Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  She watched reruns of a press conference with the guardian named Aidyn and a winged man who called himself Gabriel. The media had gone wild with their questions, but the two men had remained calm and answered everything asked of them. They didn’t seem to pull any punches either. When asked how many more lives would be lost, Aidyn hadn’t given false hope. “I wish I knew, but this war will not end overnight.” The press room had grown silent as his words had sunk in and the realization of what they dealt with hit home. The evilest of beings had come to sink his claws into their world, and he wasn’t about to let go. If humanity wanted to survive, they’d have to fight or submit to his will.

  Still riveted to the TV, Ranata soon learned Raven’s possible location. The guardian, Aidyn, said Lowan had taken up residence at the White House. If he were really there, so was her sister.

  Ranata jumped to her feet and ran to get her laptop in her bedroom then settled on her bed. She popped it open and did a Google search on fae. It seemed silly, and she wasn’t even sure she’d find anything, but it was worth a shot. She clicked on the website for the Urban Dictionary and read:

  * * *

  A fae is a humanoid, mystical creature that wields great power in magic and elements, usually have antennae and insect-like wings and are short. Faes are otherwise known as fairies and are commonly used in RPs.

  * * *

  She jumped up and ran to the mirror over her dresser and lifted her shirt. “I’d better not get wings.” She did a slow turn and craned her neck to look at her back.

  “Don’t believe what you read on the internet. We don’t have wings,” a deep voice came from the doorway and caused her to jump, yanking her shirt back down. When she turned toward it, she gasped.

  “Who the hell are you?” She stared at a man who was a good foot taller than her. Pointed ears poked out from straight, white hair that fell to his wide shoulders. Two horns curled from the top of his head.

  She took a step back, and his blue eyes followed her.

  “Don’t be frightened of me, but where is Baal? I told him to protect you.”

  “I… You must be Chaval?” she stammered, remembering something about his species being unstable.

  “Yes, and you’re not safe here.” He moved toward her, and she took another step back. “Where is the demon?”

  “We didn’t see eye-to-eye.”


  She didn’t take getting yelled at very well. “I think you have some explaining to do. If I’m to understand correctly, my sister is with your leader. Why? And what exactly am I, and why do I need a demon to protect me?” She took a step forward and crossed her arms, hoping to show she was stronger than she felt.

  He tossed his head back and laughed. “You have your mother’s fire. This is good.” His forehead furrowed. “I don’t have much time before Lowan will look for me, so you’re going to get a crash course. You’re now the rightful queen of the fae. Your destiny is to save our people from a certain death and convince them to enter this war.” His features softened. “Also, to continue your mother’s work. She’d made big strides in regaining respect for the fae.”

  “What?” she whispered. “I know nothing about being a queen or fae. This can’t be happening.” She pinched herself. “Ouch! Shit, I was hoping to wake up.”

  Chaval moved closer and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Look. I know this all seems a bit much, but I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you were a child. You’re a strong, determined woman, just like your mother. We need you. Trust fate to lead you down the right path.” Lines formed around his eyes. “Don’t let your mother’s death be in vain. Come home, and let us teach you who you really are.”

  She took ragged breaths and swallowed her fear. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, but what could she say? The world outside had gone completely mad. “Will I be safe there?” She couldn’t help Raven if she were dead.

  “It will be the safest place for you.”

  She squared her shoulders. “Then I will do what’s required of me.”

  Baal jumped to his feet. “What the hell made you think selecting a fae as my mate was a good fucking idea?”

  Hades stared at him. “Because she needs you.”

  “Since when does a fae need a demon, unless it’s to steal our power?” Ranata had already tried to bring down destruction on his head. Granted, it turned out she had no idea what she was doing, but the fact remained she was a danger to him.

  The demon god rose from his serpent-covered throne and towered over Baal. “Here’s how this will play out. You will protect her at all costs. Ranata is only half-fae. Her father was a human, so she has little control over her powers.”

  Baal snorted. “I’ll say.”

  Hades ignored the smart remark. “Choosing a demon ensures she will have a mate capable of protecting her, providing her with the power she’ll need and teaching her how to control it. It will bring the demons and fae closer together, and hopefully, she’ll be able to convince her people to enter the war. You two will become the ambassadors between the species.” He lifted a small, beating heart from a silver tray offered by one of his minions and popped it into his mouth. “Your children will be beautiful.”

  Baal had always wanted children, but centuries earlier, he’d fallen in love with a human then lost his heart when she’d passed. He’d vowed to spend eternity alone. Plus, there was the Sumari thing hanging over his head. “Will they be Sumari since she is half-mortal?”

  “No, not Sumari. You need not fear your children’s death or hers. Her bond with you will ensure her immortality,” Hades replied.

  “You’re assuming I’ll agree to any of this.”

  The god’s gaze narrowed, and red flashed in his eyes. “You assume you have a choice.”

  “Are you telling me I don’t?” He fisted his palms and tried to push down his anger. He was getting sick and tired of higher ups running his life.

  “I am telling you your fate has been decided. Whether you choose to love your mate is up to you, but you will protect her and help her prepare for bringing her people back together.”

  Baal ground his teeth together. “What are you not telling me? I think you owe me the entire story since you’ve just fucked up my entire existence.”

  Hades shoved his hands behind his back, spun on the ball of his foot and took three steps away before stopping. He stood with his back to Baal, and defeat showed in his posture before he regained himself and spun back to Baal. “You’re right. Iris came to me many years ago and begged for help. The fae had been experiencing a widespread, lethal virus that rendered them unable to use the power of any immortal. As you can imagine, this left them vulnerable to attack. The queen’s best doctors searched for a cure with no luck. Finally, it was discovered that Lowan was responsible.”

  “He knew the fae would be the one adversary able to beat him.”

  Hades nodded. “Exactly, but how he managed we still don’t know. Anyway, Iris had herself artificially inseminated by a human in the hope her children would be immune to the virus. Ranata is the oldest, and when she was born, they were confident she was immune, but Iris didn’t want to leave anything to chance. Four years later, she was inseminated again and bore Raven. Both girls carry a potential cure within their blood, but the burden falls to Ranata.”

  “I still don’t get how I fit into this fucked-up picture.”

  “Iris was already mated to one of her own when she bore both daughters. He was killed in a battle with an enemy shortly after Raven’s birth. With the loss of her mate, she hid her daughters in the human realm to protect them. When the virus invaded her body, Lowan attacked and killed her.” Hades walked back to his throne and sat. “I promised her, should anything happen, her eldest daughter would be mated to my best demon. Though your attitude is shit, I know I can count on you to protect her and help her save her race.” He leveled his gaze. “It’s time for you to let go of Beth and find some damn happiness.”

  Baal punched the
stone wall and enjoyed the pain as the bones in his fist shattered and cut through his skin. He’d heal. His heart should have healed as well. He’d loved Beth with every fiber of his being, but he’d been responsible for her death. He’d broken her heart when he’d explained what he was and why he couldn’t marry her. An immortal never knew when their fated mate would appear, and he feared the consequences if he stayed with Beth. They’d both been devastated, but she’d taken her life. He’d never forgiven himself.

  “I let her die.”

  Hades sighed. “She chose her fate. Yes, you shouldn’t have had a relationship with her, but for gods’ sake that was forever ago. Move on, and make a choice to help your mate.”

  Baal studied the god. Something still didn’t sit right with him. “I’m not buying your entire story. Why would a demon god grant a fae, even if she were a queen, such a favor?”

  Hades clenched his jaw before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “I was once in love with Iris, but our fates were not to be intertwined.” He opened his eyes. “She belonged to another, and I eventually moved on. When she came to me and begged for this favor, I could not say no.”

  “So, because you’d once had an affair, that made it okay to fuck with my fate?”

  “No. It was because these events needed to be set in motion.” Hades’ fangs flashed. “Lowan must die. Now, come to me.”

  Baal knew he’d pressed his luck far enough, so he went before the demon god and knelt. Hades placed his palm atop Baal’s head, and visions assaulted him. Thirty years of a young woman’s life joined his own memories, and he knew Ranata better than she knew herself. She was a woman who had given of herself so others could have a better life. She was just like her mother, and now, he realized why she’d been chosen to rule. He’d mate with Ranata, and he would protect her, but his heart had to remain his own.

  Chaval smiled. “Smart woman. Let me tell you about your mother, my Aunt Iris.” He gave Ranata a quick replay of her mother’s life. How a virus had left the fae vulnerable and how Ranata and her sister had come to be born. As he told the story, she felt a sense of pride for her mother. The woman had sacrificed so much to save her people, and in the end, she’d lost her life.

  She didn’t forget about us.

  “Your mother loved you both more than her life. She cried herself to sleep every night from the pain of missing you.”

  Knowing this made her heart heavy, and she wished she’d had the chance to know her mother and tell her mother how much she had been loved.

  Ranata blinked back the tears. “Do you have a photo of my mother?”

  “Not with me, but maybe there’s one still back home.” He moved to her and grasped her arms. “My sister is in Lowan’s grip, so many of our people are either in hiding or dead. You must mate with the demon. I know the cure will be found in you, and we’ll finally rebuild. Not to mention we are needed in this war.”

  The survival of an entire race sat on her shoulders, but if her mother could make so many sacrifices, so could she. She also wanted to know everything about the woman, and one way was to be around the people who knew her best.

  “Well, he tossed me out, so I think you’re out of luck on that one. Besides, if you feel my genes will provide a cure, why do I need the demon? I need to free my sister. Then maybe, we can find a way for me to help your people.” She felt a sudden drive to get involved in the lives of a race she knew nothing about and make her mother proud. As long as Raven was safe, she saw no reason not to help.

  “You need me for several reasons.”

  Ranata spun and faced Baal. “Why are you here?”

  “I’ve come to apologize and to help you,” he replied.

  “I must go. Raven is safe presently, so you need to concentrate on the task at hand. Mate the demon, and find the cure.” Chaval vanished, leaving her alone with Baal and her head spinning.

  “Did he tell you?” Baal asked.

  “About my mother?” Ranata headed out of the room. She hoped to put some distance between her and him but knew it would be futile.

  “That and us?”

  She faced him. “Yes, but why are you really here? You made it clear how you feel about me.”

  “No, it wasn’t you. It was the fear of our son being a Sumari and having to kill him for it.”

  Her heart went out to him. When he’d mentioned them mating, it had never occurred to her that children would result. “I don’t like the sound of that. Of any of this.”

  “I’ve since been assured that, when we decide to have kids, your human DNA will keep them from being Sumari.” He stared at the photos on the bookcase. “When the gods decide they want a couple together, there isn’t much arguing about it. You’ve heard of arranged marriages? This is no different.”

  “Whatever happened to love?” Maybe living in a fairytale and wishing for a prince to come riding up to whisk her away to a beautiful home was totally crazy. Then again, the world seemed totally crazy right now.

  “Mated couples fall in love all the time.” He faced her. “Is that what you want? For me to love you?”

  Now, that was a million-dollar question. Did she? Hell, she didn’t know anything about him other than he was a demon. “I just don’t want you to hate me. This will be difficult enough without having that between us.”

  “I don’t hate you, Ranata. You can’t help what you are or your situation. It’s simply that demon and fae are an unusual combination, and well…I wasn’t ready for this.”

  Nothing about her situation was normal. “Chaval never explained why I need you. Do you know?”

  He took a seat on the couch, arms spread across the back. “Because Hades decided we would make the best match. You need a mate who can protect you and give you the power you need to fuel your magic.”

  She felt her jaw drop. “Hades? As in…”

  “Yes. The demon bastard himself.” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs. “Look. I’ll give you everything I possibly can. You’ll have the finest home, the shiniest jewels and the best designer clothes. I’ll lay down my life to protect you, and I’ll teach you how to harness my power. Anything you desire will be yours, except I can never give you my love.”

  She wondered why his last declaration stung. “Is there another woman?”

  “There was, but she died long ago.”

  “I’m sorry.” Great, so much for Prince Charming. She turned to look out the window, unable to face him. “If I agree to this, maybe we can divorce after the cure is found, and then we can both go back to our own lives.” She knew those golden eyes were staring at her.

  “Love, I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. We mate, and it’s for eternity. You’ll become immortal, and you will lead your people. However, you can always choose to live in the fae realm without me. There’s no law that says we must stay together, but you need to understand what the mating means before you agree.”

  She spun to face him. “Why should I care about people I don’t even know. Give me one good reason I should become immortal and spend eternity with you?”

  “For starters, to save your sister’s life hopefully and because you can’t let an entire race of people die. It’s not in your nature.” He snorted. “You and I will become the poster children for a fae-demon relationship. If you knew me, you’d find the humor in that.”

  Again, her mind went back to events leading up to now. Raven going missing, and now, living with a powerful lunatic. Demons on a killing spree, and finding out who she really was. As far as she was concerned, things couldn’t get any crazier. She also had nothing left in this world. The only family she knew was missing. The tiny modest house she’d lived in was all that remained of her adopted parents. She had nothing to lose.

  “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  Chapter Eight

  The minute he’d seen Ranata again, he knew he would follow Hades advice and mate with her. Not that he had a choice, unless he liked spending eternity having his skin peeled from his body th
en being burned to death only to be returned to life to repeat the process all over again. There could be worse fates than mating a beautiful woman. He only hoped she didn’t decide to kill him in his sleep. Maybe, he should keep that little-known fact to himself because he was certain he’d piss her off enough to warrant his death.

  “Raven’s in serious danger, isn’t she?”

  “Yes. Eventually, Lowan will tire of her, and he will kill her. If he even suspects she carries fae blood, he won’t hesitate to end her life. After all, he’s the one who sent the virus running through the fae.” He watched as she chewed her lip, and he found it damn sexy. He would enjoy his wedding night when he finally got this exotic beauty beneath him. However, it would be the last time he’d ever have a woman. Once mated, there would be no others, and it was likely Ranata would never have sex with him again. She was the type of woman who needed love, and he would never lie to her to gain her favor. He did have some morals.

  “Am I supposed to destroy him?”

  The thought of his mate going toe-to-toe with Lowan set him on edge. “No. I’m not even strong enough to take out Lowan. The Phoenix god is supposed to come back and take care of destroying Lowan, but that’s another story. What you’ll need to do is get your sister alone and snatch her. Something tells me she won’t leave with you willingly. It’s why you’ll need to learn how to handle your power.”

  “Why can’t you grab her? I mean…you’re the demon with all the magic? Can’t you simply kidnap her when she’s away from him?”

  He wished he could. “No. Seems fate has made its choice.”

  Resolve burned in her blue eyes. “Then I will do whatever I have to to save my sister.”

  “And does that include becoming mine?”


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