The Drakhom Taboo
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The Drakhom Taboo III
Celia Jade
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The Drakhom Taboo III
Copyright ã 2008 Celia Jade
Cover art by Martine Jardin
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
I wish to dedicate this story to my readers, present and future. Your support and acknowledgment of my work means a lot to me. Entertaining you with my stories is both a pleasure and an inspiration. Thank you.
Ellen Sanders adores Drakhom men, and their wild, wicked passion. When she's introduced to Drakhom Max Jensen, the attraction between them is like nothing she'd ever experienced. She eagerly takes on the task of decorating his new condo, hoping to have a hot fling with him. But he ruins it all by telling her he's looking for a wife, and she's vowed to never get married again. When he offers a relationship on her terms, she is more than tempted to accept, but could she walk away before getting too attached? The latter guaranteed heartache no matter what. Then again, not to experience passion with him would likely be just as painful.
Ellen Sanders lifted a second martini from the tray of a passing waiter. The cocktail was perfectly made with a refreshing mix of exotic fruits. She took a sip and watched as Kate and Tanton danced to a smooth jazz song. Recently married, and five months pregnant, her cousin had every reason to glow with happiness. Her gaze moved around the spacious living room, taking in the intimate groups of people chatting. It settled on another lovely couple, Bianca and Devon. Ellen had grown very fond of Bianca. Not only was she a marketing genius who had doubled their business, but she'd become a great friend.
Her mouth curved into a smile as she remembered the turbulent beginning of Bianca and Devon's relationship. Now, they were clearly in love. They'd even purchased a place together. She was happy for these women whom she cared for deeply, but couldn't help the twinge of loneliness. It was something she'd been feeling more often lately. At the same time, Ellen was comfortable with her single life because a permanent relationship was not for her. She'd been married once before, a relationship that had failed miserably and caused her much heartache. Most wounds heal, but some leave scars. She wouldn't risk being so hurt again. She enjoyed passionate affairs with men and always ended them before her feelings became too entangled. Ellen smiled again as Kate and Tanton approached.
"Ellen, I don't believe you've had the chance to meet Max," Tanton said.
No, she hadn't, although her gaze had wandered in his direction several times since she'd arrived at his party. Their host was a man of unquestionable Drakhom beauty. The kind that Ellen had a weakness for. Smooth, olive skin, night black hair, dark, mischievous eyes....her senses stirred once again. She'd been invited to the party because Tanton and Max Jensen had been college classmates who kept in touch. From the little information she'd been given, she knew that Max was a successful restaurateur, and held this party once a year. "Actually, I haven't," she replied.
"Max is a great guy, as down to earth as they come--great sense of humor." He paused as a clever twinkle brightened his eyes. "And he's been looking for--"
"An interior decorator," Kate interjected, placing a hand on Tanton's chest.
Ellen's eyebrow quirked up as she noted her cousin's hasty interruption.
"Ellen, I know how much you miss home decorating. Max has just bought a wonderful condo on the Upper East Side, and he feels clueless about furnishing it. I think it would be a great opportunity for you," Kate added.
"It does sound interesting," Ellen replied, although she suspected there was more to it than that.
Tanton grinned. "Great. Let's get you introduced."
They crossed the wide floor, moving around the other guests until they located their host. A sizzle of anticipation worked its way down her spine as they closed the distance. Her gaze traveled over his tall, athletic frame, which was defined by his crisp white shirt and perfectly tailored black slacks. A black tie circled his shirt collar in a fashionably loose manner. At least the man had fashion sense.
Max raised a glass to his mouth for a sip and met her gaze.
Her breath hitched at the instant connection. Those dark eyes drew her in deep, trapped her for several heartbeats. My God, he was even more beautiful up close she realized. Beautiful wasn't a word she'd normally use to describe a man, but how else would you describe a perfectly balanced face, smooth and chiseled in the right places....long, thick lashes, a wide, sensual mouth? Dense hair, long enough for her to run her fingers through? Ellen had barely snapped out of her erotic daze when Tanton made the introductions. She nearly jumped when Max's warm hand enveloped hers firmly and her skin prickled in awareness.
"Nice to meet you, Ellen," he said in a velvety, deep voice that melted over her like butter.
Oh God.... Twin spots of heat tinged her cheeks. "Nice to meet you, too," she said once she'd forced herself back to reality. Did he hold onto her hand too long? Or was she holding onto his?
He grinned and broke the contact, but held her gaze.
"Ellen runs K & E Ergonomics with Kate," Tanton began. "She's a talented decorator. You've been looking for someone to fix up that new condo, right?"
Max glanced at Tanton briefly and nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid I have no decorating sense." He looked at Ellen again and smiled. "Could you help me out, Ellen?"
She loved the way he said her name. Like he was tasting it....enjoying its flavor. He made it sound sexy, and she never thought of her name that way. "Em, yes, of course." Luckily, she managed not to sound too breathless.
They began talking and she hardly noticed that Tanton and Kate had left. It was just her and the gorgeous Drakhom. Ellen could tell he was attracted to her as well. She picked up on the signs easily--the way his dark gaze moved over her, lingering on her mouth, shoulders, and breasts. It followed her gestures. She felt her skin grow warm, almost hot, while her breasts grew taut. She couldn't recall the last time she'd been so aware of a man and so affected.
"How soon could you come by the condo?" he asked. now? She cleared her throat. "I'm free this Saturday."
He smiled. "Perfect. I guess day time is best? How about noon? I could pick you up."
"Noon is fine. No need to pick me up. I'll need the address though."
"Of course. Let's walk over to my's just around the corner."
The privacy of the room increased her awareness of him. Her pulse accelerated. She watched his long, lean fingers pick up a business card from his desk. He jotted something on the back and handed her the card.
"That's the address. My cell number's on there, too, in case you need to reach me."
Ellen glanced at the address. She lived on the west side, although not far from his place. It would be a short cab ride. She dropped the card into her purse and met his gaze. The room suddenly grew smaller. Her breath caught when she n
oticed the dark intensity in his eyes as he watched her. It sucked the oxygen out of the room. "I....em....Saturday then," she replied and unconsciously licked her lips.
His gaze instantly fell to her mouth and something flared in the dark depths. He took a step toward her. Her nostrils caught the clean scent of his skin, and the hint of spice in his cologne. Her mouth parted on a silent sigh. He didn't come any closer, however, much to her disappointment--eh--relief.
"I appreciate your help, Ellen. And you will be nicely compensated for this. I promise," he said.
Money hadn't crossed her mind. It helped snap her out of her muddle-headed state. This was a professional arrangement after all. She smiled. "I've wanted to do a project like this for some time actually. I started out as a home decorator and I miss it sometimes." He laughed, a rich sound that caressed her senses and weakened her knees.
"Knock yourself out then."
That Saturday, Ellen had the jitters. She was usually composed and confident, even on a blind date. So what had gotten into her? Don't kid yourself. You know the answer to that, replied her inner voice. Finally, after changing in and out of several outfits, she chose simple jeans and a stylish blue blouse that tied in crisscross ribbons at the front and boasted loose, three quarter sleeves. She hardly wore makeup in the daytime, but she took her time applying light blue eye shadow, which emphasized the color of her eyes, and some lip gloss. Then she sighed, wondering why she was going to the trouble. The man had hired her to decorate his home. Period.
She got into a cab and arrived at Max's address in fifteen minutes. She glanced up at the lovely, neoclassical building as she stepped out of the car. It was in a quiet, tree-lined neighborhood, one of the best in the city. He was on the eighth floor. She entered the elegant lobby and was greeted by a doorman who smiled brightly, and seemed to be aware that Max was expecting her. When she stepped out of the elevator, she walked down the wide, carpeted corridor, and noticed that there were only three apartments on this floor. "Good choice, Max." She pressed the doorbell.
When the door swung open, she didn't know what stole her breath first. The sight of him or the velvet depth of his voice as he said her name. His eyes twinkled with dark mischief as he smiled, sending delightful shivers over her skin. She smiled as she stepped into the marble-tiled foyer. "Sorry for being a bit late."
"Beautiful women are always a bit late." He grinned, and placed a hand on her lower back.
It was a light touch, but it went through her like a warm current.
"I don't have much in the fridge, but I do have wine, beer, juice, and water."
"I'm fine for now, thanks."
"I'll show you around then."
They toured the condo slowly, discussing ideas for furnishing and decor while her gaze discreetly took in the bulge of muscle along his bare arms, the wide expanse of his shoulders outlined under his t-shirt....lean, strong thighs in jeans. He was impossible to ignore. The man exuded virility. Maleness. She had to keep forcing her attention on the details of the rooms. They took measurements.
Ellen liked the layout of the apartment very much. It was brightly lit with eleven-foot ceilings and tall windows. Treetop views. It had three bedrooms, a large living room, and a renovated kitchen outfitted with the best appliances and beautiful cabinets. The private bathroom just off the master bedroom was impressive. A long, marble sink counter and Kohler faucets--she recognized the brand easily. Royal blue and gold mosaic tiles covered the walls around a large whirlpool. They returned to the living room. Ellen sighed inwardly. This was just the sort of home she'd love to have in the city. But it was way out of her reach, at least for now. Apparently, Max was doing quite well. "It's absolutely lovely," she finally said.
"Mmm, I totally agree," Max replied.
She looked at him, and met those intense, dark eyes. Color seeped into her cheeks as she suspected it wasn't the condo he was referring to. "We can do so much here. How do you feel about earth tones for the walls in the dining room and the master bedroom?"
His gaze fell to her mouth. "Whatever you like. You're the expert."
The warm depth of his voice stirred her senses. She forced her eyes away from his. "Yes, but you'll be living here, so the colors have to work for you. We also need to check out some furniture together. When can you do that?"
"I can take a day off next week....probably mid-week."
The way he kept looking at her was making her flush. He might as well touch her. She nodded. "Okay, I'll check my agenda." God, the man was intense!
"Are you busy today?" he asked, drawing her gaze back to his.
Her lips pursed. "Not really...."
"Good. Let's have lunch. There's a cafe just around the corner with a surprisingly diverse menu."
She raised her brows in surprise, not expecting his suggestion, which was more of a firm request, actually. "Sure. I suppose I could eat something."
When they got to the cafe, and took a seat by the window, she definitely couldn't avoid looking right at him. She'd never been very good at hiding her emotions and she was afraid to reveal just how much he affected her. She risked a glance at him and noticed the amused curve of his mouth.
"Everything all right?" he inquired.
She managed a smile, and picked up the menu. "'s a charming place." For the next twenty minutes, she guided the conversation along the lines of furniture ideas, furniture shops and the characteristics of various neighborhoods in the city.
The food was delicious and Ellen was glad for the diversion. Except that she wasn't spared from her private thoughts. She kept having visions of his sharp teeth grazing the sensitive skin of her throat, teasing her shoulders and nipples. Heat suffused her body, pooling into a tight ache between her legs. She bit her lower lip.
"How is your quesadilla?" he asked.
She paused to clear her mind of the erotic daydream. "Excellent. The best I've ever had--and your steak?"
"Delicious." He leaned back in his chair and took a sip of wine. He regarded her silently for a moment. "Tell me about you, Ellen. I'm curious to know more."
She swallowed a morsel of food and dabbed her lips with a napkin. "Well, not much to say. I work hard....perhaps too hard....but I love what I do. Um....I read whenever I can, biographies mostly....I try to visit my parents in Long Island at least once a month and I ski quite a bit in the winter." She shrugged. "Not the most exciting life." She laughed.
His dark eyes moved over her face. "Ever been married?"
Dangerous territory. She nodded briefly. "Yes, once."
"What would make you happy?"
She frowned. "Happy?"
"Yes. What are you looking for?"
"Nothing....I mean....I'm happy with what I have, well, generally speaking."
"I meant--what kind of man are you looking for?" He leaned his arms on the table.
Ellen's jaw dropped. Man? What was he talking about? She shook her head. "I'm afraid you've lost me."
"Well, it's no secret to you that I'm looking for a permanent mate....a wife." He paused and trapped her with his gaze. "I'm rarely wrong about things, and I feel we have a connection. I really like you, Ellen. I want to get to know you better."
Understanding was dawning on her rapidly. She let out a sigh. "Did Tanton tell you that I'm looking for a husband?"
"Not in so many words, but he hinted that you were open to serious dating."
This had Kate written all over it. It wasn't the first time. Ellen bit her lip agitatedly and met Max's gaze. "I'm not looking for a husband, Max. Dating....yes....but nothing serious."
Max studied her inquisitively for several seconds. "So, you have casual relationships? You avoid attachment?"
She shifted in her chair. "Um, I don't really feel comfortable discussing this...."
He frowned. "Of course. I apologize." He paused. "It's a shame though, because I'd like to date you....seriously."
Her heart skipped a beat. My God....he was asking her out. She stared at him speechlessly.
He leaned back in his chair again as his mouth curved into a dangerous smile. "There is chemistry," he said, indicating the space between them with a flick of his hand. "Pretty strong, too."
No denying that. She'd be lying if she did. "It's just physical." Even as she blurted those words out she knew it was more than that. She was drawn to the intangible qualities of his nature. And the obvious ones--his confidence, intellect, and humor.
His eyebrow quirked up. "It's a good start."
She leaned back in her chair and took a long sip of wine. An affair with Max was extremely tempting. But risky. She could easily fall for him....and then what? Suffer another broken heart? Ellen shook her head. "You're looking for a wife, Max. It's not a good idea. I'll never marry again," she stated firmly and felt her heart clench. Any other woman would jump at the chance to date him. A part of her screamed that she was mad. When she looked at him again, his handsome face was somber and unreadable. She exhaled a shaky breath. "Look, maybe it's not a good idea for me to take this project...."
Something flashed in his eyes. "No, I want you to finish the project. Make time for me next week."
Ellen thought for a moment. Business was business. "Okay, I will."
* * * *
Max had never been rejected by a woman. Until Ellen. He rubbed his jaw pensively as he stared blankly at the computer screen. At least, if she weren't attracted to him, he'd swallow his pride and move on. But the attraction between them was like a sizzling current. She responded to him naturally. He could only conclude that she had been badly hurt in her marriage. Must have been a stupid bastard, he thought angrily. A muscle worked rapidly in his jaw. He had a fierce desire to be with Ellen. She felt right like no other woman. And she was just his type. Long, dark hair he could run his fingers through. Petite, with slim curves he could enjoy for hours. Breasts and derriere that would fill his hands perfectly. Skin that promised to be silky soft. Dark blue eyes he'd been drowning in from the start. High cheekbones, and a full, very kissable mouth.