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This Generation

Page 21

by Han Han


  boycotting businesses and products from, 33–36, 38–40, 42, 73–77

  defection of Chinese officials to, 76

  demonstrations for Tibetan independence in, 33, 43

  incursion by forces from England and, 44

  restrictions on immigration from China to, 36

  Freedom [more]

  pressing for, 245–47

  Fujian Province, 145, 165, 167, 183


  Gansu Province, 125–27

  Fifty-centers in, 130

  Gasoline, price of, 197–202

  General Administration of Press and Publication, 17

  Generations, 1–3

  Genetically engineered foods, 155

  Global Times, 96, 204

  Google, 122–23, 162, 224, 237n

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 246

  Government officials, 125, 133–35, 141–42

  bringing grievances to, 192

  corrupt, see Corruption

  defection to France of, 76

  in Imperial China, 141

  jail terms for “slandering” of, 145–49

  mannerisms of, 205

  public opinion poll on performance of, 137–40

  Graft, 80

  see also Corruption

  Great Relocation, The (Xie Chaoping), 187n

  Gross domestic product (GDP), 138, 140, 170, 173

  per capita, 162, 163

  Gu Changwei, 105

  Guinness Book of World Records, 29


  Half-mast, flying flags at, 21–22, 39

  Handan, 82–84

  Handicapped children, begging by, 194, 195

  Han Feng, 133–35

  public opinion poll on, 137–39

  Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, 79

  Han Zheng, 224

  Havel, Vaclav, 236, 240

  Heaven on Earth Night Club (Fujian), 167

  Hebei Province, 82–83

  Hefei, 39

  Heilongjiang forest fire, 92

  Hengyang, 129

  Higher education, principles for institutions of, 165

  High-speed trains, collision of, 217–20

  Honda, 76

  Hong Kong, 95, 97, 98, 147

  films made in, 175

  Google in, 145, 162n

  prices in, 198, 201

  rally competition from Beijing to, 249–50

  Hope Primary School, 127

  Household registration, see Residence registration

  Housing market, 197–202

  Hua Guofeng, 97n

  Huang Ju, 21n

  Huangpu River, bridges over, 127

  Huang Wanli, 209

  Huang Yibo, 203–7

  Hu Bing, 105

  Hu Jintao, 145n

  Hu Jun, 105

  Humanitarian ideals, 41

  Hunan Satellite TV, 92

  Hurricane Katrina, 48


  India, 28, 30

  Indonesia, 43

  tsunami in, 48–50

  Industrial pollution, 7

  Infant formula, melamine contamination of, 67

  Insults to China, accusations of, 27–31

  Intellectual property rights, 57–59

  International Tourism Festival, 160

  Internet, 42, 73, 99n, 133, 145–47, 164n, 203n, 229, 234, 237n, 242

  conjectures by commentators on, 191

  filtered keywords for searches on, 21, 122, 145n, 224

  government capability to shut down, 232

  hostile comments from Chinese on, 50, 51

  lack of access for poor to, 233

  payment for posting

  pro-government comments

  on, 75, 123, 129–31, 252

  public opinion poll on, 137–40

  surveillance of, in Gansu Province, 125–27

  see also Baidu; Google


  Japan, 29, 30

  boycotting products from, 76

  car racing in, 4

  Diaoyu Islands incident, 181–83, 185–88

  Manchuria invaded by, 185n

  natural calamities in, 48

  occupation of China by, 175

  Jet Li, 50, 105

  Jiading Expo Forum, 115–16

  Jiang Wen, 105

  Jiang Wenli, 105

  Jiangxi Province, 210–11

  Jinshan Petroleum, 119

  Judiciary, 143

  independent, 163

  see also Courts; Legal system


  Karma, Buddhist concept of, 47, 48

  Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), 201, 234

  Khmer Rouge, 219

  Kidnapping, 194

  Kim Jong-il, 97, 176

  Kindergartens, attacks on, 157–60

  Kobe, earthquake in, 50

  Korea, 29, 30, 177

  see also North Korea; South Korea

  Korean War, 176–77


  Laibin Tobacco Bureau, 133

  Land, 163, 196

  appropriated for development, compensation for, 6–7, 170, 190

  leased from government, 186

  see also Real estate, sale of

  Lanzhou tragedy, 126–27

  Laos, 175

  Leadership, Chinese-style, 234

  Leqing, 189–91

  Letters and Visits Office, 139, 142, 144

  Li, Robin, 251

  Li Bai, 224

  Libya, 235

  License fees

  on cars, 121–22

  on e-bikes, 118

  Li Changchun, 224n

  Lin Miaoke, 61, 62

  Li Qiaoming, 99n

  Liu Caodong, 250

  Liu Xiang, 57–58

  Liu Xuan, 105

  Liu Yifei, 105

  Li Yundi, 105

  Loeb, Sébastien, 34

  Louis Vuitton, 38, 42, 70, 247

  Luo Dayou, 175, 178–79

  Lust, Caution (film), 58n

  Lu Xun, 24


  Ma Huateng, 237

  Malaysia, 34

  Manchuria, Japanese invasion of, 185n

  Mao Dun, 53

  Mao Zedong, 49, 97n, 165, 187n, 218, 253

  Marriage, 1

  registration fee, 202

  residence registration and, 6

  Mawei, 145

  McDonald’s, 201

  Melamine, 67

  Microblogs, 225–29, 232

  Milk, melamine contamination of, 67, 160

  Mil Mi-26 helicopters, 127

  Mission Impossible movies, 27, 28

  Motorbikes, 118–20

  Motorcycles, 118–19, 234

  Mukden Incident, 185n


  Nanping, 157

  National Day, 115

  National Environmental Monitoring Center, 190

  National People’s Congress, 138, 209

  National Political Consultative Conference, 138

  National Standards Commission, 117–18

  National Youth Work Commission, 206

  New Century Weekly, 138

  New China News Agency, 9, 42, 92–93, 140

  New York Times, 235

  North Korea, 97, 175–78, 219

  Nuclear weapons, 177


  Obama, Barack, 116

  Oil, 183

  Olympics, Beijing, x, 33, 38, 42, 43, 47n, 63–65, 188, 219

  intellectual property rights of sponsors of, 57–59

  opening ceremony of, 61–62

  traffic restrictions during, 121

  One-child policy, 1–2, 107, 196

  rich and famous and, 9–11

  Oriental Pearl TV tower (Shanghai), 28, 127

  Orphan of Asia (Wu Zhuoliu), 175


  Party magazine, 223

  Passports, foreign, 106

  Patriotism, Chinese, 33–36

  nationalism and, 37–40

  saving face and, 41–45

  sex with underage girls as expression of, 102�

  see also Boycotts

  Peking opera, 182n

  People’s Daily, 92, 93, 204, 205, 235

  Personal taste, prohibition of expressions of, 53–55

  Peugeot, 38, 42, 76

  Pickles, 120

  Pirates of the Caribbean (movie), 28

  Police brutality, 99n

  Politburo Standing Committee, 21n, 224

  Politics, caring about, 1, 2

  Pollution, 7, 140, 154, 169–70, 190

  Population pressures, alleviation of, 10

  see also One-child policy

  Portugal, 176

  Power, 142, 164, 167, 219

  absolute, 218

  abuses of, 2, 98, 143–44, 195

  bringing grievances to pinnacle of, 141, 192

  censorship and, 221

  class and, 178

  cultural, 224

  lack of access to, 233

  limits on, 163, 178

  party in, 187, 242, 247

  revolution and, 239–41

  struggles for, 204

  sucking up to, by Fifty-centers, 123

  supreme, transfer in Soviet Union of, 246

  tripartite division of, 166, 253

  to write slogans, 201

  veto, 165

  Propaganda, 33–34

  censorship and, 221

  in Gansu, 126–27

  and high-speed train crash, 219

  management of, 93

  patriotism and, 102

  Prostitutes, 81–87, 103

  at Beijing Olympics, 65

  Protests, mass, 44, 49, 147, 190, 194, 231–32

  against France for support of Tibetan independence, 33–36, 41, 73n, 188

  against Japan for Diaoyu Island incident, 181n, 185, 187–88

  revolutions and, 235–36

  Public education, see Education, Chinese system of

  Public Security, 123, 194

  Beijing, 81, 89

  censorship by, 221

  Handan, 83

  monitoring by, 144

  netizens charged with slandering, 145–46, 148

  payments to, 84, 85

  Shijiazhuang, 83

  Yibin, 101–2

  Public Security Management Law, 85

  Publishing industry, Chinese, 222–24


  Qianlong Emperor, 205

  Qian Yunhui, 189–92, 252

  Qingchun (Youth), x

  Qing government, 218

  Quotations from Chairman Mao, 93


  Radio, Film, and Television, Chinese State Administration of, 58n

  Real estate, sale of, 152, 183

  bribes and, 138

  GDP and, 163

  government revenue generated, 211

  profits on, 107

  see also Housing market

  Red Cross, 69

  Red Scarf (newspaper), 204

  Reference News, 204

  Reform, 220

  cultural, 224

  democracy and, 240

  economic, 80, 201n

  political, 247

  revolution versus, 231–33, 237, 239

  Renault, 76

  Residence registration, urban versus rural, 5–8

  Revolution, 231–43

  Rights activists, jail sentences for, 145–49


  damming of, 127, 209–11, 187n, 209–11

  pollution of, 7, 140, 190

  Rural registration, 5–8

  Russia, 127

  Rwanda, 240


  Sarcasm, x, 39

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 74

  Scandals, 228

  Schools, 127, 214

  attacks on, 157–60

  student leadership in, 203–4

  see also Education, Chinese system of

  Self, focus on, 1

  Self-image, Chinese, 43–44

  Senkaku Islands, see Diaoyu Islands

  Service industry, 95–96

  “Seven Don’ts,” 97

  Sexual activity

  advice on, 17–20

  of government officials, 101, 133n, 134, 135

  with prostitutes, 81–87

  sports and, 63–65

  Shanghai, ix-x, 21, 97n, 116, 121–22, 127, 190

  cars in, 121–22, 153

  commuters around, 119

  construction in, 121, 127, 213–16

  Expo, 115n, 121, 151–55, 158–59

  factory workers in outskirts of, 169–73

  high-speed train between Beijing and, 218

  housing market in, 198–200

  Oriental Pearl TV tower in, 28n, 127

  quality of life in, 115, 154–55

  revenge attack on police in, 157

  revolution in, 232

  Volkswagen 333 team, 75–76

  Shanghai High School (newspaper), 204

  Shangyu, 79

  Shaoxing, 79

  Shijiazhuang, 83, 84

  Sichuan province, 101

  earthquake in, 47n, 49, 50, 69–72

  Siqin Gaowa, 105

  Soccer, 63–65, 175–76

  Social nurturing, 11, 13–15

  South Africa, 176

  South Korea, 177

  Soviet Union, collapse of Communism in, 246

  Special Economic Zones, 211

  Sports General Bureau, 58

  Stalin, Joseph, 218

  Stock market, 200–1

  Stone, Sharon, 47–51

  Sudan, 219

  Suicides, factory worker, 171–73

  Su Jin, 105


  Taboos, observing, 224

  Taiping Rebellion, 234

  Taiwan, 95, 96, 171n

  Japanese occupation of, 175

  support for independence of, 42

  Taixing, 157

  Taizhou, 159–60

  Tang dynasty, 224

  Tang Fuzhen, 187–88

  Tangshan, 82

  Tang Wei, 58, 105

  Taxes, 14–15, 106

  agricultural, 6–7, 219

  annual revenues, 236

  avoidance of, 6, 106

  on car purchases, 13

  on e-bikes, 118

  Television, 86, 218

  car races on, 250

  in classrooms, 204

  Qianlong Emperor series on, 205

  top leaders on, 141, 183

  see also Chinese Central Television (CCTV)

  Tencent, Inc., 237n

  Three Gorges Dam, 127, 209–11

  “Three Representatives theory,” 97

  Tibet, 43, 50

  foreign support for independence of, 33, 42, 47, 74

  Tobacco consumption, 138

  Toll roads, 13–14

  Tong Ange, 105

  Traffic accident victims, 110, 119

  compensation paid out to families of, 5, 6

  presentation of murder victims as, 189–92

  Trains, high-speed, collision of, 217–20

  Tripartite division of powers, 166

  Triple Door (Han Han), ix–x, 222

  Tsunami, 48–50

  “Two Whatevers” policy, 97


  United States, 51, 93, 251

  Chinese belief in military superiority to, 204

  and Chinese sensitivity to perceived insults, 27, 31

  financial crisis in, 196

  natural disasters in, 48

  sanctions imposed on North Korea by, 177

  University entrance exams, 23

  Urban registration, 5–8


  Vaccines, faulty, 160

  Velvet Revolution, 239–40

  Volkswagens, 198


  Wang, 79

  Wang Ji, 105

  Water pollution, 7, 140, 190

  Wenzhou, 189

  Weifang, 159

  Wei Wei, 105

  Wenchuan earthquake, 69, 127

  White Lotus uprising, 234

  World Cup soccer, 175–76

/>   World Rally Championship, 34, 109–13

  World War II, 175

  Writer’s Association, 246

  Wuhan, 207

  Wu Junmei, 105

  Wu Zhuoliu, 175


  Xiaoming, 131

  Xie Chaoping, 187–88

  Xu Fan, 105

  Xu Jinglei, 17

  Xu Lang, 250

  Xu Qing, 105


  Yang Jia, 157

  Yang Peiyi, 61, 62

  Yangtze, dam on, see Three Gorges Dam

  Yao Ming, 10

  Yellow River, construction of dam across, 187n

  Yibin Public Security, 101–2

  Young Pioneers, 203, 206, 207

  Yuan Tengfei, 167

  Yugoslavia, 214

  Yunnan, 175


  Zhang, 79–80

  Zhang Jianyong, 89

  Zhang Tielin, 105

  Zhang Ziyi, 105

  Zhejiang Province, 79

  Zhou Qiaorong, 38

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  Copyright © 2010 by Thinkingdom Media Group Ltd.

  English language translation copyright © 2012 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Adapted from Youth, originally published in Chinese Complex Character in Taiwan by Thinkingdom Media Group Ltd. in 2010

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