Book Read Free

Reborn 1-5

Page 28

by D. W. Jackson

  “Just place it to your chest,” Zelan replied.

  Ash did as Zelan said and the orb flashed then disappeared as a warm sensation flowed through Ash’s body. Flexing his body Ash could feel the extra strength coursing through him. If one wanted to equate a stat point into weight it wasn’t easy, but from seeing how many iron weights he could carry per point it was about six pounds for every stat point.

  “Shall we carry on,” Zelan offered after Ash had stood there for a short time testing his new added strength.

  “Ye-yeah,” Ash said hesitantly as he made his way toward the door to the next floor, still lightly limping.

  “Don’t worry, we will only fight our way to the next boss room then warp back out,” Zelan said looking at Ash and his dulled movements. “No reason to push yourself too hard. I am sure even your luck can run out.”

  Stepping onto the next floor, Ash felt something cold hit his body making his shiver. Looking around they were still in a cavern, but one made of ice. Rubbing his hands over his arms Ash started walking toward the single path open to him.

  About fifty feet into the ice cavern, the path split. Just as he did in the previous floors, Ash kept to the right path while making a mental map. After his second turn Ash came face to face with a seven foot tall humanoid covered in white fur. As soon as the Yeti noticed Ash, it bellowed and a cone of frost shot out of its mouth and raced toward Ash.

  Though surprised Ash quickly slid to the side dodging most of the frost attack though it still struck the blade of his sword covering it in a light layer of ice. Ash could feel the cold air coming from his sword and was sure that it could freeze his blood.

  The yeti could not only use magic, but it was also fast and strong. Compared to the other creatures he had fought, the yeti was on a completely different level. Its speed was not as fast as the spiders, it was not as strong as a Pech’s, and its magic was not as strong as a fire lizard. Even though its individual strengths were lower than the other monsters all of them combined made him fearful.

  Ash was forced to move quickly and think even quicker and still it took him nearly half an hour to down the beast. “Perfect,” Zelan said, walking up to Ash as he picked up a piece of yeti fur that the creature had dropped. “I think for most the next month we will be training here. The yeti is a great opponent to forge yourself against. Still it would be best for you to fight when you are in top shape so we should quickly find the exit. It doesn’t do any good if you die before the challenge is complete.” Zelan said as he started to lead Ash down the passages. They came across six yetis, but not once did Ash have to fight. Each time a Yeti appeared, Zelan would draw his sword and in one strike the monster died. Ash had seen Zelan fight before, but during those times he himself had been fighting as well so he never got a good look at the battle. Seeing it from start to finish left Ash speechless.

  When they reached the door to the boss’s room, Zelan allowed Ash to touch the plaque and warped them outside.

  By the time they left the labyrinth, Ash’s foot felt much improved but there was still a twinge of pain whenever he took a step though it didn’t hinder him much.

  As they walked back to the manor Ash started to think about everything that had happened over the past few months since his arrival and a smile spread across his face. For the first time in his life he had friends who cared about him and he felt not just wanted, but needed.

  Ash’s stats

  Name: Ash

  Level: 11

  Experience needed for next level: 14,865

  Race: Human/Demon 70/30

  Occupation: Novice gambler

  Title: Novice Slayer

  HP: 200/200

  MP 150/150

  SP 56/56

  Strength: 41 (+10) (+2)

  Vitality: 37 (+3)

  Agility: 31 (+7) (+5) (+2)

  Stamina 47 (+5) (+4)

  Spirit 15 (+10) (+1)

  Intelligence: 28 (+2)

  Endurance: 23 (+10) (+1) (+2)

  Luck: 47 (+235) (+1)



  Devil’s Luck: 500% bonus to luck.

  Fleet foot: +9 to agility. Level 4-0%

  Wolf eyes: See in the dark. Level Max

  Mining: Ability to use a pick to extract ore from hidden locations. Able to tell where mining locations are located. Level 2: 0%

  Poison Resistance: level 2-0%: 10% poison resistance.

  Grave Domain: Damage resistance to whole body with the exception of the head increased by 10%

  Spider Senses: able to detect prey that is up to three levels higher within a 100 foot radius. Able to sense hostile intent within a 50 foot radius. Level 1-0%.

  [Fire Resistance: 5% fire resistance. Level 1-0%.]

  [Natural Armor (small). When fighting your skin acts as a natural armor blocking 10% of physical damage. Level: max.]


  Demon Absorption: Cost 10MP: Absorb defeated enemies to obtain skills. Level 2: 0%

  Bash: Cost 1SP - Slam into enemies with your body to do X10 damage. Level 1: 0%

  Rabbit Punch: Cost 1Sp- Using feet or hands quickly lash out with a lighting quick attack. Level 1:0%

  Stab: Cost 1 SP- Thrust forward with weapon (sword, spear.) level 1-0%

  Poison Spit: Cost 5MP. Level 1-0%: Spit a corrosive poison that sticks to enemy doing 5 damage a second for ten seconds.

  Analyze Ability. Cost 5MP: Ability to see opponents name, level and skill as long as they are no more than 5 levels above you. Level max.

  [Poison: cost 10MP- ability to make a small amount of toxin that paralyzes. Can be placed on weapons.]

  [Sticky Thread: cost 15MP- shoot out a stream of sticky thread to trap opponents.]

  Stealth: Cost 20 MP. Erase your presence from enemies any movement cancels the ability.

  [Fire Ball: cost 10MP. Create a ball of fire and throw it at an enemy. Level 1-0%.]


  [You have gained the skill gambler’s boost (passive) .2% boost to all other stats for each 1 point in the luck attribute. Level 2.]

  [You have gained the gambler’s gambit (active) skill. Cost 20MP: boost all stats for one minute. Boost is random. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the poker face (active) skill. Cost 5MP: forces a calm face no matter the situation. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the bluff (active) skill. Cost 5MP: bluff opponents to make them think you are stronger. Level 1.]

  [You have gained the read (passive) skill. Chance to see what skill your opponent is using. Based on luck.]

  [Gambler’s game (active). Cost 100 MP. Call of The gambling god using your stats as chip to play against another gambler. Can only be used against those of the same rank or higher. Can only be used once every six months. Time until next use 0 days. Level-Max.]


  Iron gambler’s emblem: emblem signifying that one is a novice of the gambler’s guild. Durability 10/10 luck +1.

  Sword of the Hawk: Sword belonging to a great hero of the Hawkwing family. Durability 50/50 attack 20-32 strength +10 stamina +5.

  Mithra armor: Armor blessed by the god of light. Durability 40/40 defense + 20 Endurance +10 spirit +10 agility +5.

  [Studded Liro leather pants: made from thee tough hide of a Liro lizard. Durability 30/30, defense +7, endurance +2, agility +1.


  Novice slayer: 10% to attack damage

  Gutsy gambler title: When gutsy gambler is equipped luck +5.

  Plat 0

  Gold 0

  Silver 12

  Copper 703

  Iron P 982


  Fire lizard skin (good quality): 37

  Fire lizard skin (average quality): 11

  Fire lizard skin (low quality): 3

  Sugilite (good quality): 26

  Sugilite (average quality): 18

  Sugilite (low quality): 11

  Golem core (good quality): 1

  Yeti fur (good quality): 1

from author

  I just wanted to let everyone know that in currently I am doing a Japan trip giveaway. You can find all the details on my blog.


  “Hell,” that was all that Ash could call the past five weeks. Day after day he had been forced to train from early in the morning to the late afternoon. Each day the movements had gotten more complicated and the punishment for failing more severe. Not only had Ash been forced to go through kata after kata, Zelan had strung ten spears from tree limbs and had them swing at Ash erratically. Every time Ash was unable to dodge a spear while using the proper movements, he was punished.

  Once the sun reached its apex in the sky, Ash was then taken to the labyrinth to fight against yetis. In the past weeks he had killed so many of the furry creatures that he was no longer able to receive skills from them. The yetis had four skills that they gave him.

  [Cone of Frost: Cost 15MP: send out a cone of frost freezing everything in its path. Causes 10 frost damage every second for five seconds.]

  [Frost Resistance: 5% resistance to frost damage. Level 1-0%.]

  [Yeti Strength: +5 to strength. Level 1-0%.]

  [Crushing Blow: cost 5SP: strike with a hard blow bypassing 50% of opponent’s defense. Level 1-0%]

  Other than normal drops, Ash had also found another monster orb. It gave +1 to strength and +1 to agility, but he had given it to Zelan as a gift. He had refused at first, but it was not hard to get him to accept it in the end.

  Ash had gotten a lot of yeti fur, but so far he had not sold a single thing to the adventurer’s guild. He had thought about it when it came time to pass out Shina and Yuki’s allowance again, leaving him with only two silver left, though he still had plenty of copper and Iron coins.

  Other than training, Ash had been probing Yuki about what she might want, but she had left him without much to work with. Ash had thought about getting her a sword, but it turned out that she preferred the bow over the sword. The only reason she had used a sword during the fight in the labyrinth was because the bow was too limited underground.

  Ash had wanted to search the town for a good bow that he could afford, but at the moment he believed that even Yuki had more coin than he did. There was also the problem that Zelan hadn’t let him have more than a few breaths to himself lately. It seemed that every day that passed the more adamant that Zelan became about training. Ash didn’t mind, but with only three weeks left until Yuki’s coming of age party he was worried he wouldn’t find something in time.

  The party had been Emelia’s idea. In fact, Emelia had went crazy when Ash had asked her what a young girl might want as a gift, but when she heard it was for Yuki’s coming of age she had calmed down and started to prepare a grand celebration. The party itself was being kept mostly quiet and only a few people knew about it. That way Yuki herself wouldn’t learn about it.

  “Pay attention,” Zelan shouted as he stabbed a spear at Ash’s side, scoring a deep cut and knocking him off the slim trunk he had been balanced on. “Lose your concentration like that for a moment during a real battle and you would be dead,” Zelan admonished him.

  Rushing up to his side, Shina glared at Zelan. “Are you ok master?”

  Holding his side, Ash stood up as the blood slowly leaked between his fingers. “What do you expect,” Ash said through clinched teeth as he waited for the pain to dissipate. “I have been going nonstop for so long my mind is in a haze. Humans need a break every now and then.”

  “Is that so?” Zelan asked with his brow furrowed.

  “Yes,” Shina said interjecting. “Master even gives me and Yuki time off. You push him too hard,” Shina added while bandaging Ash’s fresh wound.

  “You might be right,” Zelan said while rubbing his chin. “It won’t do if your body and skills advance while your mind and soul deteriorate. You can have tomorrow off.”

  “Thank you,” Ash said feeling extremely happy. In truth, the constant training didn’t bother him too much, though he did feel a little worn down. The reason he had lost focus had nothing to do with that but there was no way that he was going to admit that now.

  “Now get up, we still have a few hours before midday,” Zelan said, his face hardening again.

  Sighing, Ash got back up on the log and balanced himself. Ash had learned how to use the various movements while walking and running, but now he was learning to use them in smaller movements to dodge an attack with as little movement as possible. When Zelan had first explained it, Ash thought it was easy, but he quickly learned that doing something big compared to normal was hard, but doing it small was even more so as their no was an even smaller margin for error.

  Taking a deep breath, Ash nodded his head signaling that he was ready. Soon two spears swung at him from different angles. Turning his right foot to the side Ash tilted his body slightly to the side while leaning forward slightly, allowing both spears to pass by him by only a fraction of a millimeter. As soon as he dodged the first two, another spear appeared but Ash didn’t panic and straightened his body while shifting to the side, allowing the spear to pass by harmlessly.

  Time after time spears were launched at him and each time he moved his body to dodge the attacks while staying on the narrow log. The longer he dodged successfully, the more spears were added to the fray until eight spears danced toward him while he was only allowed to move a few inches in any one direction. The first few days they had done this kind of practice, Ash fell from the long constantly. The trick was simple to understand, yet hard implement. He had to adjust his feet and distribute his weight while he dodged. One couldn’t do this by thinking, it had to come naturally from the body.

  “Good,” Zelan said as he stopped the constant flow of spears. “Come down and get something to eat so we can head to the labyrinth. Today you will be fighting against the yetis while staying within this ring,” Zelan said pulling out an iron ring with the span of about six feet.

  As soon as Ash stepped off the log, Shina brought him a large platter filled with smoked meats and cheeses along with half a loaf of rye bread. While he ate, she forced Ash to take off his shirt so that she could change the bandages from his earlier wound that hadn’t been able to fully heal thanks to his continued movement.

  After the old bandages were removed, Shina’s fingers lightly brushed across the small cut causing Ash to involuntarily shiver. “Does it hurt?” Shina asked in a light and compassionate tone.

  “Stings a little when I think about it, but otherwise it is ok.”

  After he had eaten and his wound was redressed, Ash and the others headed for the labyrinth. Going between the manor and the labyrinth had become so commonplace for Ash that it felt as if that was all there was to his life. It was a sad thought, but one Ash quickly pushed out of his mind.

  After warping to the ninth floor, Ash started his hunting. When he found the first yeti, Zelan threw down the iron ring. “Stay inside it,” Zelan ordered as the yeti charged toward Ash.

  The yeti opened its mouth and a cone of frost spread out and Ash dropped to the ground, having no place to retreat too without stepping outside of the iron ring. Even on the ground, Ash could feel the cold touch on his back as it started to seep through his armor. Thanks to his frost resistance, the cold didn’t affect him much, but his movements were still slowed by a small degree.

  Seeing that his frost attack had little to no effect, the yeti let out a loud roar and charged. Having fought countless yetis before, Ash could sense what would be coming next and readied himself. When the clawed hand of the yeti swept at his chest, Ash took a half step back and to the side while bringing his sword up. Blood spattered Ash’s face as the yeti’s hand flew off, landing a few feet away. This time the sound issued from the yeti was not one of hostility but of pain.

  The pain in the yeti’s eyes was quickly replaced by anger, but tinged with a hint of fear as it attacked again. This time it attacked with its left claw aiming at Ash’s head, but Ash repeated the same movement as before. Ash had fought so many yeti
s that their movements seemed slow and predictable. All he had to do was position the sword and the yeti’s own strength did the damage for him.

  As the yeti’s other hand fell to the ground Ash took a step forward and pierced the yeti’s chest with his blade. With one quick movement, Ash split open the creature’s chest. The yeti tried to let out another roar as it fell to its knees, but the only thing that came out was a spray of blood that splattered over Ash’s shoes.

  After picking up the spoils, Ash fought five more yetis. None of them were able to leave much of a mark on him, even when he was confined within the iron ring. Seeing that Ash had no real problem Zelan nodded his head. “I think it’s time to move to the next floor.”

  Hearing those words Ash couldn’t help but smile. Ash knew that moving to another floor would increase the danger, but it was a welcomed change. The yetis were a challenge at first, but after fighting them day after day it had become boring.

  The trio quickly moved to the boss’s room and walked through. Ash gripped the hilt of his sword in anticipation as the darkness cleared displaying a red-haired yeti that was about a foot taller than the ones he had fought before.

  The yeti let out a deafening roar just like the others. It took a few steps forward and opened its mouth. Just like with the other yetis, a cone of frost sprayed forward, though it was almost twice the size of normal one. Moving to the side, Ash evaded the large area attack and waited for the yeti’s next move.


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