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Sanctum (The After Light Saga)

Page 16

by Cameo Renae

  Then he abruptly stopped, breathing ragged. His forehead rested against mine.

  “Abi,” he whispered so softly. I could barely hear him over the loud drumming of my heart.

  “Yes?” I breathed.

  “I want you to know,” he paused for a moment. “Well, you should already know this, but I feel I need to tell you again. I have always loved you. The day we first climbed down into the hive, I was terrified, and thought we were all going to die. Then, I saw you descending the ladder, on your mother’s back. As soon as she set you down, you turned and smiled at me. From that very moment, I knew I would be fine.”

  “Your family saved me and my mother, and that is a debt I will never be able to repay. But I plan on trying, by loving you for the rest of your life. I will always be here for you. I will always protect you, and will always have your back. I will also make you this promise. No matter what happens to us, no matter what the future holds, we will be together. If anything should happen, and one of us doesn’t make it—”

  “Finn,” I interrupted. “Please don’t talk like that.” The thought of life without him was too much to bear.

  “At some point we have to discuss it. Nothing in this life is certain, except for what we have right here. You. Me.” He pressed himself closer.

  “Well I want you to know something too,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “And what would that be?” he breathed, kissing me gently on my cheek. His lips brushed against mine, erasing all thought from my mind.


  “You love me?” he asked

  “Mmm-hmm,” I hummed on his lips. I closed my eyes and pulled him to me. As soon as our lips connected, I was transported far-far away, to our own special place. A place of complete bliss and happiness—until he paused again, kissing my cheek, the tip of my nose, and my forehead.

  Then he spoke so softly and so surely. “But still…I need you to know, if anything should happen to either one of us, I will search for you and will find you, even if it’s in the next life. Because there is one thing I know for certain. You will always hold my heart.”

  “Finn,” my voice trembled.

  Then, in the pitch black, without me saying a word, his fingers gently brushed across my cheeks, wiping away my tears.

  How did he know?

  At that moment I realized why. Because he knew me, every intimate detail of my life. He was my best friend, and…he also held my heart.

  A door opened and slammed shut outside. Then we heard Pike ask, “Does anyone know where Finn is?”

  “He might be in the bathroom,” another male voice answered.

  “Thanks,” Pike returned.

  We stayed quiet, holding on to each other, until the footsteps disappeared. When it was silent, we quickly slipped out.

  Chapter 14

  Rhett came into the meeting room looking a little perturbed.

  “What’s wrong?” Finn asked.

  “Man, if we had some fuel, I would be able to transport you to the pick-up zone,” Rhett answered.

  “Transport?” I questioned.

  “Yes, we have a vehicle. It’s an old beater we stripped and stored thirteen years ago. The engine is safe underground, sitting in the room directly under the shell, which is in one of the back rooms up top. We have a few mechanics in the group who have kept it clean and hopefully in good working order.”

  “We do have fuel,” Pike yelled from across the room.

  We all turned toward him.

  “Duh…the chopper. It’s filled with fuel,” he said. “It never exploded. It should still be there.”

  “Yeah, and the pilot did say it was equipped with extra fuel tanks,” Tina added.

  “But isn’t that jet fuel? You can’t put jet fuel into cars, right?” I questioned.

  “If jet fuel was put into a normal car, it would stall. But we have a first generation truck. Those beasts will swallow jet fuel, no problem,” Rhett replied.

  “But the chopper is fifteen miles out of town,” Tim noted.

  “Yes, but it’s a thirty mile trek to the pick-up zone. Because we are a few men short, we will all have to take turns carrying the injured. We need all the help we can get to make it in time,” I said.

  “Fifteen miles traveling into Hades,” Finn exhaled. “And that’s not including the return trip, lugging gallons of fuel.”

  “Finn, you and I have trained all our lives for moments like these. I know we can do this. Fifteen miles? We could be there in less than three hours, grab the fuel, and be back before it gets dark,” I said.

  “Finn, are you wussing out?” Pike teased.

  Finn grinned at him. “I’ll go if Pike comes along,” he said. “Since he likes to help, and we make a great team.”

  “I’ll go, but I call dibs on driving the truck to the pick-up zone,” Pike said.

  “Have you ever driven before?” Finn asked.

  “Dude, I was six when we went into the bunker,” Pike said, rolling his eyes.

  “So, you’ve never driven,” Finn said flatly.

  “Umm, no. But how hard could it be?”

  “I’ll be driving,” Rhett butted in, “because I’d like my truck back in one piece.”

  “Fine,” Pike sighed.

  “We’ll need something to carry the gas in,” Finn noted.

  “You can use the containers we put the oil in earlier. The jet fuel will need a few quarts of oil to be mixed with it before it goes into the truck anyway,” Rhett noted. “And we also have an old sled you can tie the containers to. Pulling is much easier than carrying.”

  “Yes, that will be a big help,” I said. “Thank you.” I was thrilled. If we could pull this off, it could mean making the pick-up zone in time.

  “No problem,” he returned. “Will you three need any more assistance?”

  “No, we’ve got this. We’ll be moving at a pretty fast pace,” Finn said.

  “Well, moving fast counts out everyone in my group. They’d definitely hold you back,” Rhett belly laughed.

  “It’s all good,” Finn answered. “Like Abi said, we’re used to it. We just have to make sure our buddy Pike here can keep up.” Finn patted Pike on the shoulder.

  “Well, if I can’t handle it, I’ll be jumping on your back. All that weight lifting should count for something, right?” Pike asked, smacking Finn’s biceps.

  “Sorry. I don’t carry dudes,” Finn said in a manly voice, flexing his muscle.

  “Well, then maybe Abi would carry me,” Pike turned and winked at me.

  “Oh yeah, sure,” I answered, rolling my eyes.

  “I think your best bet would be leaving when we burn the town tonight. Just help us shoot as many Arvies as you can before you leave. Me and my team can handle the rest,” Rhett said.

  “I’ll help too,” Tim said.

  “See, we’ve got a great team. I know we can do this,” Rhett said.

  “That sounds good. It’ll be much easier making the journey at night anyway,” Pike said. “We almost died from dehydration coming here. That sun sucked the life out of us.”

  “No joke. We are all still trying to adapt to this real world,” Finn laughed.

  “Well, it was fate,” Rhett said. “You were sent here to help us rid the town of the Arvies, and in return we will help you get to your pick-up zone.”

  “I do believe in fate,” Finn agreed.

  It sounded like a great plan, and I started to feel hopeful that we could do this. We could get the fuel and be back by sunrise, then drive our way to the pick-up zone.

  At least we had hope.

  Rhett and his men still had to get the engine from the bottom of the bunker to the top, but he said it should be fairly easy. They did have a wench where the shell of the truck was sitting. Their only difficulty would be re-opening the hatch they welded shut, which was used to lower the engine into the lower room.

  All we needed to do was gear up for the thirty mile quest. I was ready, knowing it would immensel
y cut our travel time. What would normally have taken ten hours of walking could be done in under thirty minutes of driving. And we wouldn’t have to worry about carrying the injured. That alone was worth the thirty mile foot trip for fuel.

  We made sure our ammunition was set, and filled multiple canteens. Finn figured a way to strap the sled to his back, like a backpack. He was always so clever. Pike tied the containers together with a rope and made his own type of over-the-back doohickey. I was in charge of weapons, and keeping us all alive should we run into any uninvited visitors. I slung Finn’s shotgun over my shoulder, and holstered Hellfire. Pike also had his handgun holstered at his side.

  The next hour was spent in the meeting room, resting. Tina and Pike were sitting, curled up in their corner. They were whispering and laughing.

  I was leaned up against Finn, resting between his legs, with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

  “Have you thought about what we talked about the other night?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Constantly,” I answered.

  “Have you decided?”

  I shook my head and sighed.

  “I will go wherever you go. There is no right or wrong answer,” he breathed. “I’d just like to hold you, like this, whenever I want.”

  His gesture made me smile and warmed my insides.

  “Me too,” I sighed.

  “Well, there is one other way we can make that happen,” he said, confidently.

  “How?” I asked. I craned my neck back so I could see his face.

  There was a twinkle in his eye, and I knew he probably had a snarky answer.

  “Marry me.”

  I gasped.

  Those two words completely threw me off. The sound of them both exited and terrified me.

  “Marry you? But, I’m only seventeen.” Those were the first words to escape my mouth. “And I don’t think my father will allow it.”

  “You’ll be eighteen in a few months. Then, you’ll be able to make your own decision. It’s the only way we will be allowed to be together if we are in the bunker.”

  I turned to him and smiled, my heart was on the verge of bursting.

  “Come with me,” he said, getting up.

  He took me by the hand and led me out of the room.

  Tina glanced at me with a questioning look, and I shrugged my shoulders. My heart raced, as his fingers laced with mine and he dragged me down the hall.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked.

  “You’ll see,” he said, turning back with a grin. He led me toward the stairs, where we began ascending toward the sanctuary. In our old hive, he would do completely random things like this, but that was only to drag me off to the park, or the training room. Right now, he was on a mission, and it had my mind swirling with questions.

  When we reached the top, and opened the door, he pulled me past the old pews, and up the next stairway to the lookout. The sun was nearly setting.

  The sky was painted with the most beautiful bright colors I’d never seen; vivid colors blending perfectly together to create the most beautiful backdrop of lavender, pink, and orange against the bluest sky.

  “Oh my goodness,” I breathed. “This is so beautiful.”

  Finn turned me around, his eyes were soft and filled with so much warmth it melted my heart. “That sky… is dull, compared to you, Abi.”

  He dropped down on one knee, and took my hands, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Finn,” I whispered. My insides started to tremble, and hot tears stung my eyes.

  “Abi, I want to make you a promise; a promise that no matter what, we will be together. You’re the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with. This crazy world doesn’t promise us tomorrow, so right here, right now, I pledge my love to you. I want you to be mine, forever. It was always you, from the very beginning.”

  “Abigail Park, sometime in this unforeseen, but near future, will you be my wife?”

  Tears streamed in waves down my face. These past few days were so exhausting and so emotional, but Finn was the only sure thing in my life.

  “Yes. Forever and always, yes,” I answered, and fell into his embrace.

  He took my right hand, slid off my promise ring, and gently lifted my left hand, pushing it onto my ring finger.

  “Even if it never happens, you have made me the happiest man on the planet.”

  “And because of you, I am the luckiest girl on the planet. You are my life, Finn Armstrong. You are my strength, my best friend, and the love of my life.”

  He pulled me to him, our bodies pressing tight, and kissed me.

  “One day, you will be mine,” he breathed.

  “I already am,” I whispered.

  “I know, but I want everyone else to recognize it, so we won’t ever have to be apart.”

  I nodded and kissed him again. I would never get tired of his lips against mine, or his strong arms wrapped around me.

  Finn led me to the window and we stood in silence and watched the sunset. I would always remember this moment; a brief speck in the span of eternity, where I felt complete. I was happy. I was safe, and I was wrapped in the arms of the one I was destined to be with.

  A dull ache throbbed in my head, and it reminded me of the horrors which lived just beyond the walls of Sanctum. Would we ever be free?

  “It’s just about time for us to be heading out. Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked.

  “With you, I’m always ready.”

  He smiled and kissed me once more, then led me back down to meet the others.

  Everyone was already in the meeting room, dressed in combat gear, pumped up and ready to go. The atmosphere was buzzing with optimism, and it was energizing. Rhett and Revek wore the night-vision goggles around their neck, and the rest of his team, including Tim, had painted their faces with black.

  Tina leaned over and whispered in my ear, “It’s war paint.”

  “Ahhhh,” I said, nodding my head. I didn’t understand it, but they did look scary. Their eyes seemed to pop, and their teeth were remarkably white.

  We all gathered in a circle, and Rhett asked everyone in the room to bow their heads while he said a prayer. I could tell he was still struggling, but he managed to get through it. Everyone in the room offered an ‘Amen’ when he was done.

  We all knew what we had to do. Peggy Sue hugged and kissed Rhett, and Revek gave Laura a hug. I scanned the room for Jamie, but I knew she was still mourning the death of her husband. Nely and Shelly stood quietly in the back.

  Tina and Pike also said their goodbyes. He hugged and kissed her sweetly.

  I admitted to myself that I was pretty damn lucky. I was blessed to have grown up in a hive which not only taught us about survival, but also trained women to fight. This allowed me to be with Finn. Each one of us could hold our own.

  Finn grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed. I turned to him and he winked, making my insides flutter.

  “We’ve got this,” he said.

  “I know,” I returned.

  We all made our way back up the stairs. Rhett, Revek, Tim, and two of their other men carried the five bombs. They would be lit and thrown in five specific buildings around Sanctum. Then, they would throw torches to the others. The goal was shoot-to-kill as the Arvies ran from the burning buildings. Meanwhile, Finn, Pike, and I would make our way outside of the town and head toward the chopper.

  We could do this. We could definitely do this.

  “Alright, before we go out does anyone have any questions or concerns?” Rhett asked.

  “No!” everyone said in unison.

  “Are you all ready?”


  “Just remember to pick your targets. Make sure you are firing at the Arvies, and not each other. Aim for the head or the heart. Now, let’s go out and clear our town!” he yelled.

  “Finn, should I wait behind, so they can’t read my mind?” I whispered.

  “No way. You are staying right here, next to me,” he said pa
tting his side. “Just think about what you’ll be wearing to our wedding, and who you’ll invite to the ceremony.”

  I smiled. I could definitely do that. I handed him his shotgun.

  “The sun is just about to set, so let’s go paint the town red.” Synchronized clicking from guns chambering their rounds, sent a rush of excitement through me. Rhett nodded and then threw the door open. The first five lit their fuses and ran out. We followed slowly behind, just enough so we could see the Arvies if they came out for us. Finn raised his shotgun, and I grasped Hellfire.

  I had to focus. I had to blank my mind. I thought about red roses, and a long white gown with the most beautiful sparkly beads. I pictured a garden, filled with the most beautiful flowers of every color. The ground was carpeted in the softest, greenest grass. I glanced at Finn, and imagined him in a suit, with his dark hair combed back.

  I always imagined I would get married one day, but living in the hive, I never really thought about the details. I would like it to be simple, yet elegant. I wanted a dress like Cinderella. It was one of my favorite stories growing up. My mother read it to me at least a few hundred times. I dreamed of my Prince Charming, not realizing he was already with me.

  I envisioned a princess gown, but hidden beneath, I would have Hellfire strapped to my leg, and I’d be wearing combat boots. The best of both worlds. A blend of who I was, and who I’d always dreamed of becoming—even if it was only for a day.


  I was knocked back into reality as the first bomb went off, and then the next four simultaneously. The blasts were so loud it shook the ground around us. Rhett’s teams ran with lit torches toward their designated buildings. They lit the oil left from the earlier mission first, then threw the lighted torches into buildings.

  Suddenly, I felt it…pain. Excruciating pain. I grabbed onto Finn’s arm.

  “Don’t let them weaken you, Abi,” he said. “You are much stronger than they are. You need to block them out. Don’t let them in.”

  I focused on him. On our love, and what our future could be without the Arvies. Then, I felt something strange. Fear. Suffocation. Heat. Torment.


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