Book Read Free

Reborn 1-5

Page 25

by D. W. Jackson

  Thanks to the gambler’s game, all of his stats had gotten a large boost which made Ash rethink how he allotted his points. Luck didn’t seem to grant much help in battle, but he thought it greatly affected his job and should be raised by one each level for now on. Also Zelan had said that HP, MP, and Stamina were important to any adventure and the hardest to raise to an adequate level. Right now his stamina was at a point where he could fight in a prolonged battle without much trouble. If he were a swordsman who used high level skills then he would need more stamina, but most of his skills and abilities used MP. With that in mind, Ash decided to add one point to luck, one to intelligence, and two to vitality.

  After assigning his new points, Ash absorbed the fire lizard and moved forward. The first time Zelan had seen him absorb a monster, he had asked, but when he asked to be allowed to keep it a secret, neither Zelan nor Shina pushed him for an answer. Every adventure had a few secrets and Zelan assured him that there was nothing wrong with that. Letting someone know everything about you was not only foolish, but dangerous. Even if that person was a friend at the moment, since no one could tell what the future might bring.

  With Zelan pushing him hard and Shina supporting him with food and water while giving Zelan harsh glares, Ash was forced to fight fifty-three fire lizards. When he absorbed his fiftieth one he heard the welcomed “Tring.”

  [You have absorbed enough Lava lizards. Abilities available; Fire ball (Active), Swipe (Active.)]


  [You have been randomly awarded the ability fire ball (active.)]


  [You have received the ability fire resistance (passive.)]

  [Fire ball: cost 10MP. Create a ball of fire and throw it at an enemy. Level 1-0%.]

  [Fire resistance: 5% fire resistance. Level 1-0%.]

  “Hum, so whenever I get an ability related to something that has resistance, I get a resistance ability as well,” Ash said to himself as he saw the two abilities appear at the same time, just as they had done when he had gotten the poison skill.

  After he was completely exhausted, they found the boss room and warped back to the labyrinth entrance and headed back to the manor.

  The sun had sat long ago and the moon shown bright in the sky by the time they arrived at the manor. It had been a long day, but Ash had learned a lot, even though he had fought the same monster over and over. He had also received two new skills, but the most surprising thing was the monster drops.

  Out of fifty-three monsters he had received Fire lizard skin (good quality): 37, Fire lizard skin (average quality): 11, Fire lizard skin (low quality) 3. Last time he had fought against a large number of the same creatures, the number was reversed. Ash could only think that this was due to his large increase in luck. Which was abnormally high if you added his base luck, plus his bonus, it was a total of 283. To reach that amount normally, one would have to be almost level 70 while putting almost everything into the luck stat each time. There was one thing that was different though, after hitting level eleven, the fire lizards had stopped dropping coins. Rachel had said not to rely on it and it might only be to help him get a start in this world, but he had taken it for granted and was already missing the extra income.

  When they opened the door to the manor, they found Yuki sleeping in chair set off to the side. Shina gave a light laugh upon seeing her daughter. “I’ll take her to her bed,” Shina said trying to work her arm behind Yuki’s head without waking her.

  “Master,” Yuki said as her eyes fluttered open. “Master!” she said again jumping from her mother’s grasp and running to Ash. “Master, tomorrow we have a rank class and we are supposed to bring someone with us,” Yuki said enthusiastically.

  “Really, then I am sure that your mother will be more than happy to go,” Ash said patting her head.

  “Mou…I want master to go,” Yuki said while puffing out her cheeks.

  Ash wanted to agree, but first he looked to Zelan who was leaning against the wall watching the two. “A part of one day won’s matter much,” He said while waving his hand.

  “Then master can come?” Yuki asked with large pleading eyes.

  “Yes,” Ash said with a deep sigh.

  Yuki hugged Ash’s waist tighter as she tried to twirl around, but only ended up losing her grasp and falling on her rear with a loud thud. “Yuki, Master still needs to eat and take a bath,” Shina said, grabbing her daughter by the shirt and pulling her to her feet. “Master, if you need me tonight just call,” Shina added before pulling Yuki from the room.

  Ash didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. At one moment he thought Shina was thoughtful and the next she went back into her vixen mode.

  “Well, I feel for you sometimes. There are problems when you are too popular,” Zelan said slipping away.

  While Ash was confused about Zelan’s meaning, he noticed that Emelia was standing at the top of the stairs looking down at him. “What is this about needing Shina at night?” Emelia asked, her voice dripping with venom.


  The next morning Ash put on his best set of clothes. When his hand brushed the back of his head while putting on his tunic, Ash felt a dull pain from where Emelia had struck him over and over the night before while demanding an explanation of every moment he had spent with Shina from the second he had met her until he had returned.

  Ash looked in his inventory and let out a sigh. Inside sat his sword and armor, but he was still not allowed to use them. Zelan had taken all the monster drops during their trip since he had a holding bag. Ash had his inventory, but he had never told Zelan about it, thinking that it might draw unneeded attention. He had thought that Zelan would do the same in the labyrinth, but not once did his teacher move to pick up the spoils. Still, with only the earning for one day, his inventory, which now had thirty-one spots, seemed empty.

  Putting on the weighted clothes and strapping on his copper sword, Ash looked at himself in the metal mirror. He wasn’t what one would call handsome, but neither was he poor looking. His body was well formed, even more so in this world due to his harsh training, but it didn’t show well due to the layers of clothes he was wearing. His hair had started to grow a little wild and was even curling slightly in the back. Looking at himself Ash thought he looked like one of the adventurers one might in a fantasy movie.

  As soon as he stepped out of his room Ash was greeted by Emelia who was still wearing her nightdress. He had seen it many times when he was forced to stay in the same room with her but still it caused the blood to rush to his head. “Morning Ash,” Emelia said, her slightly bashful voice making ash’s heart race even more. “Going out early again?”

  “Ye…Yes,” Ash said in a stuttering voice as he tried unsuccessfully to advert his eyes.

  “Did you forget about Yuki’s class?” Emelia asked, her face pinched slightly in a frown.

  “Uggg,” Ash groaned as the talk with Yuki the day before flooded his mind. In truth he had completely forgotten, but he tried his best to cover his momentary lapse. “No, I just put on the equipment by habit.”

  “Yuki will be eating breakfast in the servant’s quarters shortly so you should wait for her outside,” Emelia said trying to hide her smile.

  Berating himself Ash walked down the stairs and exited the manor. Outside Ash wasn’t surprised to find Zelan practicing. His teacher only took two things seriously, womanizing and the sword. Even after spending months with the man, Ash was still amazed when he watched him practice. Two swords danced in the man’s hands as if they were part of his own body. Ash was so stunned by the spectacle that he ended up just standing and watching, completely captivated.

  “When will I be that skilled?” Ash asked himself as he removed his sword from its scabbard. It was the truth that Ash was immeasurably better with a sword than he had been before meeting Zelan, but comparing him to Zelan was like comparing a speck of dust to a diamond. Sighing Ash started going through the ten main movements of the most basic kata. One step after an
other he moved, but for some reason it felt awkward. It had felt like that for weeks now, every time he made a movement something felt wrong.

  Closing his eyes Ash went through the movements again taking each one slowly. HE was sure that he hadn’t made any mistakes, but something still felt off. He repeated this action five more times before a spark flashed through his mind. As he placed his foot down and prepared to slide to the next position he put his weight on the toes instead of his whole foot and pivoted into the next movement. It was a small change, but one that allowed him to move more seamlessly from one movement to the next even when they were out of sequence. After going through the series of movements two times, Ash head a clapping sound. Opening his eyes he noticed Zelan clapping while walking toward him with Yuki and Shina standing slightly behind him.

  “Looks like you finally grasped how to perform the kata,” Zelan said with a wry grin.

  “Why didn’t you tell me I was doing it wrong before?” Ash asked as he slid his sword into its scabbard.

  “You weren’t doing it wrong…Not really,” Zelan replied. “I could have shown you, but then it wouldn’t flow into how you used the movement in battle. Your natural state was to use the whole of your foot, unless you came to realization yourself it would have been useless.”

  It sounded like an excuse to Ash, but before he could comment Yuki rushed up to him and grabbed his arm. “Master hurry,” Yuki said while pulling him toward the gate.

  “Ash when you finish, we will be waiting for you at the small eatery next to the Adventurer’s Guild,” Zelan said while giving Shina a smile.

  “Please hurry master,” Shina said in a pleading voice. “I wanted to attend as well, but Yuki refused. Ugu, what is a mother to do with such an unruly child.”

  Once they had left the manor behind, Yuki smiled happily while holding Ash’s arm tightly. Looking down at the smiling child, Ash couldn’t help but smile, but his mind reminded him that even though her body was still small, she was only a few years younger than him. “Yuki, your birthday is coming soon isn’t it?” Ash asked, remembering that she often claimed that she would be an adult soon.

  “Master remembered,” Yuki said beaming. “My birthday is Aokuso 20th master,” Yuki replied as she rubbed her cheek against his arm.

  “Do you want anything?” Ash asked then wondered if this world had the tradition of gifts on one’s birthday.

  “I am just happy with master,” Yuki said with a giggle. “But if master were to get me something I would be really happy.”

  Though Yuki didn’t say it directly Ash started to think that if he didn’t get her something then he would regret it for a long time. The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He had no clue what Yuki liked. The walk to the school was long, giving Ash plenty of time to think but he was still at a loss when it came into view. Heaving an inward sigh, Ash decided to ask Shina about it. He knew that it would be nothing but a headache to deal with her, but at the moment he had no other choice.

  Yuki, dragging Ash along, entered the building. Ash had only been in a small building attached to the school and never in the actual building before. Now that he was inside, it looked much like a school building from his original world. They passed a number of rooms and each one Ash could see rows of desks, though all of them were nearly empty. Yuki brought Ash to a room near the back of the building and pushed him through the door.

  Inside the room there was only three other people. “Yuki,” a young girl named Tina who Ash remembered ran up to the young fox girl, grabbing her hand and pulling her to where the other two people stood. “Yuki, this is my mom Susan and Grandma Helen. Mom, Grandma, this is my friend Yuki.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Yuki said bowing. “Tina, this is my Master Ash,” Yuki said grabbing Ash’s arm and dragging him in front of the three.

  “Nice to see you again Sir Ash,” Susan said bowing.

  “Young lad, you should bring the young lady over and have dinner with us some time. I still haven’t given up on you,” Helen said with a wry grin.

  “Yuki can come, but we can do without him,” Tina said in a pouty voice.

  “Tina, Master is great,” Yuki said with pinched lips. “He saved Yuki, then paid for Yuki to go to school, and found Yuki’s mom.”

  While the two children argued, Susan and Helen pulled Ash off to the side. “Please don’t take it hard on Tina,” Susan said with her normal worried expression.

  “It doesn’t bother me,” Ash said while giving his best charming smile.

  “Tina has talked about Yuki almost every day. It seems that she is very well liked in the class and also really skilled. Tina doesn’t get along with a lot of people so it is nice to see her having a friend. Tina has asked her over to the house a few times, but she always says that she has to have your permission, but she didn’t want to bother you with it. She said that you have been gone, otherwise I planned to visit and ask for permission for Yuki to visit,” Susan said nervously.

  “That is fine,” Ash said and Susan gave a radiant smile that made his heart skip a beat.

  “Good going girl,” Helen said elbowing Susan lightly. “Try a bit harder and you can rope him in.”

  “Mother,” Susan said blushing. “I am sure that Ash would not be interested in an old lady like myself.”

  “Old,” Helen said with a “humph.” “I am old dear, you on the other hand are in your prime and still very attractive. Wouldn’t you agree Ash?”

  “Uh…Yes she is very lovely any man would be lucky to have her,” Ash said bashfully.

  “The maybe you two should spend some time together,” Helen offered. “Having one or two mistresses is good for a man.”

  “No,” Yuki and Tina yelled in unison, having heard what Helen had said.

  “Master is Yuki’s,” Yuki said while jumping in front of Ash.

  “Little one just think you and Tina could be sisters.”

  “Sister,” Tina said, her face switching between Ash, Yuki, and Susan. “I could have a sister…But Mom,” Tina said out loud as she seemed to be at war with herself. “Ok…I will allow it, but only Yuki is allowed in the house,” she declared with a smile.

  “No…Master is Yuki’s,” Yuki said again with a determined look.

  “Now, that is one determined little lady,” Helen said with a joyful laugh. “Susan, you should take a lesson from her.”

  Tina still looked at Ash with a hateful glare but still tried to talk Yuki into becoming her sister. At the same time Susan and her mother began their own little game of words while Ash was left only to watch in awe.

  It wasn’t long before more students, along with their parents or guardians began to fill in the room. The kids began to talk to each other and introduce their parents who began to talk among each other. There were only two girls in the class of eighteen students so they stood out within the group.

  Not long after the kids started to arrive, a large man standing a little over 6’5” entered the room. He had dark hair and eyes and carried a large two-handed sword strapped to his back. “It looks like everyone is here,” The man said in a deep hollow voice. “Today your children will form groups of two and fight on the third floor of the labyrinth. If they can kill five kobolds within an hour, then they will be able to advance to the second tier class. If they do not, then they will have to stay in this class for another three months. If any parents have experience fighting, please come forward as the watcher for your child’s group. For those who don’t have a suitable watcher, the school will provide one of the older students to watch after them. Guardians are allowed to enter the labyrinth, but it is suggest you only go if you are confident in your ability to protect yourself.”

  “Mother, I think you should head back,” Susan said in a worried tone.

  “No need,” Helen said ignoring Susan’s concerns. “Tina wants to show off and if anything happens, I have a young hunk to take care of me,” she added taking Ash’s arm.

  Ash registered as the wat
cher of Tina and Yuki’s group. The instructor made it clear that if he lied about the number the two killed it would result in both children being kicked out of the school. It was the same warning Ash heard him give other parents and guardians so he wasn’t concerned. If Yuki and Tina couldn’t kill five kobolds then it would be dangerous to allow them to move to the next class.

  Half of the parents separated from their kids at the entrance of the labyrinth while the other half followed inside. Once they were in groups of ten or less, each group warped straight to the third floor. “Ok, time starts now, please don’t crowd in one area and above all stay safe. There is no honor in earning yourself an early grave,” the instructor said as he turned over a large hourglass.

  Yuki’s normally energetic attitude called the second they stepped into the labyrinth. She was no longer clinging to him and had a copper sword in her hand with a stern expression on her face. On the other hand Tina carried a copper spear.

  Yuki led the way, her ears twitching at every sound but her head never moved as she kept looking forward. “There is something in the left passage,” Yuki said her voice low.

  Down the passage there were two kobolds. As Yuki and Tina advanced, the monsters caught sight of them and changed. Susan let out a gasp and grabbed Ash’s arm.

  Yuki and Tina’s fighting style was simple. Tina was the vanguard attacking with her spear and keeping the kobolds from coming close while Yuki dodged in hitting any openings. Ash was amazed at how well the two girls worked together. Slightly curious, Ash used analyze on both girls. Yuki was level 4 while Tina was level 3. Yuki’s stats were mostly centered around agility while Tina’s was focused on strength and vitality. With their low levels and weak weapons, it still took some time, but they were able to kill the two kobolds within ten minutes.

  Once the two monsters were killed, Yuki and Tina walked back to them as if saying praise me. Ash reached out his hand and patted Yuki’s head. Susan took a different rout and hugged Tina while shaking. “As I thought, I don’t like it,” Susan said in a shaky voice. “What if something happened to you?”


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