Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 10

by Valerie Twombly

  Shall I hunt down this Jake and make him hurt, sugar?

  She jolted from her thoughts. She hadn’t even realized they were moving. Now, she looked to Baal, who rode beside her. “Why are you in my head? Some things are private.”

  “Then you should keep your mind closed.” He stared straight ahead. “I’m sorry he broke your heart.”

  “It was long ago. I’m over it.”

  “Huh. I sense a little sarcasm there,” he replied.

  She couldn’t stop the smile that curled her lips upward. “Perhaps.”

  They’d just come to the top of a ridge when Heremon moved up beside them. “Your Highness, below is our new home. It took a lot of magic, but I think you’ll find it to your liking.”

  When she looked into the valley, she spotted a large castle and several small cottages dotting the landscape around it. Really? This looks like something from the Dark Ages. She dared not voice her opinion aloud, fearing she’d offend Heremon.

  Get used to it, but don’t be deceived. The fae have their quirks, but they also like modern conveniences. You’ll find it very pleasant on the inside, Baal responded.

  “Very impressive, Heremon. I cannot wait to see it.”

  The guard seemed pleased. “Shall we then? I know the doctors are most anxious to meet with you and begin finding a cure for the virus.”

  “As am I,” she replied and wondered if it would be rude to make a hasty exit after a cure was found. She needed to get to Raven.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lucan shifted back to human form and watched the demon writhing on the ground in pain, drool running down the beast’s chin. “Be thankful I allowed you to live,” he snarled then flashed to just outside the location where he’d seen Chaval’s sister.

  Lowan would have the place laced with traps and heavy magic. How the hell Lucan would get in was another concern. As he stood outside the stone mansion, he contemplated the risks. He could see the woven magic surrounding the building and wasn’t so stupid to think he could penetrate it.

  He shifted back into the mist and skirted the perimeter. Following the dark magic, he looked for any opening, no matter how small that might allow him in.


  The place was locked down tight, and he had no way to break through.

  I know how to get in.

  Damn it all to hell. She-devil, how’d you get back in my head?

  I have my ways. Help me, and I will tell you how to get in and rescue the girl.

  He was getting tired of this woman and the pull she had over him. It was like playing a game of Russian roulette, and at any minute a bullet would lodge in his head. There was no denying she was a temptation.

  I know your dark secrets, and if you help me, I will submit myself to you.

  He shifted again and fisted his hands. There was no way she could be referring to what he hoped she was. I have no idea what you mean.

  You know exactly what I mean. Your sexual preference of subduing your female when you take her. I will give you what you want. I only ask that the first time you are gentle as I am a virgin.

  What the ever-loving fuck? He wiped sweat from his brow. A virgin willing to submit herself to his dark side? The thought had his cock thickening and pressing against his jeans. His heart raced, and hyperventilation loomed. He needed to calm his ass down before he lost total control and agreed to anything she offered.

  I cannot trust you. You refuse to tell me who you are.

  You will not be able to resist me forever, Lucan. Soon, your darkness will force you to succumb to me. You’ll release me, and I will kneel naked at your feet.

  Lucan swallowed and opened a portal. He needed to make a hasty exit and figure out another way to rescue the fae.

  After a shower and a change of clothes, Ranata settled into her suite and curled up on the sectional sofa. “You were right. Looking at the outside of this place, I never would have expected such luxuries.”

  “Glad you like your rooms. I’ll sleep on the couch, so you needn’t worry,” Baal stated. “I’m going to inspect the warriors, but I’ll be back in time for dinner.”

  “I’m sure we can get you your own suite. There’s no reason for you to sleep on the couch.” In reality, she wanted him to stay close. Being in this strange world made her uncomfortable, and Baal was quickly becoming the one constant in her life.

  “I don’t want any of these people talking about us not sleeping together. At least behind this closed door, they have no idea and can assume we’re acting like any mated couple would. To lead them to believe otherwise might cause problems.” He strapped a dagger to his thigh. “I trust no one right now, not until they prove themselves loyal.”

  “I guess that makes sense. Well, Heremon should be here soon to take me to the lab for blood draws. When can we begin my training? I’m itching to get to Raven.” She felt as though she’d been neglecting her sister, but luckily, the fae had kept tabs on Raven and reported she was still alive and well.

  “If you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable, you reach out to me immediately. Understand?” The look on his face told her she wasn’t to argue, and she was relieved he was on her side.

  “I will.”

  “Good. Tomorrow, we’ll begin your training and readying you for rescuing your sister. Don’t forget, you also need to convince the fae their help is needed.”

  “I know.” There was a knock at the door, and Baal flung it open to reveal Heremon on the other side. The fae bowed.

  “Your Highness. I’ve come to take you to the lab.”

  “Right.” She jumped up and walked to the door, and as she neared Baal, he snaked out his arm and pulled her to his chest. His mouth found hers and crushed.


  Burned and ignited a fire so hot and deep inside her she swore it would burn her alive. When he released her, his eyes burned with desire, and she had to wonder if it had been a show for the man next to them or if it had been real.

  “Take care of my love, Heremon.”

  Then, Baal walked out, and she realized he’d only been trying to convince the fae. She touched her lips. A tinge of sadness that he hadn’t meant it blanketed her. However, the emotion was quickly replaced by something else. In that moment, Ranata was determined to win his heart.

  Baal strode away with a smile on his face, but panic hid just under the surface. Yeah, he’d kissed Ranata to put on a show for the nosy bastard, Heremon. He’d enjoyed it too and was eagerly awaiting when he could feel his mate beneath him again. Being the one responsible for her cries of pleasure made him smile wider. Yeah, his resolve was quickly melting.

  He took the stairs down to the ground level then exited through a side door. He headed for the large, stone building housing the fae guards.

  Would it be so bad to open up to her? After all, they would be together for eternity. He liked Ranata. The woman was beyond sexy, but not only that, she was smart, compassionate, and determined. Those were qualities he would have sought if he were choosing a mate for himself. The woman had him rattled and unable to think of anything but her.

  Not stopping to knock, he swung open the door and strode into the common room. Several fae looked up from their cups of brew and stared at him. Okay, maybe he was stupid for barging into their space. Relations between the species had always been strained, but better to establish his leadership now. He marched to the center of the room and took a stance, crossing his arms.

  “I’m the queen’s mate and will relish gutting each and every one of you with a dull knife should you let a hair on her head come to harm. Do we have an understanding?”

  They all blinked then the one in front rose. “I’m Kalin, the commanding officer. My men and I will protect the queen with our lives.”

  Baal snorted. “You’ll pardon me if I remain a bit skeptical since Iris is now dead.”

  Kalin’s features darkened. “The one who failed to protect the queen has since been slain by my hand. It will not happen again, but it is
our hope that Iris’s daughter will bring the cure to our plague.”

  Already, Baal liked this Kalin and sensed his sincerity. “May we speak privately?”

  The fae nodded. “Follow me.” Grabbing a bottle from the table, the commander made his way down a long corridor with Baal on his heels. The fae led him through a door into a simple office with a heavy, wooden desk, a table scattered with prints and a couch. Walking to the desk, Kalin opened a drawer and pulled out two shot glasses, filling each halfway with amber liquid from the bottle he’d snatched.

  He offered one to Baal, who graciously accepted.

  “You have some big balls to walk into a room full of fae and start making demands,” Kalin pointed out.

  He shrugged. “You know how mated males are.”

  Kalin snorted. “Stupid from what I’ve seen.”

  “Maybe, but it worked.”

  “True. You knew it would gain respect from the men.”

  He’d hoped that would be the case and raised his glass. “To your queen.”

  The fae raised his. “To the queen.” They both tossed back the fiery liquid.

  Baal wiped his mouth. “I want you to train Ranata in your ways. Make sure she knows how to harness the power of others and use it to protect herself.”

  Kalin refilled the glasses. “That duty falls to Heremon.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  “And you do me?” Kalin raised a black brow.

  “You know demons have a sixth sense, so to speak. Yes, I trust you. Ranata wants to rescue her sister, and we will help her.” He’d already delved into the fae’s mind and gotten everything he needed.

  The man in front of him smiled. “I love a good fight. I will begin her training tomorrow, and you will be the conduit?”

  It was Baal’s turn to grin. “I will give her all she can handle.”

  The fae’s features turned more serious. “I hope the cure is found quickly. Several of our people have become afflicted with the virus. If we’re discovered, it could prove fatal. Half of my warriors have come down with the fucking thing.” He swirled his drink then tossed it back.

  “Have your doctors any idea how long it will take?”

  “None, but they are positive the queen’s blood will work. In the meanwhile, we continue to hide like a bunch of cowards.”

  “Not cowards. It is a smart thing to do until this is resolved. Until then, you have me.” Baal was matter-of-fact.

  Kalin set down his glass. “You are that powerful?” he whispered.

  “Between you and me, I am the most powerful Kothar demon alive. Keep that in mind when you’re training my mate.”

  “If this is true, why have I never heard of you?”

  “Not many know, and I like to keep it that way, but I figured you’ll discover what I’m capable of as soon as you tap into my magic.”

  Kalin poured another round. “I look forward to finding out.”

  Ranata quickly regained her composure. “Heremon, lead the way.”

  The fae tipped his head and swept his arm outward. “This way, Your Highness. This shouldn’t take long, as they only need to draw a couple vials of blood.”

  “Good.” There was something about Heremon that caused her concern, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Not that he’d done anything. It was simply intuition that said to watch her back around him.

  She tried to pay close attention to her surroundings. Her suite was on the third level of the castle and took up the entire floor. The second and ground levels were reserved for those in charge of the army, such as Heremon and a few others she’d yet to meet. The idea was to place them between the queen and any possible threats that might enter the front door. She had to question how well that idea worked since she’d only recently learned the entire story of how her mother had been killed. She’d bring up the subject with Baal later.

  “The infirmary and lab are just off the west wing,” Heremon said and led her through a set of lead-glass doors and across a white, marble floor. She found all the luxuries a bit over the top and much preferred Baal’s humble home in Hell.

  She chuckled.

  “Something funny, Your Highness?”

  “Sorry. Just a personal thought.”

  He grunted. “Here we are.” He led her into a room filled with stainless steel and bright lights. Two people in white lab coats occupied the space, and both turned to greet them, giving Ranata a bow. She threw on her best smile though she hated all the formality.

  “Your Highness, may I introduce Wendell and his mate, Thalia.”

  Ranata held out her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you. I certainly hope you can find a cure for this virus.”

  “We believe we’ll be successful,” Thalia replied. “Your Highness, please come take a seat, and we’ll get you out of here as fast as possible.” She escorted Ranata to a chair, and Wendell went back to what he’d been doing.

  Thalia smiled as she tied a rubber tourniquet just above Ranata’s right elbow. She couldn’t help noticing how beautiful the fae was. Long, red hair curled to her shoulders and bright, green eyes complemented her smooth, creamy skin. She was perfect, just like all the immortals Ranata had come across. For a moment, she felt a pang of jealousy just thinking of all the women Baal had likely been with in his life. She suddenly realized she had no idea how old he was, and for some stupid reason, she needed to know. As she watched her blood fill the vial, she wondered what this bond to him really meant. She’d had no one other than him to talk to about it. He’d mentioned having a sister, but she hadn’t yet met the woman. Maybe, he didn’t want them to meet.

  “All done.” Thalia’s voice broke through Ranata’s thoughts, and Ranata realized they were alone. Wendell had disappeared.

  “Oh, that was fast. What happens next?”

  The fae walked to the counter and placed the vials in a centrifuge. “Now, we make a serum and test it. If successful, we should know within twenty-four hours after the vaccine is administered.” She turned and smiled. “May I speak freely?”

  The inquiry took Ranata by surprise until she remembered these people looked at her as royalty. “Of course. Please.”

  “I’m so sorry about your mother. I know it must be difficult for you, being thrown into this. Did you have any idea who you were?”

  “None. I grew up thinking my real mother had abandoned my sister and me.”

  Thalia shook her head, and her red curls danced around her face. “Iris was my best friend.” She wiped away a tear. “She loved you and had planned to come for you, but then she became ill.” She went to a drawer, pulled a set of keys from her pocket and unlocked it. She reached inside then came back with a small, white package. “She wanted you to have this.” Thalia rolled a stool in front of Ranata and handed her the box.

  Opening it, Ranata was stunned to find a silver, heart-shaped locket. When she pulled it out and pressed the little button to pop it open, she sobbed. A photo of her mother holding a tiny baby, a small child seated next to her, was mounted inside. “Is that Raven and me?”

  “Yes. She wore that every day, and when she became ill, she gave it to me for safekeeping.” She looked around, as if to make sure no one was around. “She also wanted me to tell you why she went to Hades and begged him to mate you with a demon.”

  “Why? Why did she think it necessary to marry me off?”

  “She wanted you safe and protected and knew a demon wouldn’t contract the virus. Matter-of-fact, so far, it seems the demon race has been the only one not cursed by Lowan or his father. I suspect it might be impossible since they share DNA.”

  “Thank you.” Ranata placed the locket around her neck, and just then, the door swung open and Heremon stuck his head inside.

  “All done, Your Highness?”

  She tried to hide her disappointment at being unable to ask more questions now. She’d simply have to pay Thalia a visit later.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Baal had stayed with Kalin longer than he should hav
e, but he’d left feeling confident the fae commander was the right choice to train his mate. My mate. He laughed. He’d never thought he would be saying those words.

  He crept through the front door of their suite, where only a small lamp still burned on a side table in the living area. Trying to tiptoe his way to the couch, so as not to wake Ranata, he cringed when the floor groaned under his weight. Hopefully, she was fast asleep and wouldn’t hear him come in. He would just curl up on the couch. Except there was one small problem. She was sleeping in his spot.

  Kicking off his boots, he made his way toward her and admired how her dark hair curled around her cheek then fanned out over her shoulder. He watched her breathe. Her chest rose and fell, and he saw the pink tips of her nipples pushing into the thin tank she wore. He licked his lips, wanting to pull the hard buds into his mouth and make her moan. The bond pulled at him, and he caught himself digging his nails into his palms as his gaze moved to her naked thighs and down her calves. Had she meant to torture him with her state of half-dress?

  Deep breath. He’d have to carry her to bed. There was no way he’d let her sleep all cramped up on the couch when she had a perfectly comfortable mattress in the other room. He reached down and scooped her up, pulling her close to his chest.

  She stirred.

  “You’re back,” she whispered and threw her arms around his neck then laid her head on his chest. He took in the scent of her coconut shampoo and wished they were alone on a sandy beach. He walked to the master suite. With one arm, he pulled the covers back and gently laid her down. When he went to pull away, she groaned.

  “No. Stay here tonight. I don’t want to be alone.”

  He swallowed. Did she mean it or was it sleep talking? It was hard for him to discern, and he worried what the repercussions might be if he made the wrong decision.


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