The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series

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The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series Page 70

by Miller, Cassie-Ann L.

  "Say something, Soapy..."

  She shakes her head, falling out of her trance. "I'm just a little surprised."

  "You and me both." I nod in agreement.

  "Because you made it clear that you sort of hate him."

  "I sort of do."

  "But you sort of don't."

  "I sort of don't."

  Sophia starts giggling and I join in. Before long, we've fallen to a fit of sisterly hysterics. I’m glad I have someone to laugh with or else I'd be pulling my hair out right now.

  She straightens up and faces me. "Look—this is just my take on things, so don't hold it against me...I think you owe it to yourself to explore things with Ben. At least physically. I'm not telling you to throw your heart at him and hope blindly that he'll catch it—"

  My laughing interrupts her. "You're telling me to throw my ass at him?"

  One brow arches high on her forehead. "Pretty much," she deadpans.

  My jaw falls open. I'm scandalized. "Sophia!" I ease over to the far end of the couch. "I can't believe I'm hearing what I'm hearing."

  "Okay, okay. Maybe I'm oversimplifying things," she concedes. "But you two have unfinished business. It's clear that you're not over him. And from what you're saying, he's not over you. You two need to address that, at least in the bedroom. Get it out of your system. Avoiding him won't work in this tiny ass town. And it won't solve anything. Get the sexual baggage out of the way and then you'll be able to think clearly."

  My brain tells me that's the most illogical advice I've ever heard and that having sex with Ben won't solve anything at all. But my body? Oh, my body is fully on board with the idea.

  That kiss in the stairwell reawakened a craving that had been buried deep in my cellular memory. It was a reminder of everything I've been fighting so hard to forget all these years. The feel of his arms around me melted my armour. One brush of our lips together unraveled years of my resolve. And the sweet things he said to me, I keep replaying them in my head.

  And Sophia isn't helping matters. She's determined to be my shoulder-devil tonight. "We're both adults so let's just keep it real. What you need is a pair of fuck me stilettos and a body hugging dress. Then, you need to sashay your butt into his house with your Beyonce swagger turned all the way up. Show that man what he lost out on. You're hot. You're smart. You're a fucking doctor. Make him drool a little. Then bang the hell out of him. When it's all over, you can just move on with your life."

  Easy-peasy, right?

  Blame it on my overactive hormones but I choose not to overthink it. I throw all common sense to the wayside as I grab my phone from my pocket. I open up the CheekyChat app and scroll to SmallTownHotBoyXXX’s profile. Skipping over the dozens of unopened messages he’s sent me since that night at the Opal Lounge, I send him a message of my own.

  LadyElectraHuskyLover: Offer still open for that drink?

  His answer comes within a few minutes.

  SmallTownHotBoyXXX: of course :) when?

  I smile wryly as I type out an answer.

  LadyElectraHuskyLover: tonight

  SmallTownHotBoyXXX: There's a bar on Main Street by the ice cream shop. Or I'm sure the coffee shop is still open

  Mmm…No. That just won’t do.

  LadyElectraHuskyLover: Let's meet at your place...if we can be alone...

  Chapter Thirteen


  Taking a step back, I let my gaze sweep over the kitchen counter.

  I put it all out there. Every kind of drink I could get my hands on. Red wine, beer, vodka, whiskey, hot cocoa mix, coffee, English breakfast tea, apple juice, fruit punch, aloe vera drink, sparkling water, Red Bull, protein shake. Did I miss anything?

  Shit! Tequila! Fucking tequila! The one thing I actually know she likes!

  Tonight is a big deal. I don't want to fuck it up. After trying to get her attention for the past few weeks, she was the one to reach out to me a few minutes ago. Madden and some of the guys from work had been over here at the time, enjoying the game. They were not too pleased when I abruptly kicked their asses to the curb. I won’t apologize. A serious discussion between Angie and me is long overdue. I need to prove to her that I'm worth her time and that I’ll do what it takes to get a second chance.

  A quick liquor store run is in order. I hurry down the hallway, feet slapping against the plywood floor. I grab my car keys and dash to the door but just as I'm about to slip into my jacket, the doorbell rings. I bring my eye to the peephole and Angie is standing there. Her features are painted with uncertainty as she lingers on the top step, tapping her foot nervously. She raises her hand to the buzzer again and hesitates. Then, instead of ringing, she spins on her heel and races back to her car.

  No no no no!

  She can't leave. I can't let her change her mind. I can't let her change her mind because she may never give me this chance again.

  I burst out into the night, chasing down the walkway after her. "Angie! Wait!"

  Her steps halt and she spins around slowly with a hand bracing her belly. When I catch up to her, she looks up at me with nervous eyes. "H-hi..."


  We stand there for a moment and just stare at each other. God—she's beautiful. Her cheeks are pink from the cold and so is the tip of her button nose. But the heat in her dark eyes warms up the pit of my stomach even from behind the lenses of her glasses.

  As snowflakes flutter down all around us, I jam my hands into the pockets of my jeans and shuffle my feet. Her gaze falls down to my socks. "You're not wearing any shoes..." Concern flashes in her eyes and that feels like a triumph to me. Maybe, just maybe she doesn’t want me dead after all.

  "Where are you going?" I jerk my chin in the direction of her car.

  Her expression grows flustered. "I, uh. I just..." She tucks a lock of her short hair behind her ear before her eyes move back to my feet on the snow-covered pavement. "How about we just go inside before I end up having to do a transmetatarsal dismemberment here in your driveway?"

  "A what?"

  "A toe amputation." A smile splashes from one corner of her face to the next.

  I laugh throatily. "That sparkle in your eyes tells me you'd take enormous pleasure in doing that."

  Her giggle is as pretty as the rest of her. "That may be one of my revenge fantasies." Then she hums under her breath. "But I have quite a list of other things I’d take pleasure in doing to you."

  Not sure I heard her properly, I angle a little closer. "What?" My balls tingle at what I think she said.

  She shakes her head embarrassedly. "Nothing. Let's just get inside."

  Since my feet are turning to icicles on my driveway, I decide to let it go. I should probably be gallant and let her lead the way but I find myself racing up the walkway on numb soles. She laughs as she follows after me. She deliberately takes her time climbing the stairs when I hold the door open for her from the safety of the foyer.

  My skin bristles as she slinks by me. She doesn't actually touch me but I feel her anyway. I feel her all the way to my bones. She blushes ever-so-slightly and mutters a shy thank you when I help her out of her jacket. She kicks off her shoes and steps into the living room.

  "Nice place," she tells me, her hands deep in her back pockets as her gaze travels from corner to corner of the room.

  I wiggle my toes, encouraging the circulation to return. "You like?" I haven’t had any other women over since the housewarming party and letting her into my cozy, new bungalow is giving me the deepest kind of thrill. This is her home. This is where she belongs. She just doesn’t realize it yet.

  She smiles. "I like."

  Immediately, I'm imagining how she'd fit here, what changes she'd want, where she'd position the couch, what paintings she'd want on the walls if she lived here with me. I'm obviously jumping the gun but this is Angie—she's always belonged with me. And yes, I did some fucked up shit that threw that plan off course but I'm just praying it's not too late to fix things. She's here right now so it's a goo
d sign, a sign of hope.

  "It's very charming," she says as she runs her fingers along the wooden arch of the doorway. "Modern...masculine..." She sucks in a deep breath as she turns to face me in the shadowy room. The hunger in her eyes is undeniable. "...And it smells just like you."

  Is she flirting? I don’t want to be an idiot and misinterpret her body language and the words she’s saying. But my cock is like an antenna picking up on a signal. It twitches, keening in her direction.

  My pent-up longing is so damn close to the surface. I just want to press her into the wall and taste her, squeeze those thick curves with my fingers, hear the way she groans my name when she's about to fall apart from my cock. I want to finish what we started in the stairwell earlier.

  But I've got to be patient.

  I know Angie. She'll make me earn it. She'll make me go to war for the right to claim her body again. Because she was mine once and I hurt her and this time she won’t make it easy.

  "Let's go grab a drink. Then I'll give you a tour." My hand settles on the small of her back and she doesn't flinch, she doesn't shrink away. In fact, she edges closer to me, her arm brushing along my side as we walk. I grin to myself and guide her to the kitchen.

  Her glorious laugh rings out when she takes in the beverages lined up on the counter. "What's this?"

  "I didn't know what you'd want. So I just pulled everything out. I think I may have gone a little overboard." I fold my arms over my chest and grin. Suddenly, I feel a little silly. My over-eager is showing. But I don't care. I’m ready to do anything to show this girl that I care.

  She goes over and snatches up the dark amber bottle of local craft beer. "Okay now, this stuff just looks pretentious." She takes a peek at the little orange price tag stuck to the side of the bottle. “And—oh my god—you paid how much for it?”

  "Hey! That's my favorite!" I'm a little bit offended and it comes across in my voice. I grab the precious bottle out of her hand. "The guy who brews it is from around here. He makes it in the basement of his grandmother's dress shop. Real black market stuff."

  She holds her palms up in surrender. "Ooohh! Touchy, touchy!"

  I grunt out a laugh and my eyes travel over her. "I don't mind getting touchy. Not at all." I'm an idiot. The moment I say the words I wish I could take them back. I see the way her eyes darken and her posture goes rigid. Shit—maybe I did misread her. Did I just fuck everything up?

  She needs me to take it slow. I get that. If I have any hope of fixing things, I have to go at her pace. But that kiss today really messed up my head. I got a taste of her and I’m dying for more. How am I supposed to keep my hands off her? God—that body. Those wide hips, those thick thighs, that beautiful ass—

  Reel it in, man!

  I make an awkward attempt to salvage the night before it all goes to hell and I'm back at square one. I straighten my shoulders. "So what would you like to drink?"

  She turns and throws a cursory glance at the hydration buffet on the counter. "Anything, really. I don't mind."

  "Do you want me to go out and grab something else? I was on my way to get some tequila..."

  She steps forward and braces her warm hands on my biceps. "Ben—I don't give a fuck about the beverages. I didn't come here for a drink." Her hands slide down my arms and her fingers lace with mine. "I came here to kiss—" she stands on her tiptoes and presses her lips to my jaw "—and to touch—" she lets go of my hand and cups my hard, aching dick "—and to..." She smirks in my face then shoves her hand into her purse and pulls out a string of condoms.

  My jaw drops in stunned and horny disbelief. "I...I, uh..."

  Oh shit. Things are progressing a lot quicker than anticipated. My cock does the Running Man in my pants. Calm down, buddy. Don't fuck this up.

  She taps me placatingly on the chin before dropping the condoms on the counter and spinning toward the hallway with a sultry stride. "Which way's the bedroom?" she asks, batting her eyes before disappearing around the corner.

  On second thought, maybe I don't know her at all…

  Chapter Fourteen


  Studies show that women who enjoy active sex lives sleep better and have better skin elasticity. Furthermore, sex bolsters your immune system, reduces chronic pain and lowers your blood pressure.

  Yes. I’m doing this for the health benefits.

  I keep my spine straight and my shoulders back as I sashay down the hallway, the perfect picture of confidence and sensuality. At least, that's the vibe I'm going for.

  In all honesty, my gut is in a knot. My knees are less than steady. I really hope he can't tell how nervous I am. Or how much I want him. Or how badly I'm fighting against the urge to spin around and fling myself at him.

  He's pretty damn eager, too. His quick footsteps echo in the quiet as he comes after me, my pulse accelerating with each step that brings him closer. Then his arm loops around my stomach, halting my steps. He holds me to him and I feel his heart thudding against my shoulder blade. "I'm trying to be a gentleman but you realize that once you step into my bedroom I won't be able to control myself."

  "Oh really?" My tone is teasing and playful although I barely manage to push the words to the surface.

  "Yes, really." He tilts my chin and brushes his lips over mine. Will I ever get over how good that one simple gesture feels?

  "I like the way that sounds," I whisper. I angle my head back against his chest for more of his kiss and I feel his shaft lengthen and thicken against my spine. Our lips part together and I groan as his tongue licks at mine.

  I need him. More of his touch. More of his kiss. I need him to make me come. I probably shouldn’t be here. A better woman would have had the strength to stay away. But let me just reiterate how much I need this orgasm right now.

  His strong, massive hands slide up my belly and cradle my breasts. I grind my ass against his cock. We moan together. "Angie, I've dreamed about kissing you..." he whispers roughly and nibbles my bottom lip. "I've had a million dreams about you."

  I've dreamed about him, too. I've dreamed that things worked out differently for us. That he'd loved me enough to keep me when it mattered. I've tried to push those dreams away, to suppress them but that strategy isn't working. The only way to free myself of this need is to give in to it, to let this man satisfy it.

  I gyrate my ass and groan. "I want your cock inside of me. I need it."

  Without preamble, he dips down and scoops me up, one arm wrapped around my back, the other hooked beneath my knees. Whopping in surprise, I lock my arms around his neck. There's a silly little smile on his face as he presses his mouth to mine and tastes me again. He kicks open a door and steps inside.

  The street lamp outside offers a slice of light through the space in the heavy curtains. I feel coarse sheets against my skin as he lays me down on the mattress and climbs on top of me. He kisses me so softly, so sweetly. His touches are light and cursory, fingers brushing reverently along my ribs. He's all restraint and hesitation.

  It's driving me crazy.

  There are seven years of yearning and desire and pain between us. I never thought I'd ever find myself in his bed again. And now that I'm finally here, I don't want the PG version. I want it all. I want to see him crazy for me. I want his body to take over. He says he's been craving me all these years? I want him to show me.

  Instead, he takes his time, undoing my buttons one by one and easing by sleeves down my arms. Placing soft kisses along my collarbone.

  Meanwhile, I'm yanking at his belt and shoving his jeans down his hips, clawing his sweater over his head.

  He laughs gruffly at my impatience. "Hold on. Hold on," he whispers. He leans over me and grabs a condom from the drawer. Then, he’s kissing me again as he sheathes himself.

  More soft bites on the neck…More sensual touches…More loving gazes…Oh my god. I'm dying here.

  It feels amazing. Every little bit of it. I swear. But the problem is, it's forcing me to feel. I mean really feel.

  It's forcing me to feel safe and wanted and...loved.

  I’m not comfortable with that. Tonight isn't about any of that. Let's not get it twisted. I’m here to fuck.

  His face disappears into the curve of my neck and he feathers kisses on my skin. This is crazy. I can't stay silent anymore.


  He tenderly pushes my bangs from my face and stares deeply into my eyes. "Yes, sweetheart?" His breath fans lightly over my face. I hear harps in the background and angel feathers float down from the sky...

  Eye roll.

  "This is the cheesiest moment of my life," I snort.

  He falls back onto his haunches and glares down at me in the dim room. "Angie, I'm trying to make this romantic."

  "I'm not your girlfriend. I don't need romantic. I need hard and deep."

  He hisses and that simple sound tells me that my words have stung him. "Angela..."

  "I wish you'd stop treating me like some fragile, delicate flower. Maybe I was once upon a time but now I'm not. Because you broke me...So fuck me like you mean it."

  A tense moment passes between us as I struggle to read his expression.

  Propped up on his powerful forearms, he hovers above me, pinning me to the mattress with his icy glare. "So, you want me to fuck you, huh?"

  I lift a hand and trace the sinewy ridges of his forearm. "Yes—Fuck. Me." I grind out the words through a clenched jaw, shamelessly conveying my need.

  After a long moment of hesitation, something inside of him seems to break. His eyes harden. All emotion slips away. The calloused palm of his left hand rides a path from the curve of my ass to the bend of my knee. His fingers tighten roughly and the light burn of it spreads deliciously across my skin. "You're sure that's what you want?" His voice is dangerously raspy and low.

  I feel my reaction in the space between my thighs. "Yes."

  With a hard yank, he locks my left leg around his hip. "Do you know what you're asking me to do?"


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