The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series

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The Blue Collar Bachelors Box Set: The Complete Blue Collar Bachelors Series Page 71

by Miller, Cassie-Ann L.

  "Yes." I'm asking you to turn off everything that you think you feel and give me an orgasm that will make me forget that I still love you.

  His right hand grips my right knee and he wraps it across his back. "Fine then. If that's what you want." Both hands come under my ass and he angles my pelvis up. My body pulses with anticipation, the need so strong, so acute.

  My fingers curl around his cock and he hisses at the rough slide of my palm along his shaft. "Give it to me."

  His shoulders rise then fall heavily as he lets go of the last of his resistance. He sucks his thumb into his mouth to moisten it. One swipe of the rough pad on my clit and I cry out.

  Another of his long fingers finds my opening, lingering on the swollen flesh before dipping inside. A second finger quickly follows and then another. Ben's eyes are on me, looking for my reaction in the shadowy room.

  I roll my hips into his touch. At my delighted growl, he lowers his face to the crook of my neck where he inhales deeply. An erotic little sound moves out of his body then his mouth opens on my flesh. Now, he's licking me, sucking at the sensitive spot as his fingers find a vulgar rhythm in my channel. I squirm beneath him, tightening my arms around his neck and relishing the glorious scent of his hair. My fingers twist up in the silky strands, holding him to me because what he's doing to my body feels a whole lot like magic.

  His kisses move down my chest, coasting along my gooseflesh. My hiss fills the room when his warm mouth engulfs one breast, his tongue softly flicking the pebbled nipple every which way. And those wet fingers that were just playing between my legs, now they're squeezing the soft globe of my other breast.

  I'm sort of breathless when I say his name. He doesn't respond with words. He only resumes his path down my body, his lips leaving pleasure in their wake. God—he's really good at this. As his mouth rides along my pelvis, I find myself fisting the sheets. I'm so ready to feel him, to hear him moan as he tastes me. When his tongue races across my clit, I cry out in relief. The man devours me. With hunger and fervor like a sinner breaking the fast.

  His groan vibrates my flesh. "You want this so bad. Look how fucking wet you are. Tell me you want me, Gigi. Say it."

  My hoarse voice pours out. "I want you. I want you so much."

  He dives back in with even more enthusiasm than before. Licking, sucking, thrusting his tongue until I'm so keyed up I can hardly breathe.

  The sudden wash of pleasure has me flailing. I'm struggling to keep my wits as the orgasm sucks me into its clutches.

  "Let go." Ben's eyes are on me from his perch between legs. "This is what you wanted. Don't fight it." And then, he’s licking me again.

  At his words, my back curves off the bed and my chest rolls skyward, surrendering myself to the sensation. Ripples of pleasure ride through my limbs, liquefying my self-control. I scream for him, unabashed and completely unrepentant. This orgasm is mine. And I have no intention of apologizing for it.

  My body is still seizing, still lost in the throes when Benjie flips me onto my stomach. Before I can even catch my breath, he's piercing into me, gasping roughly as he pounds me from behind.

  "Fuck, you feel so good, Gigi. Shit." He presses down on my ribs, pinning my torso to the mattress so my ass rebounds in the air. "I wanted this pussy the minute I saw you in the hospital auditorium. I wanted to be inside you. Riding you just like this. Feeling your pussy squeeze me. Feeling your ass bounce as I thrust into you." He squeezes a handful of my bottom. "And you're so tight I'm scared I'll tear you apart."

  I want to tell him not to stop. I'm not afraid of the pain. I'm not afraid of the limits. But when I open my mouth, no coherent sounds come out. My response is an ineloquent string of primal sounds.

  I never imagined he'd have such a dirty mouth. When did he learn to talk like that? It's driving me wild with lust.

  He brushes my hair off of my neck and when he leans forward, his cock pops out of me, landing heavy and long against my inner thigh. He chuckles at my moaned protest. "You know how to turn a man into a beast. Don't act so innocent, Angela."

  My giggles turn into throaty cries when his mouth finds the back of my neck. He squeezes my ass cheeks, holding them wide apart as his lips travel down the length of my spine. And now he's eating my pussy from behind, dipping in his tongue into me, trapping my clit against the velvety heat. "Fuck, I’m coming again." I'm shaking. I'm crying.

  But before I can go over the edge, Benjie's cock is in me again. He ruts hard. No mercy. He grabs my hair by the fistful and yanks me up so that my back is tight to his hard abs.

  His body goes tense as he thumbs my clit with accelerated fervor. The first jerk of his cock emptying into the condom sends a violent rush of pleasure through me. And damn—I'm loud and wild. My hands reach up and cup my tingling breasts, flicking my nipples as my self-restraint comes undone.

  We collapse in a tangle and—good god—I am wrecked. I'm lying there on my belly, Ben's legs twisted with mine. My eyes flutter shut just for few moments of reprieve.

  That was fucking amazing...

  I jolt at the hot sting of his palm connecting with my exposed ass. Flipping over quickly, I rub the achy spot and glare at him. "Ouch! What was that for?"

  Ben untangles himself from me and scoots to the foot of the bed. Standing up from the mattress, he looks at me over his shoulder and smirks. "Just so you know I mean it."

  What an arrogant jerk!

  I try to pull on an angry face but I find myself howling with laughter as his tight, toned, naked ass disappears into the bathroom.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I turn over onto my back and languidly stretch my arms above my head. I arch my spine and yawn, feeling content, well-rested and freshly-fucked. Pulling in a long, deep breath, I interlock my fingers behind my head smile up at the ceiling.

  Y'see, that’s the magic of an orgasm. Or three. It works wonders for a girl’s disposition.

  Ben’s rousing scent permeates the sheets. I hear the husky melody of his voice, singing in the shower. His uniform shirt is draped on the back of a chair.

  That’s when the awkward, unsettling feeling begins to creep into my consciousness. What the hell am I doing?

  I fucked my ex-boyfriend last night and now I’m lounging around in his bed the morning after like I’m waiting on him to serve me breakfast and whisk me off to couple pilates boot camp. This all feels very, very domestic. Too domestic.

  Last night was all about sex. Nothing else. I don’t want him getting any ideas about what this could all mean. I need to get the hell out of here!

  I jump out of bed so fast it makes my head spin. I yank on my skirt and misbutton my blouse as I’m dashing out the bedroom door. It’s sort of a dick move to skip out on someone while they’re in the shower but this is for the best. That’s what I keep telling myself to drown out the nagging tug in my heart telling me to stay.

  But as I’m making my great escape, I skid to an abrupt stop when my eyes land on the desk just outside of the bedroom door. There's a thermal travel mug beside something wrapped up in foil...and a single red rose. My stomach flips. I pick up the little sticky note sitting next to it.


  I know you're probably trying to sneak out of here before I get out of the shower. And you’re probably trying to convince yourself that it’s the right thing to do. That's okay. I get it. But you’ve gotta eat, right? So here's breakfast. Hope you have a wonderful day. I'll be thinking about you.

  Ben xo

  P.S. Things don’t have to be awkward between us.

  P.P.S. Maybe leave me your number so we can do this again sometime ;)

  Peeling back the foil, I discover that it’s half of a cherry Pop Tart, still warm and mouth-watering. One whiff of from the flask and I know it’s hot chocolate.


  I’m seriously taken aback. He’s not supposed to be this sweet. How am I gonna stay neutral when he’s being all charming and thoughtful and swoony.
  I mutter under my breath, “I’m trying not to care about you, asshole.”

  Looks like he’s going to make this hard after all. Now, I feel like an even bigger jerk for sneaking out without saying goodbye.

  I cast a look over at the bathroom door. Maybe I should stay...

  I quickly shut that thought down, reminding myself that this guy hurt me. Making me breakfast doesn't change that.

  I grab the food but leave the flower behind. Yanking on my boots, I rip the door open and rush toward my shitty car. One more moment of hesitancy has me stalling in the driveway. I throw a glance back at the front window and my breath catches.

  He's standing there. With a towel secured low on his waist and his posture sagging under the weight of his disappointment.

  I'm so tempted to go back in there and get lost in him all over again. Before I can manage to change my mind, I throw my car into drive and tear away down his street.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Flames lick up all around me, eating at the building’s structure as I stomp through the thick plume of gray smoke. I charge forward. The exit is in sight, only yards away. Launching the heel of my boot into the wooden barrier, the door of the apartment building bursts open. I stumble out onto the sidewalk, smiling as the sunlight strikes directly into my eyes.

  No matter how many fires I’ve helped fight, no matter how many search and rescue missions I’ve partaken in, I always feel a sense of relief on stepping outside unharmed at the end of it.

  "Last man out!" Callahan yells out, dragging the water hose along as he clomps out of the building behind me. "Last man out!"

  Law enforcement is monitoring the perimeter to ensure that no civilians cross the yellow tape and make a last dash inside to save valuable possessions. At the front of the crowd, I spot a little girl with pigtails and tears streaking down her cheeks. Her arms are outstretched in my direction.

  "You got Freddie! You got Freddie!" I glance down at the furry little critter cradled securely in my arms and pull back the visor on my helmet.

  A grin tears across my face as I plod over to her and sink down to one knee in front of her. "You recognize this little guy?" I ask as I ease the hamster into her arms.

  "That's my Freddie," she says joyfully as she cuddles the animal to her chest.

  The crowd of onlookers erupts into applause. Smartphones are aimed in my direction and I hear camera shutters snapping. "Is there anything you want to say to the fireman?" The child's father asks.

  She flashes me a smile, broadcasting a row of missing teeth. "Thank you," she says as she throws a little arm around me and squeezes as tight as she can manage.

  “My pleasure, darling,” I say as I straighten and extend a hand to her father. We exchange a vigorous shake.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder, leading me away from the crowd. I instantly recognize the low rumble of my brother's laugh. "Well, don’t you have a little pep in your step this morning!" He raps his knuckles against my visor.

  "What are you talking about?" I chuckle as we stroll over to where his police cruiser is parked on the curb nearby.

  He shrugs a shoulder. "I don’t know. You’ve got a little glow. A morning after glow, maybe." He leans against his car and grins.

  "Christ, do you hear yourself?" I pull off my helmet and tuck it beneath my arm.

  “Dude, come on.” He angles his head and scowls at me. “You kicked us out in the middle of the game last night so you could invite someone over. The question is—who was the lucky lady?”

  I kick at a rock on the sidewalk. “You know I don’t kiss and tell.” I glance off to where my colleagues are beginning to load our gear back into the fire truck. Now, isn’t really the best time to be having this conversation.

  “Ben—you’re glowing like a fucking lightsaber.” He folds his arms across his chest. “I’m you’re twin. I know what’s going on.”

  “What’s going on?” I challenge, mimicking his posture.

  He lowers his voice and grins slyly. “You hooked up with Angie last night.”

  I feel fire in my gut at the mere mention of her name. The smile on my face gives me away before I can even rebut his assumption.

  He punches the air, pretty damn pleased with himself. “I knew it. I fucking knew it.” He laughs heartily.

  To him, this is entertainment.

  To me, it’s everything.

  Last night was amazing. Having that girl in my arms…that’s something I thought would never happen again. And the circumstances weren’t ideal—she insisted on keeping me at arm’s length emotionally even as I was sinking deep into her body. That hurt me because I want all of her, not just her body. Still, I understand her resistance. And I respect it. But I have every intention of winning her back completely.

  Last night was just step one.

  “So what happens now?” my brother asks.

  “Now? Now, I do whatever it takes to make her mine for good.” I say the words with conviction. I mean every syllable of that statement.

  He hitches a brow. “Whatever it takes?”

  “Whatever it takes,” I assure him.

  “Even if it means telling her the truth about why you really broke up with her?”

  At my hesitation, his brow arches higher. Damn that guy for knowing me so well.

  He shakes his head in disappointment. "You need to man up and tell that girl the truth. I know you don't want to but if you hold onto this secret, eventually it'll blow up in your face."

  “That’s not a good idea,” I protest weakly even though, ultimately, I know he’s right.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Ben.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re scared that if she finds out what really happened, she’ll look down on you, she won’t see you the same way. I think you’re wrong. She already thinks you’re a jerk, that you left her for the promise of fame and fortune. If you tell her the truth, at least she’ll be able to see where you were coming from.”

  “You think you’re a shrink, don’t you?” I say bitterly.

  He won’t back down. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

  I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. “It’s not just me that I’m protecting, Madden. If I tell her the truth, she’s gonna hate her father. They already have a shitty relationship,” I point out. “We lost our father and that was some hard shit. I’d hate to drive a wedge between Angie and her father.”

  “The man’s an asshole. Whatever happens between him and Angie, he brought it on himself.”

  “He was only trying to do the right thing for his daughter. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have done the same for my own kid.” I pause. “Maybe I don’t have to tell her. Maybe I can fix things without having to tell her.”

  He rolls his eyes. “I’m sure that’ll work out great,” he mutters sarcastically.

  My stomach roils with indecision. I don’t have much time to mull it over, though because right then, Captain MacBride comes stomping around Madden’s cruiser. "Sorry to break up the family reunion, Lieutenant, but we’ve got work to do. On the taxpayer’s dime. Hop to it."

  Things between the captain and me have been tense since I fucked up the meeting at the hospital. The promotion is definitely off the table. He straight up told me that he was recruiting someone from the station in Reyfield to fill his position when he retires. That was a major blow for me because I’d been so dead-set on getting that job. But to be honest, Angie is my main focus these days. Making her love me again is the only challenge that really matters.

  “We’ll talk later,” my brother says. He claps his palm against mine and then gives me a push in the direction of my squad.

  “No, we won’t,” I shout over my shoulder as I walk off.

  My brother’s words leave me unsettled. God—what if he’s right? What if Angie learns the truth from someone other than me and that ruins all the progress I made last night? Or what if I tell her what really happened and she decides I’m not
worth her time?

  She has her walls all the way up and I finally feel like I'm starting to chip them down. Last night was a move in that direction. There's no way she didn't feel the crazy connection that crackled in the air as our bodies merged. I'm making progress. I know it.

  And I’m well aware that one misstep could send me careening back to square one.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Practice makes perfect.

  That's the old adage I've got in mind as I guide the needle through the raw piece of turkey flesh for the umpteenth time. I've decided to take my career into my own hands instead of bemoaning the fact that my superiors rarely assign any work to me. I'm going to spend my ample free time honing my skills. After all, the best surgeons are those who can operate with their eyes closed. And I won't stop practicing until I'm at that level.

  I observe my handiwork. If the mess of turkey on the table is any indication of my level of skill, I foresee a whole lot of stitched up poultry cutlets in my future. I sigh in frustration as I grab another piece of meat, ready to try again.

  "Your knotting technique is sloppy."

  I jolt at the voice. My eyes travel to the doorway. A tall, handsome man with a single streak of silver in his messy black hair is leaning against the frame. At my startled reaction, he strolls up to the table where I’m standing with surgical tools spread out all around me. I blink up into his face, needing a moment to just ingest his rugged beauty.

  He withdraws well-groomed hands from the pockets of his white lab coat and slides on a pair of latex gloves. Then, he lifts the needle and forceps from between my fingers. "Your suture is only as strong as your knots,” he explains. His hands move with lightning speed as loops the ends of the thread into a series of perfect slip ties. "That’s your foundation. Weak knots can lead to bleeding, separating fascia…No bueno.” He punctures the flesh and does a flawless running suture as he speaks. "Once you master your knots, stitching will be a cinch. Literally."


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