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Page 21

by E. M. Leya

  "You won't hurt me?" Mark stood, staring Justice in the eyes.

  "I won't hurt you, but as Josh must have told you, the change isn't easy, and I won't let you lose control of your wolf. There will be times you won't like me, but I'll treat you fairly and won't hold the past over your head other than to have you gain our trust." Justice glanced at Preston and Brett. "We almost died because of what Justin did. We won't forget that, but we can move on if you prove that this is what you want, and you can be trusted."

  Mark looked at Kurt, then at Josh. "I should trust them?"

  Josh nodded. "You can trust them. No one here will hurt you."

  Mark closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he looked right at Justice. "Then I agree."

  "Good, I'll bite you tonight," Justice said before turning and looking at Kurt. "Unless you have reason to delay?"

  "No, if you are ready, go for it. Maybe take the night to get to know each other. Talk more about the change and what happens. Josh has told him a lot, but I'm sure there are always more questions." Kurt glanced at the group. "Are you all in agreement on this?"

  Everyone nodded.

  "Okay, then I'll release him to you, Justice. You are free to go to your house or stay at the pack house during the transition." Kurt pulled a key out and unlocked the cell. "Mark, there is no changing your mind on this. Are you sure? Once he bites you, you'll be linked to him for the rest of your life."

  "Like you and Josh? Mates, I think you called it?" Mark looked worried.

  "No, mates are different. There is always a bond from the one who bites you. A connection that only death can break. It's nothing like a mating bond, and not as strong as an alpha bond, but it's still there. He'll use it to keep your wolf from acting up once you first shift. He'll teach you how to use the bond to communicate with other members of your pack when you join one. It's nothing you should fear, at least not from Justice," Kurt assured him.

  I reached for Brett's hand, running my thumb over his knuckles. "We're going to go. Good luck to both of you." I nodded to Justice.

  Brett smiled at Josh and Kurt, then turned and tugged me out of the cell. "Thanks for getting me out of there."

  "I could feel it through our link that you wanted to go." I pulled him into a hug. "You okay?"

  "Yeah, I just don't really know what to feel. I know he didn't do enough to deserve death, but it seems like he's being rewarded with a better life instead of punished in any way." Brett leaned against the car.

  "I can see how you feel that way, but Justice is the one who is going to be helping him through the transition, and that isn't going to be fun. He's not going to let Mark off easy. And the transition isn't pleasant. He's going to hurt and suffer. I know it's not the greatest outcome, but it's the best one to protect our secrets. By being one of us, he has something to lose too if anyone finds out what we are. If it helps to avoid Mark, we can do that. We don't have to be around when he is." I brushed my knuckles over Brett's cheek. "Do you know what I think?"

  "That we should go home and have sex and forget about all this?"

  My cock stirred at his idea. "Yeah, but also that we should get away. Take that vacation we talked about. Go now, before you start teaching, and before more drama hits the pack and I can't get away. Let's leave. We can go anywhere you want."

  "You mentioned Alaska."

  "I did. I know people in one of the packs up there. We can go stay with them, hunt and let our wolves play for a week or two." I loved the idea of staying in wolf form for a few days. It had been a long time since I'd given my other half that much freedom.

  "Then yes, let's do it. I'll call my parents tonight and let them know we won't be around for a while. This is the best idea." He hugged me tightly.

  With all the stress he'd been under, I figured getting away for a bit was going to help Brett relax. With his sight restored, I couldn't wait to run through the open land in Alaska and show him how beautiful it was up there. I had nothing to keep me here for the time being, and once Brett started working, our time together would be cut in half. If we didn't take the opportunity now, who knew when we'd get another chance.

  As I pressed a tender kiss to Brett's lips, I thought back to all we'd been through in such a short time. He meant everything to me, and I'd never stop doing everything I could to make his life happier. He was my mate. He'd been chosen for me. I was blessed, and I swore right then I'd never forget that. Not many wolves found their mates, but I was holding mine in my arms. One thing was for sure. I was never going to let him go.



  I skidded to a stop, my wolf panting after the long run we'd taken. We hadn't been in human form for three days, but we were due to head back to Montana in a few hours so our freedom to stay as wolves had run out.

  Turning, I licked over Bayne's snout a couple times, then stepped back and sorrowfully shifted. I'd never stayed in wolf form for so long, and now found it hard to step back into my human form and face the responsibilities of my human life.

  Bayne shifted and sat back in the dirt, staring at me for a moment as if trying to get his mind to catch up after being in wolf form.

  "I had fun." I dug my fingers into the dirt, enjoying the last bits of nature I'd have for a while. Once we got home, we'd have other things to worry about and would only be able to steal an hour here and there to run.

  "I did too. We need to make sure we do this at least once a year. I don't think my wolf has ever felt better." Bayne stretched out his legs.

  "Me too, but I can easily see how someone can let their wolf take over after a lot of time in that form. There was a part of me that didn't want to shift back and face human life again." I slowly stood, stopping to look around us.

  We were on pack land, but just a few thousand yards from the small pack cabin where we'd left our clothes several days before. We hadn't meant to stay in wolf form so long, but after hunting, we'd napped, and then hunted more. It had been so relaxing and enjoyable that neither one of us wanted to come back.

  "I love you." Bayne came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me, splaying his hands over my chest.

  "I love you too." I leaned back against him, enjoying our last bit of alone time.

  "I'm guessing it's just after noon." Bayne looked up at the sky.

  "Yeah, me too. Figure we better get going if we're going to catch that flight." I turned in his arms. "I'm going to miss this."

  "Me too, but we'll have plenty of other times. Just think, being wolves, we have a good two hundred years or more to explore all the quiet corners of the world. Maybe next time we can head to Iceland. I have a friend who lives there we can stay with." Bayne kissed my temple.

  "You have friends all over."

  "I never thought about it before. Never had a reason to want to go places, see things, but now with you, I want to see everything, explore the world."

  I smiled. "We're lucky. Not long ago, there was a chance I'd never get to see anything again. I faced a world of darkness, never getting to enjoy the beauty I'd always taken for granted." I cupped his face in my hands, glad that Fate had brought him into my life, and glad that I was allowed to see again. Kissing him softly I whispered against his lips. "I was blinded to all but one thing… Your love." It was the one thing that was always strong, always bright. It was the one thing I held onto when everything else was dark. My mate. No matter what life took away, I had him, and with him by my side, life was going to be an adventure.


  Emma Marie Leya, lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her daughter and two dogs. When she isn't writing, she is an avid swimmer with a passion for the mountains. You can often find her playing outdoors.

  You can contact Emma and find out more about her books at…


  Most of the books are available on Amazon and on Kindle Unlimited.

  Find E.M. Leya's Author
Page on Amazon by clicking here.


  LOVE PLUS ONE — (mmf erotic romance)

  OUT OF THE FLAMES — (mm romance)

  FINDING HOPE — (mf romance)

  THE JUDGE — (mmff erotic romance)

  WESTERN INHERITANCE — (mm erotic romance)

  UNCLE — (mm romance)

  A LITTLE BIT ROCK AND ROLL— (mm romance)

  COMING HOME — (mm romance)

  TRUSTING TRENT — (mm romance)

  LEARNING TO LOVE — (mm romance)

  VACATION — (mf romance)

  BIGFOOT — (mm romance)

  JULIE — (mf romance)

  LOST IN THE CROWD — (mm romance)

  PASTOR'S DAUGHTER — (mfm erotic romance)

  THE BOSS — (mm romance)

  PUSHED (mm romance)


  MASKED — (mm romance, light bdsm)

  TIME GONE BY — (mm romance)

  THE PRINCE (mm fantasy romance)

  SECOND CHANCE (mm romance)

  LOVE UNDERCOVER – (mm romance)


  PRIDE – (mm romance)

  POCKET CHANGE – (mm romance) Coming 2018



  WINTER FREEZE (mm romance)

  LOVE JAKE (mm romance)

  ONE MORE NIGHT (mm romance)

  HEALING TOUCH (mm romance)

  CAMERA SHY (mm romance)

  INKED (mm romance)

  THE WAY INSIDE (mm romance)

  AS I AM (mm romance)

  BEGIN AGAIN (mm romance)

  THE ROAD HOME (mm romance)

  SOUND OF SILENCE (mm romance)


  PAIN – (mm romance)

  SECERT— (mm romance)


  SAGE — Tales of the merman 1 (mm romance)

  RANDY — Tales of the merman 2 (mm romance)


  LOVE IN TRANSITION — (transgender male to female romance)

  FLUIDITY (gender fluid mm romance)


  BITTEN (shifter mm romance)

  FOUND (shifter mm romance)

  BLINDED (shifter mm romance


  DEBT PAID — motel mini 1 (mmm reluctant erotica short)

  MY SON'S BEST FRIEND — motel mini 2 (mm erotica short)

  *SIBLING SEDUCTION — motel mini 3 (mf taboo erotica short)

  MY HUSBAND'S LOVER — motel mini 4 (ff reluctant erotica)

  *DOUBLE TAKE — motel mini 5 (mm taboo twin erotic short)

  PAYBACK— motel mini 6 (fmmm reluctant erotica short)

  BLACKMAILED-motel mini 7 (mm blackmailed erotic short)

  PIERCED-motel mini 8 (ff friends to lovers erotic short)

  *MOTEL MINI BOX SET Books 1-5 MM, FF, MF, Taboo, and Reluctant

  *Book may not be available at all retailers


  HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS with Nicole Colville (mm romance)

  ABSOLUTION with Nicole Colville (mm romance)

  ROCKY PEAKS SERIES with Nicole Colville

  The Journey Home (mm romance)


  HARMONY- (mf romantic suspense)

  THE CHALLENGE- (mf New Adult romance)


  LE JUGE (French Edition) — (mmff erotic romance)

  *MOTEL MINI BOX SET FRENCH Books 1-5 MM, FF, MF, Taboo, and Reluctant

  DETTE PAYÉE — motel mini 1

  LE MEILLEUR AMI DE MON FILS — motel mini 2


  LA MAÎTRESSE DE MON MARI — motel mini 4

  *DOUBLE PRISE — motel mini 5

  *Comptable pourrait ne pas être disponible chez tous les détaillants




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