Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 11

by Valerie Twombly

  “You don’t really want me to sleep in the same bed, do you?”

  She opened her eyes. “I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t mean it.”

  “Are you okay?” He sat on the edge of the bed and worried. “Did something happen at the lab? You didn’t call for me.”

  “I met a woman named Thalia. She was my mother’s best friend, and she gave me this locket.” She fondled a silver heart that occupied a spot between her breasts. He wondered how he’d missed it before. “Am I selfish because I wish I could have known her?”

  “No, sugar.” He pulled off his tee and tossed it to the floor then unsnapped his jeans and pushed them down. After stepping out of them, he slipped into bed next to her and pulled her close to his chest. “It’s perfectly normal to want your parents to be here with you.” He kissed the top of her head and wished he could ease her pain.

  “Thalia said my mother chose a demon because she wanted me protected and because you wouldn’t get the virus.” She tipped her head back and looked up at him. “Thanks. I know I’ve not been the easiest to deal with, but thank you for being here.”

  He ran his thumb across her cheek. “You’re welcome.”

  She let out a soft chuckle. “Not like you had a choice, though. I’m sorry about that, too.”

  “Neither of us had a say in the matter, but we will make the best of it.” He meant it, too—the part about making the best of it. Ranata continually impressed him with her constant drive and ability to adapt. With what had been thrown at her, it was to be expected. He was proud to call her his.

  “Do you realize that you’re the only friend I have in this crazy mess?”

  His chest tightened. He’d seen her entire life through Hades’ gift, but now, that she mentioned it, unless she was with her sister, she’d usually been alone. “Shh, you need to get some rest. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.” Tomorrow, he’d call on Lileta. His sister would be pissed at him as it was because he hadn’t introduced her to his mate sooner.

  He stroked Ranata’s hair as she slept against him and tried not to think about his erection. He promised to allow her to take the lead in the sexual department, something he hadn’t done since Beth. Usually, he simply turned on his charm and seduced any woman he wanted. He could do that with Ranata, too, and it wouldn’t take much since she was mated to him. However, for the first time in many years, his conscience kicked in, and he was desperate for Ranata to want him. All of him.

  Ranata sat up abruptly and looked around. Sun filtered in through the sheers over the windows, and the spot next to her was empty. She remembered falling back asleep on Baal’s chest after asking him to stay with her.

  She ran her fingers through her tangled hair. “Crap. What must he think of me?” Just then, he strode through the doorway wearing only a pair of jeans and carrying a tray. She had to admit she would never grow tired of seeing him half-dressed. The man was a sight that stirred a firestorm between her thighs.

  “Morning.” He set the tray on the bed. “Breakfast. You need your energy.” He snapped open a linen napkin and laid it across her lap.

  “Wow. Did you get the staff to do this for you?” She eyed the bacon, eggs, flapjacks and orange juice.

  “I’m crushed. I cooked this myself.”

  She sipped the juice. “Thank you, but why would you go to all that trouble?”

  “Why would I not? Get used to being spoiled,” he replied and sat in the chair beside the bed.

  She wasn’t sure what to think, and this whole mate process confused her. She wished she had someone to ask. She supposed she could talk to Thalia, but she wasn’t sure how much the fae knew about demons. She dove into her breakfast.

  “My sister will be coming today. She’s been dying to meet you, and Lileta will also be a good one to aid in your training.” He picked a bottle of perfume off the vanity next to him and sniffed. “Ew, please don’t wear this stuff.” He wrinkled his nose and pretended to gag.

  She giggled. “I promise. I thought it was only me who hated the smell. I can’t wait to meet your sister. Do you think we’ll get along?”

  He snorted. “Are you kidding? Lileta can give you some great advice on handling a mating not of your choosing. She’s mated to a dragon shifter, found out her father is Lowan and has sailed through like a trooper.”

  Ranata looked up from her bacon and couldn’t help but smile. It was obvious he loved his sister deeply. “Sounds like we need to bond over a daiquiri or something.”

  “Right.” He stood. “Hurry up and finish eating then get dressed. You’ve got twenty minutes.” He was out the door before she could respond. She hurried and chowed down her breakfast then headed for a quick shower. The entire time her mind tried to wrap itself around Baal serving her breakfast in bed. He’d made it himself, too, and to her, that was something you did when you cared for a person. It gave her a warm feeling inside. Maybe, there was hope for him after all. She hated that he’d lived with a broken heart for so long. No one should ever suffer like that.

  After a quick shower, she braided her wet hair, threw on a pair of jeans and a tank top then exited the bedroom. When she ran into the living room, she saw Baal speaking with a stunning woman. Her hair the same dark color as his, and when she turned to face Ranata, she had the same golden eyes.

  “Ah, here she is,” he said.

  The girl gave her a huge smile and rushed forward. “Hi, I’m Lileta, and I’m so happy to meet you at last.” She pulled Ranata into an embrace.

  “I’m so glad to meet you,” Ranata replied.

  The girls separated. “We’ll talk more after your training today. I’m anxious to help however I can.”

  “Thank you. I’m ready, I think. What do we do next?” She was anxious to begin the next phase so she could concentrate on Raven.

  “Let’s go. We’re meeting Kalin in the courtyard in five minutes.” Baal moved to the door.

  “Kalin?” Ranata followed on his heels.

  “Yes, I met with him last night and checked him out. I trust him to do a good job and watch over you when I’m not here. Heremon… I don’t like.”

  Funny, neither did she, so they were starting the day in agreement. “I trust your judgment.”

  Baal gave her a nod and a smile then held out his hand to her. She accepted and welcomed the warmth of his touch.

  I need you to keep your mind open to me today while you train. You’ll use me as your conduit for power. He squeezed her hand. Make me proud, and kick some ass today.

  She took in a steady breath. I’ll do my best. Failure wasn’t something Ranata was used to. She’d always pushed herself to excel at everything she did, and this would be no different. Raven was depending on her and so was her mother. She tried not to think about the fact an entire race of people did, as well. That was simply too much.

  When they entered the courtyard, they were greeted by a fae she assumed must be Kalin. He wore black jeans and a dark tee, and his raven hair was tied back. The man cut a lethal appearance, and his green eyes flashed with determination. For a moment, Ranata worried whether or not he was on their side until he stepped forward and bowed.

  “Your Highness, I am Kalin and at your service.”

  “Hello, I’m pleased to meet you. I understand you’ll be training me on how to fight?”

  He smiled. “When we finish, you’ll be considered a lethal weapon.”

  She laughed. “I think I like the sound of that.” She rubbed her hands together. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

  “First, I’ll teach you how to detect magic then how to harness its power for your own purpose.”

  “Okay.” It sounded complicated.

  “The best way to learn is to close your eyes,” he continued, and she complied. “Good. Now, shut everything else out of your mind and concentrate only on the darkness in front of you.”

  Considering it was relatively quiet, she didn’t have much trouble blocking out the background noise and staring at the back
s of her lids.

  “Everything black?” Kalin asked.


  “Okay. Now, look for any light, no matter how faint or small.”

  “You mean like spots?”

  “Perhaps. It looks different to each of us. Tell me what you see.”

  She tried not to fidget. “I see blue blotches. Kinda. I think.”

  He cleared his throat. “Look at me, Your Highness.”

  She popped open her eyes and stared into his green ones.

  “I’m asking permission to address you by your birth name. May I?”

  “Of course. I hate the formality anyway,” she said.

  “Ranata, while we are in training, you’re considered my pupil and I will hold rank over you. Anything I do or say is for your own good and the safety of your person. You will not hold it against me either now or later. Acceptable?”

  “Um, I’m not sure what you’re asking me?” Now, she felt like a complete idiot.

  Sugar, he wants to make sure you don’t decide to have him assassinated later for anything he does or says here now. Tell him you grant him clemency.

  Oh crap! What the hell is he going to do to me?

  Don’t worry, he will not harm you. I would never let that happen.

  She swore he growled, but it must have been her imagination. “I grant you clemency.”

  “Good. Ranata, there is no kinda or you think when it comes to these exercises. Either you see the light or you don’t. Now, try again, and this time pretend your life depends on it.”

  She closed her eyes and tried to relax. “Yes, I see faint blue light. It looks like a clothesline snapping in the wind.”

  “Much better,” Kalin replied. “Now, grab hold of it and give it a jerk. Feel its energy pulsing in your fingertips.”

  Ranata mentally took hold of the line, and when she touched it, she suddenly felt as if she could take on the world.

  You are a natural, sugar. Now, kick some ass.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at her mate. This might actually be fun.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lucan flashed back to a small cabin he’d purchased a couple years ago. It was tucked on the shores of a remote lake in the mountains of Romania, and he often came here when he wished to be alone. Lately, that seemed like most of the time. That wretched witch in Hell was getting to him. She was all he could think about, and now thanks to her, he had visions of her blindfolded, bound and naked. At his mercy and ready for him to take what he wanted. He desperately needed that.

  He wondered what she looked like. Blonde? Brunette? Did she have long hair that flowed down her back and was made for wrapping in a man’s fist as he fucked the hell out of her? His fangs lengthened at the thought. It had been a long time since he’d had a woman. He left human females alone for fear of hurting them, and when he became too desperate, he found a willing Kothar demon to sate his urges.

  “Damn that wicked bitch.” He walked to the water’s edge and looked out over the lake that reflected back like a mirror in the midday sun. “Why does this female tamper with my mind?” He raked his fingers through his hair. He needed to cool off so he could think straight and deflate his erection.

  Grabbing the hem of his tee, he pulled it over his head and tossed it to the ground. Unbuttoning his jeans, he toed off his boots then shoved the denim down his legs. A breeze blew and tickled the hair on the back of his legs.

  He shifted into mist, the form that allowed him so much freedom and let the warm air carry him high above the rippling water. When he reached a satisfactory position, he shifted back. Stretched out his arms, straightened his body and sped like a bullet toward the lake. Upon impact, he broke the water’s surface and shot to the bottom, navigating better than the local otters who often joined him for early morning swims. The coolness of the lake invigorated him and made him feel alive again. Something he lacked on most days.

  He touched the bottom then pushed off to head back to the top. When he broke through, he took in a deep breath and turned his face to the sun. A lonely howl greeted him. He shielded his eyes and looked to the shore.

  “Kaldaka.” He kicked and began to swim toward the huge, black wolf. He’d come across the beast three years prior, wandering alone in his neck of the mountains, and they’d bonded instantly. Lucan had blessed him with the name Kaldaka, meaning wolf in his native language of Draconic. Since that time, they’d sat many nights high up in the mountains and watched the moon dance across the sky.

  Lucan reached the shore and gave the wolf a scratch on the top of his massive head. “How are you today, boy?”

  Kaldaka responded with a whine and a wag of his tail then looked to the thicket of trees to the west. Lucan followed his gaze but saw nothing.

  The wolf let out a bark.

  “What’s bothering you?” Suddenly, he scented another, and it was then a beautiful silver female came into the clearing and trotted their way.

  “You dog. You’ve found yourself a mate and a beauty at that,” he whispered. Kaldaka shot off and greeted the female with a lick on the face then ran and circled her, making his way back to Lucan.

  He laughed. “I think she gets the idea.” Both wolves moved toward him, and the female pushed her nose into the air and sniffed. Lucan dropped to his knees and held out his hand. “Come to me.” Her amber eyes stared at him then she moved forward without hesitation. Unlike with humans, they had nothing to fear from him.

  She pushed her head into his hand, and he stroked her soft fur. “I will call you Vor. It means beauty in my language.” She seemed to like his choice because she licked his hand, and it was then he sensed the stir of pups. He cast a glance to Kaldaka. “Damn boy, you didn’t waste any time. Can’t say as I blame you.” Already, the female was several weeks along with her litter. Lucan was elated for his canine friend and sad. Everyone around him was finding happiness, and all he could do was continue his fight to keep from slipping completely into the darkness.

  “I’d better get dressed. I’ve got a fae to rescue.” He rose and gathered his clothes then turned toward the house. “I don’t suppose you have any suggestions?” he asked Kaldaka. The wolf responded with a bark, and Lucan laughed. “I didn’t think so.” He reached down and scratched Kaldaka’s ear. “Take care of your mate, my friend. She is the most precious thing on earth.” He stepped onto the porch and watched the two wolves run and frolic their way back into the woods.

  With a sigh, he went inside to change. When the sun set, he’d search for Jax. Maybe the Draki could help him get to Chaval’s sister.

  Baal sent out a burst of power but kept it gentle enough that Ranata could handle it. Kalin proved an excellent teacher, and as expected, his mate was an exceptional learner. Already, she’d managed to harness some of his magic and flash herself from one end of the fae realm to the other. Next was to open a portal into another realm. Once she succeeded in doing that, she could go anywhere at any time.

  “You can do it, Ranata,” Lileta yelled from the sidelines, ever the cheerleader. He was thankful she’d come today. It was evident having another female here had helped Ranata relax.

  With a flash of light, a portal opened. Kalin wasted no time dragging Ranata through, snapping it shut behind them. All was quiet now, and it was the perfect time to take care of something he needed to do.

  “Lileta, I need to tend to something. Will you let the others know I’ll be back shortly?” He hoped so anyway.

  “Sure. What are you up to?” She jumped up from her seat and approached.

  “I have a surprise I’m working on for Ranata.”

  Her brow shot up. “Is my brother’s heart beginning to melt?”

  “You’re crazy.”

  She punched him in the arm. “Not. I can read you like a book, though, and my sixth sense tells me you can’t resist her. Stop fighting what’s natural for a mated couple.” She palmed his cheek. “She will fall in love with you and hard. Don’t break her heart.”

  “You know that is
not my intention.” Now, he was curious. “Why do you think she’ll fall in love with me?”

  “I have a woman’s sense, and I can see what you can’t. It’s happening already.” She shrugged. “And I have a good friend who can see the future.” She winked. “Now, go knock your mate’s socks off.”

  Baal flashed. He knew his sister referred to Gwen, the female guardian with the gift of soothsaying. She’d seen the other guardian’s mates in a vision. Had she seen Ranata? He wondered why she’d never told him.

  This time, he’d flashed himself to Zarek’s front door instead of inside. He hated eating crow, but he needed to do this, and only the king of gods could grant this wish.

  The door swung open, and the god’s wife, Qadira, greeted him. Her messy, flaming-red hair and flushed face spoke volumes. “Demon. How pleasant to see you. How is Hades?”

  “He’s well, I guess,” he replied and dropped to his knees. “I seek an audience with your husband.”

  The corner of her mouth turned up. “Damn. This must be important for you—”

  “How dare you darken my doorstep again?” Zarek roared out from behind his wife and tried to move her away. The woman wasn’t budging. “Wife, remove yourself while I kill me a demon.”

  If the statement were meant to frighten Baal, it didn’t work. Lucky for him, the goddess had always had a soft spot for him.

  “Zarek. You will not harm one hair on his head.” She pointed her index finger at him. “And don’t take what I’m saying literally or you won’t get laid for a century.” It was apparent she knew her husband would look for any loophole to get away with slaying Baal.

  “Damn it, woman. Fine!”

  “I’ll be listening for sounds of murder.” She pinned him with a glare then seemed satisfied and walked away.

  Zarek’s fangs grew longer. “What. Do. You. Want?” The god stared down at him.

  “Look. I know I’m disrespectful and all that, but for fuck sake, I’m on my damn knees. I don’t even kneel before Hades unless he makes me. Don’t take my dislike personally. It’s just how I roll.”


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