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Forced Submission

Page 6

by Claire Thompson

  He focused again on her ass, each stroke harder than the last. Her legs were rubber, her body shaking and jerking with each stroke of the whip and each swirling, tingling vibration of the phallus lodged inside her. She moaned against the gag as an involuntary climax hurtled through her. The whip continued to crash against her, flaying her skin while the vibrator tickled and throbbed inside her.

  Again and again and again the spasms of forced climaxes wracked her body, juxtaposed against the fierce stinging onslaught of the relentless whip. Pleasure and pain were confused, boiling over into a tumult of sensation that was too much to bear.

  I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…

  And then, all at once, the whipping stopped and the vibrator stilled. Exhausted, sweating, her heart thumping, Mia sagged heavily against her wrist cuffs, her head falling forward onto her chest. Though it hurt, she barely reacted when Ellis pulled the sticky tape from between her legs and tugged the vibrator and butt plug from her tortured body.

  She was limp as Ellis unclipped her ankle and wrist cuffs from the cross. She fell back against him, almost taking comfort from his embrace as he lifted her into his arms and carried her to a sofa in the corner of the room. The shoes fell from her feet as they moved across the room, and Ellis didn’t stop to retrieve them. He set her on the cushions and sat beside her, lifting her head into his lap. She stared up at him, trying to push against the duct tape with her tongue.

  “You look sexy with that tape over your mouth, Mia. I think I’ll keep you gagged often. But for now, I think it should come off.” He tugged at one corner of the tape. Mia closed her eyes, too spent to react, save for the surge of fear that made her insides clench. The pain was blinding as he ripped the tape from her mouth, like a sudden, sharp slap in the face.

  Mia gasped in shock, tears flooding her eyes. To her horrified confusion, Ellis dipped his head and kissed her lips, taking her head in his hands to hold her still as his tongue explored her mouth. She could feel his erection against her shoulder, hard as a bar of steel.

  Finally he let her go. He stood, letting her head fall to the cushions as he stared down at her. His cock looked huge, barely contained in his white tennis shorts. In spite of herself, Mia’s eyes kept sliding back to it.

  “I can’t decide if I should fuck your mouth or your ass,” he said, his eyes hooding. “Do you have a preference?”

  Was it a trick question? Yes, she had a preference. To bite the fucking thing off! He was regarding her, clearly waiting for a response. At least she knew how to suck cock, more or less. “My mouth, Sir,” she forced herself to say. Her voice sounded faint, even to her own ears.

  Ellis grinned. “I knew you’d say that. But I think I want to fuck your ass first. Come on.” He reached for the leash still attached to the chain around her neck and gave it a hard tug. “It’s time to pop your anal cherry.”


  It had been a long but satisfying day. Far from being tired, Ellis felt invigorated, thrilled at the success so far of his little experiment. It had been absurdly easy to cow the girl into obedience. He wasn’t foolish enough to think she was actually submissive at this point, but he’d seen definite glimmers of possibility, though it was only hours into her captivity. Within a matter of months he was confident Mia Roberts would basically cease to exist, replaced by a compliant and thoroughly obedient sex slave.

  The day would come when he wouldn’t need to use force or coercion to make her obey. He would train her so her entire world consisted of pleasing him, her happiness completely dependent on his. He’d spent hours researching the subject of slave training, and how to systematically break down and rebuild a person with a program of constant torture, deprivation, stimulation and reward.

  But now he just wanted to have fun. His cock had been aching all day and it was time for a little gratification. He led Mia through his bedroom into the master bath. “You need to use the toilet before bed?” he asked.

  She looked so sexy, her faced streaked with mascara tears, the chain tight around her throat, the fear ripe in her pretty blue eyes. “Hurry,” he urged, impatient to feel the tight clench of her virgin ass around his cock.

  She moved in a daze toward the toilet, her eyes not quite focused, it seemed to him. No matter. He didn’t want her mind right now. Her body would do just fine. He watched as she peed, her face turned away, as if she had anything left to hide. He permitted her to wash her hands and face and then grabbed her leash, giving it a sharp tug.

  He pulled her into the bedroom and pushed her to the carpet. He removed the choke collar from around her neck and pointed to the cage. “Crawl in. Head first.”

  “Oh, no, please, no. Not the cage, please, Sir. I don’t like confined—”

  He cut off her insolent words with a sharp smack across her mouth. “There’s that word again!” he shouted. “No does not exist for you, Mia. Get that through your thick head.” He pointed again to the cage as the girl whimpered and sniffled. He gave the leash a savage downward tug.

  She fell to her knees and, with one last beseeching gaze of her big blue eyes, she crawled forward into the cage. Ellis crouched beside her, reaching through the bars to clip her ankle cuffs on either side. “Put your hands on either side of you, right up against the bars,” he ordered, his cock throbbing in his shorts. He grabbed her wrist cuff clips and secured them to the bars as well. Her ass was just waiting for him, nicely welted from the recent whipping, the little pucker between her cheeks still glistening from the lube he’d so generously smeared over the butt plug.

  Eagerly, Ellis tugged down his shorts and kicked them aside. He reached into his night table drawer and pulled out a tube of KY Jelly. Opening the lid he squirted lubricant onto his fingers. Reaching for the girl’s hips, he pulled her ass closer to the open door of the cage. She was trembling, and her fear only made his cock harder.

  He rubbed the lube over the pucker, drawing a squeal from Mia, who tried unsuccessfully to pull away. He would soon beat all resistance from the willful girl. But for now, he just squirted some KY onto the head of his cock, which was already slick with pre-come. He couldn’t remember being this hard. He couldn’t wait to plunge into her tight heat.

  Kneeling forward, he guided the head of his cock, nestling it between her ample ass cheeks. He pushed against the tight hole, drawing another whimper from the girl. He held her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh as he pushed slowly into her ass. A ring of hot, tight pleasure encircled his shaft, and Ellis groaned. Jesus god, it felt so fucking good.

  He pushed deeper and Mia screamed. He would have to gag her next time. He would train her to be completely silent, no matter what he did to her. But for now, he was too caught up in his own pleasure even to correct her. He continued his glide until his balls touched her ass. “Ahh,” he breathed, savoring the clutch of her passage, tight as a leather glove around him.

  He began to move, slowly at first, and then faster as his need got the better of him. He began to grunt, his balls slapping her ass as he slid in and out, in and out. Her screams had quieted to a steady whimper, which only spurred him on. He rode her like an animal, using her hips to pull her ass against him as he slammed his cock home, each thrust deeper than the last.

  Finally, his balls tightening, he let out a groan and shot his load deep inside his slave girl’s tight ass. He stayed buried inside her for several delicious seconds as his breathing slowed and his heart eased back into its natural rhythm.

  He pulled out slowly, staring at the now gaping asshole, watching in fascination as a trickle of his come slid down between her legs. He would start her in the morning on the birth control pills he’d procured for her in case she wasn’t already on the pill, and something told him she was not.

  He reached for the washcloth he kept in his night table and wiped his cock. With a sigh of deep satisfaction, he pushed himself to his feet and walked to the side of the cage. He unclipped Mia’s ankle and wrist cuffs from the bars. She collapsed, curling onto her side lik
e a doodle bug. Ellis bent down to see her face, which was flushed, and streaked with snot and tears.

  Reaching for the box of tissues, he grabbed a handful and shoved it through the bars. “I had planned on having you sleep in your own bedroom at night, but I’ve changed my mind. I want you here beside me, snug in your cage. Someday you might even be granted the gift of sleeping in my bed. It’s up to you, Mia. It’s all up to you.”

  She said nothing, not that he expected her to. He closed the cage door and slipped the padlock into place. He went into the bathroom to wash up. When he was done, he climbed into bed, indulging in a luxurious stretch.

  He had done it. He had pulled it off. She was his, all his, and the days stretched ahead with infinite possibility. With a contended sigh, he reached for the lamp and turned it off, plunging the room into darkness.

  Chapter 6

  For a long time Mia lay still as a cornered animal, not even shifting when she felt the hot trickle of Ellis’ disgusting ejaculate on her leg. She barely dared to breathe, afraid he might come for her again. Her body was battered and bruised from the inside out and the outside in, every part of her violated—mind, body and spirit. But overriding her pain, her terror and even her outrage was a bone weary exhaustion.

  She found herself almost glad to be in the cage. At least there were bars between Ellis and her. Even if she somehow managed to fall asleep, he couldn’t come after her in the night without her hearing him first as he unlocked the cage door to get at her.

  She began to count, both as a way to calm her jangled nerves, and to measure the passing minutes. When she’d reached two hundred forty-six, she became aware of the low rumble of his snoring. She continued to lie still as stone for another one hundred seconds before daring to turn from her side to her stomach.

  She cradled her head in her arms and closed her eyes. There was a thin blanket on this cage floor, as there had been on the one in the closet, and she pulled at it to cover herself. She began to practice the breathing exercises she’d learned in her yoga class. She imagined her mind as an empty, clear pool of water as she breathed in slow and deep. She counted to four as she held her breath and then let it out slowly, and then to five, and then to six…

  Mia awoke some time later with a start and a cry, jerked from a nightmare. It only took a second for her mind to snap completely awake, her body tensed and ready for attack.

  She put her hand over her mouth to quiet herself, listening hard for any indication that Ellis was awake. After a moment, she heard his quiet, even snore and let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

  The room was still dark but from the corner of the cage, just beyond the end of the bed she could see a glimmer of light seeping through a chink in the curtains. She was somewhat amazed she’d been able to sleep at all. She didn’t feel rested, however. Her eyes burned and her gut was churning, her shoulder and hip aching against the floor of the cage.

  Mia tried not to think about what had happened to her, aware she would shift into full panic mode if she allowed herself to dwell on it. Instead she lay quietly, taking a mental inventory of her body. The skin on her back and ass felt tender, and her asshole was sore, but otherwise she was reasonably intact.

  Her hand slipped down to her waxed pussy. It was strange to feel the smooth, soft skin beneath her fingertips where pubic hair should be. Her fingers moved down, slipping into the cleft between her legs. Her clit stirred beneath her touch, and she felt shame moving through her as she recalled the way he’d made her come again and again, in spite of the terrifying circumstances.

  Her body had betrayed her, giving in to his relentless and skillful touch. It was so confusing to reconcile that blinding pleasure with the very real pain to which he’d subjected her, even in the midst of her orgasms. What had he said?

  You’ll learn to associate the pain of a beating with the pleasure of sexual release, until the two are so intertwined in your psyche that you will require the one to experience the other.

  Was such a thing even possible? And why would he want that of her? Who the hell was Ellis Hughes? And more to the point, how had she been so completely fooled by him?

  He had seemed so genuine. During their email exchanges he’d seemed interested in her, without being smarmy or weird. How happy and filled with anticipation she’d been when she’d arrived at his beautiful home, all her worldly possessions crammed into her car. She’d been eager to start her new job and her new life.

  When he’d pulled open the door, his dazzling smile had literally taken her breath away. For a second she’d actually had a fantasy that, though he’d only hired her as a glorified secretary, they might somehow fall in love, like something out of an old movie starring Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn.

  How could she reconcile that man with the monster who’d revealed himself so soon after her arrival? Did he have some kind of split personality? Would he wake in the morning, horrified to discover a naked woman in a cage beside his bed?

  Hope flared for a second at the possibility, but quickly sputtered out. There was no split—Ellis Hughes was evil, through and through. Which left the question she didn’t want to entertain—what would happen when he woke?

  He’d talked as if he planned to keep her indefinitely. Though she’d been half out of her mind with panic ever since that first terrifying moment when he’d grabbed and cuffed her wrists behind her, apparently a part of her brain had processed and stored his various threats, which now began to uncoil like poisonous snakes slithering through her mind.

  You belong to me now.

  You have been chosen to be my sex slave, my personal property.

  No act will be too debasing or too humbling for my slave girl. I will test you, mold you, train you, beat you, reward you and punish you.

  If she’d been like most people, people with family and friends, there would have been someone to miss her. Someone to notice when she didn’t answer calls or emails, or show up for a planned occasion. But there was no one. She hadn’t even changed her mailing address yet from the apartment she’d rented in Maine. There was no forwarding address, no link as to where she had gone, and no one to notice.

  Thinking back over their emails prior to her arrival in New York, Mia now understood the diabolical intent behind Ellis’ deliberate and persistent questions about her background, her family, her friends, her social media accounts, any “significant other” in the picture. He had chosen her precisely because of her lack of any connection.

  I interviewed twenty-two other prospective slave girls before I settled on you.

  A shiver ran through her body, as if someone had dragged an icy finger down her spine. She curled in on herself, panic again threatening to overtake her. As she struggled to quell her whimpering cries, she realized the room had gone silent, the snoring stopped.

  All at once the room was flooded with light and Mia saw Ellis’ bare legs appear over the side of the bed in front of the cage. She squeezed her eyes closed, her hands moving instinctively to cover her face, her heart racing.

  “It’s six o’clock. Time to rise and shine.” Ellis’ voice was brisk and strident, as if he’d been awake for hours. “We have a busy day ahead of us.”


  Ellis, naked, reached for his morning erection, curling his hand around it as he contemplated the naked girl huddled in her cage, and the glorious day stretching ahead. He had slept deeply and well, waking only once to check on his charge.

  He crouched in front of the cage, key ring in hand, and unlocked the padlock. Pulling the cage door open, he reached in and gave Mia a sharp smack on her thigh. “I said get up. Don’t make me tell you again, M.”

  He had decided while falling asleep the night before that he would call her by her first initial, like O in that S&M story he’d masturbated to as a teenager. He watched as M maneuvered herself and crawled slowly out of the cage. Grabbing the choke collar and attached leash from his bedside table, he slipped the collar over her head and used the leash t
o jerk her upright.

  M gasped, her hands flying to her neck as the chain tightened around her throat. “Please,” she gasped, coughing. “You’re hurting me.”

  Ellis reached to push a thick strand of hair from her face. He tucked it behind her small, pretty ear. “It’s my prerogative to hurt you, M. I could kill you if I liked.” He stroked her cheek as he delivered these words, his cock throbbing as her lips compressed in a thin line of fear, her blue eyes widening. He laughed softly, but released the tension on the choke chain.

  Reaching for the shorts he’d worn the day before, he pulled out the slim remote that controlled all the door locks in the house. He led her into the master bathroom and closed the door, pushing a button on the remote and waiting for the small click that indicated it was locked. Satisfied, he slipped the remote beneath a stack of towels on the counter and then directed M to the toilet.

  “Sit down and keep your legs spread wide. I’m going to piss into the bowl at the same time as you.” Though she kept her mouth shut, M’s face was expressive with distaste, even disgust, at this pronouncement. Ellis filed this away, not choosing to call her on it. When he was done with her, she’d be grateful for anything from her Master, even his piss.

  Once he finished, he reached for the toilet handle, but realized M was still peeing, a pathetic dribble. “Hurry up,” he said brusquely. “It’s time for my shower.” He jerked her chain for emphasis.

  Her face brick red, the girl reached hastily for some toilet paper, which he noted she used on her thighs to wipe away some stray droplets of his piss. Feeling magnanimous, Ellis let this pass. She dropped the toilet paper into the bowl and reached for more, which she used on herself.

  Ellis flushed the toilet and pulled her upright. He let the leash fall and moved toward the shower stall, reaching in to start the water. Turning back to M, he ordered, “Kneel on the rug and hold out your hands, elbows at your sides, palms up.”


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