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A Very Kinky Valentine's Day

Page 7

by Tymber Dalton

  Hell, yes, she’d choose it.

  Sully looked over her shoulder at Mac. “Fair warning, slave. You whack me in the process of giving her your cane strokes, you’ll get an extra ten yourself, in whatever part of your anatomy you land the stroke on me. For each one. So aim carefully.”

  Mac snickered. “No ball smacks, Master. I promise.”

  Someone knocked on the bathroom door. “Everything okay in there?” Abbey called out.

  Clarisse opened the door. Tilly and Abbey stood there, wearing nearly identical looks of concern.

  “We’re good. Thank you.” She hugged both of them. “Thanks for holding my hand.”

  “Did we miss some unauthorized girl-on-girl action earlier?” Mac joked.

  “Not even close,” Clarisse said.

  “Well,” Tilly said, “technically it was sort of watersports. Just not the kinky kind.”

  The women laughed.

  Sully stared at them for a moment, processing that. “I don’t even want to know.”

  Chapter Eleven

  After leaving the party, Clarisse sat in the back seat, relieved her men weren’t upset and glad to have a chance to atone. After emerging from the bathroom, they’d gone out and spread the good news to the rest of their friends, Sully not wanting to wait to announce her pregnancy.

  A little nervous trepidation filled her. Could she put her foot down and refuse punishment?

  Sure, but that would be changing her relationship with the men in a way she didn’t want.

  She wanted the punishment. She didn’t want Sully or Mac loosening the rules. She’d agreed to abide by them when she signed on for the deal. She loved them, and they had two beautiful kids together. Her life with them had been a fairy tale. Yes, they’d had a rough patch in the beginning when her ex attacked Mac. Kidnapped her, too, until Sully came to rescue her.

  And she’d ended up rescuing him instead. Both of them.

  Not a time of her life she dwelled on.

  But this, it had brought back some of those deep, dark fears. The memories of her life before Sully and Mac…and the lengths she’d been willing to go to stay with them.

  It was comforting to know that even if she screwed up, it wasn’t something that would destroy what they had. She hadn’t—her worst-case fear—ruined the trust Sully and Mac had in her.

  Up in their hotel room, Sully and Mac didn’t immediately start getting undressed. Instead, they turned to her, waiting.

  She knew what they wanted. Already she felt herself growing wet. She knew they were men of their word. These thirty cane strokes would probably hurt worse than anything she’d experienced short of childbirth.

  Or getting beaten by her ex.

  She also knew the men would reward her on the other end. The slate wiped clean, her conscience cleared, with a hard reminder to herself to never repeat this mistake, or one along its vein.

  Stripping, she walked up to Sully and didn’t even need him to give her the cue before she sank to her knees in front of him and Mac.

  He stroked her hair. “My pet owes us some cane strokes.”

  She nuzzled her cheek against his thigh. “Yes, Master.”

  “How many?”

  “Fifteen for you, fifteen for Sir.”

  His fingers tightened in her hair. “Tell me why.”

  “I withheld information I shouldn’t have, because it impacted all three of us.”

  “And our sons,” Sully said.

  True. They were getting a new sibling, their parents’ time divided yet again. “And our sons,” she added, feeling even worse and wishing they’d just get to the cane strokes so she could get it over with and move on.

  And never do it again.

  “How long do you think you’ve been pregnant, pet?”

  She closed her eyes and thought about it. “I’m not sure, Master. I did miss the second period, but the first one you thought I missed, I had a light one. I wasn’t sure I’d missed it, or maybe it was just normal me. At least four weeks, maybe eight.”

  “Hmm. And you haven’t been to the doctor yet.”

  More guilt. “No, Master.”

  “First thing Monday morning, you better be on the phone to them as soon as they’re open to get the first appointment they have. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He was really going to drag this out tonight. She understood why.

  Fisting her hair, he tipped her head back. Both men looked serious. “You know this means you’ll have to cut your time back on the boat.”

  “Master, the doctor said—”

  Sully cut her off. “I’m saying.”

  She swallowed, meek. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl.” He looked at Mac. “I know we joked about funishment, but I’ve changed my mind. Thirty, hard and fast. Then we can reward her.”

  “Yes, Sir. Your call.”

  “Over the end of the bed, pet,” Sully quietly said. “Let’s get this over with now. Quickly.”

  She spotted his hard bulge pressing against his zipper. She wasn’t sure if he was horny because he was going to be punishing her, or that she was pregnant and they were happy about that, or what.

  She didn’t care. That bulge meant an imminent reward.

  Mac caught her hand and helped her to her feet while Sully picked a cane from their equipment, a solid rattan cane, stingy as fuck and usually one he only used on Mac.

  Clarisse assumed the position, facedown, closing her eyes and waiting.

  “Do you want your ball gag, pet?” Sully asked.

  “Yes, please, Master.” It would make it easier to take the pain.

  And muffle her cries.

  Mac also brought her a towel from the bathroom to put under her head. No use adding an extra wet spot to the bed if they didn’t have to. A huge snot puddle could easily be avoided by use of a towel.

  When she was ready, Sully stepped to her side. “I thought about making you count, but I decided not to. I can tell you were really upset by your actions. So I’ll give you a choice. Do you want me to go fast and get all fifteen out of the way, do them in groups of five, three, or slowly, so you can process each of them?”

  She didn’t answer rashly. “Threes, please, Master,” she mumbled around the gag.

  Fortunately, Sully was fluent in gag-speak.

  “Very well. Mac will ask you when he gives you his, too.” He laid his left hand in the small of her back and she flinched when she felt the cane touch her backside. “Ready?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Very well. Ask me for them.”

  “Please give me my punishment strokes, Master. I want them.”

  “Good girl.” The first three singed like white-hot lightning bolts across the middle of her ass cheeks before she’d even realized he was beginning.

  Her head came up off the bed as she screamed around the gag, struggling to process it.

  Mac sat next to her and stroked her hair. “Shh,” he said. “Breathe through them. It’s just fifteen.”

  Holy crap, Sully hadn’t been kidding when he said he wouldn’t hold back. Not that she’d expected him to be kidding, or to hold back.

  Just as the flare of pain had started to fade, another set of three cut into her upper thighs.

  Sully smoothed his hand over her ass as she screamed into the towel. “I warned you these would hurt and leave marks, pet.”

  By the time he finished the set of fifteen, she’d buried her face in the towel, sobbing, doing her best not to twist away from him.

  When he slipped his fingers between her legs, even she didn’t miss how they slid right into her pussy.

  “Well, I’m glad to see pet still enjoys being punished,” Sully said before pulling his fingers free.

  Not exactly, but she wasn’t about to correct him.

  She enjoyed submission to him, ownership by him. She knew the pain and marks would fade.

  His love for her would not.

  That’s what she enjoyed, the security of
that knowledge.

  The men swapped places, Sully sitting next to her on the bed while Mac took the cane and stood beside her at the end of the bed, his hand on her back.

  “I know you might think I’d be easier on you than Master,” he said, “and you’d be wrong. Because I’m his slave, too. And I know the strokes I would expect to get from him if I’d done this. The strokes I would want to receive from him to take it out of my mind so I could let the guilt go over what I’d done.”

  Her tears continued, unabated. Mac’s words cut deeper than any cane strokes could. The utter truth of them.

  Laying the rattan cane against her flesh, Mac asked the question. “How do you want them, pet?”

  “Threes, Sir,” she finally mumbled around her gag.

  “Good girl.”

  He didn’t keep her waiting, either. The first set of three quickly bit into her flesh every bit as painfully—if not more so—than the ones Sully had given her.

  “Keep breathing through it, pet,” Mac quietly said. “You will take them.”

  Yes, she would. The pain was fleeting. By the time they finally let her go to sleep that night, they would have faded to a dull, pleasant ache.

  And even fresher in her memory would be the orgasms they’d wring out of her body.

  Another three, along the backs of her thighs, agonizing.

  She heard Mac suck in a breath. “Sorry, Master.”

  She felt Sully shift on the bed, looking. “It’s all right. We’ll take care of it in a minute. Continue. And do not hold back.”

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist. She knew he’d broken the skin.

  Clarisse wasn’t even aware Mac had finished by the time he stopped. She hadn’t been counting, only breathing, trying to keep her screams down so they didn’t wake up anyone who might be in adjoining rooms. It was when Sully unbuckled the gag and removed it from her mouth that she realized it was over.

  “All done,” he gently said, stroking her hair. “One pet properly punished and once again with a clean slate.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Don’t move. Mac’s going to get the first aid kit. A couple of them broke skin. Just a little, nothing worse than you’ve had before.”

  Then she felt Mac’s hands on her, the sting of an alcohol swab as he cleaned the two wounds, immediately followed by the feel of his breath against her flesh as he blew on them for her to ease the pain.

  Sully propped himself up on his elbow, his other hand tracing abstract designs lightly across her back and shoulders. “When he finishes, pet, we’re going to properly fuck that freshly caned ass of yours, make you come like the good girl you are, and then we can all go to sleep happy.”

  After blowing her nose in the towel, she raised her head to look at him. “Are you really happy?” Mac applied antibiotic ointment to the two places where they’d broken the skin.

  A frown creased Sully’s brow. “Of course I am. We’re going to have another baby. Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

  The guilt was fading, but she knew even cane strokes wouldn’t magically erase it without a little help from time.

  Mac kissed her left flank, off to the side where the cane hadn’t reached. “Babe, we’re over-the-moon happy. The cane strokes were for you, not us. Like he said earlier, we knew anything you put yourself through would be far worse than punishment from us. Been there, done that. Duh.”

  She looked over her shoulder to see Mac smiling at her as he prepared to stick a large adhesive bandage over one of the marks. He waggled his eyebrows at her. “And by the time I get done sliding my dick up this delicious ass of yours, you’re not going to be thinking about what you did, but about what we’re doing to you.”

  His tone made her clit throb.

  After tending her wounds, Mac patted her leg. “Up on the bed, pet. Time for the second part.”

  He and Sully quickly stripped. Mac had grabbed a condom for this part of the festivities, to make cleanup easier later. While Sully had Clarisse straddle him, his cock easily sliding into her pussy, Mac donned a glove and started lubing her ass.

  With a hand tightly fisting her hair, Sully slanted his lips, kissing her, possessive. “Mac’s been begging me to let him fuck your ass, baby,” he said. “Now he can have at it again.” He smiled. “You lucky pet.”

  She moaned as Mac added a second finger to her ass. “I should have put a butt plug up you while we were caning you,” Mac said. “Saved me a few minutes.”

  “Patience, slave,” Sully said. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  No, she definitely wasn’t.

  It felt like forever Mac took to get her ready to accept his cock. When he eased the head past the first ring of muscle, she moaned, trying to rock her hips to encourage him to go faster.

  Sully tugged on her hair. “Stop trying to drive, pet. We’ll tell you when you can move. You’re all ours.”

  The click of a small battery-operated vibrator being switched on registered in her brain, but when Mac slid it between Clarisse and Sully, she whimpered.

  “Don’t come yet, pet,” Sully tersely ordered. “Hold it.”

  That made it even more difficult.

  Tension sizzled along her nerves, the delicious pinching burn as Mac’s cock plowed deep into her ass, stretching and filling her, pressing Sully’s cock even more firmly against her G-spot.

  She loved this.

  Hell, she’d do this every night, if it was up to her.

  Once Mac’s body was pressed against her, the welts on her ass and thighs stinging a little as he got into position, he stripped off the glove and tossed it onto the floor before bracing himself with his arms. “Master?” he asked, voice sounding strained.

  “Fuck her hard, slave,” Sully said. “You may come whenever you want.” He tipped Clarisse’s head to the side, so she could see Mac’s face. “Ask him to fuck your pretty little ass, baby.”

  “Sir, please fuck my ass.”

  “Good girl. You, however, may not come until I give you permission. And then you have to beg for it.”

  Oh, crap.

  That meant once she started begging to come, he would force her to keep coming until she begged him to let her stop.

  Then she spotted the Hitachi, plugged in and ready, lying on the bed next to Sully.


  This time of night, she knew the men were likely only good for one each.

  But as Sully and Mac had both said countless times before, women were blessed with the ability to come and come again.

  And they always made sure she did.

  Mac started thrusting slowly at first, taking his time. “Such a sweet, tight ass, baby,” he grunted. “God I’ve missed this ass of yours.” He leaned in and trailed kisses across the back of her shoulders, pressing her body even more firmly against the vibrator and making her whine. “What’s wrong, baby? Something got you hot and bothered?”

  “Yes, Sir. I want to come.”

  “Oh, do you?” He took another deep, hard stroke inside her ass. “Then I guess you’d better beg Master nicely.”

  Sully kissed her again. “You may fuck our cocks, pet, but you may not come yet.”

  She hoped she could obey that order. The vibrator was now slick with her juices, and as she slowly started rocking her hips, her clit slid up and down the round, plastic device.

  I guess I should be thankful it’s not the Hitachi. She wouldn’t have been able to hold back against that.

  Mac, apparently, was holding back, too, even though he didn’t have to. After fifteen minutes or so, Mac pulled her up off Sully, so her back was pressed against his chest. He cupped his hands around her breasts, playing with her nipples.

  It felt sooo good. “Please may I come, Master?” she begged.

  “No. Not yet.”

  Now she couldn’t move, couldn’t fuck them. Sully smiled up at her and switched the vibrator off, pulling it away.

  But he reached for the Hitachi.

  Oh, shit.

  He knew damn well if he
used that on her, with her stuffed full of their cocks, and Mac pinching her nipples like that, she wouldn’t be able to obey his order to not come.

  Sully reached up, holding the head of the Hitachi up to her lips. “Kiss it, pet.”

  She did.

  Wincing, she closed her eyes and held her breath when he pressed the head against her swollen clit, but he didn’t turn it on. “Keep fucking her, Mac,” he ordered.

  Mac did, his motions automatically forcing her up and down on Sully’s cock, too.

  “Please, Master, may I come?” she begged.

  “No. Look at me.”

  She forced her eyes open.

  He smiled up at her. “New rule, pet. If, after this baby, you decide you want to have another one, you will tell us that’s what you want first. And if you decide you do want another baby, then you will beg us to make it happen. We will make you beg us to breed you every day, to make up for your omissions this time. You’ll be fucked at least two times a day each by us, tied up, ass propped in the air, while we use the Hitachi on you to make you come the whole time.”

  He rubbed the head of the Hitachi against her clit but didn’t turn it on. “First thing in the morning, and at night before bed. That will be a daily occurrence, and you will beg for it each time. Maybe even more often, if the opportunity presents. You will only be allowed to come during those daily breeding sessions, and they will happen every day until you get pregnant. Or, obviously, if change your mind. And if you do, you have to tell us immediately. Agreed?”

  “Holy fuck,” Mac muttered, nipping the back of her shoulder. “That’s fucking hot.”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered. His words had made her clit throb even more, her pussy and ass clenching around their cocks as she tried to hold back. The thought of them doing that to her…she wouldn’t deny she liked it. There’d been plenty of times in the past, when she was on the pill and they weren’t trying to have a baby, that Sully and Mac had used similar head games on her before, threatening that very scenario.

  Each time they had, she’d come exquisitely hard, feeling like her body would explode with the force of her orgasms.

  And from talks the three of them had later about fantasies, the men knew it, too.


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