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Reborn 1-5

Page 13

by D. W. Jackson

  “No guild member is allowed to turn down a fair challenge,” that is a little harsh. Though it was the last rule, it seemed to be the one that would be the most important. Ash just hoped that not too many other people knew the laws of his guild though he knew that was too much to hope for.

  The guild symbol was on the front of the book. It was a set of dice with a skull and a set of wings on the dice. “I guess I should have a badge made tomorrow when I get a chance. Not like I have a chance to get it done in time for that match.”

  “My spies have just confirmed that Julien his father and his two guards are on their way. You should get ready, you only have about ten minutes before they get here,” Emelia said, a hint of fear in her voice.

  “Almost time,” Ash said nervously as his eyes focused on the gate to the manor.


  It didn’t take long for the gate to the manor to open. Julien and his father walked through with an air of superiority and were quickly followed behind their two goons.

  “I see that you didn’t run.” Julien said as he approached the middle of the garden where Ash was waiting.

  “Why would I run?” Ash asks calmly as he invokes the poker face skill.

  “I have challenged Ash and by my right as a noble I assign my servant Klien as my Representative for this battle,” Julien yelled loudly then turned back to Ash with a sly smile. “Try not to die too quickly. I hope to enjoy listening to you cry.”

  As Leo walks to the middle of the field Ash uses the analyze ability.

  Name: Leo

  Level: 13

  Race: Human

  Occupation: Novice warrior

  Title: Slave

  HP: 200/200

  MP 50/50

  SP 21/21

  Strength: 30 (+15) (+7) (+2)

  Vitality: 30 (+10)

  Agility: 10 (+3)

  Stamina 14 (+5) (+2)

  Spirit 10

  Intelligence: 10

  Endurance: 14 (+10) (+5)

  Luck: 10

  He was much stronger than Ash thought he would be. His strength, HP, and endurance were on a different level but the rest of his stats were lacking.

  “I figured that the Earl would hire someone a little stronger than you,” Ash said mockingly as Klien twisted his hands around his large sword.

  “Why should we hire someone for a jobless fighter? I am more than enough to take care of someone like you.”

  An old man wearing a black robe walked into the middle of the ring. “We are here today for the challenge made by Julien Heart who has challenged Ash. The challenge is one of honor and thus is to the death. No one is allowed to help either party once the battle starts, doing so will constitute death. Other than weapons no potions or items are allowed, Are we clear,” seeing no one say anything the robed man raises his head. “Begin.”

  Even though Ash had seen Leo’s status, he knew that he had only scratched the surface. From the number of bonuses, he must be wearing great armor. There was no telling what other boosts and bonuses it gave that didn’t appear, so Ash kept his distance and watched Klien while his own sword rested calmly in his hand. While he looked calm on the outside, due to the poker face skill, the internal thoughts of Ash were much more hectic.

  Ash had been in plenty of fights against others in his life, but a child’s fistfight against bullies could not compare to what was happening now. The battles against the numerous monsters had helped calm him a little but as it was, his first time facing another human he had many doubts.

  While his mind was in turmoil, Klien attacked. Klien was large and his two-handed sword was a large as Ash was. It gave off a murderous glow as it arched toward Ash’s head. His heart beating wildly, Ash jumped to the side as the blade of the sword clashed into the ground raising a cloud of dust. Ash knew that it was a game-like world, but there was still death. A lost limb could be fixed with the right spell but there was no reversing death.

  Leo was strong, with a high defense and had more health than Ash had, but he was slow, but not so slow that Ash could easily dodge his attacks. Lifting his sword, Leo’s eyes narrowed and a smirk spread across his face. “A little brat like you should still be suckling on his momma’s tit. You should have just ran away, then you would have a few more years of life.”

  Ash really wanted to retort but his words were stuck in his mouth though his face still remained calm. “This poker face skill is useful in surprising ways,” Ash told himself, surprised at his own calm outside demeanor. If not for his new skill, Ash was sure that his hands and legs would be shaking uncontrollably. Fighting monsters still felt unreal in some ways, but this felt completely different.

  Klien rushed him again, and once again Ash jumped back and the large sword only stuck empty air. “Are you going to run all day?” Klien said in a low growl.

  Ash didn’t answer, he just kept the same calm look on his face as if nothing had happened. While Ash looked as if nothing happened, Leo was obviously getting worked up. The larger man had most likely expected things to go much different. While Klien readied his sword again, Ash made a decision as his mind went through his different skills and abilities.

  Using 20 of his MP Ash activated gambler’s gambit.


  [Due to activating gambler’s gambit all stats have been boosted by 13 points.]

  “13 points,” Ash said to himself as a small smile spread across his face. His body felt stronger as a warmth spread over him. It was the same as if he had advanced over 25 levels. Checking his stats it even increased his luck stat increasing his bonus from his job.

  Name: Ash

  Level: 10

  Experience needed for next level: 10,000

  Race: Human/Demon 70/30

  Occupation: Novice gambler

  Title: Novice Slayer

  HP: 180/180

  MP 165/195

  SP 30/33

  Strength: 28 (+10) (+4)

  Vitality: 32 (+4)

  Agility: 25 (+9) (+5) (+3)

  Stamina 33 (+5) (+1) (+5)

  Spirit 24 (+10) (+3)

  Intelligence: 34 (+5)

  Endurance: 27 (+10) (+4)

  Luck: 26 (+130)

  The boost only lasted for one minute so Ash pushed off against the ground charging toward Klien. The boost in his speed was obvious to Ash as he reached his opponent in a blink of an eye. Not completely used to the change in his body, Ash’s attack was a little sloppy but the unexpected attack easily slipped past Leo’s guard and stuck Leo’s shoulder, leaving a deep cut in the metal armor he wore. Ash jumped back eyeing Klien as a trickle of blood seeped from the silver armor.

  Leo’s eyes widened as he looked at Ash with a slightly pale face. “Humm, so numbers don’t appear when fighting humans.” Knowing time was limited Ash pushed his attack. There was no finesse to Ash’s attacks, but it was all Leo could do to fend him off, and still two out of three strikes landed.

  A small timer appeared in Ash’s mind when he had used gambler’s gambit and now only fifteen seconds remained. His breath still coming easy. Ash pushed his attack until the timer reached five seconds then he activated “stab” using 1 SP. As Ash rushed forward, Leo was able to get his sword in position, but as the two weapon met a loud shattering sound echoed as the large weapon shattered and Leo was thrown to the ground.


  [Gambler’s gambit has expired.]

  As soon as he heard the noise Ash body felt heavy and his breath started to become rough. Checking his stats he noticed that he had used all but 6 of his SP points. With Leo’s weapon breaking Ash checked his own weapon and was happy to see that it still had 4 durability left. It would need repaired soon but it should last for the rest of the fight. He didn’t know how he would apologize to Emelia if he broke her family sword.

  Tired and lost in his own world, Ash didn’t notice as Leo tossed aside the broken sword and rushed toward him until it was too late. Ash found himself wrapped in the large man’s arms as his chest was
being squeezed. “Fighter’s boost,” appeared in red above Leo and the power pressing in on Ash nearly doubled making him let out of grunt as his bones began to creek.

  Without thinking, Ash quickly activated “poison spit,” launching the thick goo directly into Leo’s eyes.

  “Eahhhhhhhh,” a loud scream echoed as Leo dropped Ash and clawed at his eyes which were bubbling like eggs on a hot skillet. Though it was caused by his own skill, even Ash was disgusted at the sight as a cream colored liquid mixed with blood ran down Leo’s face.

  “Cheater,” a loud voice rang out in anger. “The use of outside items is forbidden,” Julien yelled to the man in the black cloak as he stepped on the stage.

  “Do you wish to make this a formal charge?” the man asked in a cold voice.

  “Yes,” Julien growled, his lips turning into a grim smile as his eyes narrowed at Ash.

  “Both contestants remove yourself from the challenge ring to await my questions. You may receive medical treatment if it is needed,” the black cloaked man said his voice sounding slightly annoyed, yet with his face covered, it was hard for Ash to tell who had gained his ire.

  Ash walked to sit under a shaded tree where Emelia waited for him with a worried look while Leo was quickly led off to the other side where Jones started to apply healing magic. “Did you use an item?” Emelia asked worriedly as one of the maids handed Ash three potions.

  “No I used an ability,” Ash replied slightly confused as he picked up the three bottles.

  [Health potion: heals 50HP, mana potion: Heals 50MP, stamina potion: heals 10SP.]

  Ash hadn’t sustained any damage until the end of the battle but even then the bear hug had cost him 40HP. He was sure that if it lasted much longer his back would have been broken.

  Hearing his words, Emelia calmed down and sat beside him but she was still shaking slightly. Ash wanted to comfort her, but his eyes focused on the black cloaked man who was currently talking with Klien. After a few moments, the man moved away and started to head toward where he sat.

  “I need a moment of your time,” the man said in a heavy voice. “I need to know what skills or abilities you used, and what their effects were. Please start at the beginning of the duel.” The man’s words were polite, but he could feel a hint of irritation in his voice.

  “From the beginning,” Ash said as he started to collect himself but the man just looked down at him in silence. “Umm first I used gambler’s gambit to boost my stats by 13 points. Then I used stab…It is just a straight forward lunge…That was when Leo’s sword broke,” Ash continued nervously. “When he wrapped me in the bear hug I used my poison spit ability. It umm uses a corrosive poison that sticks to my enemy doing 5 damage a second for ten seconds.”

  “If it is an ability then can you demonstrate it again for me,” the man said calmly.

  “Sure,” Ash said as he stood and activated the skill spitting the goo at the ground between him and the cloaked man.

  “It is surely an ability,” the man said as the hood of his cloak bounded a little, letting Ash know that he had nodded his head. With the man’s words Ash heard Emelia let out a heavy sigh to his side.

  The cloaked man walked back to the center of the makeshift arena and raised his head. Ash scanned the crowd to see Julien smiling smugly. “I have reviewed the case and I find that no rules were broken by either side. Since the duel has been stopped the loss goes to Klien.”

  The smile quickly disappeared from Julien’s face as the color quickly drained from his face. Suddenly, five large men grabbed Leo who eyes had been restored. “Master help,” Leo begged as he was dragged off to the side where a large wooden block had been prepared and had his head shoved down. As Leo continued to beg, a large axe descended severing his head.

  “What,” Ash said as he watched the scene.

  “It was a fight to the death,” Emelia said, her own face slightly paled. “He lost, so his life was forfeited.

  “As the one challenged Ash, do you wish to continue?” The robed man asked turning his attention back to Ash.

  Seeing that he was confused Emelia placed her hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear. “You can choose to have Julien meet you on the field. No matter what nor he or his father will stop coming after you, but it is still your choice.” Even though he had just watched a man die, the feel of her breath on his ear made Ash’s face blush.

  “I wish to continue,” Ash declared as he walked back toward the arena, his eyes never leaving Julien who was now deathly pale.

  “This is wrong,” Julien said shaking. “He has been allowed to heal himself. Between battles he should fight both continuously by the rules,” Julien said shakily.

  “That is true my lord, but since you made an official challenge of cheating then healing is allowed. If he had cheated then he would have been beheaded. Instead, you made a false charge so he is allowed to replenish himself before continuing. You should be more than aware of this young master Heart.”

  Julien looked to his father whose face was a white as his son’s. “Master Ash, I think you have made your point,” the Earl said, trying to force a smile. “Why do we not call this foolishness here? My son was wrong, there is no reason to seek his life for boyish jealousy.”

  “Boyish jealousy?” Ash said, his face slightly red in anger. “Then why did you not stop him before. There was no problem when it was my life that was in jeopardy…Is that it?” at his words the little color left in the Earl’s face withered away. “Julien, today neither your title nor your father can help you. I hope that in your next life, you learn to think before acting foolishly.”

  After Ash had spoken the men who had carried Leo away earlier moved behind Julien and forced him into the large ring. With both on the field, the cloaked man called for silence. “Begin,” he yelled before stepping off the field.

  Using analyze again Ash looked at Julien’s status.

  Name: Julien Heart

  Level: 8

  Race: Human

  Occupation: None

  Title: Noble of the Heart house

  HP: 75/75

  MP 50/50

  SP 16/16

  Strength: 20 (+3)

  Vitality: 15

  Agility: 15 (+2)

  Stamina 16

  Spirit 10

  Intelligence: 10

  Endurance: 16 (+4)

  Luck: 10

  Unlike Klien, there was not much of a boost thanks to armor. Most likely Julien never expected to have to fight so he only brought his normal clothes with him while Klien had been wearing high value gear. His stats were also different and seemed to be spread out in a more balanced manner than Leo’s. Not wanting to drag out the battle for a long time, Ash decided to go all out and quickly invoked gambler’s gambit and bluff.


  [Due to activating gambler’s gambit all stats have been boosted by 6 points.]

  Pushing off from the ground, Ash rushed toward Julien whose whole body was shaking. In a flash, his sword pierced through Julien’s body. He didn’t even raise his sword.

  The sword in Julien’s hand slipped from his fingers as his mouth gaped. He slowly looked down at the sword stuck in him and his hands feebly tried to push Ash away. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak but all that came out was a gurgling sound accompanied by blood that flooded down to join that on his chest.

  Kicking Julien off, Ash quickly activated Poker face to keep himself from retching as his stomach revolted. A sharp pain spread through his chest as he looked at the young man whose life he had ended with his own hand. His mind in turmoil, Ash didn’t hear as the black robed man declared him the victor. Not looking back, Ash pushed his way past the crowd and entered the manor quickly followed by Emelia.

  Ash heavily sat in the first chair he came to and emptied the contents of his stomach on the ground as tears started flow from his eyes. His eyes were quickly submerged into darkness as Emelia hugged him close to her chest not caring about the mess. “Its ok,” Emel
ia said with a soft and caring voice. “It’s over now.”

  Ash continued to cry. He didn’t know why, but the tears refused to stop. He didn’t like Julien, in truth, from the moment he had met him he had an intense dislike of him yet, did he really have to kill him? If he had simply turned away, the young man would still be breathing. These were the thoughts that raged through Ash’s mind.

  Looking up Ash saw the worried look on Emelia’s face and tried a weak smile. “Thank you,” he said though his voice was weak and shaky.

  “Why don’t you take a warm bath and rest a little,” Emelia said as she called for one of the maid’s to help him.

  Ash was quickly pulled to the bathroom, but this time the maids refused to leave him alone. After a long soak he was escorted back to his previous room where once again the maids refused to leave.


  Ash slept for a little over an hour. He had not really been physically tired, yet he had fallen asleep easily and when he woke the earlier events seemed more like a bad dream. Looking around the room he noticed that Yuki and two other maids were still in the room.

  “Master,” Yuki said as her small red ears were slightly drooped and her tail hung down dejectedly.

  “Yuki,” Ash said smiling. Though she looked younger, she was still a fourteen year old girl and only two years younger than him. Seeing the worried look on her face, Ash felt bad that he was the cause of it. Getting up from the bed, he placed his hand on top of Yuki’s head and softly rubbed his head.

  “Hehe,” Yuki giggled as her ears perked up and her tail began to swish from side to side.

  “Sorry to make you worry,” Ash said pulling his hand back.

  “Yuki was worried,” she said looking up at him with large eyes. “They all said master had to fight and wouldn’t let Yuki watch.”

  “Sir Ash, milady wishes you to attend to her once you have woken,” the maid on the left said bowing her head.

  “Where is Emelia?” Ash asked as Yuki clung to his side her tail still swishing back and forth.

  “She is in her study sir,” the maid said opening the door for him.


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