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I Never Asked You To Save Me: Book 3 The Wakefield Romance Series

Page 13

by Hewitt, Theresa Marguerite

  Out of the weeds and standing on the bank, I stop and take in the magnificent scene before me. Her shorts and panties are lying on a tree stump off to my left as her bra and tank top hang from a low lying branch.

  Oh yeah, this is happening. Her back is to me as she wades waist deep into the pond and I can see the pair of pointe shoes tattooed on her back. She is so pale and dainty looking that I think I might break her in half when I get in the water.

  “No take it easy Bobby,” I whisper to myself, getting the last button undone and throwing my shirt on top of Ellie’s clothing. Pulling my boots off I’m glad my new prosthetic came with a regular foot shape, because I would sink in the soft mud if it didn’t, and I toss them off with my pants and boxer briefs, turning to face the pond.

  For a split second I think, “What the hell am I doin’ out in the middle of the woods butt-naked?”, but then I see her turn slightly with her arms covering her chest and the blush that runs over her skin answers my question. I’m here to be with her. The water is cool but it’s nice as I make my way in, not taking my eyes from her as she gets a bit deeper and leans down, swimming a few strokes further away from me.

  “Are you gonna keep swimming away from me or are ya gonna come on over?” I say to her as the water comes up over my waist making my skin goose-bump from the temperature change. She turns back towards me and smiles, disappearing under the water leaving ripples in her wake.

  “Oh, we want to play games?” I think to myself and smile sinking underneath the water easily with my eyes open. The water is somewhat clear and calm and I can spot her in a split second trying to sneak up behind me. I wait calmly, holding my breath is like a piece of cake since drown proofing in BUD/S, and I turn on her as I feel her near, grabbing her arms and wrapping her tight to my body bringing us up to the surface before she has the chance to swallow any water.

  She’s squirming in my grip and playfully swatting at my arms. As I turn her around she’s wiping at her face and I get a good glimpse at her body.

  God damn. She is more perfect than I could have wished for. The curve from her hips up to her breasts is like it’s never ending. She’s still laughing as I run my fingers along the curve of her waist just below her ribs and she stops, almost freezing, her eyes looking into mine.

  “Bobby?” she whispers, resting her hands on my chest. Her touch seems to send vibrations all along my skin and I move my hands to her back, pulling her closer to me. This girl is going to break me, her finger tracing a small circle on my peck feels as if it is making my entire body tremble and I let out a ragged breath.

  “Are you okay Bobby?” she whispers, her eyes following the path of her finger as it swirls away on my chest, moving from left to right. The water droplets are trickling slowly down her chest and I desperately want to follow them with my lips and tongue.

  “Of course I am sweetheart,” I smile, lifting her chin with my fingers so her now turquoise eyes look into mine. I love the way they can change color with the light, it keeps me guessing. Leaning forward, brushing my lips just lightly along her jaw I whisper right into her ear, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” she says so softly that I can barely catch it even though I’m only inches away from her lips. Kissing her earlobe, I pull her closer to me as her arms wrap around my chest, her hands splaying out on my shoulder blades. Moving my hand to entangle in her hair as my other cradles her lower back, I move my lips from her ear along her jaw towards her mouth, lingering only a whisper above it.

  Her eyes are half open with her dark lashes fluttering against her skin as it flushes to a sweet rosy color and she looks like an angel. My angel. As she squirms in my arms, her nails biting into my back, her stomach brushes against my very apparent need for her and she takes a sharp breath in gazing up at me.

  “Tell me what you want sweetheart,” I smile rubbing my thumb along her bottom lip and her eyes flutter shut for a second, snapping open as her hands weave their way up my torso. She slowly rises up on her tip toes holding her body tight to mine, brushing her nose along mine.

  “I want you Bobby,” she says, looking me right in the eye and in this second, I’m complete. Forget the war. Forget my leg. Right here, right now I’m absolutely fucking perfect and I don’t hold back, crushing my lips to hers and wrapping my arms under her butt while lifting her up and locking her legs around my waist.



  “Bobby,” I breathe out as our lips part from their frenzy, his moving down my neck with his teeth grazing the crux sending a ripple of desire through me.

  “What is it sweetheart?” he murmurs moving his lips down my chest as I can’t help but lean back, letting him explore every inch of me like he never has before. His hands are supporting me with one at my back, splayed across my spine while the other is scooped under my butt. I squeeze my legs tighter around his waist, not wanting to ever let him go from this moment on.

  I can feel his very ready need for me brush against my core and doubts flash through my mind. Should I be doing this?

  Yes, this is the right thing. Feeling his fingers flex against my skin my heart skips and I know this is what I want. I want Bobby.

  “Not here,” I get out of my fuzzy mind, but what I really want to say is “Now, please God Now!” The way his lips move along mine and across my skin is like nothing I’ve ever felt before and I need him to be mine in this stolen moment. Forgetting about my past; forgetting about my secrets and faults; forgetting about the world outside this beautiful backwoods paradise for a while with just the two of us as one.

  Spinning us around, Bobby starts heading towards the bank as I take his lips with mine, my hands holding the sides of his face. The day old scruff on his cheeks is rough against my touch but I don’t mind, entangling my tongue with his and teasingly biting at his bottom lip, loving the way he grumbles at me and smiles after I release it.

  He stumbles and I bring myself back to reality feeling stupid and looking him right in the eye. “Are you okay Bobby? I mean your leg? Do you need to set me down? I can walk if you need…”

  My partly frantic rant is cut off by his lips as he claims my mouth, calming me and throwing me back into the pool of desire I’ve been drowning in for weeks. I can feel it when we reach the bank as he moves both of his hands to cup my butt, holding me tight to him as the water runs off us both, dripping to the grass below us.

  “Where?” he asks, pulling my earlobe between his teeth and sucking it in between his soft lips causing me to arch my back into him with the sensation rolling through me. I absolutely love when he does that.

  I could care less right now where we make love. Why didn’t I just stay in the water? Twisting to look over my shoulder I spot our clothes strewn over the tree stump and turn back to claim his lips again, scratching my fingers up through his short hair.

  “On our clothes,” I say against his cheek, slowly squeezing myself along him and pulling my hips up, knowing it will drive him crazy. One of his hands shoots up my back and tangles in my hair, tugging my head back.

  “You’re gonna get it sweetheart,” he almost growls, releasing my hair and kissing me hard while making it across the grass to our clothes in a flash.

  I can feel him fumbling to toss them on the ground and I laugh into his neck, thinking of how silly we must look right now. Two passion driven, love sick idiots. He’s down on his knees and I’m on my back before I know it with Bobby starring down at me, his eyes roaming my bare skin making me feel a tiny bit insecure.

  Moving my arms up to cover my chest his strong yet gentle hands stop me as his hazel eyes move up to my face. “Don’t do that,” he says slowly leaning down to cover me, his weight a welcome thing as his warmth sinks into my wet skin. “I like lookin’ at you,” he whispers.

  Pushing him back with my hand on his shoulder, I run my fingers down from his collar bone to his hip, tracing every single defined line along the way, which there is plenty of. Looking into his eyes I can’t help myself and I bite my l
ip, moving my hand from his hip to wrap my fingers lightly around his shaft, feeling a shock of excitement run through my body just at its size. His eyes shut for a moment, snapping open to look at me with a whole other level of want.

  “I like the way you look at me,” I whisper leaning up wanting him to kiss me but he holds back, smiling that crooked little smile he does so well. As he lays over me again, he slowly, painstakingly pushes against my core; the sensation making my hands shake as they grip his face.

  “Please,” I whimper out into his ear, not able to help myself as the thought of him inside me causes my body to tremble underneath him. I need Bobby like the flowers blooming next to us need the sun.

  “Sweetheart,” he whispers as he pushes slowly inside of me, stretching me as his hazel eyes keep contact with mine. “Tell me if I hurt you,” he kisses me sweetly as I nod, wrapping my arms under his and pulling him tight to my chest.

  I want him as close as I can get him and as he slowly starts to move within me his lips never leave my skin. Whether they are covering mine or making a trail down my neck and across my chest, I’m loving every second that they are touching me. Moisture builds on my lashes as I look him in the eye again, but not from any pain.

  “What’s wrong,” he whispers against my lips, running his thumb along my cheek as the heat starts to coil at my core.

  “Nothin,” I gasp as my body reacts to my nearing climax, trembling while my hips rise and fall to meet his movements. My tears aren’t from something that hurts but from something that feels amazing. This something that makes me feel whole and that nothing bad will ever happen to me again. This something is Bobby.

  The way he’s holding me with his arms just underneath me, propping me up gently to be in contact with every inch of his skin. The way he whispers my name with desire and emotion seeming to drip from every letter. The way his lips move over my skin and bring to life the sensitive flesh around my breasts, paying special attention to the spot on my neck that I told him about. He’s making me feel amazing and as my climax rolls throughout my body, I’m sure I scare more than a few birds from the trees.

  “So beautiful,” he whispers, kissing my ear and then my cheek as I tighten the grip my legs have around his waist. I don’t want this to end and I kiss him frantically, pulling his face to mine and not letting go till we’re out of breath and sweating from the pace of our movements.

  Drawing another climax from me with little effort, Bobby whispers “My beautiful sweetheart,” in my ear as he finishes. I hold him tight with my arms thrown over his neck, his cheek resting on my shoulder as our breathing is still heavy.

  I can’t tell you how long we lay there for, it seems like days, but as he shifts and pulls me onto his chest I see that the sun is close to being high in the sky signaling noon is near. Lying full on top of him, both of us still naked, I rest my head on his shoulder tracing a nonsensical pattern along his chest with my finger.

  He’s running his fingers through my hair and then trailing them down my spine, sending goose-bumps over my still sticky skin. I feel him take a deep breath in and release it, hugging me to him as he kisses my forehead.

  “Never let me go,” I say, not really meaning to say it out loud so it comes out as a whisper, but I mean it. Hell, what I really mean is “Bobby, I love you. I know it’s soon but I really do. I need you every second of every day and it’s not because we just had crazy, wild, mind blowing sex in the woods, it’s because it’s true,” but I feel as if I said that right now he might run away calling me crazy, so I keep it in scared to let it out.

  He turns my face to him with his fingers under my chin, as gentle as ever and his eyes roam over my face, a soft loving look on his face. He looks different right now. His eyes seem to be looking for something, moving from my eyes to my lips and back again. He leans his head forward sweetly placing his lips on mine and kissing me with such passion I think my heart will explode right this second.

  “I’ll never let you go sweetheart,” he murmurs brushing his lips along mine again. “Never, Ellie. Never.”



  May 28, 2013

  It’s only ten after three in the morning and here I am, sitting in the pitch black living room with a cold sweat running over my body. I just woke up from another nightmare and this one was bad, probably the worst I’ve had yet.

  I can still hear my Team yelling for me to watch out, to get down and out of the way as a grenade flew into the room I was in. I can still smell the explosion and the dirt, feeling as if it’s still pelting me in the face as I’m flying through the air. I’m thankful that when I shot straight up in bed it didn’t wake Ellie. I can still see her feet tangled in the sheets from here, the moonlight streaming down through the open window in my room.

  “God damn it,” I curse, slapping my sweaty palms onto my forehead and rubbing them back through my newly cut hair. I don’t want to feel like this and I thought maybe these nightmares were over, not having one in weeks, but as with a lot of things in my life I’m wrong. I rest my face in my hands with my elbows propped up on my knees, trying to let this fear and anger run its course in silence but it’s hard.

  I feel the need to run it out, wanting to burst out Chad’s front door and sprint down the street. I want to feel the pain in my leg that I haven’t felt in a while, I want to blame this pain in my chest on it and push it aside. I want to scream and yell with punching something repeatedly.

  Standing, I shake my arms out at my sides trying to let the tension roll through. I can’t go back in there like this because I know I’ll wake her. She’s been here almost every night with me, driving me crazy with her smile and laugh, and then driving me insane with the way she whispers my name when we’re making love. I’ve been on the verge of telling her I love her so many times within the last couple of nights that it’s hard to keep it in. I’m afraid it will scare her and burst this awesome little bubble we have going on so I’ll keep it to myself.

  The nights that she works at the bar I stay here alone, not sleeping very much, just lying in bed and staring at the ceiling fan while it spins around and around. I’ve offered to go over to her trailer and stay there, waiting for her when she got back, but she’s turned me down every time, making me wonder why.

  Is she hiding something? Is she ashamed of her home?

  Well she shouldn’t be. I can care less if she lives in a trailer park. As soon as I get back on my feet I’m going to ask her to live with me, here in Wakefield. Where it’s calm and peaceful, away from the noise and bustle of the city. Chad and I have talked about it a little; about me using the money I still have saved from when I sold my parents farm to either buy or build a house.

  It’ll be nice. It’ll be even better if Ellie is here with me.

  A soft little whimper meets my ears and I turn to see her body shifting under the sheet, her arms flopping down when she rolls over then going up sleepily to brush the hair from her face. I can’t help but smile at the scene before me as I lean against the door, my hands shoved in the pockets of my gym shorts.

  She’s so damn beautiful in the moonlight, the soft rays paling her skin even more than it already is. This pain in my chest makes me hate myself for wanting her, for wanting her to want me. I can’t help but think that she deserves to be with someone else, someone whole and un-injured. Someone who doesn’t have demons chasing them in the night or night terrors plaguing them while they sleep.

  She rolls over again as I sink down onto the cool sheets, slipping my arm around her waist as her eyes try to open. “What’s wrong Bobby,” she mumbles as I pull her to me, holding her tight as I feel her leg drape over my waist, kissing her forehead and tucking it under my chin.

  “Nothin’ sweetheart,” I smile, kissing her forehead again and hugging her, relaxing at the sound of her content sigh. She mumbles something but it’s totally incoherent and I chuckle at her, rolling onto my back and tucking her into my side loving the smile that’s on her lips right now. If
she smiles like that for the rest of my life, I’ll die a happy man for certain.

  I stare up at the ceiling fan while listening to her breathing even out. This is paradise I know for sure. Before I was proud that I had a different woman every night come through my bed, but now, fuck that. I want her and only her. I want it like this.

  I squeeze her tight and kiss her forehead one more time, closing my eyes as my lips linger on her skin. If only this moment could last forever.

  A hand on my shoulder brings me to as the sun shines through the blinds and I act out of instinct, wrapping my hand around the wrist and turning as I feel another hand come behind my neck, trying to stay my motion as Chad’s voice says, “Timmons it’s me. Chill!”

  Looking up into Chief’s face I see the shock run over it and I release him, shoving my back against the headboard and kicking the sheets away. “Sorry man,” I mumble running my hand over my face. Ellie isn’t in bed and I look around the room as if she might be hiding.

  “She’s out on her run lover-boy,” Chief laughs, tossing me a clean pair of shorts and a muscle shirt. He’s already dressed for our morning workout in shorts and an old Navy t-shirt, leaning on the door frame and juggling a couple of water bottles.

  “Well come on, boy,” he says nodding for me to hurry up and I throw my legs over the side of the bed, pulling my curved sport prosthetic from my dresser drawer. Switching the suspension sleeves while checking for irritation, I’m still fighting the sleepy morning feeling when I stand and follow him into the garage.

  It’s already hot and sticky at only quarter after seven. Today is going to be a scorcher. I yawn and start stretching my arms as Chad turns on the radio, switching it to the country station so that we can catch up on the local and national news while warming up.


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