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Pack Rivers: Book One

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by Bianca Griso



  Sir, I know you asked to be left alone," my Beta started to say.

  I began to get out of bed, “rogues again,” I said.

  “Yes sir, we got them; we have one alive; he only wants to talk to you,” he said. I sigh in response, “leave me to get dressed; I will be there,” I ordered.

  The hardwood is cold against my feet. I need to invest in a rug. I walk into my personal bathroom with its walk-in shower and a big tub with jets; With freshly new tiles and counters. We redid everything when I turned twenty-one when I became Alpha. I get in the shower, and I get dressed. After I take my time getting ready.

  I eventually make it to the basement where our holding cells and interrogation rooms are. “Tyler, what room is the rogue in?” I mind link Tyler, my Beta. He answers, “the first one.” I walk down the stone stairs and make a sharp right. I don’t recognize him, but he knows me. “So, you will only talk to me,” I stated. “Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?” I ask. The man across from me is tanner than me, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He’s currently in the nude from shifting. Well, I’m assuming so. Some nudists packs live out in the forests. They are the kind of people who keep to themselves. “Peter,” he answered.

  “Where did you come from, and why did you leave?” I questioned him.

  “You think we were rogues?” Peter asked. Rogues are the few explanations as to why a bunch of werewolves would be running through my territory. Rogues are werewolves that don’t have a pack of their own. A pack also needs to be recognized as a pack by other packs around them. Otherwise, it would be just a bunch of rogues in an area on someone else’s territory. “Why else would you be over here?” I asked.

  “It was no longer safe for our pack, they are rumors, but it’s not safe out there anymore,” he replies.

  “Were you their Alpha?” I ask.

  “I was there was more of us, but they disappeared or killed,” he said.

  “I’m sorry about your pack,” I say honestly.

  “Your Alpha Mason, correct?” He asked.

  “Yes, you’re on Pack Rivers Territory,” I said honestly.

  “We were almost safe,” he said.

  “Why would you risk it trying to go through the Crimson Pack?” I question.

  The Crimson Pack is a dangerous area to go through. Alpha Crimson likes to torment and kill people who go through it. He’s very good at what he does; no one is stupid enough to go through it. Although lately, people are. I usually don’t get rogues on my territory because of Alpha Crimson. You have to go through his to get to mine.

  “I told you the small packs aren’t safe. No one is stupid enough to attack the four biggest, strongest, and ruthless packs,” my prisoner replies. “No, but you’re stupid enough to run across them,” I think to myself.

  “How did you manage to survive to go through Crimson territory?” I asked.

  “A lot of us died going through there,” Peter admits.

  “What are these rumors?” I questioned. The other Alphas and I have been getting more werewolves going through our lands. More than expected, I should say. We get a few sources here and there on werewolves are disappearing.

  “We don’t know what it is; we just know werewolves are dropping like flies,” he answered.

  “Will I have a problem with you living here?” I ask him. I listen to his heartbeat to see if it jumps. If it does jumps, he’s lying to me. It’s a normal heartbeat. Peter will officially be rogue if he turns this offer down, and I could kill him for no longer having a pack. “No,” he answers truthfully.

  “Great, you will be an omega; you are a new member of the pack; if you turn this down, you will be a rogue,” I tell him.

  “Thank you,” he says gratefully.

  “To verify I am your Alpha, this is your pack now. Your boss, his name is Daniel, you will answer to him. He is the head of Omegas. I will send in my high ranked werewolves Luke and Alex. They will do your paperwork, show you around, and ask you personal questions. Before they come and do all of that, Daniel will be here soon to meet you, then he has dinner to get ready,” I explain.

  Shortly after Daniel comes in, Daniel is one of our smallest werewolf that’s fully grown male. He could get bigger and move up; just choose not to. I think he likes being an omega, living in the Pack House. Omegas are the servants for the higher ranks that live in the Pack House. Daniel was born omega because of his parents. His parents were omegas because they came into the pack, not born into it. Daniel looks like his family was in different packs, from his genes. Members of Pack Rivers typically have chestnut brown hair and light green eyes. “Alpha Mason, it’s always a pleasure,” he said, smiling.

  “Hello, Daniel, this is Peter; he lost his whole pack, and he was the Alpha. He is now an Omega, and you are in charge of him. Because of his special rank and situation, keep a close eye on him. Luke and Alex will take it from here to do everything. I know you are busy at this time. Thank you for all you do; he starts tomorrow morning you may go,” I explain to Daniel.

  He then leaves, and Alex and Luke come in. “Peter, you will listen to them too,” I ordered him. I get up and turn to Luke and Alex, “Don’t interrupt Tyler and me; we are going to have our hands full,” I ordered them.

  “We bought you clothes, so you’re not walking around nude,” Luke said. Luke brought in just some gray sweat pants and a baggy navy blue t-shirt, with some white socks and a cheap pair of sneakers. “You start working with Daniel early morning, so let’s get started,” Alex said. I stop eavesdropping after that and go upstairs. “Tyler, meet me in my office,” I mind link Tyler.

  I get out of the basement and up another flight of stairs. When I walk into my office Tyler, my Beta, is already here. My office has double Cherrywood doors with gold door handles with new hardwood floors. It still has a fresh paint smell, with freshly new red paint on the walls. My desk is in front of the windows, back of the room. My windows are pretty big, so a lot of natural lighting. “Alpha, what is wrong?” He asked.

  “We need to call the others,” I tell him.


  Tossing and turning as I sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I have these vivid dreams every night. It’s always dawn; the forest is burnt down and empty. There’s no life anywhere. All life extinction.

  This worries me; I told my family about it, they said to talk to our Moon Goddess Luna. Out of the four packs, Pack Rivers is one of the most religious ones. Luna, our Moon Goddess, gives us our mates, and when we are lost, we pray to help in hopes of her guidance. She doesn’t always answer or talk to us. Only if it means life or death.

  The nightmares I get are horrific. Something, I hope it never happens. My parents tell me I need to talk to her, as I am a few who she will listen to. She will be angry with me; I haven’t been committed to the spirit side of being a werewolf. It’s hard; you would think people would love the white wolves with red eyes here. That’s not the case; the normal ones don’t like me being the few albino wolves. The albino werewolves are more connected to the Moon Goddess; it’s why I get the nightmares. I have been getting them for two moons now. Scared of what it means, I try and ignore it in hopes of it going away. I will talk to Luna, the Moon Goddess, soon.

  I haven’t told my three best friends about my nightmares. They won’t say anything terrible; honestly, they would feel scared for the future. I don’t want to upset them when who knows, maybe it is all in my head. I would scare them for nothing. I am scared of the future; I wouldn’t even know who I would talk to about this. Would I have to go straight to the Alpha? The man can be intimidating, but he seems so kind and loves his people. He is very handsome too, all the women are in love with him, and wanting to be the n
ext Luna. Most of the population of the this pack has light soft green eyes with chestnut brown hair. Alpha Mason’s eyes I can just stare into and get lost in them. His brown hair just looks so perfectly in place all the time. I also only seen him on the news announcement, sadly never in person.

  I sigh, going into the kitchen and search for my leftover pizza from last night. I preheat my old oven for dinner. My tiles for my kitchen are nearly falling apart; the counters have forever stains from past tenants. Once my oven is done preheating, I put in my pizza; I don’t feel like cooking. Before he got into his accident, my father, Joe, lost his legs taught me to cook. My mother, Liz, can’t cook to save her life. She cleans up after dinner. I moved out of my parent’s house and moved into my own place. I found a one-bedroom ranch for rent. It’s cheap but falling apart. The owner could care less about this place. Once my pizza is done, I sit on my living room couch. My couch is old and smelly, and I sink into the stained cushions. I can tell the sofa was a off white, but now a more dirty tan color. I got the couch at a thrift shop, and the discoloration was already like this.

  I turn on Wolf News, and tonight has Jessica Wolfmen. I roll my eyes; I never liked her. She’s wearing a tight little red dress, that’s two sizes too small. Her brown hair is curled and down, and her dull light green eyes are looking at the camera. Her make-up is what a single mother who can’t let go of high school would wear. She starts to speak, “Tonight we have a special guest, our Alpha, Alpha Mason. He has a special announcement, Alpha Mason, and please tell your pack members your message.” She pulls him closer to her, and she has her dirty hands all over him. Alpha Mason, not wanting to make a scene, deals with it. I feel this anger towards her out of nowhere. I never really liked her, but this makes me angry. I want to think it has to do with the nightmares, but that would be me admitting what I see is real. The feelings I feel towards my Alpha, I always thought of it just being a crush. Now, I’m not too sure. “Hello, my pack members, I have some disturbing news. We will officially have a curfew for eight o’clock at night every night until further notice. We are having a rogue problem that’s being handled. This is for everyone’s safety; I wish I didn’t have to do this. Please stay safe,” my Alpha announces. I sigh in defeat, knowing my nightmares are real.

  I grab my phone, that’s on my side table. I start to text my friends in a group chat we are in together. I’m inviting them over to talk about what’s going on with me; and how I feel towards Mason, my Alpha. I also need to tell them about my visions. These are more than nightmares; this curfew tells me so. Something terrible is going happen, and now I know our Moon Goddess is warning me. I need to talk to my Alpha, not having another choice. I’m now apprehensive about our future.

  Chapter One


  I sit in my office, and Tyler is sitting across from me. Rumors have been going around about werewolves disappearing; Smaller packs around the four biggest packs, Pack Rivers, the Blood Moon Pack, Pack Highland, and the Crimson Pack. Smaller packs around us have been disappearing for two moons now, and we have no idea why. This new Alpha coming on my territory confirms it. Peter isn’t the only one who has been a new member of my pack. He is, however, the first Alpha of a pack I came across. Being a new pack member, Peter had to let go of his title to be in a pack again. I am the Alpha of this pack. “Alpha Mason, we never call the other Alphas for help with rogues,” Tyler, my beta states.

  “The rumors I have been telling you are true, Tyler. Smaller packs around us are just disappearing. We assume dead, but we really don’t know what’s even happening to them.” I inform Tyler. Tyler’s light green eyes, that are similar to mine, are wide and in disbelief. “Alpha Mason, what does this mean for us?” Tyler asked. I don’t know how to answer my beta. I wish I did know the answer, but I don’t even have a clue. I’m not sure if the other Alphas would have one, but we need to call them and warn them. I sigh before responding, “Tyler, in all honesty, I don’t know. With that said, I want to do a group call with you here.” He nods in response. Tyler is sitting there nervously, waiting for me to call. He never sits in my office when I call the others. He never really spoke to one, at least in a meeting.

  I start to dial Alpha Jack’s office number, knowing he answers the fastest. He is the Alpha of Pack Highland, his son Landon will be taking over soon. The first ring he picks up. “Alpha Mason, what’s wrong? It’s late,” Alpha Jack greets. I start to dial Alpha Ethan from the Blood Moon Pack as I speak to Alpha Jack. “Alpha Jack, I am dialing the Alphas to join us in the conference call. All of you need to hear this,” I tell him. The phone rings a few times; then, Alpha Ethan picks up. I added Ethan immediately to call. “Alpha Mason, what’s this about,” Alpha Ethan responses.

  “Alpha Ethan, I also have Alpha Jack on the line. I am calling Alpha Crimson, adding him to the conference. I also want to add; I have my beta Tyler with me.” I explain. I hear Alpha Ethan sigh as I dial Alpha Crimson’s number. They don’t get along with one another. Alpha Crimson is more opinionated, and Alpha Ethan is more self-reserved. With everything Alpha Ethan has been through losing his mate and family, I can see why.

  Alpha Crimson answers on the third or fourth ring. He sighs as he answers. I know he wants to do anything but be on the phone. “Alpha Mason, what an honor,” Alpha Crimson snaps at me. I roll my eyes. “Show some respect Alpha Crimson,” Alpha Ethan butts in before it can escalate any farther. “Okay, Alpha Mason, we are all here, at this late hour. What is so urgent?” Alpha Jack jumps in. I sigh and think, where do I start. “Well, today, we had a small pack run through my territory. My tracker and ambusher thought they were rogues when it was a small pack, looking to relocate,” I start to explain. “When I talked to him, he told his story, being the Alpha of his pack. He explained and confirmed the rumors. Smaller packs are just disappearing, without a trace, and not coming back,” I continued. It was a long silence before Alpha Crimson spoke, “And this source, they don’t know how, or why.”

  “No, he just noticed the neighboring packs are disappearing, so he was looking to relocate to the mountain past my pack,” I explain. Ethan sighs and says, “So let me get this straight, small packs are disappearing, without a trace. Because of this, we get werewolves running through our lands. Us thinking they are rogues, so we kill them. What do we tell our packs without telling who, why, and where?” I think for a moment, not knowing what I was going to tell my pack if I was going to say anything. We don’t know what these small packs are capable of; they could hurt our pack members. “We need to warn our pack members of something; we don’t know if these small packs will hurt our packs,” I suggest.

  “Well, we can tell our packs that its rogues and put a curfew,” Alpha Jack offers to lie to our packs. We think about that for a moment, knowing our packs won’t react well without knowing anything about this new enemy. Our packs know what rogues are; they won’t react badly. I hate lying to my pack, but I don’t think I have a choice. “Alright, we lie to our pack; we will say it’s rogues,” I inform them. Alpha Crimson and Alpha Ethan ended up agreeing with Alpha Jack and me. I sigh, knowing I’m not strong enough for this war coming. “Alphas, I’m not sure if myself and my pack will survive this,” I admit to them. It’s quite difficult to admit that I’m not strong enough to protect my pack from war. I have been feeling weaker from not being mated. My pack is getting weaker, too; most of my pack is unmated and losing its strength.

  “No luck finding your mate, Alpha,” Ethan states.

  “No, and I don’t know what we are going to do,” I tell them.

  “Well, years ago, my grandfather couldn’t find his mate. He had to throw a big party and invited everyone. No one says no to an Alpha,” Alpha Jack suggests.

  “We can even show up a few weeks before the party to plan for war,” Alpha Crimson offers.

  “Alright, so everyone in your packs are invited, including you, Alpha Ethan; maybe you can find someone who lost their mate too,” I invite them. I hear Ethan sigh to that.

  “Alright, I’ll go, but I doubt I’ll find someone. I’m only going for the meetings,” Alpha Ethan states.

  “Just make sure, whoever is planning the party, only knows about the party,” Alpha Crimson comments.

  “My sister Anna and my head Omega Daniel is planning it. My sister Anna will know; she already knows about the packs disappearing,” I inform the others.

  “Well, if that is all, Alpha Mason, it’s always a pleasure, but it’s late. I will see you all in a few weeks,” Ethan says his goodbyes. He’s line then drops.

  “Great, then it’s a plan, and if you need anything else. I’m just call away, have goodnight gentlemen,” Alpha Jack says his farewells. Alpha Jack’s line drops right after.

  “Alpha Mason, it’s a pleasure. Good luck in the next couple of weeks. I’ll see you soon,” Alpha Crimson hangs up last. I look at Tyler, and he stands up. “Tyler, please get my sister Anna. She and Daniel will have a party to plan. We will find our mates Tyler, don’t worry. I also need you to plan with Wolf News tomorrow morning; I will be on tomorrow for the curfew announcement. You will be doing the party announcement sometime next week,” I order. He bows and says, “yes, Alpha Mason.”

  Tyler leaves my office; I sit back in my chair and sigh. “I need a vacation,” I tell myself. I hear a knock on the door, and I sit up. “Come in,” I tell them. Anna opens the door and closes when she walks in. “Mason, do you know how late it is,” Anna says as she stands in front of me in her pajamas. Her chestnut brown hair is in a braid, and she has her reading glasses. “Sorry, Anna, but it’s urgent. The rumors are sadly true, and all the packs are invited to a party. I want invitations out next week; work with Daniel,” I quickly tell her. She’s exhausted and cranky. I don’t think she wants all the details. She puts her hand up and says, “hold the phone. The rumors are true,” Anna says as she sits down. I sigh in response. “Yes, the rumors are true; our kind is endangered right now. I still can’t find my mate, and neither can my high ranked pack members. So Alpha Jack suggested to throw a party and invite all the packs. I am putting you in charge of the party planning, and Daniel as Head Omega,” I explain in more detail. She nods slowly in response. “You may go and have a goodnight; Daniel will not have to do his normal duties as Head Omega; someone below him will take over for the time being. Be sure to tell him,” I dismiss Anna.


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