Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 7

by Valerie Twombly

  Her gaze narrowed to pinpoints. “Didn’t I already agree? Besides, doesn’t that mean you belong to me as well?”

  He laughed. “I’m just making sure and yes.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “You get all this for the low price of your mortality. Many women will be jealous of you. I mean…you’ll live forever, frozen in the young, beautiful state you’re in now and with a Kothar demon for a mate. I know many ways to please a woman.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she rolled her eyes. “So now that we’ve established that, what happens next?”

  “I see no reason to wait. We bond now then work on your power. However, I must tell you what the bonding entails. I will not have you calling foul later.”

  She nodded. “Seems fair.”

  Baal patted the couch. “Come sit.” He waited until she’d settled in next to him. “First, I want to apologize for my actions earlier. I had promised to help you, and by telling you to leave, I broke that promise. I’m not proud of my actions, but I vow it will never happen again.”

  “I think I understand now. I know I have a lot to learn about your world, but human or immortal, no one wants to see their children die. I say we start over,” she replied.

  Beautiful and smart. Yes, Hades could have done worse. “That would be good. Now, we will have to go back to my home where I will perform the ceremony. I’ll use magic to call upon higher powers to assist. First, I’ll ask you if you give yourself freely to me, and when you agree, I’ll leave my mark on your soul. Because you’re not a demon and unable to perform the process in reverse, I will take a piece of you and mark myself.”

  She held up her hand. “Um, question. So, this marking of souls sounds painful as does the taking a piece of me. How bad will it hurt, and what exactly does it mean?”

  “There will be no pain involved in our mating. The marking of souls will connect us. After, we’ll have a link to each other. No matter where we are, as long as we allow the other in, we can communicate telepathically. I will know if you’re ever in danger and will be at your side within seconds.”

  “Oh. Does this mean you’ll be reading my mind?”

  “Only if you allow it. I’ll teach you how to communicate and block out others when you don’t wish your thoughts to be known.”

  She seemed thoughtful for several seconds. “Okay. Continue, please.”

  “Once that’s done, I’ll have to end my life so you can become immortal.”

  Her eyes widened. “What? No. There was nothing said about you dying.”

  “Settle down. I’m immortal so, unless you chop off my head, I cannot stay dead.”

  She shook her head. “It sounds awful.”

  “It’s not really. If you were a demon, it wouldn’t be necessary, but because you’re part mortal, I must make a sacrifice to give you immortality.”

  “I’m not stupid. Sacrifice means you’re giving up something. Don’t lie to me. What will really happen to you?”

  He should have known from her history that she’d be concerned. “It will hurt like a motherfucker.”

  She scraped her teeth over her lip. “Is there no other way?”

  Her concern touched him. Don’t let emotions rule. Fighting my feelings will be difficult enough once we bond. Fuck, who was he kidding? Already, he was fighting instinct, and it made him crankier than hell. “None and I can deal with the pain. The last step to complete the bond is sex. I’m sorry, but it’s required to seal the deal, so to speak.”

  This time, her gaze narrowed, and she glared at him. “You’re sorry? Really? Why do I find that hard to believe? And, how do I know this isn’t simply a way to get into my pants?”

  “I admit I love sex. However, if we don’t consummate the mating in twenty-four hours, it will reverse, and you will be back to where you started. Mortal. After our consummation, you’ll never need to sleep with me again.” Her scent––like a ripe Georgia peach on a dewy morning––made his mouth water. He wanted to kiss her but restrained himself. “Though…once you go demon, you never go back.”

  She shook her head. “Are you always such a smart ass?”

  “Usually,” he replied.

  “This is serious, and why should I believe I have to sleep with you, again?”

  “You’ll have to trust me at some point.”

  She fisted her hands on her lap. “I did trust you once, and you let me down. Just know that I’ll be on my guard from now on.”

  “I know I broke your trust, but I swear on my sister’s life, I tell the truth. She’s the one woman I love more than anything in this world.”

  Ranata had no idea why she should believe him, but she did. She wanted to hate the man who sat next to her, but it was evident he didn’t want this any more than she did. The least she could do was suck it up.

  “Fine. How soon can we get this over with?”

  His body stiffened at her words. “We can go now, if you wish?”

  “The sooner we do this, the faster I can get my sister back.”

  “We’ll be on our way then.” He stood, held out his hand, and she slipped hers into his. There was no way to miss the warmth of his skin, and it provided comfort as darkness swirled around her and pulled them into a void.

  Seconds later, they appeared in a room lit by candles. Sconces hung on stone walls, and several dozen pillars formed a large circle around them. A small fire burned in the center.

  “Where are we? This doesn’t look like your penthouse.”


  She sucked in a breath. “What? I thought you were taking me to your home.”

  He chuckled. “This is my true home. Where did you think a demon would perform a ritual?”

  “I guess I didn’t think about that.” She glanced around. “This looks like a room, not what I imagined Hell to look like.”

  He pulled off his T-shirt, and she tried not to gasp as the golden light bounced off his bronze skin. Shadows danced across the best set of abs she’d ever laid eyes on, and the lonely woman inside of her wanted to know what it would be like to experience one night with this man. Then there was the side that was frightened at the prospect. She’d have to shove that one down deep. Ranata would do anything to save her sister, including sleeping with a stranger. After all, it was only sex, and one didn’t need to be in love to fulfill the body’s desires.

  But it would have been nice to fall in love and be loved in return. She shoved that thought aside, too. It was not to be her fate.

  “There are different areas of Hell. Some are exactly what you imagine them to be. While others are very beautiful. This is a sacred place in Hades’ castle where only matings are held. No one will disturb us here.” He sat cross-legged on the floor. “I need you to sit here to my right.” He patted the floor.

  She complied and sat down cross-legged beside him.

  Baal produced a dagger from thin air. The handle appeared to be of carved bone, but she couldn’t see it well enough to get the details. She watched as he made a slice across his left palm, held it over the fire and let his blood drip into the flames. Every time a drop hit, the fire hissed and the flames turned a deep crimson.

  “I call upon the power of the universe to bind my mate and I together for eternity. I willingly accept the pain of death to bring her immortality.”

  She cringed on the word death.

  “Ranata, do you willingly accept me as your eternal mate?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t hesitate, fearing if she took too much time to think about her actions, she’d realize how crazy this was. While she didn’t fully understand the ritual, she knew it was far more than any human marriage would ever be.

  He dipped two forefingers into the ash around the edge of the fire and traced something on her forehead. A strange sensation filled her as he continued a line down the bridge of her nose and to her lips where he stopped and applied light pressure. He chanted something under his breath, and her insides warmed. Feelings of contentment filled her, and she r
ealized she’d never felt more alive. When he pulled his fingers away, he clutched the dagger with both hands and plunged it into his heart. She thought she’d been prepared, but let out a scream. Blood pumped from his wound with each heartbeat until he crumpled over in death, and she knew the image would be forever etched in her memory.

  “Oh, my god.” She scooted closer and tried to slow her racing heart. He’d instructed her that she’d have to remove the blade to finish the process. This was a demon’s most vulnerable time. When they offered their immortality to another. She could choose to walk away and leave him, thus ensuring his real death, but where would that leave her? He’d placed a lot of trust in her that she wouldn’t run, and she would not let him down.

  With tears streaming down her cheeks, she gripped the bone handle and pulled the blade free then tossed it aside. She cradled his head in her lap and caressed his cheek.

  “I’m so sorry you had to do this.” Responsibility weighed heavy on her shoulders, but there was nothing to do now but wait. Neither of them had any idea how long it would take for his resurrection.

  She wished for a cloth and water so she could wash the blood from him, and suddenly, a sponge and bucket appeared next to her. Without even questioning how, she dipped the sponge into the water then began the process of cleaning him up.

  Time ticked by as she cleaned him up best she could. Her legs cramped from sitting on the floor, but she didn’t move. The small discomfort she endured was nothing compared to what he had done for her.

  Suddenly, his back arched, he opened his eyes then gasped right before he rolled to his side and into a fetal position. “Son of a bitch,” he grunted.

  She reached to touch him but hesitated. “Oh, god. What can I do?”

  He clawed his way to his hands and knees. “N-nothing.” He took in several ragged breaths. “Never take a knife to the heart. Stitching it back together is fucking painful.”

  She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I can’t even imagine.” She rushed to her feet and put her arms around his waist. “Let me help you.” He straightened with her assistance.

  “Thanks.” He looked down at his chest. “How’d I get clean?”

  “I managed to bring forth a sponge and water.”

  “Thanks again. I need a shower, and then we must finish the bond. We can go back to my penthouse or I have a home here.”

  “Here in Hell? I’d like to see it.” Something told her she’d learn more about the demon in this environment rather than in a Las Vegas casino.

  Chapter Nine

  Lucan arrived in the most remote region of Hell. Being cursed, the guardians could no longer come to the Underworld without the stain on their soul growing at an alarming rate. Marcus had been here earlier, but only with the aid of the goddess, Qadira, who’d been able to keep the curse at bay and the darkness from growing, but he’d only had hours to accomplish saving his mate. Lucan, on the other hand, reveled in the darkness and as long as he stayed out of the bowels of Hell, he didn’t seem to have any issues. He visited often, and every time he did, he caught the most beautiful voice singing. One would swear there was an angel trapped here, but he knew better. The place was full of deceit and trickery. Evil always tried to find a new means of escape so it could rain terror on innocents. Each time, he fought the urge to seek out the female behind the voice, but it was growing harder. He would never admit to his brethren that he came here just so he could hear her singing. Whenever he had the urge to do something dark and sinister, he sought out the voice, and it seemed to soothe him. For a short time anyway.

  However, today, he wasn’t in the pits of Hell to listen to the woman sing. He was searching for any clue that might lead to where Lowan kept Chaval’s sister. If she were freed, Lowan would no longer have control over the Sumari warrior, then maybe they could finally gain the leading edge. Having Chaval back on their side was far better than on the opposing team.

  Lucan shifted into a thick black fog and floated along the ground. He’d have to enter the next level to begin his search. There, he could interrogate many of the demons who resided on that plane and hopefully find Willow.

  Lucan? I sense you’re here.

  He halted. Never had the voice spoken directly to him. Am I hallucinating? Maybe he wanted to hear her so badly he’d conjured her?

  I’m real, Lucan, and I need your help.

  Who are you? As if he expected her to tell him the truth.

  My name is Sabin, and I’m a prisoner here. Please…help me.

  No fucking way was he getting dragged into whatever game she played. Prisoners were here for a reason. However…

  I’m looking for a girl named Willow.

  Why do you seek her?

  He swore he detected jealousy in Sabin’s voice. She is a fae, and I have need of her. That is all you need to know.

  I have no idea where she is. Release me, and I will help you look for her.

  Ah, so there was the deal she sought. I cannot help you. He formed a wall around his mind before she replied and tempted him further. He had a job to do, and chatting it up with some she-devil would only get him into trouble.

  Baal took Ranata’s hand and flashed them to his home. He had to admit, he’d been surprised when he’d opened his eyes to find her hovering over him. Not only had she kept her promise to remove the dagger, but she’d tended to him.

  Don’t let yourself get caught up in this mating business. It’s only for convenience sake. Something told him he would be reminding himself of that often.

  “It’s not much, but it’s home away from home. I haven’t been here in several months.”

  Ranata walked across the modest living room and ran her finger over the bookshelf as she went. He hid a chuckle. He was one thing, and that was clean. He’d hired a demon to care for his place when he was away.

  “A lake?” She stood at the large picture window with her hands on her slender waist.

  “What? You didn’t expect the Underworld to have water?”

  She looked over her shoulder at him, her blue eyes blazing. “Not a freaking lake.” She went back to gazing through the glass. “Or green rolling hills. Are you sure we’re in Hell?”

  “Oh, damn!” He smacked his forehead. “I knew I should have taken that right instead of a left at the fork in the road.”

  She looked back at him and laughed, and he realized he liked the sound. “Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting this. It’s beautiful.” There was awe in her voice.

  He stepped up beside her. “One of the perks of being Hades’ favorite is I get prime real estate. This is the outer region of the Underworld. There are several layers to Hell, so to speak.”

  “Huh. So, will I be meeting Hades?”

  “I’m sure he’ll be by to make your acquaintance after we’ve completed the bonding.”

  Her body stiffened. Yeah, he didn’t want to do it any more than she did, and he loved sex, but felt as though he were forcing her. “I’m going to shower,” he grumbled and headed off to the master bath. After flipping on the water, he shed his jeans, kicked them aside and stepped under the spray. As he grabbed the bar of soap, he sensed another presence. He looked over his shoulder, and Ranata’s curvy, naked body occupied the space behind him. She was totally bare, and she was glorious. His cock responded immediately.

  “The soap please.” She held out her hand, and he could do nothing but obey.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” he muttered, losing control of coherent thought.

  She moved behind him then glided the bar across his back, and he had to bite his lip to keep from groaning aloud. Her fingertips traced a line down his spine, stopping at his tailbone.

  “I realized I sent the wrong body language out there. I’m not in the habit of sleeping with men I hardly know, but it’s been a very long time since I’ve felt a man’s touch, and I must admit, I miss it.”

  At the rate she was going with her fingers and the soap, he’d have her pinned against the wall in a matter of seconds.
Reminding her of what she had been missing. Instead, he dug for resolve. “I promise, you’ll go away satisfied.” He sucked in a breath and faced her. Water trickled across her breasts and down a well-toned stomach. Her full lips beckoned him as she flicked out her tongue and wet them further.

  “I never doubted it for a moment.” She soaped his chest.

  “I want you to know I’m sorry about all of this.” It irritated the shit out of him that this had been thrust on her. Even if she were taking it like a trooper, he was riddled with guilt that she was being forced into a bond with him. Granted, he hadn’t been ready either, but he’d known the day would come eventually. She had been clueless her entire life.

  She stared up at him with a look of confusion.

  “I mean the mating, us…here…now. It’s not fair that you didn’t get to choose who you want to spend eternity with.”

  She smoothed soap across his abs downward, stopping at his pelvic bone. He placed his hands on her waist and, this time, didn’t suppress his groan.

  “You had no choice either. Did you?”

  “No, but we grow up knowing that, one day, fate will decide who we’ll spend our lives with. We watch mated friends and our siblings become happier than they’ve ever been. As much as we like to bitch, the gods have never made a bad match. On the rare occasions when things have gone badly, it’s been because of free will. One of the chosen made a wrong choice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Originally, Marcus was to mate with Aidyn’s sister, but she wanted Drayos instead, and now, we have Lowan from that union.” He stroked her cheek. “Sugar, you still have one last chance to back out of this. You still have free will.” He swallowed. “You can run now, Ranata, and I won’t stop you.”

  Her blue gaze bore into him, and for several long moments, she was quiet. “No. I’m sure you’re familiar with the old human saying: when life hands you lemons?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, it’s handed me a lot of them in my short time here, and I’ve always stepped up to the challenge. I wanted to believe God had a purpose for me.” She laughed. “I had no idea it would be the God of the Underworld, but I accept it. My sister is all I have left, and I need her.” She pressed her body into his. “We can make the best of this and become friends, or we can fight it and hate each other. I would much prefer the former.”


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