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Skye: an enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience, and fake relationship stand alone romance (Signature Sweethearts)

Page 6

by Kelsie Rae

  Flailing, I catch it as she says, “You know…since you’re getting married and all.”

  Lidia gives her a curious look before knocking on a closed dressing room door. “Excuse me, Ms. Swenson, but you have a few guests.”

  Squealing commences, the door being ripped open by a very enthusiastic Sway in a gorgeous white gown that fits her like a glove. Her pink, wavy hair falls down her back as she stumbles toward us with her arms open wide.

  “My girls! My favorite girls! Are we ready to get drunk and try on dresses? Are we? Are we?”

  Giggling, I pull her into a hug. Saylor joins in with a giant grin as I mutter, “Pretty sure you’re already there. Love the dress, by the way.”

  She pulls away and gives me a clumsy curtsy. “Why, thank you. So, what’s this juicy gossip? And if you tell me Anthony bought a ring and is planning on proposing, you won’t hear me complaining.”

  My cheeks pinch from smiling so hard as I look her up and down. Reaching into my back pocket, I pull out my phone. “Anthony hasn’t said anything to me, but I’m pretty sure if he saw you in this dress, he’d be rushing to the nearest jeweler. Look hot for me, Sway. I’m gonna take a pic.”

  Face flushed, she dramatically blows a kiss at the camera, and I snap a picture. Then, because she’s buzzed and thinks she’s hilarious, she bursts into a fit of giggles, and I snap a few more. Looking down at my screen, I evaluate my work before grinning in satisfaction.


  I pull up a text to Anthony and send a few of my favorites.

  Me: So, should I change your name in my phone to brother-in-law right now? Or….

  Within seconds, Anthony responds with a screenshot of our conversation, but instead of my name being Skye in his phone, it says future-sister-in-law.

  Anthony: Soon, Skye. But not soon enough. Tell her to buy the damn thing so I can take her out of it tonight.

  Me: No deal. Not until she says, ‘I Do,’ which means you should probably get on the whole ring shopping thing.

  Anthony: No need. I’ve had it for a month.

  My eyes shoot to Sway as she dances with Saylor in the center of the mirrors, belting out the lyrics to a Danielle Bradbury song playing through the speakers.

  Quickly, I type a response before pushing my cell back into my jean shorts.

  Me: I knew you were a good egg.

  “Hey! I thought it was my special day, not Sway’s. Way to steal the spotlight, sister,” I tease, jumping onto the platform with them.

  Saylor gives me her mother hen look and crosses her arms. “Okay. I’m ready. Sway’s ready. We’re all ears. What’s the gossip? Why is this your special day? And why on earth would you need a dress?”

  “Umm…I’m getting married.”

  There. Ripped it off like a Band-Aid.

  Both of them gasp.

  “To who?!” Saylor shrieks.

  “To my arch-enemy?” I mumble, sounding as unsure as I feel.

  Stumbling toward me in her heels, Sway grabs my arm and shakes me. “What?!”


  “Spit it out, Skye! When you say arch-enemy, do you mean Liam? Liam Davis? Liam Asshat Davis?”

  I nod.

  “How on earth did that happen? You hate him, remember?”

  Saylor and Sway have heard me rant about Liam ever since he came home, so I don’t blame them for their shocked responses. However, part of me wants to pull out my phone and snap another picture of their faces because they’re priceless.

  I shrug in response. Seems words aren’t coming easy today.

  Grabbing my hands, Saylor and Sway tug me to the couch, and we all collapse in a heap as Saylor prods, “Start from the beginning. We need all the details.”

  So, I tell them. Everything. We don’t keep secrets from each other, and they know me too well to think I’d actually marry Liam Davis for love. Besides, I’m pretty sure he isn’t capable of it in the first place.

  “So, you’re getting married to help out a guy that you don’t even like because he happens to have a redeeming quality in the form of helping children in Africa?” Saylor clarifies in disbelief.

  “Well…not just Africa, but yup. That pretty much sums it up.”

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Saylor asks for the thousandth time, her perfectly penciled brows pinching together in the center as she tries to keep her mother hen traits in check.

  “Probably not,” I laugh. “But I can’t really back out now. Not without making us both look like liars. I’d probably lose my job if the Davis’ found out, and you both know how much I love Brody. That would kill me.”

  “You’re practically raising that kid,” Saylor concedes. I can see her reservations about the idea, especially when I consider her past and how badly she was burned by the opposite sex.

  “I know. He’s my young Padawan,” I add with a wink, knowing that my little Star Wars reference will be enough to sway her support in my favor. “I got this, Saylor. My heart is safe. I promise.” I pat my chest for good measure, making her salty demeanor crack to reveal her sweet, mushy center. Let’s be honest. Even when I’m acting like an idiot, she’s always got my back. Both my sisters do. Despite the shit they’ve been through, and what their own personal experiences have taught them, they let me make my own decisions and mistakes without any judgment. And I kind of love them for it.

  Sway interjects, “I agree. If you wanna keep your job, you’d be smart to go along with the ruse until you can end things smoothly.”

  “Exactly,” I concur.

  “And just to be clear, you need one of the most expensive dresses in the shop to impress your future mother-in-law while simultaneously helping Liam shove it in their faces that they get to foot the bill?”


  She rubs her hands together, deviously. “Then let’s get to work.”

  The next hour is spent with champagne flutes in hand as I try on almost every gown in the store.

  “Here! Try this one. It looks perfect for you!” Sway states, throwing a white gown over the top of the dressing room door.

  I look at the price tag. “It’s on sale.”


  “So, I was told to spend all his dad’s money.”

  “Then try this one for you, not for him,” Saylor murmurs on the other side, listening to my exchange with Sway.

  My hand runs along the silky material before finding the bottom of the dress and sliding it over my head. There’s a full-length mirror in the small dressing room. When I see myself, I almost gasp. It hugs my curves in all the right places before flaring out at my hips. The color is more of a pearl than a stark white, and I love that it brings out the color in my cheeks. I twist my hair into a low bun at the base of my neck and inspect myself a little closer. The high neckline makes me look elegant. Dainty. Beautiful. My breath catches in my throat when I realize it’s perfect.

  “Come out! We want to see!” Sway yells, smacking her hand against the door. I flinch.

  “It doesn’t fit right,” I call as I reach for the hem.

  Saylor threatens, “Don’t you dare take it off before we see it, or I swear I’ll come in there and dress you like when we were kids, and you didn’t want to be my life-sized doll.”

  With a laugh, I roll my eyes and open the door a crack.

  “Did you just use your teacher voice on me?”

  “Sure did,” Saylor quips. “Step up on the platform. Let’s see the goods.”

  Taking a deep breath, I do as I’m told and twirl in front of the mirror, amazed that I look even better out here than I did in the dressing room.

  I look over at my sisters to see both of them with their hands covering their mouths, and their eyes crinkled in the corners as if their happiness and pride are practically bursting at the seams.

  “It’s gorgeous, Skye,” Saylor compliments.

  “Freaking perfect!” Sway adds with a grin.

  I shake my head. “Let’s keep looking.”

��Why?” they ask in unison, looking at me like I’m an insane person for even suggesting such a thing.

  Licking my lips, I take another glance in the mirror before shaking my head and giving them my back.

  “Because it is perfect,” I admit on a sigh.

  A tiny line appears between Saylor’s brows as she begs for clarification. “I’m not following.”

  “This isn’t a real wedding, you guys. I mean, it is, but it isn’t. I want to save the perfect dress for the perfect husband. And Liam isn’t him.”

  Glancing toward my sisters, I see them both nodding their understanding as if it finally makes sense.

  “I still say you should buy it. Save it for your perfect husband because any man who sees you in that,”––Sway points to my dress––“will be on his knees, begging you to marry him faster than I can snap my fingers.”

  Well, when she puts it like that, I’d be a fool to argue. So instead, I do a quick shimmy then say, “Deal. Now let’s stop looking and just pick the most expensive dress in this place that’s my size.”

  Saylor laughs. “You sure?”

  “Yup. I’m over this whole wedding dress thing. Especially when it’s just a test run for the real deal when I find my Prince Charming, anyway.”

  “Good point. How about the lacy one that makes your boobs look huge?” Saylor suggests.

  Sway’s face lights up. “Ooo…I liked that one!”

  “Me too,” Saylor continues with a definitive nod. “Plus, I nearly swallowed my tongue when I saw the price tag.”

  Heading to the dressing room, I call over my shoulder, “Done. Will you ask Lidia to find it again and take it to the register? I’m going to change real fast; then, I’ll bring up this one too.”

  “Perfect,” Sway replies. “We’ll meet you at the register. Do you want any more champagne?”

  With my hand on the dressing room door, I turn toward them and shake my head. “Nah. I’m good. See you in a sec.”

  Then I close the door and reach for the hem of my dress. However, when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I pause and stand up straight.

  Am I crazy for wanting to buy this dress when I have absolutely no prospects of a future husband? My hands graze the spaghetti strap before gliding down my torso and scrunching a bit of the material into my palm.

  Yes. Yes, I am.

  But I’m going to do it anyway.

  Tearing my gaze away from my reflection, I tug the dress off and change back into my T-shirt and shorts. After a quick hair fluff in the mirror, I throw my favorite dress of all time over my forearm then make my way to the front. A head-over-heels Sway is texting someone as she stands near the counter, and I’d bet a million bucks she’s messaging Anthony. The image makes me smile and only seems to solidify my opinion of the guy who ran into her cat sanctuary sign all those months ago. He’s a good egg.

  I want a good egg.

  Shaking my head to disperse my jealousy, I approach the register and find Saylor chatting with Lidia.

  When she sees me, she gushes, “Skye! Did you know Lidia owns a florist shop too? How awesome is that? You definitely need to order your flowers through her. She was showing me a few bouquets she’s done, and they’re gorgeous!”

  My eyes widen, showcasing how overwhelmed I feel at the prospect of finding a florist before I realize one just fell into my lap. “Crap! I didn’t even think about that. But yes, that sounds great.”

  The expensive as hell dress catches my eye behind the register on a rack. I lift my chin toward it. “Thanks for grabbing that, by the way. It fit pretty well, so I don’t think I’ll be needing any alterations. I’d like to buy it, please. And”––I lay my favorite dress onto the counter––“this one too.”

  “Two?” she questions, unable to hide her confusion as her gaze darts between both items. “I’m sorry, but we don’t allow returns on sale items––”

  “That’s fine. I’ll be keeping both of them.”

  With a hesitant nod, Lidia adds up the total, and I take the opportunity to send a quick text to Brody.

  Yes, he has a phone. Yes, he’s only six. Yes, he mainly uses emojis to communicate. And yes, when we’re together, I usually make sure it’s tucked away and won’t let him download any games on it. But he’s also my little spy for the day, and we’ve been here for hours, so I plan on taking full advantage and getting an update.

  Me: Hey, little man! How’s it going?

  Brody: *smiling emoji* *thumbs up emoji*

  Me: Good! What are you guys doing? And use your words this time!

  Brody: Fine. We are good. Waching shoe.

  I smile at his short sentences and crappy spelling before I reply.

  Me: Good! What show are you watching? Is Liam being nice?

  Brody: Yes. We are waching a grone up shoe.

  Pursing my lips, I send a quick message to Brody, telling him to be good before sending another one to Liam.

  Me: Hey, Liam! Just checking in!

  His response is almost instant.

  Liam: He tattled, didn’t he?

  A light laugh bubbles out of me as I read his message.

  Me: Sure did. What are you showing him?

  Liam: I knew it! Little narc. See? This is why I don’t trust the kid. Big, fat tattle tale. We’re watching The Ring.

  My eyes pop as I read the message before another text comes through.

  Liam: I’m kidding. Don’t get your panties in a twist, Nanny. We’re watching Jurassic Park.

  I breathe a sigh of relief. Okay, that’s not too bad. It’s not great, but it’s better than The Ring.

  My phone vibrates again as Lidia gives me the total. I hand over the black credit card Liam had slipped beneath my door earlier today before peeking down at my phone.

  Liam: Did you find a dress?

  Me: Yeah. Spent lots of money just for you.

  Liam: You’re a woman. I’m sure you would’ve spent plenty all on your own but props for following orders.

  Me: Don’t assume. I believe you were the one that pointed out how rude it is. I found the perfect dress that was on sale, BUT I set it aside and grabbed the most expensive one, instead. Don’t go blaming me for spending all your money when you asked me to in the first place, butthead.

  His assumption annoys me. For a guy who’s so touchy about people judging him, he sure does it a lot to people around him.

  Liam: Touchy, Nanny? I was joking.

  I roll my eyes.

  Me: No, you weren’t. Don’t lie just because I called you out for being a jerk.

  After hitting send, my fingers itch to reiterate my point, so I type a follow-up text.

  Me: I don’t do liars, Liam.

  He doesn’t reply right away, so I slip my phone into my pocket and look up to see Lidia patiently waiting for me to finish my conversation.

  “Crap. Sorry. I was just checking on…something.”

  “No worries,” she replies with a kind smile. As she hands me back Liam’s credit card, my phone vibrates again, but I ignore it. I’ll deal with him later.

  Once the card is safely tucked in my back pocket, Lidia offers my dress bags to me, and I take them gratefully.

  “Thanks again for your help today!”

  “Anytime. If you need anything else, let me know. And don’t forget to give me a call about the floral arrangements. You’ve been so easy to work with that I’ll even give you the friends and family discount.”

  Smirking, I reply, “That won’t be necessary, but I’ll definitely take you up on the floral arrangements. I’m sure we’ll be needing a lot of your help. Once I work out the details with my––” I almost choke on the word fiancé and search for a different term that would be more fitting. “Liam, I’ll get back to you.”

  “No rush. Good luck!”

  As we push open the door, the warm air kisses my cheeks, and I walk toward my car next to Sway’s.

  “So…dinner?” Saylor suggests.

  Patting my empty tummy, I reply, “Y
eah, that’s probably a good idea. I’m still a little buzzed from the champagne. Are there any good restaurants around here?”

  Sway’s brows bounce up and down. “I know a yummy Mexican place a block away. We can walk.”


  Chapter Ten


  The restaurant is decorated in bold oranges, purples, and greens, and the smell of cumin and chili powder permeates the air as we wait for the hostess to seat us. There’s a picture of a dancing chili pepper wearing a sombrero hanging on the wall, and my mouth stretches into a smile.

  “Like it?” Sway asks, noticing my amusement.

  “The ambiance is awesome, but I’m withholding my verdict until we taste the salsa,” Saylor answers before we all say in unison, “Salsa is key.”

  Laughter ensues at our jinx and is interrupted by a throat clearing behind us. When I turn to the hostess, I almost swallow my tongue.

  No freaking way.

  “How can I….” Her voice trails off as soon as she recognizes me. Pursing her lips, she crosses her arms. “Can I help you?”

  I don’t miss the snarky tone as she eyes me up and down.

  “Umm…hi.” I wave my hand awkwardly through the air. “How are you…Stacy?”

  Please say that’s her name.

  “Fine. What are you doing here?”

  “Craving Mexican?” I offer with a shrug.

  “Oh.” The anger lines etched into her forehead seem to smooth before she tucks a strand of her long, blonde hair behind her ear, showcasing the giant rock on her left ring finger.


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