex always believed in the continuity of life and this seemed to be the best way to confirm it.”

  “He will always be with us,” Lynn said with a wistful tone in her voice. “He was the only man that I could trust to have my children with. He was always there but never interfered. I couldn’t be prouder of Adam and Susan.”

  “You mean all of our children,” Anna pressed.

  “Yes I am proud of all of our children,” Lynn rubbed her belly, “but Adam and Susan came from here. I love them all just as he did but there is that special connection when they come out of you.” Anna knew exactly what she meant, since she felt the same way about Alice and Edward.

  “I dearly love Edward and thankfully I have never reached the point where I have had to choose one over the other. They all needed different things at different times.” Anna changed the subject. “Tell
me what you think of your new daughter-in-law.”

  “Colleen had Adam hooked within ten minutes of meeting him,” Lynn sighed. “She has a honest innocents about her, and Adam picked up on that instantly. Lots of women tried every trick in the book and never made it past a kiss.”

  “So you are telling me that he wanted someone like his mother or sister.”

  Anna was delighted that she could make Lynn blush.

  “Is it true that you called him a momma’s boy to his face,” Lynn asked.

  “Not exactly,” Anna broke out laughing, “I asked Colleen if she thought that she was getting a momma’s boy and she jumped in with both feet defending him.”

  “Good,” Lynn said putting on her serious face. “Are you sure that you want me to deliver the eulogy?”

  “Perfect,” Anna smiled broadly, “I need someone that can be brief, don’t put him up too high or down to low. I would like to keep the strong emphasis on the wedding. Alex hated funerals. Colleen asked Rhonda and Cherry to be Matrons of honor her mother is here to give the bride away since her father died in the Gulf War.”

  “I found a minister that would do a wedding with two brides for Cherry, Rhonda and Boris,” the relief told in Lynn’s voice, “but he made it clear that without the paperwork it would only be a token.”

  “That’s ok,” Cherry’s voice floated over Lynn’s shoulder, “The ceremony is for us not the rest of the asshole world. I fixed the paper work so that we all have the same last name and they can try to figure it out.”

  “Fuck…them…,” Lynn exclaimed articulating each word carefully, “if they can’t understand, the people that love you do. Nobody honored Susan’s and my relationship until we flat out told them to bugger off. Susan and I were together for thirty years while our friends were on their third divorce. You see, it is the commitment that you make to each other and not the scrap of paper that you get from the civil authorities.” Lynn kissed Cherry, Rhonda and Boris warmly turning to Adam and Colleen.

  “I have all of the paperwork filed and returned as approved.” Lynn nodded toward the stern looking General standing with Suki just a few feet away. “I even have your commanding officer’s written approval. Your aunt Suki is a very personal friend of General Smyth and was able to get Colleen cleared quickly since she has the highest security clearance with her government so that will leave Adam’s beyond secret clearance intact.”

  “How did you get that done in just a day?” Adam could not believe his ears.

  “It took a week to run all of the clearances. The way that you and my new daughter were shagging, it was plain to see that all of the blood in the head on your shoulders drained down to the head between your legs.”

  “But how…,” Adam could not believe his ears.

  “Your aunt Suki used the same principle that I just described on the General and when the blood moved out of the head on his shoulders, he expedited the whole process which was not difficult to expedite since your uncle Arnold knows the Director of the CIA and Colleen holds a clearance over there.”

  Lynn broke off her conversation pulling Suki, and Anna up to the podium with her calling out in a strong clear voice that surprised everyone since she did not use a microphone.

  “Ladies and gentlemen we will begin the service.” The minister said a short prayer lasting only two minutes as he had been instructed with Lynn returning to the podium quickly.

  “Alex was a man of few words and he meant different things to different people. Most people that knew him both loved and hated him depending on the day, or even the moment. There were times that I wanted to shoot his balls off,” Lynn paused for the gasp from the attendees, “And then there were times that we put them to good use.” Lynn waved to Edward, Noah, Adam, Susan and Lynn in the front row holding for a mixed reaction from the crowd. “Alex was neither sinner nor saint, but he was definitely a man to be respected. I would like you to look into your hearts while we turn to the hope of our family which is the marriage of two of our children. Please take a seat in front of the canopy behind us.”

  Colleen, Adam, Cherry, Rhonda and Boris moved back to the canopy as everybody took a seat. Suki gave Lynn an approving look.

  “That was just what he would have wanted short, semi-sweet with a slightly undignified tone.” Lynn looked to Anna for her thoughts.

  “Perfect…” Anna did not want to ruin the moment with too many words.


  This is a fictional work. As a fictional work certain situations mentioned in this book may bear a resemblance to real life situations. The author claims no participation in or direct knowledge of any illegal events described in this book. To the best of the author’s knowledge the countries, companies, organizations, agencies, and persons described in this book have not participated in and have no knowledge of any of the events described in this book.




  An expert in deniability, Hermes receives contracts to deliver arms and restricted technology to groups that the government cannot authorize. He assumes the name Noah Body. Once he receives his assignment he is on his own. Noah must make the deliveries with minimal official help. Using various identities, he moves around the world making friends and enemies, while trying to complete his contracts using resources from his shadowy past in order to succeed.


  Hermes assumes the name Adam Furst. He has promised his new wife Terri that he will go straight. Noah has invested his profits from an unauthorized arms deal in an exclusive hide away run by a former British Agent named Susan. Life is promising and their investments are paying off, however after two years his former employer ‘Mercury’ wants him to run a load of arms to Afghanistan. A threat to Susan and Noah’s wife Terri tests his intention to start a different life.


  Hermes assumes the name Alexander Chalenger. He is told by Mercury that he must clean up some problems from his last mission. As he prepares to take on this task a voice from his distant past causes him to reflect on his origins. He finds that he must deal with his past life before he can clean up his errors.



  Edward Chalenger is the primary subject for a remote viewing project with little chance of success. When the project succeeds beyond expectations it is realized that no secret is safe from his view and a sweeper team is dispatched to eliminate everybody involved causing Edward to use his new to protect his family.


  Senator Marvin Belight decides to examine ‘The Sweeper File’ knowing that he may be mentioned in blackmail evidence contained in it. He gets a member of the justice department to look into the file covertly putting the Chalenger family in jeopardy once again. Edward Chalenger and his wife Layla must use their new found talents to save their family once again.


  Four Diamonds Security has just launched its new computer security division ending up with a no bid contract with the NSA to back up sensitive data. All of its competitors will go to extreme lengths to make sure that they fail their test. “All is fair in love and business”.


  Built as a black ops ship from the keel up the ARTEMIS receives its first assignment before she finishes her sea trials. Her crew must stop a revolution in a small Islamic country. In the process they discover a hub for a worldwide human trafficking operation. Critical decisions will put the whole Four Diamonds organizations at risk.



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