The Blue Germ
Page 16
In a few hours the initial effects of stimulation had worn off. Theacuity of hearing was no longer so pronounced and the sense ofrefreshment, although still present, was not intense. We were alreadybecoming adjusted to the new condition. The feeling of inertia andirresponsibility became gradually replaced by a general sense ofcalmness. To me, it seemed as if I had entered a world of newperspectives, a larger world in which space and time were widened outimmeasurably. I could scarcely recall the nature of those impulses thathad once driven me to and fro in endless activities, and in a constantstate of anxiety. For now I had no anxiety.
It is difficult to describe fully the extraordinary sense of freedomthat came from this change. For anxiety--the great modern emotion--issomething that besets a life on all sides so silently and socontinuously that it escapes direct detection. But it is there,tightening the muscles, crinkling the skin, quickening the heart andshortening the breath. Though almost imperceptible, it lurks under themost agreeable surroundings, requiring only a word or a look to bring itinto the light. To be free from it--ah, that was an experience that noman could ever forget! It was perhaps the nearest approach to thatcondition of bliss, which many expect in one of the Heavens, that hadever been attained on earth. As long as no physical danger threatened,this bliss-state surrounded me. Its opposite, that condition of violent,agonizing, uncontrollable fear that suddenly surged over one on theapproach of bodily danger, was something which passed as swiftly as itcame, and left scarcely a trace behind it. But of that I shall have moreto say, for it produced the most extraordinary state of affairs and morethan anything else threatened to disorganize life completely.
I fancy Sarakoff was more awed by the bliss-state than I was. During therest of the day he was very quiet and sat gazing before him Hisboisterousness had vanished. Symington-Tearle had left us--a man deeplyamazed and totally incredulous. I noticed that Sarakoff scarcely smokedat all during that morning. As a rule his pipe was never out. He was inthe habit of consuming two ounces of tobacco a day, which in my opinionwas suicidal. He certainly lit his pipe several times, mechanically, butlaid it aside almost immediately. At lunch--we had not moved out of thehouse yet--we had very little appetite. As a matter of interest I willgive exactly what we ate and drank. Sarakoff took some soup and a pieceof bread, and then some cheese. I began with some cold beef, and findingit unattractive, pushed it away and ate some biscuits and butter. Therewas claret on the table. I wish here to call attention to a passingimpression that I experienced when sipping that claret. I had recentlygot in several dozen bottles of it and on that day regretted it becauseit seemed to me to be extremely poor stuff. It tasted sour and harsh.
We did not talk much. It was not because my mind was devoid of ideas,but rather because I was feeling that I had a prodigious, incalculableamount to think about. Perhaps it was the freedom from anxiety thatmade thinking easier, for there is little doubt that anxiety, howevermasked, deflects and disturbs the power of thought more than anythingelse. Indeed it seemed to me that I had never really thought clearlybefore. To begin a conversation with Sarakoff seemed utterly artificial.It would have been a useless interruption. I was entirely absorbed.
Sarakoff was similarly absorbed. When, therefore, the servant came in toannounce that two gentlemen wished to see us, and were in thewaiting-room, we were loth to move. I got up at length and went acrossthe hall. I recollect that before entering the waiting-room I wasentirely without curiosity. It was a matter of total indifference to methat two visitors were within. They had no business to interruptme--that was my feeling. They were intruders and should have knownbetter.
I entered the room. Standing by the fire was Lord Alberan. Beside himwas a tall thin man, carefully dressed and something of a dandy, wholooked at me sharply as I came across the room. I recognized his face,but failed to recall his name.
Lord Alberan, holding himself very stiffly, cleared his throat.
"Good day, Dr. Harden," he said, without offering his hand. "I havebrought Sir Robert Smith to interview you. As you may know he is theHome Secretary." He cleared his throat again, and his face became ratherred. "I have reported to the Home Secretary the information thatI--er--that I acquired from you and your Russian companion concerningthis epidemic that has swept over Birmingham and is now threateningLondon." He paused and stared at me. His eyes bulged. "Good heavens," heexclaimed, "you've got it yourself."
Sir Robert Smith took a step towards me and examined my faceattentively.
"Yes," he said, "there's no doubt you've got it."
I indicated some chairs with a calm gesture.
"Won't you sit down?"
Lord Alberan refused, but Sir Robert lowered himself gracefully into anarm-chair and crossed his legs.
"Dr. Harden," he said, in smooth and pleasant tones, "I wish you tounderstand that I come here, at this unusual hour, solely in the spiritof one who desires to get all the information possible concerning themalady, called the Blue Disease, which is now sweeping over England. Iunderstand from my friend Lord Alberan, that you know something aboutit."
"That is true."
"How much do you know?"
"I know all there is to be known."
"Ah!" Sir Robert leaned forward. Lord Alberan nodded violently andglared at me. There was a pause. "What you say is very interesting,"said Sir Robert at length, keeping his eyes fixed upon me. "Youunderstand, of course, that the Blue Disease is causing a lot ofanxiety?"
"Anxiety?" I exclaimed. "Surely you are wrong. It has the oppositeeffect. It abolishes anxiety."
"You mean----?" he queried politely.
"I mean that the germ, when once in the system, produces an atmosphereof extraordinary calm," I returned. "I am aware of that atmosphere atthis moment. I have never felt so perfectly tranquil before."
He nodded, without moving his eyes.
"So I see. You struck me, as you came into the room, as a man who is atpeace with himself." Lord Alberan snorted, and was about to speak, butSir Robert held up his hand. "Tell me, Dr. Harden, did you actuallycontaminate the water of Birmingham?"
"My friend Sarakoff and I introduced the germ that we discovered intothe Elan reservoirs."
"With what object?"
"To endow humanity with the gift of immortality."
"Ah!" he nodded gently. "The gift of immortality." He mused for amoment, and never once did his eyes leave my face. "That isinteresting," he continued. "I recollect that at the InternationalCongress at Moscow, a few years ago, there was much talk aboutlongevity. Virchow, I fancy, and Nikola Tesla made some suggestiveremarks. So you think you have discovered the secret?"
"I am sure."
"Of course you use the term immortality in a relative sense? You meanthat the--er--germ that you discovered confers a long life on those itattacks?"
"I mean what I say. It confers immortality."
"Indeed!" His expression remained perfectly polite and interested, buthis eyes turned for a brief moment in the direction of Lord Alberan. "Soyou are now immortal, Dr. Harden?"
"And will you, in such circumstances, go on practisingmedicine--indefinitely?"
"No. There will be no medicine to practise."
"Ah!" he nodded. "I see--the germ does away with disease. Quite so." Heleaned back in the chair and pressed his finger tips together. "Isuppose," he continued, "that you are aware that what you say is verydifficult to believe?"
"Well, the artificial prolongation of life is, I believe, a possibilitythat we are all prepared to accept. By special methods we may live a fewextra years, and everything goes to show that we are actually livinglonger than our ancestors. At least I believe so. But for a man of yourposition, Dr. Harden, to say that the epidemic is an epidemic ofimmortality is, in my opinion, an extravagant statement."
"You are entitled to any opinion you like," I replied tranquilly. "It ispossible to live with totally erroneous opinions. For
all I know you maythink the earth is square. It makes no difference to me."
"What do you mean, sir?" exclaimed Lord Alberan. He had becomeexceedingly red during our conversation and the lower part of his facehad begun to swell. "Be careful what you say," he continued violently."You are in danger of being arrested, sir. Either that, or being lockedin an asylum."
The Home Secretary raised a restraining hand.
"One moment, Lord Alberan," he said, "I have not quite finished. Dr.Harden, will you be so good as to ask your friend--his name is Sarakoff,I believe--to come in here?"
I rose without haste and fetched the Russian. He behaved in an extremelyquiet manner, nodded to Alberan and bowed to the Home Secretary.
Sir Robert gave a brief outline of the conversation he had had with me,which Sarakoff listened to with an absolutely expressionless face.
"I see that you also suffer from the epidemic," said Sir Robert. "Areyou, then, immortal?"
"I am an Immortal," said the Russian, in deep tones. "You will beimmortal to-morrow."
"I quite understand that I will probably catch the Blue Disease," saidSir Robert, suavely. "At present there are cases reported all overLondon, and we are at a loss to know what to do."
"You can do nothing," I said.
"We had thought of forming isolation camps." He stared at usthoughtfully. There was a slightly puzzled look in his face. It was thefirst time I had noticed it. It must have been due to Sarakoff'sprofound calm. "How did you gentlemen find the germ?" he asked suddenly.
Sarakoff reflected.
"It would take perhaps a week to explain."
Sir Robert smiled slightly.
"I'm afraid I am too busy," he murmured.
"You are wasting your time," muttered Alberan in his ear. "Arrestthem."
The Home Secretary took no notice.
"It is curious that this epidemic seems to cut short other diseases," hesaid slowly. "That rather supports what you tell me."
His eyes rested searchingly on my face.
"You are foolish to refuse to believe us," I said. "We have told you thetruth."
"It would be very strange if it were true." He walked to the window andstood for a moment looking on to the street. Then he turned with amovement of resolution. "I will not trespass on your time," he said."Lord Alberan, we need not stay. I am satisfied with what thesegentlemen have said." He bowed to us and went to the door. Lord Alberan,very fierce and upright, followed him. The Home Secretary paused andlooked back. The puzzled looked had returned to his face.
"The matter is to be discussed in the House to-night," he said. "I thinkthat it will be as well for you if I say nothing of what you have toldme. People might be angry." We gazed at him unmoved. He took a suddenstep towards us and held out his hands. "Come now, gentlemen, tell methe truth. You invented that story, didn't you?" Neither of us spoke.He looked appealingly at me, and with a laugh left the room. He turned,however, in a moment, and stood looking at me. "There is a meeting atthe Queen's Hall to-night," he said slowly. "It is a medical conferenceon the Blue Disease. No doubt you know of it. I am going to ask you aquestion." He paused and smiled at Sarakoff. "Will you gentlemen make astatement before those doctors to-night?"
"We intended to do so," said Sarakoff.
"I am delighted to hear it," said the Home Secretary. "It is a greatrelief to me. They will know how best to deal with you. Good day."
He left the room.
I heard the front door close and then brisk footsteps passing the windowon the pavement outside.
"There's no doubt that they're both a little mad." Sir Robert's voicesounded for a moment, and then died away.