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The Retired S Ranked Adventurer (The Shatterfist Book 1)

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by Wolfe Locke

  The Retired S-Rank Adventurer

  by Wolfe Locke

  This book is dedicated to the friends who’ve helped me along the way. So mostly author Marcus Sloss for being a sounding board I could bounce ideas off thanks.

  Thanks, man.

  Buy his books.

  @2020 Wolfe Locke

  All rights reserved.

  No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

  Books by the author

  The Pandemonium Series

  Arc I - Rebirth of the Tyrant King

  The Genesis Game: Volume I (Fall/2019)

  The Genesis Game: Volume II (Spring/2020)

  The Genesis Game: Beginnings (Summer/2020)

  Arc II – The Dark Lords

  The Skeletal Champion (Winter/2020)

  Re: Dark Knight Evolution (Summer/2021)

  Dungeon of the Old Gods (Spring/2021)

  Arc III - Afterlife

  The Tower of Ruin Volumes 1-7 (Fin/Fall2022)

  Arc IV – World of Darkness

  The Hero’s Emblem (Fall 2021)

  Arc V – Extinction

  March of the Army of Darkness (Fall 2021)

  The Madness of Aeon (Fall 2022)

  Other Novels of Pandemonium

  Arcadia Academy

  -The Hollow Blade (Spring/2021)

  Other Books By The Author

  Monster Mage

  (Permafree) Essense Weaver (Spring/2020)

  Corridor of Fire (Summer/2021)

  Apocalypse Hero

  Apocalypse Hero (Summer/2020)

  True John Crusade (Summer/2021)

  (Permafree) Netherland: The Owl Eater’s Legacy (Winter/2020)

  The Retired S-Rank Hero – A LitRPG Light Novel

  Volume I (Spring/2021)

  Volume II (Summer/2021)

  Chapter One: The Dungeon and the Hydra

  The party stood outside the door to the boss’ chamber; they looked around nervously as they gathered around their party leader, a vagrant calling himself Sven the Shatterfist, that they’d hired to guide them through the dungeon.

  "All right," Sven said, speaking slowly so the younger adventurers could understand him. "Do you know the rules here? I’ve only recently got back into the swing of things, so I don’t know what all they teach you anymore before you set out on quests.”

  All four looked at him blankly, and Sven sighed. The C-Rankers were paying him well to escort them through the Dungeon of the Wood, but he was having to earn every last coin offered with the gig. Repeatedly, he had to save them from their own inexperience and foolishness.

  Part of his duties included drawing monster attacks on himself without killing the monsters outright. This was done to help the party level up. But with these rookies, it’s much more difficult than I thought it would be. Sven had to keep breaking away from baiting and tanking to prevent party members from walking into obvious dungeon traps that anyone claiming to be B-Rank or higher should have seen.

  Judging by their reaction when each new deadly trap was revealed, Sven suspected that this was the first dungeon run for at least one of them, and likely the first dungeon boss for all of them. They’ve got it easier than I did.

  Sven gestured towards the door, making sure all of them were paying attention. It was made of heavy stone and ornately carved with images of skulls, disembodied limbs, and decapitated bodies. Cheerful. A good warning, though, for those who come unprepared.

  "Behind this door lives an elemental hydra," Sven said. "I’ve dealt with it before and it’s not too bad so long as you stay on your toes. This should be manageable for the team. If you follow my lead, all of you should be able to gain some experience from it. Just make sure you get your hits in. I cannot stress this enough, otherwise the system won't give you credit for the fight and you'll miss out on the loot and experience drops. I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing. I’ll draw the Hydra's attacks and off once you've all managed to score a hit I’ll go ahead and end if the fight. If you get in too much trouble, I can finish it off quick, but I'd rather not."

  There were four members of the party aside from Sven. Two humans, a dwarf, and an elf archer. The party looked at him skeptically. Even though they'd seen him take on monster after monster, Sven with his casual wear hardly inspired confidence.

  Dromi Dragonsbane, the dwarf, squinted at him. "You’re sure you can take it? It's a hydra, right?"

  "Yes," Sven said, expressionless, but internally the comment pissed him off. Does this idiot not know what S-Rank stands for? "I can handle it, just try not to die."

  Dromi was chubby, with a doughy face and a thick red beard—nothing like the brave dwarf warriors Sven had fought beside in the Deep Barrows. Something about the dwarf annoyed Sven. Maybe it was that the dwarf had been chewing on the same fowl smelling tar substance throughout the entire dungeon, but now he spat it onto the ground with a flourish and took a deep drag from a flask. "Well, I’m ready," he said, putting a hand on his [Axe] as if that somehow settled the matter.

  Sven looked around, sizing up the other members of the party. They were eager, but nothing about them was particularly impressive. Maybe the dwarf has enough raw talent to keep adventuring, but the elf will go the furthest. As for the other two, it’s either an early retirement or an early grave.

  The best of the four was the elf, Almitha. She was pretty, with dark black eyes under a shock of braided blue hair. Her bow work was strong, quick, and more important, accurate. Her aim was deadly. She had taken down several monsters with a single shot to critical weak points. More than once, she noticed Sven evaluating her and each time she turned his gaze with a bold smirk that bordered on lewd.

  The youngest among them was an imperial from the capital of Haven. The lad was named Brandon Ashdown, a callow young knight. He carried a broadsword that was far too big for him and shield that he could barely lift. There’s better ways to impress the ladies', kid.

  For a knight, his arms were too thin, lacking the strength needed to protect others, and his eyes were glassy with fear. He would need special protection during the battles to come if he were to survive the trip. Sven tried not to be too judgmental. We all start somewhere and it's not my place to interfere in a decision about quitting, but this kid doesn't look like he'll last long.

  Finally, there was Elonneas. Sven was fairly sure the girl had a bit of kitsune blood in her. The healing mage was a small girl with frizzy red hair and golden spectacles. Her face was sharp and fox-like, and she’d been able to keep her wits about her, but her magic was not yet where it was needed to be in a party trying for this level. They'll need to find a replacement if they're going to go back into the dungeon in the future. Even with Sven taking on the brunt of the damage, the rest of party was coming into the boss fight, drained and at a severe disadvantage. Well, except for me being there.

  Surrounded by the bright-eyed C-Rankers, Sven felt like an old man. He had faced this hydra so many times over the recent weeks while escorting green parties through the dungeon that the two had almost become friends. Almost.

  After a long and exciting career of adventuring, raiding, and monster killing, Sven was disappointing to find himself working as an escort, but his contacts within the Kingdom of Perth had been few since returning from and Lloyd had asked. As a favor for one of his oldest, still living comrades, Sven would never say no, but it wasn't something he felt thrilled by.

  Sven was still young, but his hair was beginning to gray at the temples, and he was no longer quite as ene
rgetic as he once was. Ever since returning, Sven had struggled to shake off the feeling that his best days were already behind him.

  "The hydra we are about to face has four heads," Sven went on. "One for Earth, one for Fire, one for Water, and one for Air. Each head has its own Elemental Magic. Attack it as you wish, but do not try to cut off a head. Two will grow back in its place. I can handle it up to a point, but if it starts sprouting too many heads, we’ll need to retreat because I won't be able to guarantee your survival."

  "What are its vulnerable points, then, if the heads are off limits?" asked the elf. Sven liked her. She'll make A-Rank within the decade if she keeps at it and survives. At the least, B-Rank is in her future soon.

  "The hydra’s heads aren’t totally off-limits," he said. "If you can hit an eye or score an attack down its throat, that will damage it, without triggering the [Regrow] ability. The center of its chest is also a good target, if you can shoot between the monster's scales when it moves."

  The elf nodded, satisfied. Though the others were not as engaged and seemed disinterested. No payment if they die, Sven reminded himself.

  "When everyone has at least one hit in, I’ll kill the hydra," Sven went on. "Everyone means everyone. That includes you, Elonneas."

  Elonneas bit her lower lip anxiously and nodded. "All right." Maybe she can’t keep her wits about her.

  "Good," Sven said. "After we kill it, it’ll respawn quickly, and we need to be out of the boss chamber by the time it does. It’s crabby when it respawns, and other adventurers aren't that far behind us. So, once it’s dead, move out. Then one of the other groups behind us can move in. Is everyone ready?"

  The party nodded, looking nervous. None of them shared his confidence.

  They need more confidence in me. Sven raised a gloved fist and activated one of his lesser abilities. [Infinite Guard], at higher level's it had less use, but for this group, it was perfect choice for a boss fight.

  A band of light shot out from Sven and joined with each of C-Rankers, a swirl of white orbs surrounding them over head. "This only works during a boss fight, but any damage you take, gets rerouted to me. At my level, I can produce about 50 orbs and spread them between you. Just be careful, it doesn't block instant kills, so still be on your toes."

  Sven turned back towards the gate and knocked sharply on the boss’ chamber door. Immediately, the row of carved skulls around the door’s edge lit up with purple fire. “Let’s go. Time to do the thing.”

  Chapter 2: Friend or Foe

  "Who dares to disturb me and knock at my gate?" four grumbling voices said simultaneously. "Friend or foe?"

  "Foe," Sven said. Obviously. I’m not your friend. The hydra liked protocol, and there were ritual phrases it preferred he use when he came to kill it. I can play along; it helps improve the loot pool too. "We adventurers have come to slay the hydra and restore peace to the Dungeon of the Wood and the Northern Forest."

  "You may try," the hydra responded as the door creaked open. "But it is your own doom you chase. Before this day is through, I will drink your blood and crush your bones for their marrow."

  Sven rolled his eyes. The hydra was overly dramatic. Not once, in all his encounters with it, had the hydra ever succeeded in even injuring Sven. I mean, maybe if I was many levels lower. His party, though, seemed to take the threat very seriously. All of them were clutching their weapons with barely concealed panic.

  "All right!" he said, waving them forward. "I told you what you need to know already, let’s go, I’ve places I’d like to be.”

  Staring around goggle-eyed, they followed him into the hydra’s lair. It was a circular stone chamber with a massive dark pit at the center. Bones and detritus littered the floor.

  "The pit is where the hydra sleeps," Sven said. "The hydra will try to knock you into the pit so the monster can eat you later. It rarely succeeds, but just a heads up."

  Before anyone could respond, the floor started to rumble, and the hydra rose from its sleeping pit. It was a massive four-headed reptile, with squat lizard-like legs. Each head was different: one head was covered with raging flames, one was made of cracked stone, one was soaking wet and dripped brackish water on the ground, and the last was semitransparent and capped with vapor. All four heads roared simultaneously as it raised its front legs out of the pit.

  "Remember!" Sven said. "Be careful with the heads! Don’t—"

  Dromi Dragonsbane sprinted past him in a panic, [Axe] held tight in a death grip. He raised the [Axe] high and severed the hydra’s water head in one blow.

  "—cut them off," Sven said as two new heads erupted from the hydra’s neck. Sven sighed, this was going to be a long battle. The hydra winked at him with its fiery head. It always wanted to win. These rookies are going to mess this up.

  "Does that count as a hit?" Dromi panted. “Tell me it counts as a hit.”

  "Yes," Sven said flatly. "But you didn’t hurt it at all. You just made it harder on your team. Listen to me next time."

  The rest of the party was clustered together by the door. Sven hoisted his [Broadsword] and approached the hydra, holding the [Broadsword] high.

  Sven hoped the monster wouldn’t try to surprise him with anything new. It took the bait, and all five of its heads turned toward him with a roar. He feinted left, right, then brought the [Broadsword] down, turning it as he did to hit the [Fire] hydra’s head with the flat side. The [Fire] head collapsed on the ground. Sven was fairly sure he'd managed to hold back enough of his power to only knock it unconscious. The other heads turned to him, irritated, and attacked in unison.

  Sven dodged a [Fireball] that was shot at him, followed by an [Ice Bolt] as the other two heads tried to lash out and bite into him. Sven activated another ability [Valor of the Undefeated]. The hydra’s fangs grazed against his skin and the monster recoiled. Sven looked over at the C-Rankers. They were still standing there, motionless. Not doing anything at all.

  "What are you doing?" he snapped. "Attack it! That’s what you’re here for!"

  These rookies. I'll show them what it means to put in the work. "Remember your training. You can do this." Sven brought it down to their level, to something they had been trained on He spun around and brought his [Broadsword] into a dueling stance. If he had to work as a guard, he might as well practice his [Swordplay] while he did it.

  The hydra tracked him with its heads as Sven began one of the kata patterns he had learned in his early in his adventuring career in the Near Islands as a young man. The swordsmen of those islands had trained him in their craft and had a sizable hand in making him the fighter he was today.

  Blade up, strike left, strike right, spin, thrust. His body recalled the kata automatically, a lifetime of experience, muscle memory, and training freeing up his mind to wander. Sven hoped he could finish this fight quickly and get back to the city of Woodward. There was a new ale he wanted to try at the King’s Arms.

  When he neared the completion of the kata, Sven prepared for the final blow of the attack sequence. He would end the fight by stabbing the hydra in the throat. This would eliminate one of the heads by destroying the stem it could use [Regrow] from. Thrust high, low, then...

  An [Enchanted Arrow] flew out of nowhere and buried itself in one of the hydra’s eyes, the eye glossed over as it turned to ice as the [Enchanted Arrow] unleashed the charged spell. The hydra screamed with fury and turned toward its attacker. Almitha, of course. She saw Sven looking at her and gave him a jaunty little curtsy, eyes flashing flirtatiously.

  "Good!" Sven said. "That’s the way! You got a hit in. Everyone else, follow suit. We don't have forever."

  But the elf’s attack had drawn the hydra’s attention to her. The monster screeched and stretched its [Earth] head out toward her as she fired [Arrow] after [Arrow] at it. The attacks bounced uselessly off of the hydra’s scales, each attack unable to reach the soft spot between the scales that an [Expert] could hit with ease. She still needs to improve. It was time for Sven to intervene.
br />   "Here!" Sven yelled, pulling a [Throwing Knife] from his [Spatial Satchel]. "Hydra! Over here! It’s me you want."

  Sven’s hand glowed with power as he unleashed the [Throwing Knife]. It tore through the hardened scales and destroyed the soft flesh underneath where the [Earth] head joined with the rest of the hydra’s body. The neck snapped and dropped down lifelessly as the rest of the heads roared in unison, turning their attention back to Sven.

  "Your blood will be ours to drink Sven!" The hydra roared unconvincingly. "We will crush your bones and drink your marrow.”

  "Sure, you will" replied Sven unworried. "Guys, try to get a hit in. I’d like to end this soon before the hydra gets too upset."

  Knees quivering with fear, Brandon Ashdown approached the hydra’s back. With hands shaking, he tapped it on the side with his [Sword] and ran back to safety by the door. The hydra took no notice of his blow at all.

  Dromi was next, though he'd already scored a hit, the dwarf wanted to try again. He ran in with his [Axe], panting with the effort, and hacked at the hydra’s leg. It was a weak attack, and the [Axe] only sank halfway in. The dwarf wrenched his weapon out of the hydra and trotted back to the party. Sven shook his head, irritated, but dismissed the irritation. Not my problem. Only one to go before I can end this.

  "Eleonnas!" he shouted as the hydra roared in his face and tried to bite his arm off. "You’re the only one left!"

  Sven looked and saw the girl was glassy eyed with terror. She wouldn’t be the first one to panic in a moment like this, I’ll have to push her. "I’m a healing mage, not a knight! I can’t do this."

  "You just have to hit it once!" Sven hollered. "It still counts! Throw a rock at it, hit it with a [Heal], I don't care just target it with an attack or ability!”


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