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How to Charm a Beekeeper's Heart

Page 30

by Candice Sue Patterson

  He propped his foot on the dash of the Gator and looked across the field. Rich, green grass sprouted from the soil. Daffodil buds dotted the meadow and would soon turn the acreage into gold. Bees buzzed all around, warming their wings in the sun. He read the card again.

  Arianne thanked him for all he’d done. Not only for saving Emma’s life, but for supporting her dreams and buying the building for her new shop. She’d found a small house to rent close to her work and would vacate his apartment on Saturday. Lamar would be thrilled, since the renovation to convert the upstairs into offices was the only thing left to do before the grand opening in mid-June.

  Lastly, she wished him well, said she would pray for him, and hoped they could be friends. Impossible. They’d been friends for sixteen years. He had enough friends.

  Soon, if Arianne would have him, they’d be so much more.


  The buttery aroma of a flaky pie crust and creamy lobster filled Arianne’s new kitchen. Boxes stacked in two neat piles filled one corner. The house was small but had more square footage than their apartment. She folded a dish rag and placed it in the drawer. “It smells heavenly.”

  Sherry smiled and patted Arianne’s shoulder. “Your first night in a new home deserves a good meal.”

  Arianne folded another dish rag. “I really appreciate all you and Jude have done to help me.”

  The oven timer beeped. Sherry opened the door and lifted the lobster pie in her mitted hands. “I know.”

  Steam lifted from the golden crust, making Arianne’s mouth water. She tossed the empty box aside and opened another, this one containing drinking glasses. One by one, she dunked them in the sudsy sink water. Her thoughts drifted to Huck. Five days had passed since she’d mailed the letter and still no word from him. She promised herself she wouldn’t try to contact him anymore. He knew where to find her. If he’d wanted to talk, he would’ve by now. Tears threatened to drip into the sink.


  It took a moment for Arianne to realize she’d stopped washing the glasses and was staring into the bubbles. She blinked and turned to Sherry.

  “What’s wrong, hun?”

  The motherly lilt in her voice started the waterworks. Arianne shrugged, unable to speak.

  “Is it Huck?” Sherry asked.

  Arianne nodded. “I’ve tried every way possible to apologize for being so awful, to tell him how grateful I am to him, but he won’t speak to me. I can’t blame him.” She hiccupped. “I saw him last week in the church parking lot. I went there to pray. He was with Janet Hargrave. Carrying flowers. What was he doing there? With her?”

  She didn’t want to believe what gossip Harriet Jenkins had told her about Huck and Janet dating. She snatched a towel to dry her hands. “He paled when he saw me like I was the ghost of Christmas past. They were so chummy. Why was he there?”

  Sherry sighed and dropped onto a chair, patting the one beside her. “Jude demanded I stay out of this, but only a woman understands another woman’s heart. I don’t know anything about this Janet lady, but I know why Huck was at the church.”

  Arianne sniffed and wiped the moisture from her cheeks. Sherry rested her thick hand over Arianne’s. “Huck’s been taking new convert classes with your pastor twice a week. He’s given his life to Christ.”

  Goosebumps crawled up Arianne’s arms. She swallowed. “He…he did?”

  Sherry nodded.

  Joyous tears clouded Arianne’s vision. She’d prayed for him for so long. To know he placed his troubled childhood, his hurt, his fears in God’s hands made her speechless. He was part of a family now. Her family.

  The events of the past year became clear. She’d studied the Israelites journey out of Egypt the past few weeks. Despite all God had done for them, the miracles they’d seen, they failed to truly believe He’d do what He said He’d do. When tough circumstances came, they complained and determined to do things their way. It wasn’t until they trusted and had true faith that they were able to enter the Promised Land.

  She had no doubt Huck would be as successful at his new Christian life as he was in everything he did. He’d fall in love and marry a sweet girl like Janet, and she’d watch them drive off into the sunset together. The scent of the lobster pie now turned her stomach.

  “Arianne?” Sherry squeezed her hand and leaned close.

  “Praise God,” Arianne whispered. And she meant it.


  The bell in the shop doorway jingled. Arianne handed Emma the tissue paper. “Keep doing it like I showed you, and I’ll be back in a few minutes to help you with the next step.”

  “OK, Mommy.” Emma grinned at Arianne. The sun had turned her cheeks a nice healthy pink, and her energy levels were slowly climbing. Their schedule had changed, and the medicine cabinet looked like a pharmacy, but having her daughter was all that mattered.

  She adjusted the satin panel on the dress form she was working on, and stabbed the needle into it for later. “I’ll be right back.”

  Arianne grabbed the notebook with her list of things to accomplish in June and headed for the shop floor, excited that Braelle had returned from the craft store to help Arianne in crossing off number one. She rounded the doorway, stopped, and dropped her notebook. Huck stood in the middle of the shop, a short-sleeved, cowboy-style dress shirt with pearl buttons tucked neatly into his fitted jeans. He wore his best pair of boots. No hat.

  Arianne gripped the wall trim to steady herself. His good looks put every other man to shame. She fumbled and picked up the notebook.

  A corner of his mouth curled in that sexy, crooked grin she loved. “Hey.”


  She inhaled and found her voice. “Hey.” Oh, how she wanted to throw her arms around him and stay there permanently. “You come to get fitted for a tux?”

  He tucked his hands in his pockets and shifted his feet. “Actually, I did.”

  Her heart hit the floor with a jolting thud. She hadn’t expected that response from her light, teasing words. “Oh.”

  She searched for signs in his face that this was a sick joke. His eyes were steady, his mouth firm. He was serious. Why would he come to her shop after all this time? Was this payback for hurting him?

  An image of Janet in a wedding dress flashed before her eyes. It was her own fault for saying she wanted to be friends. Emotions clogged her throat, and she forced them down, determined to act professional. “Here is a catalogue of what we offer.” She handed him a binder of photographs of men dressed in various styles of tuxedos. “Pick out the one you like, and I’ll get your measurements.”

  Arianne ducked behind the register to compose herself. The wedding must be soon if he was ready to be fitted. He’d only known Janet, what—two months? Then again, they called it love at first sight for a reason. Hadn’t she done the same with him the first time she spied him in his football uniform?

  She bent down to get the tape measure which purposely hid her face. She couldn’t refuse to do this for him, even though she wanted to. After all, he’d bought the place for her, given her daughter a second chance at life, and she did send him a letter pleading for friendship. Stupid! Why wasn’t Braelle back from the craft store yet? Arianne needed to pass this off to her.

  “I like this one—for a monkey suit.”

  His deep drawl curled around her from behind the counter. Arianne squeezed her eyes shut. Huck isn’t who you have for me, and You, God, are enough. But I can’t do this without You. She stood and walked to Huck on unsteady legs. He pointed to the tuxedo. It sure would bring out the velvety brown in his eyes.

  She snatched a triplicate order form from the shelf along with a pen. “Hold out your arms, please.”

  He obeyed.

  His rock hard shoulder rippled beneath her fingers as she held the measuring tape to it and stretched the tape to his wrist. She avoided eye contact for fear she’d crumble.

  “How’ya been, Arianne?”

  Miserable without you. “Good. Emma’s
doing well.” She breathed in his woodsy scent she loved so much. Lifting her chin, she met his gaze. “Thank you. You’ll never know how grateful I am for what you did.”

  His Adam’s apple bulged against his collar as he swallowed. His gaze was intense. Yet almost…amused? She couldn’t tell.

  Trying to make as little contact as possible, she wrapped the tape measure around his thick chest. His heart beat against her fingers. She’d never be close enough to feel it again. Tears leaked into her eyes. She would not cry. She wouldn’t.

  Arianne pulled the pen from her pocket and distracted her brain by filling out what she could on the form. Unfortunately, she ran out of information. Sucking in a deep breath, she knelt in front of him to measure his inseam. “Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, please.”

  This was going to be awkward.

  A mischievous grin lit his face.

  Distraction. “Congratulations. When’s the big day?”

  Yes, she was torturing herself, but it was a question on the form. She would not ask who the bride was.

  He cleared his throat. “Soon, I hope. I haven’t exactly asked her to marry me yet.”

  Arianne dropped her hold on the tape measure and looked up at him. “What?”

  Huck reached down and pulled her to her feet. He kept hold of her wrists, staring deep into her eyes with a love-struck look she’d only seen in the movies. What was going on? Her heart beat faster, and she twisted the tape measure with her hands. Huck yanked it away and threw it over his shoulder.

  He lowered to one knee.

  Her vision grew black and fuzzy at the edges.

  “Arianne, I’ve loved you for a long time. Years. I just never knew how to show you.” He dropped his head, glancing at his boot, then lifted it again. “I’ve done things I shouldn’t have. Things I’m ashamed of. But I’m a new man. I’ve been workin’ real hard to start over, to get where I need to be before I risked this.”

  He released her wrists long enough to tug something from his pocket. When a glistening, flawless diamond appeared before her eyes, her legs collapsed, and she dropped to the floor in front of him.

  “I’d give anything for you to be my wife. Will you do me the honor?”

  “You’re not marrying Janet?” A tear trickled down her cheek.

  He thumbed it away and frowned. “No. I only want you for the rest of my life.”

  She opened her mouth to scream “yes” but stopped. No more making decisions on her own. Lord, what do I do? I thought a life with Huck wasn’t what You wanted for me.

  Blinding sunlight burst through the windows, blanketing them. A pure and definite peace filled her heart.

  It wasn’t then. Now it’s time.

  The skin around Huck’s eyes crinkled as he concentrated on her. “Arianne?”

  Without a word, she crept closer, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him with everything she had. A low groan escaped him when she pulled away. “Is that a yes?”

  “That’s a yes.”

  He kissed her again, pulling her as close as she could get, tunneling his fingers into her hair. She broke for air. “I love you,” she whispered.

  Something crashed into them and nearly knocked them over. They pulled apart, and Emma hooked an arm around both their necks. She bounced on her tiptoes. “Can I be the flower girl?”

  They laughed.

  Huck carefully picked up Emma and sat her on his knee. “If you’ll let me be your daddy.”

  Emma placed her dimpled hands on his cheeks. “I’ve always wanted a daddy. Will you stay?”

  “I promise I’m not going anywhere.” His voice was low, gruff, as if he was struggling to remain strong.

  “Does that mean I can have my swing set back?”

  He chuckled. “Yes.”

  “And baby kitty can live with us at your house too?”

  “If he has to.”

  Huck slid the ring onto Arianne’s finger. It fit as perfectly as the three of them did together. “Wait, isn’t today your grand opening?”

  He nodded.

  Arianne glanced at the clock. “You better get moving, or you’re going to miss it.”

  He brushed his thumb over her hand, admiring the ring, and squeezed. “I just got you both back in my life. I don’t want to leave.”

  Arianne palmed his cheek. “We’re in it to stay. You’ve worked hard for this. Now go before you’re late. We’ll see you tonight.”

  Huck sighed. “Promise?”


  Huck kissed Arianne’s lips then kissed Emma’s forehead. He looked at her daughter with pride and affection. “I love you too.”

  Emma hugged his neck. Huck stood her on her feet and strutted toward the door. He winked at them over his shoulder and closed the door behind him.


  One year later

  A warm June breeze swept across the field, bending the buttercups into submission. Huck tugged at his tight collar and stretched his neck. He couldn’t wait until after the ceremony so he could shed this blasted tuxedo. Among other things.

  Beyond the footbridge, his new motorcycle waited with a Just Married sign and streamers attached to the front.

  Jude clamped a hand on Huck’s shoulder. “Not having second thoughts, are you?”

  A baby whimpered from the audience then let out a squall. Huck looked over his shoulder at Jude and grinned. “Not a chance, buddy.”

  Pastor Dave joined them, clutching his Bible. He shook Huck’s hand then waved to Missy who was managing the bridal party in a flower-draped tent.

  Two violinists began to play a song Huck didn’t know but Arianne loved. His gut tightened in anticipation. He glanced at Marge sitting on the front row. His favorite waitress wore a blue dress and a lipstick stained smile. She gave a thumbs-up and winked.

  Emma, a vision in her white, princess gown, walked down the aisle, and sprinkled yellow rose petals on the clipped grass.

  Missy followed a few feet behind in a pale green, strapless gown, her dark hair swept over one shoulder with tiny yellow roses and something Arianne called baby’s breath tucked in there.

  When they reached the pastor’s other side, the musicians held the last note for effect then paused. Bows slurred across the strings into the beginning notes of the wedding march. The crowd stood, blocking the view of his bride. Sweat rolled down his neck. He walked down the aisle to meet Arianne, so she wouldn’t have to walk alone.

  How he wished Uncle Marty could be here in the flesh. Huck liked to think his uncle was here in his own way, watching from the best seat available.

  Arianne materialized, stealing his breath. The white, lace gown hugged her curves perfectly. The neckline draped around to her tanned collarbones, ending high on her shoulders. She’d insisted on designing a new one he hadn’t seen yet. Bad luck and what not.

  Her navy blue eyes gazed at him behind thick black lashes, red lips teasing him beneath her gauzy veil.

  “You are stunning,” he whispered.

  He held out his arm, and she hooked her fingers in his elbow, her grip loosening as they marched closer to Pastor Dave. She handed her colorful bouquet to Missy, and they linked hands to begin the vows.

  Huck couldn’t take his eyes off her. He’d never seen anything so beautiful. Nor had he ever heard a clergyman so long winded. He wished Pastor Dave came with a fast-forward button. He had a honeymoon to get to.

  Arianne squeezed his hand. The pastor had stopped talking, Huck’s cue to speak. “I do.”

  Jude handed him the ring.

  Pastor Dave viewed the exchange then said, “Repeat after me: with this ring, I thee wed.”

  Huck repeated the vows, meaning every single word. Arianne’s eyes misted and a smile curved her lips.

  Missy passed her his ring, and Arianne repeated the vows. “For better or worse…”

  This precious woman had certainly loved him at his worst. They’d worked out a lot of issues over the past year with Pastor Dave’s help and we
re starting their marriage on solid ground.

  The pastor nudged his elbow. “Son, you may kiss your bride.”

  ‘Bout time.

  Huck lifted her veil and folded it over her head. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her like there wasn’t an audience watching. The crowd cheered. Someone whistled. He pulled away and looked at his bride. Him, a husband. He never would’ve thought.

  Author’s Note

  I hope you enjoyed Huck and Arianne’s journey as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for taking time from your busy life to visit the fictional towns of Summerville and Pine Bay, Maine.

  When I began researching beekeeping for this book, I never expected to fall in love with honeybees. They’re truly amazing creatures made by God to pollinate the plants and trees we need to survive, as well as providing healing and nourishment through the substances they make.

  The honeybee population diminishes each year due to pesticides, mites, and weather. So how can you help the bees? Plant flowers and fruit trees and don’t use anything around your home or on your plants that can be harmful to bees.

  Did you know that honey has enough vitamins and nutrients to sustain life? Honey has been valued for centuries, even by God whose perfect plan was to lead the Israelites into a land flowing with milk and honey. That’s why I chose to symbolically incorporate their wilderness journey into my own fiction story. My prayer for you, reader, is that you’ll step out of the wilderness and give your heart and life to Christ (if you haven’t already done so). Like Huck realized, salvation is a beautiful gift that cannot be earned but simply has to be accepted.

  Sound simple? It is. Check out these short Scriptures for proof. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, John 3:16, Romans 10:13 and Romans 10:9.

  I love to hear from readers! You can contact me through my website at

  God bless!


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