Book Read Free

Reborn 1-5

Page 9

by D. W. Jackson

  [Warning boss room ahead: Young ent- suggested group level: 11]

  Ignoring the warning Ash walked through the doors. The ent was just as he had expected a large oak looking tree about seven feet tall and about three feet wide. Unlike the abysmal plant that attacked with vines the ent attacked with roots making it hard to judge when and where they were coming from. Shortly after he entered the room one such root about as thick as Ash’s arm erupted from the ground and hit him hard in the should tossing him into the air about three feet and taking away fifteen HP.

  Ash jumped to his feet cursing as he rotated his sore shoulder. Before he could take three steps another root shot from the ground but this time Ash was ready and jumped to the side. The root whisked so close to his head he could feel the wind off of it. Coming to his feet Ash rushed the ent hoping that it had the same weakness as the abysmal plant.

  Ash had to dodge two more root attacks before he reached the truck of the ent and made his first attack. As his sword rushed through the air Ash watched the area closely in case of any other attack. The air was soon filled with a loud twang as his sword skipped off the end only cutting a small line in the tough bark doing only 5 damage. “Crap,” Ash said rolling to the side. Using acid spit Ash felt a strong flavor of phlegm in his moth that he spat at the tree as he back away. Suddenly the bark started to peel away from where the acid landed exposing the white meat of the tree underneath.

  It was only a small opening but it was an opening. Jumping in close and using his poison spit two more times Ash was able to make the hole in the bark about the size of a person’s head. Seeing an opening large enough that he had a decent chance to hit Ash rushed in while dodging to the left and right to avoid the erupting roots.

  Once he was close enough Ash active Stab and his sword glowed a light red before pulling him forward as his sword sunk into the white meat of the tree. A large purple 80 rose into the air. Ash was happy with the damage done but for him to do 80 damage in one hit yet the ent was still standing. While he was stunned about the damage a root shot from the ground and clipped him on the back sending him to face plant on the hard ground and costing him 20 HP.

  Wiping the blood from his face Ash jumped up and charged the ent hit its weak point two more times with the same effect yet the ent was still standing strong. Stab was a useful skill but it used his SP and added with the battle it was already reduced to 13/22. Tired and hurting with almost half his Hp gone Ash rushed in again almost getting tripped up by a root that shot at his left side. Turing slightly he dodged the attack and activated stab one more time and pushed off with his feet as the sword rushed forward. Another purple -85 popped up but this time the ent shuddered and its leaves turned a dark brown as it started to rot in place.

  Ash immediately moved to absorb the ent but the familiar notice popped up. [Demon absorption must be at level 2 to absorb the young ent.]

  “So for the king slime and thunder rabbit he needed level three but for the ent he only needed level two.” It didn’t make sense but if he compared this world to his last one he would have already went insane. After failing to absorb the ent Ash picked up the fifteen copper coins, and a small branch that had dropped.

  [Magic branch (Low quality): common item used to make low level wands.]

  Ash quickly left the room behind and moved into the next level. As soon as he stepped though Ash found himself standing in a large swamp with tombstones sticking out of the ground randomly. Sitting near the exit Ash ate a small piece of bread and drank some spiced cider that Emelia had prepared for him to recover. After half an hour his stats were fully recovered and he ventured further into the level.

  Ash wasn’t surprised when he found the monsters inhabiting the level. Humans gating slowly toward him with pale green skin and various wounds. When he was within fifteen feet of a small group of zombies the manner in which they moved changed. It was no longer a slow gate but a fast run and five of them appeared at once.

  Acting quickly Ash swung his sword in an arc cutting off one zombies arm but only doing 8 damage and severing another’s head scoring a fatal strike. Just like in the movies it seemed that the head was their weak point. One on one it would be an easy fight but quickly another five zombies appeared out of the ground and started moving toward him. Sensing the danger Ash fought frantically while moving back toward the exit of the level but he soon found himself completely surrounded.

  The zombies were slow compared to many of the other monsters but with their numbers Ash couldn’t keep from being stuck thankfully their claws only did 3-6 damage though it was quickly adding up.

  After almost an hour of fighting ash’s stamina was down to three points but a pile of at least a hundred zombies were piled around him. He absorbed the ones he could and was forced to watch while the others disappeared. During the battle he had heard the welcomed sound of gaining a level but due to the intensity of the fight he had been unable to select where to allocate his points. Now that things had calmed down he chose to place one in stamina, two in intelligence and one in vitality.

  Seeing no other zombies Ash started picking up the spoils. Due to the large number of enemies it was impossible to tell how much each zombie gave him but Ash counted 114 copper coins in total making him think that they gave one each. Other than the coins Ash found two other items spread across the ground.

  [Zombie tooth: common item used in black magic and potion making.]

  [Soul gem (low quality): used to make potions that boost mana.]

  The zombie teeth only came in one form but he found both low and average quality soul gems as well as one good quality one.

  After gather everything ash checked his stats and nearly cried. He needed 6,000 experience to reach level 10 and so far he only had 120. He thought about going down to the next level but given how much trouble the ent have given him he didn’t think that it was wise. This place was meant to be fought with groups. He figured the level warnings were so that it would be an easy fight for the people involved so that no one would be at risk but could be done earlier as long as you had the proper equipment.

  Ash left the labyrinth three times to make sure that it hadn’t got too late while he was fighting. Each time he continued to fight on the fifth floor against the zombies and finally he was able to absorb fifty of the mindless creatures. Each time he moved more than a hundred feet into the level he found himself quickly surrounded and forced to fight for his life leaving most the bodies to fade away after five minutes. Tired and covered in muck from the swamp Ash left the labyrinth with plenty of time remaining before he was to meet with Emelia.

  Though it had been his hardest day yet within the labyrinth it had also been the most rewarding. He only needed 4,976 more experience to reach the next level. He had 2 silver coins, 534 copper coins, and 914 iron pennies. Aside from just the coins he had 298 zombie teeth, 212 low quality soul gems, 127 average quality soul gems and 5 good quality soul gems. Even if they didn’t sell for a lot he was sure that they would help. He was slowly moving forward to the five gold mark though it was very slowly.

  One of the maids ran to him as soon as she saw him approach the front door. The look on her face showed her disapproval for his current condition. “Wait here and I shall fetch young master a change,” She said before rushing back inside and bring back a long robe. Ash was forced to change in a small shed next to the main building before he was allowed in the main residence and then he was quickly ushered to the baths. He didn’t really mind as he was covered in mud and the smell was starting to make him sick to his stomach.

  Ash took a long bath enjoying the feel of the hot water on his skin. It had been a hard day and he had pushed himself to near death more than once. He believed he had earned to soak until his body looked like a large prune but before long a knock came at the door informing him that it was time for his meeting with Emelia.


  Emelia was awaiting Ash in the study they had met in the day before. As soon as he entered the room she glided
over to him and gently wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly. Her face blushed slightly and she gave him a warm smile. “Welcome home,” she said while looking into his eyes.

  Ash was dumbstruck at Emelia’s sudden display of affection. His mouth hanging open like some caveman he just stared blankly at Emelia his mind a complete blank. After a few moments Emelia gave a pouting look then bounced back a few feet. “Not good… No one will believe we are lovers if you just stand there like a statue.”

  “Oh…Yea…Sorry,” Ash said as his mind started to work again.

  “Now time to practice,” Emelia said with a devilish grin as she took Ash by the arm pulling it into the soft valley in her chest. The soft feeling of the two mounds caressing his elbow made Ash blush a deep red.

  They waked through the entire building Emelia taking the time to point out different things of interest such as statues and paintings that held some significance. Once he looked calm and no longer stuttered when he spoke Emelia moved the walk into the garden where they were served a tea and small cakes with them sitting next to each other.

  Emelia picked up one of the small cakes and took a small nibble of it. Ash watched as her soft pink lips turned into a smile as she enjoyed the taste. After eating all but a small corner of the cake. “Say ah,” Emelia said with a teasing smile.

  Holding back a blush Ash opened his mouth and Emelia placed the cake to his lips and slowly pushed it in his mouth.

  They continued like this for hours Emelia doing everything she could to try and embarrass Ash. He could swear that she was enjoying it but he knew that she was only doing it for her own good as more than once he noticed her own face turning a light shade of red.

  While Emelia sat in Ash’s lap with his arms wrapped snugly around her waist one of the maids came into the garden. Seeing the two a large smile spread across the maid’s face. “Milady your guests have entered the city and should be arriving at any time.”

  “You had someone watching out for them?” Ash asked in a surprised tone.

  “Of course I didn’t want to them to arrive with me unaware. Even the smallest advantage has to be taken advantage of. Remember that,” Emelia said with a small giggle as she hopped off his lap. Grabbing his hand she pulled him out of the chair. “Shall we get ready to greet our guests dear?” She said pulling his arm tight against her chest.

  Though Emelia had a light smile Ash could tell from the strength that she was putting into holding his hand that she was more nervous than she let on. “I guess growing up as a noble is harder than people let on,” Ash thought to himself.

  Though they had been alerted to the two entering the city Ash and Emelia were still left waiting at the front door more nearly an half hour before it was opened to admit the two guests.

  Demeter looked like what Ash thought a noble should look like. He had a tall stature standing at a little over six foot with long brown hair and thin mustache. He wore a warm smile as he entered the manor. On the other Hand Julien had a smug look and Ash immediately took a disliking to the young fifteen year old boy. Julien looked much like his father though his face was still smooth with only a hint of hair starting to grow.

  “Milady Hawkwing it is an honor that you would host us during our stay in your lovely city,” Demeter said as he and Julien bowed deeply.

  “It is my pleasure to welcome you to my city as well as my home Earl,” Emelia said retuning the bow while pulling Ash along with her though hers was not as deep of a bow.

  “Who is this young man?” The earl asked as if noticing Ash for the first time.

  “This is Ash,” Emelia said in a beaming voice. “It is such a long story why don’t I tell you during the meal I have prepared. I am sure that after a long journey you two must be famished.”

  “Yes, that we are Milady,” the earl said though his calculating eyes never left Ash for the briefest moment.

  If ash thought that the previous meals he had eaten had been extravagant the one prepared for today was extraordinary. There were all kinds of food brought out and placed around the table so that one could choose what they wished to eat. Ash guessed that it was so that Emelia wouldn’t risk serving something that wasn’t to the earl or his son’s liking.

  After everyone had eaten a large portion of food the pace started to slow down and the earl looked over at Ash who was seated at Emelia’s right hand side. “So do you mind telling us who the youngster is.” The words the earl used are polite but the look in his eye as he looks at Ash is disturbing.

  “With pleasure,” Emelia said grabbing Ash’s arm and pulling him close. “A few days ago when I was returning from the capital I was set upon by a vicious ogre. Three of my guards were killed quickly and when all looked lost Ash here appeared out of nowhere and fought with all his might allowing my remaining knights to kill the beast though he was so heavily injured he couldn’t move until he received hours of priestly spells. While he was unable to move I spent my time feeding my hero and I grew attached to his soft demeanor,” as Emelia said the last of her story she kissed Ash gently on the cheek.

  “I mean no disrespect milady but can you truly trust an unknown vagabond who just happened to be in the right place at the right time? I don’t mean to question him but there is always the chance he initiated the attack against your person for just such an opportunity,” the earl said keeping his tone mild yet accusing at the same time.

  “There is some truth to your words,” Emelia admitted as she laid her head on Ash’s shoulder. “One cannot be too careful yet after spending my time with Ash I don’t believe he could do such a thing.”

  “Is ash an adventure?” Julien asked his voice full of contemp.

  “No, I am more of just a traveler,” Ash replied as he laid his cheek against Emelia’s head.

  “As I told you milady my son plans to enter the labyrinth in order to train. Now that he has reached the age of manhood he wished to strengthen himself yet as a father I am still worried. Would it be possible for the heroic Ash to join him? Surely a man who could face down an ogre would find it no trouble to keep my young son out of trouble.”

  There it was, just as Emelia has said, though she had suspected the request to come in the morning after the earl had time to plot. It seemed that the earl was quicker on his feet than Emelia thought. “It would be my honor,” Ash said as planned.

  “That is good to hear,” the earl said dryly. “Now after a long trip and a good meal would it be possible to retire to our rooms for the night?”

  “Ah yes you must both be tired after such a long journey. I have prepared the two finest rooms I have for you both and they are even across the hall from each other. I will have one of the maids show you the way.”

  As the two left the room Ash and Emelia followed to give the last blow. The two men took the left at the top of the stairs but Ash turned to the right with Emelia. “Is Ash’s quarters in a different area?” The earl asked slightly taken aback. Most manors were built in the same way with the men’s rooms on one side for guests and women on the other though for married couples they would normally take the males side.

  “Ash doesn’t have a room of his own. After spending many nights caring for him I grew accustomed to having his at my side while I slept so I have requested that he share my room with me,” Emelia said with a slight blush as she pulled Ash along leaving the two men standing in the hallway with grinding their teeth.

  As soon as the door closed behind them Emelia broke out into a gale of laughter while Ash slumped down to the floor exhausted. “Did you see the looks on their faces…Priceless,” Emelia said between laughs.

  “Seeing the look on the earl’s face I am surprised he didn’t try to kill during the meal,” Ash said still feeling weak. It had been much more tiring than he had thought.

  “He wouldn’t dare do so in the open. I could easily have him hung in the city squad without a complaint and seize his business. He will do his best to rid himself of the problem but only in a way that can’t po
int back to him directly,” Emelia replied.

  “Then I better get some sleep if I have to fend off daggers aimed at my back tomorrow,” Ash said calmly. “Where is my bed?” Ash looked around seeing only the large bed in the center of the room. “You said you were having one brought up.”

  “Well, yes that was the plan…It’s just that there was a problem. We didn’t have any extra beds in the manor and if they investigated they might notice if one of the rooms went without,” Emelia quickly explained.

  Ash let out a heavy sigh. “I’m too tired to care at the moment,” Ash said as he collapsed onto the soft bed and started to close his eyes.

  “You cannot sleep in your clothes,” Emelia declared yanking him back into a sitting position. “The maids have prepared you suitable attire,” she said pointing at a long white nightgown and pants that were hung on the back of a chair.

  Slipping behind a small section panel Ash quickly changed the crawled under the covers and closed his eyes hoping to fall asleep before Emelia entered the bed but he was too slow. Ash could feel the covers lift up as she crawled into the bed a few moments after him. He could feel the warmth of her body as she shifted her body to lay right next to his and he could hear her breath as it resounded in the lightless room. “It’s going to be a long night,” Ash said to himself as he closed his eyes tight.

  Status of Ash at the end of section 1

  Name: Ash

  Level: 9

  Experience needed for next level: 1388

  Race: Human/Demon 70/30

  Occupation: None

  Title: None

  HP: 85/85

  MP 90/90

  SP 22/22

  Strength: 14 (+10)

  Vitality: 17

  Agility: 11 (+7) (+5)

  Stamina 18 (+5)

  Spirit 10 (+10)

  Intelligence: 18

  Endurance: 13 (+10)

  Luck: 11 (+55)




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