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Sanctum (The After Light Saga)

Page 12

by Cameo Renae

  Although I didn’t understand why, I believed our chopper crashed and we were here, at this very moment, for a particular reason. Everything had a purpose, and ours was to help these people. Maybe it was our destiny to die trying, but we would never know unless we tried.

  “Hey,” Finn said, breaking my thoughts. He was walking toward me carrying his pillow and blanket. His thigh was freshly bandaged by Dr. Banks.

  With a single smile, he took my breath away. His eyes had a way of capturing me. I’d been completely absorbed within those dark chocolate eyes so many times before. They were eyes meant for me alone.

  Despite my many flaws, Finn still loved me unconditionally. He had a temper, but that was one of the things I loved about him. If he was passionate about something, he wasn’t afraid to show it.

  Every day on the topside, my love for him grew even more. I knew him better than anyone else on this planet. Knew his deepest fears and desires, and most importantly, I knew I could trust him with my life.

  He’d just showered, and his hair was a disheveled mess, but he always managed to pull it off. He looked as sexy as ever, wearing a pair of board shorts and the necklace I’d given him—the angel’s wings. They were the perfect representation of who he was to me. He was my guardian angel.

  His defined upper body resembled a Greek god. His skin tanned when it should have burned, and his muscles were perfectly defined. He was flawless.

  His sweet scent enveloped my space, sending my head in a spin.

  “Is this spot taken?” he asked, pointing to the large open area next to me.

  “No,” I answered.

  “Well, I heard some rumor that a beautiful, young girl desired to be wrapped in my arms. Do you happen to know her, or could you point me in the right direction?” he asked, raising his brow.

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, but if I find out who she is, she’ll have hell to pay.”

  “Hellfire?” he grinned.

  “No. I’ll just engage her in a little hand-to-hand combat.”

  “You know, if you ever need practice, I’m here,” he said, opening his arms in an invitation.

  “I’ll gladly take you up on that invitation, but will have to take a rain check. Maybe when the room isn’t so full and there aren’t watchful eyes glued to us,” I smiled.

  “Fine. Well, these arms were looking forward to holding someone tight tonight. Would you care to fill the void?”

  “I’d be delighted,” I said, in my best sexy voice. It didn’t go off so well, and Finn laughed.

  “No hanky panky, Abi Park. Remember, there are eyes and ears all around us.”

  “Gotcha,” I winked.

  He smiled, then placed his blanket and pillow down beside me. Lying on his back, he patted his chest, and I snuggled up to him. My head fit perfectly in the crook of his arm, as his arms folded tightly around me. It felt so natural being so close to him. I wished I could sleep next to him every night.

  He kissed my forehead. My eyes closed and I felt a smile rise on my lips. Only he could make me happy in the midst of all this madness.

  “I love you, Abi. Longer than forever,” he whispered.

  His love was like a warm blanket, covering and protecting me.

  “Longer than forever,” I breathed.

  Dr. Banks clicked off the main light, but there were still little night-lights softly illuminating the room so we could move about.

  There were moments in quiet times, when I closed my eyes, I could envision our future. A dream of me and Finn sitting in a garden we planted with our own hands. There would be a large tree, with a swing attached to one of its branches. Our house would be small, and not too large because I didn’t want to spend too much time inside. I wanted to feel the soft grass between my toes and against my fingertips. I wanted to smell the sweet fragrances of the multi-colored flowers. I wanted to eat the fresh fruit and vegetables that were planted and grown from our tender. And, I eventually wanted children.

  That was my dream, but until the Arvies were rid from the planet, that’s all it would ever be. But at least it was something to hold onto. I could only wish that one day all this would end, and we would be able to begin our lives.

  Enclosed in the warmth of Finn’s arms, my body finally relaxed. I felt complete; a sense of peace quieted my mind for the first time in months. He was the only one who could have given me such a rare and wonderful gift.

  I focused on the steady rising and falling of his chest, and the perfect rhythm of his heart. A heart which belonged to me. I smiled, despite the unsurmountable stress building up around us. He held me tightly in his embrace, and before I knew it…I’d fallen asleep.

  Chapter 10

  We woke to painful moans. I’d never been more exhausted. I was hoping the whole ordeal from the day before was nothing but a bad dream, but it wasn’t. It was a horrifying reality.

  Dr. Banks was up, attending to the patient. His eyes were red, his hair was matted, and he had large, dark bags under his eyes. This journey was taking its toll on all of us.

  Dr. Fox was sound asleep, but Dr. Lee was up, leaning over the second patient. He’d just given him another shot. I was thankful we were able to help get their medicine.

  “Wow,” Finn said, staring at me through narrowed eyes. He’d just woken up.

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “How can you look so damn beautiful, first thing in the morning?”

  “You must be delusional. You still have sleep in your eyes.”

  “Nope. You’re perfect.”

  “You’re just saying that because—”

  “I’m saying it because it’s the truth. You’re kick-ass, you’re gorgeous any time of day or night, and you’re mine.”

  I leaned over and gave him a kiss. “Well, you look pretty damn hot in the mornings too,” I said, tracing his pecks.

  He flexed each of them, making them dance, and it made me giggle. Without thinking, I bent over and lightly kissed and nipped his chest.

  Finn grabbed my face. “Do that again, and we’ll be having another private celebration in a not-so-private location, Miss Park.” He smirked and brought my mouth to his, teasing by licking and nibbling my bottom lip.

  Just as a fire began igniting deep within, he pulled away and spoke.

  “Now, we better start getting up. We have a crazy day of killing mutants.” He winked.

  “That sounds like some sort of crazy, post-apocalyptic, war game,” I laughed.

  “Welcome to the new age,” he said, spreading his arms out. He then bent his elbows and flexed his biceps.

  “Finn, stop,” I whispered.

  “Why? These pythons turning you on?” He flexed some more.

  “Well, yeah. But you’re going to make everyone else here jealous,” I giggled.

  He rolled his eyes and grinned.

  “Well, I’m not going to kill mutants on an empty stomach. These babies need sustenance,” he said, patting his arms.

  “Beans and rice?”

  “Whatever works,” he smiled. “Do you need me to escort you to the bathroom?”

  “No thanks. I think I’ll drag Tina with me. She looks like she could use some encouragement.”

  “You are your father’s daughter. Always putting others before yourself.”

  “Isn’t that one of my good traits?” I asked.

  “One of your many amazing traits,” he said. His fingers grazed my cheek, then rested on my chin.

  “I could totally do this for the rest of my life,” I said, smiling at him.

  “Do what?” he asked.

  “Wake up next to you,” I said, then stood and walked away.

  “Dreams can come true,” he said loudly.

  A smile was plastered to my face.

  “How can you be smiling first thing in the morning?” Tina asked, yawning.

  Her hair was sticking up all over the place, and her eyes were red and swollen.

  “I’m alive, for one. And, second, have you seen th
at guy lying down over there?” I thumbed behind me.

  “Oh my God. Stop with the cuteness already. It’s too early,” she sighed.

  I laughed. “Well, looks like you’ve found some of it too,” I said.

  Tina turned to Pike, who’d just peeled open one eye. His hair was sticking up on one side, and the other was as flat as a pancake. Tina giggled, and he quickly ran his fingers through his hair and sat up.

  “Rough night?” I asked.

  “The floor. It was hard,” Pike mumbled.

  “You just have to get up and get the blood flowing,” I laughed.

  “How the hell can you be so agile after walking miles in the desert and wrestling with Arvies?” he groaned.

  “Oh, believe me, I’m feeling it. My uncle always taught us to train hard and suck it up.”

  “Well, you’re very lucky. You and Finn are two of the best trained soldiers I know,” Pike yawned.

  “Thanks,” I said, feeling proud he’d noticed. I turned to Tina. “Do you want to make a trip to the bathroom with me?”

  “Sure,” she said, slowly shedding her blanket. “I’ll be right back,” she said, whispering into Pike’s ear. She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His cheek rose with a smile.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be right here. I can’t move anyway,” he answered, rolling over with a groan.

  In the bathroom, Tina and I finally had a chance to talk. It’d been set up for multiple people, and had a stand-up shower, two toilet stalls, and two sinks with mirrors.

  “So how are you holding up?” I asked her.

  “Pretty good, I guess. I’ve never been more scared in my life. Those monsters, there were so many of them. I can’t see how they were once human. How could they have mutated so much?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t think anyone has answers yet, but then again, maybe they do. I don’t believe anyone thought they’d survive. But somehow, they did. Their bodies have evolved to withstand some of the harshest elements.”

  “I heard what happened to you and Finn last night. Pike said he thought they’d lost you. You were surrounded by Arvies, and they didn’t see how you could make it out alive. If I was put in your position, I would have died,” she swallowed hard and her eyes began to water.

  “Don’t say that,” I said, turning to her. “You have a strong will inside of you. You are the daughter of a leader.”

  “That means absolutely nothing. I hardly ever got to spend any time with him. I was raised in the schoolrooms with my friends, and spent most of my time, in my room, by myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love my father, but mostly because of that fact…he is my father. Sadly, I never really knew his love. All I ever wanted was a relationship with him. Well, maybe not anymore. He’s not the same man as he was when we first entered.”

  My heart broke for her. I wondered what it would feel like to walk in her shoes. I couldn’t imagine it. My mom and I were my father’s world, and his top priority. We were the reason why he created the hive, so we would be safe and protected from harm. I never once doubted my father’s love, and was very proud to be his daughter.

  I couldn’t wait to see my parents again. I knew if they found out we were missing, they would do everything in their power to find us. They would risk their lives to come look for us, and I couldn’t let that happen. That’s why we had to make it to the pick-up zone quickly. We needed to get word to them, somehow, that we were okay. With no form of communication, the only way to let them know, was to make it to the pick-up zone. Hopefully there would be choppers there to collect us. If not, we were screwed.

  By now, the bunker should have known they were missing a chopper. Hopefully the General would find out his daughter was on that flight, and would send out a search and rescue team. I guess that wouldn’t work if we were all hiding underground. We wouldn’t be able to hear them, and they would never find us. We needed to get out of here. We needed to clear those buildings and move on.

  “I wish I could go with you, Abi,” Tina said. “I feel horrible that all of you will be out there, risking your lives, and I’ll be in here safe.”

  “Believe me, Tina, you don’t want to be out there. The doctors look like they could use some help, they look really tired. Maybe you can watch the patients, so they can get some sleep?”

  She nodded. “I can do that. Anything I can do to help.”

  “That will be just as helpful as us clearing the topside. Once we finish our work here, we can move on and make our way to the pick-up zone.”

  “I hope it all works out. And, thanks. You’ve been a great friend, Abi.” She hugged me.

  “So have you, Tina.” I said.

  After we changed and did our hair, we made our way back to the meeting room. All the guys were changed and ready to go. Guys. They never complicated things, and they probably all changed in this room.

  Finn had put our bedding away and was sitting on one of the chairs.

  “What took you so long?” he yawned.

  “Well, we’re girls.”


  “And we need a little extra time to put ourselves together.”

  “Why? The Arvies aren’t going to care what you look like,” he laughed.

  “I didn’t do it for the Arvies.”

  “Well, you can’t fix perfection, but I guess you did a pretty good job,” Finn grinned.

  “Thanks.” I folded myself into his open arms.

  “You ready for today?” he whispered in my ear.

  “No, but I’m sure Hellfire is.”

  “I love that cold, hard chick,” he laughed.

  “Me too,” I added. “And, she’s pretty fond of you too.”

  “Well, I feel safe, knowing I’m covered by my girls.”

  “Ditto,” I said.

  “Just remember not to do anything irrational today. I need you alive and unbitten. No more slash fests.”

  “Believe me, I hope I never come that close into contact with them again,” I said.

  Rhett and his group entered the room, and after one more recap, we all knew exactly what we had to do.

  I felt pretty secure with our team. We worked well together in the past, and I knew I could trust them. Anticipating our dance with the devils had my nerves frayed, but I tried my best to keep myself focused. At least we would have the daylight to our advantage, which would help immensely.

  Reed handed me some ammunition for Hellfire, and I made sure all my magazines were full and secured to my belt. Hellfire was resting safely in her holster.

  We all huddled in the middle of the old Sanctuary, dilapidated from thirteen years of neglect, and Rhett said a prayer. It was a prayer of protection. He was asking his God to watch over us and bring each person back safely. It was refreshing to have that kind of faith, to be able to put your trust in a being you couldn’t see.

  We all said ‘amen’ and moved out, quickly and quietly, toward each designated building. Our first building was an old store on the east side of the town. Rhett and his group took north. Reed’s group went west, and Revek’s group headed south. Each group was given a walkie-talkie to report once we cleared a building.

  My heart hammered as we passed the place where I saw the glowing veins of the Arvies last night. The thought sent a shiver up my spine. Finn motioned he was going in first, and we were to follow. I took second spot, right at his back where I knew I had to be.

  I was followed by Pike, and Tim brought up the rear. I knew Pike was a good shot, after watching him on the rooftop the day we rescued Finn. I wasn’t too sure about Tim, but he was still alive after a few encounters, so I knew he could hold his own.

  We quickly cleared the first room, then moved to the next. Every room we entered was empty.

  We exited the store and as we did, Rhett’s team exited from their building.

  “Finn. Clear.” He spoke into the walkie.

  “Rhett. Clear.” Rhett nodded to him, and moved on.

  “Revek. Clear.”

“Reed. Clear.”

  We couldn’t see Revek or Reed’s teams from where we were, but their buildings were empty too.

  “Keep moving.” Rhett radioed in.

  We all moved to our next buildings, going room to room, clearing and shutting doors. But they were all empty.

  Where the hell could they have gone? They had to be here somewhere.

  As we exited, Finn radioed our all clear, and everyone responded the same.

  After we cleared five buildings each, a total of twenty, a rush of uncertainty washed over me. Something was wrong. I knew there were still dozens of Arvies. They had to be gathered somewhere. Maybe they knew we were coming for them.

  Realization slammed into me.

  I gasped and grabbed Finn’s arm.

  “Finn,” I whispered.

  He turned back. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. But, what if those creatures knew we were coming?”

  “How the hell would they know that?”

  I tapped the side of my head and raised my eyebrows. “They must have known we were coming. Why else would they not be here?”

  “Oh, I know they’re here, somewhere. There is no other place for them to go, with miles of desert around this town. They’re hiding out, which means we need to be extra careful.”

  The thought made my stomach twist. Right now, I could be the weak link, and could very well be putting everyone’s lives in danger. But leaving Finn wasn’t an option. I needed to clear my mind, and not think about anything that could possibly give us away.

  I began filtering my thoughts around my father, mother, and our life in our old hive. That was the safest and happiest place for my mind to be.

  We continued to clear out the buildings, immediately surrounding Sanctum.

  All were empty.

  Rhett and his group were optimistic, hoping they’d chased the monsters out last night. But, I agreed with Finn. They were still here, waiting for us.


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