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Pack Rivers: Book One

Page 12

by Bianca Griso

  “Paul sends out a group include Kyle and Aaron in the party, check out everything. If Pack Meadows was attacked then they were able to cross some of our borders,” I said giving an order. I dismiss Paul and the stress weighs heavy.

  Pack Meadows is located in-between our packs, keeping an eye on this pack when it was formed. Pack Meadows was formed after a rebellion in Pack Crimson. We all agreed that giving Alpha Grant some land for his pack, but keeping him close by so he couldn’t start anything else. At the time it was a good idea, as he has a decent amount of followers. We didn’t want to kill so many of our kind because of different beliefs. Now that pack is gone, but how can it be.

  “How can they have been able to get through our packs? Why risk it for Alpha Grant?” Alpha Jack asks questions everyone has in their heads.

  “Something isn’t right I am going to look farther into this attack, I’m sending my men out there,” Alpha Crimson states, and leaves the room. Crimson is a lot of things, stupid isn’t one of them. He knows Grant, as he faced him before, Crimson will be able to figure out this new piece to the puzzle.

  We all decide to send out some guys to Pack Meadows to check things out over there. We are also sending some guys to track the exiled vampires and the human areas for the hunters. When we do find a location, we will attack. “So in a few days, we will get some kind of clue as to what happened to Pack Meadows, we will meet up then,” I dismiss us all from the meeting. They are staying at the Pack House, but outside of meetings, it’s their time. We hang out on some occasions, but we are busy with our own packs.

  After dinner, I decided to continue with the long day I had finishing up in the office. I want to relax tomorrow, and finishing up here with paperwork will help. I finish up my paperwork, and I hear a knock on my door. “Come in!” I shout through the door. I look up and it’s Alpha Crimson.

  “I am going to go and check out Pack Meadows with the party, come with me. We need to see it for ourselves,” Alpha Crimson informs me. I hate to agree with him, it might boost his ego a little too much. He is right though, we need to see this close ourselves.

  “Yeah I will go with you tomorrow morning,” I tell him. He nods and leaves me alone. He was not the type for pointless small talk, especially when we are getting attacks so close. He’s also not a people person, strange considering he’s an alpha.

  I walk back into my room where Esme waits for me, to talk about each other’s day. “Hey, how was the meeting?” Esme asked. Esme sits on the edge of the bed, all done for today. The smell of mint in the room, tells me she brushed her teeth and is ready for bed.

  “It went okay, Pack Meadows was attacked today, and Crimson and I decided to go and see the damage,” I reply. I walk over to her and hug her. Esme stands on her toes and leans in. I kiss her gently and deepens it. I shut the light off, and I strip down to nothing. My favorite part of the day is at the end I can spend the night with Esme.

  When I wake up in the morning, I smile at the thought of last night. I move out of the bed slowly and quietly. I don’t want to wake up Esme, it’s only six in the morning. It will be a four-hour drive out there. You don’t have to go through my territory to get to Pack Meadows.

  Alpha Crimson is sleeping on the way there, and I’m driving. We are going to take turns, he’s driving the last half of the four hours. I volunteered to do the first shift. I turn on the radio on low and I put on the rock station.

  The two hours go rather quickly, Crimson slept the whole way. The car was needing gas and I was hungry, so was Crimson. I pull on a truck-stop to get gas and some fast food for the both of us.

  Crimson fills the gas tank, while I grab us some food. The rest of the party is behind us. Kyle and Aaron will be a little late, their mates are currently pregnant. They were supposed to ride in the back with us. The rest of the party will be there waiting for us, as they are people from the Crimson Pack.

  We both agreed to eat on the go, and Crimson is driving the rest of the way. As I’m not driving the ride seems slo

  wer. We do make it, and finally there. We wait for Aaron and Kyle to get here, as Crimson’s pack members are here.

  Aaron and Kyle show up soon after we do, and we move in on Pack Meadows. We walk up to Alpha Grant’s Pack House and open the door. Emily sitting in a chair tied up in the foyer. Blindfolded and tape on her mouth.Alpha Crimson runs up to her and unties her. I’m happy Crimson has his mate, but this raises some questions. Why would they give up Emily? Why give us Emily now?

  Crimson takes care of her, while myself and the rest of the team looks around. As I look around, there isn’t even a crime scene. Everything looks perfectly normal, but no pack. Something doesn’t feel right at all. Everything looks like the place has been cleaned recently, no blood, nothing even broken. It makes me think that there were people in the pack that had a hand to play in this.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  With dark times upon us, I wonder what our normal will be like. Mason and I haven’t met before the war, so we don’t know what our normal will look like. Maybe a couple kids, most likely Mason will be a good father. So far he has been proving, that he’s a good alpha. It’s hard to lead a pack during war, afraid to make a mistake and lose some of your people. The same people we promise to keep safe. I can see mason is afraid, he doesn’t admit it often that he is. The other Alphas are afraid too, they never admitted that to me of course. In two days it won’t be a day where we are afraid, but a day of celebration. Our pack will be complete. I will be Luna of Pack Rivers officially in two days from now.

  Today I will be getting prepared for that day. Elder Mary is going to teach me how to Luna, and a wife to an Alpha. It takes a lot of patience to be mated to an alpha. It’s not a normal job, they really don’t have a day off. Basically on call for twenty-four hours, and seven days a week.

  Mary is going to be giving me tips on how to handle it, and the normal duties as a Luna. Things like that is what I’ll be learning.

  Once I finish getting ready, and eat breakfast, I go out to the Alpha’s Garden. That’s where Mary and William like to be. I find Mary by the rose bushes on the bench. I greet Mary, she wraps her arms around me for a hug. Her hair is almost all gray, with a few pieces that’s chestnut brown. Her green eyes, aren’t as bright as mine and Mason’s. Mary wears tan slacks and a floral blouse.

  “Are you ready to start your lessons on how to be a wife to an alpha and how to be Luna of a pack?” Mary asked. I smile bright and nod my head.

  “Well the first thing is you have to be patient, as Mason has duties as alpha, especially with a war going on. Luckily you don’t have to cook or clean as we have omegas that does those. You will have to connect with your pack as Luna, you will be responsible for bearing children.” Mary explains the duties of a wife and a Luna.

  Mary and William are a bit old-fashion when it comes to parenting roles and mates. The lessons needs to be updated for sure. The day goes slow as I’m learning basic things on how to be a good partner.

  As my lessons go through the day, as she talks to me about being a parent, and being a wife. We have lunch together, when she goes into details on how to Luna. Some of things that I have to do and what I can do are somethings we are changing. When Mason has a meeting, I’m not allowed to say anything according to Mary. Those days are over, I even see Lorraine speaking up at meetings.

  After lunch passes, my lessons gets interrupted by Peter the Head Omega. “My apology for interrupting the lesson, I do need to borrow Luna Esme,” Peter informs us. I get up from the dining table and walk with Peter to another room.

  “I wanted to ask about the sitting of your guests. Is there anyone who prefers to stay seated with anyone?” Peter asked me.

  “No it doesn’t matter everyone is friendly with everyone, no one has major allergies for the dinner,” I reply.

  “Thank you. How’s the lessons going with Mary?” Peter asked. I shrug in response as not much to say.

  “She’s a littl
e old school on the wife and husband roles,” I whisper. We both chuckle a little as he can see that it’s true.

  “Well I need to go back and continue with my lessons,” I tell him and I walk back to Mary.

  Mary sips on her tea, and I grab some coffee. “You have learned everything you can today on how to be a good partner to an alpha and how to be a Luna,” Mary informs me.

  “Thank you Mary for everything,” I said hugging Mary and we say our goodbyes.

  After my lessons finish I go and check up on Cassandra as she’s pregnant. I knock on my friend’s door, and her mate answered. Cassius greets me and let’s me in their room. Cassandra eyes brighten up when she sees me. “Hey mama how are you feeling?” I ask Cassandra.

  “I’m feeling the symptoms of the pregnancy and it’s kicking my ass,” she answered. I sit down on the bed next her, where she’s laying down. Cassius leaves the room to give us some girl time.

  “How far along are you?” I ask her the basic pregnant questions.

  “Right now sixteen weeks along, soon we can find out what the baby is,” Cassandra replied happily. She always wanted a family, I couldn’t be happier for her. We been through so much already, finally something good. Something to look forward to with all of this war. Cassandra has the pregnancy glow, and she looks generally happy with Cassius. The past few weeks they been talking about getting their place to stay. Cassandra and Cassius aren’t high ranked members so they don’t have to live here. They deserve their home to rise their baby.

  “Thank you for being so supportive Esme, you will make such a great Luna. Chelsea thinks being with Cassius is dangerous. She also said I shouldn’t have this baby, because of his family,” Cassandra informs me. Chelsea always has been overly protective of Cassandra, but that’s ridiculous.

  “You guys do need to be careful because of the vampire clan yeah, but having this baby changes everything. We are entering a new era and change is needed. Your pack will help protect you, even in your own home. We are here for your family,” I assure her. I hug her to comfort her.

  “I’m happy to be home Esme,” Cassandra said as she hugs me back.

  “I’m happy your home too, we missed you,” I respond. I’m just afraid she and Cassius will leave the pack go far away. It feels like we just got her back.


  Esme barely gets out of bed, before her two friends knock on her door. “Can one of you please grab me coffee, if I don’t have a morning?” Esme shouts through the door. Her friends always said she was going to be the next pack’s Luna, and they were right. The door opens and it’s Chelsea and Cassandra in the doorway. Coffees in their hands already. Esme was never a morning person, and as her best friends they know this about her.

  Chelsea pulls the covers off of the bed. Chelsea is lucky that Esme didn’t sleep in the nude. Esme and Mason have been sexually active. “Good morning Luna Esme,” Chelsea and Cassandra said in unison. Before Esme responds to them she runs into the bathroom and gets sick. The girls follow her in there and hold up her hair. Cassandra rubs her back as Esme vomits up last night’s dinner.

  “I will be right back, I’m going to make you some special tea,” Cassandra states and leaves the room. Esme flushes the toilet when she’s done. Chelsea helps her getting out of the bathroom and brings her over to the bed.

  “Are you okay?” Chelsea asked. Esme smiles and nods. Deep down Esme knows what’s wrong with herself.

  Cassandra comes back a few minutes later with a cup of tea. “It’s lemon and ginger, it will help with your stomach,” she informs Esme. Cassandra used this tea for her morning sickness.

  “Don’t you use that for your morning sickness?” Chelsea comments. Esme isn’t sure what to say to that, as she has a feeling that’s what it is. She subconsciously puts her hand on her stomach.

  “Esme are you pregnant?” Chelsea asked. Esme isn’t sure how to answer, as she’s not a hundred percent positive that she is.

  “I think so, I’m late,” Esme replies.

  “Okay, so don’t go to the bathroom yet, I’m going to the store to pick up a test. Cassandra, start getting our Luna ready for her big day. I will be back in a few minutes with a test,” Chelsea said coming up with a plan.

  Chelsea leaves for the store, and Cassandra starts Esme’s hair. Esme has a dress picked out and ready to go. As it’s winter, it’s not a light dress. The winters can be brutal where they are, Esme will be wearing a long-sleeved dress. It’s formal wear, so a dress is mandatory for Esme.

  “So you think your pregnant how long have you thought this?” Cassandra asks.

  “Yeah I do, for a few weeks, I thought something was up. I didn’t want to tell anyone yet because I wasn’t sure,” Esme replies. She hasn’t had any symptoms before now. She had a feeling that this would happen soon.

  Mason and Esme haven’t had protected sex, so it was going to happen sooner than later. Esme wasn’t going to tell them that, as it’s not their business.

  Mason always wanted kids and grow old with his mate. Esme wants the same thing, they both share those values for being a parent. Deep down Esme is excited about this life. Being a mother and raising their kids together. Esme was also scared for the same reasons, as being a parent isn’t easy.

  Chelsea comes back from the store with the test. Soon Esme will have the answers and will soon confirm her thoughts or not.

  Esme grabs the test and is finally able to go to the bathroom. A few minutes pass and Esme looked at it impatiently. Two lines are clearly there. One line is bold and the second line is a little faded, but it’s there. Esme is pregnant with Mason.

  Esme shows her friends the results. “I’m so happy that you are!” Cassandra shares her excitement.

  “Aww, Esme congratulations! Now I have to talk Tyler into a baby,” Chelsea said. The three of them hug and giggle.

  When the excitement dies down a little, they get Esme ready.

  Esme showers and puts on the long-sleeved green dress. The dress is thick and good for the coronation, as it takes place at the Alpha’s Garden.

  Chelsea curls Esme’s hair and leaving it down. Cassandra does Esme’s makeup light and used softer colors.

  As it takes all morning for Esme and her friends to get ready. They go down to the Alpha’s Garden. The garden has light blue lights throughout outside. The ground has a light coating of snow and is currently snowing now.

  Esme walks down the pathway heading toward everyone in the garden. The flowers are dead but with the snow and lights, it’s still beautiful.

  All the seats are full and everyone is watching Esme as she walks down the aisle. Elder William stands in front of the aisle. Alpha Mason on the right of Elder William. Everyone stands as Esme walks past everyone until she’s in front of William.

  Everyone sits back down, Mason holds Esme’s hand. Wolf News is filming everything as the coronation starts. “Thank you, everyone, for coming and for those at home watching,” Elder William said clearly and loudly.

  “Today we welcome Esme Hilltop to the ranks. Today she will be Luna of Pack Rivers. She will be your Luna the hope of the pack. As we go into dark times we need the light that’s at the end of the darkness. Esme is the light in the dark, she gives us hope as her mate gives us strength. Together they will lead this pack and help us win this war.” William continues the coronation.

  “Esme, do you promise to protect Pack Rivers?” Elder William asked.

  “I will,” Esme replies.

  “Esme, do you promise to give us hope?” Elder William asked.

  “I will,” Esme replies.

  “Do you promise to do only right by your people?” Elder William asked.

  “I will,” Esme replies.

  “I hear by making Esme Hilltop Luna of Pack Rivers!” Elder William shouts. Mason pulls Esme close and kisses Esme, the audience cheers as she officially becomes Luna.

  When the coronation is over everyone heads over to the dining hall for dinner. Dinner is almost done when everyone ar
rives at the tables. Everyone has drinks except for Cassandra. Esme has to play along, as Mason doesn’t know yet. One more drink for a toast won’t hurt. It’s early as you can be when you can find out.

  “Before we eat I wanted to make a toast,” Alpha Jack said. Everyone stands up with their drinks up high. “I want to congratulate Pack Rivers on finding their Luna. As we all know I learned the hard way of not having a Luna. As she is the most important part of having a pack. Congratulations Luna Esme!” Alpha Jack congratulates the pack and Esme.

  Peter and the Omegas come out with the food and everyone quiets down. When they all get their food, the sound of forks and knives hitting the plates fills the room.

  Throughout dinner and having dessert people congratulated Esme and Mason. Esme likes the other Alphas and their high-ranked werewolves, but she couldn’t wait for them to all go home. She wants normalcy and so does Mason.

  After dinner, people stayed around the table for an hour. As time passed it got quieter, it was getting late, and people went to bed.

  Esme was feeling tired, so she and Mason excused themselves. It was only Alpha Jack and Luna Lorraine left.

  Esme walks with Mason to their room. Mason does the pin-code to open the door. Esme sits on the edge of the bed, and Mason gets undressed. “Mason I need to tell you something. Today before I have gotten ready, Chelsea got me a test. I’m pregnant, I’m not that far along,” Esme explains to Mason.

  Mason takes this by surprise, as it’s good news. He couldn’t be happier he has everything he’s ever wanted. “Are you sure?” Mason asked. Esme smiles and nods her head.

  Mason goes over to her, picks her up, and kisses her raw. They deepen the kiss and turn off the lights. Mason unzips her dress and helps her out of it. Esme helps him out of his clothes and pulls me closer. They fall on the bed, and Esme giggles at their clumsiness. “I love you Esme Hilltop,” Mason tells her.

  “And I love you Mason Rivers,” Esme whispered.


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