The Cybernetic Brain
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_ _ _ _ _
Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.
Adams, Douglas
Adkins, Homer
Adrian, E. D.
Adventures with Professor Flaxman-Low (Pask)
Aldridge, Lorraine
Alexander, Christopher
algedonic meters
Allen robot
Allende, Salvador
alpha rhythms, brain
altered states. See strange performances and altered states
Altered States(film)
ambient music
antiaircraft guns, autonomous
antipsychiatry concept
antiuniversity concept
Anti-University of London
Approach to Cybernetics, An (Pask)
Archer, Jeffrey
design tools
Fun Palace
Generator project
geodesic domes
gerbil colony
morphogenesis project
Pask's contributions to
Architecture and Modernity (Heynen)
Architecture Association
Architecture Machine
Ars Electronica Centre
art and entertainment
Ashby's views on genius in
consumption of
art and entertainment (cont.)
Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition (1968)
cybernetics and
decentering of self in
happenings and performance art
Heidegger's views of
Pask's work in
See also architecture; music; theater
Artaud, Antonin
"articulation of parts" explanation
artificial intelligence (AI)
brain as conceived in
good, old-fashioned AI (GOFAI)
history of
neural network research
robotics and
tasks for
Ascott, Roy
Ashby, Jill
Ashby, W. Ross
"The Application of Cybernetics to Psychiatry,"
asymmetric approach of
BBC appearance
Beer and
"Black Box" problem
Blitz-therapy of
brain described by
brain research
change viewed by
combinatoric conception of intelligence
critique of work
cybernetics as hobby for
cybernetics described by
cybernetics research applied to other fields
DAMS project of
" 'Darwinian' Processes in Machinery,"
Design for a Brain
dispersive and multistable system idea
"Effect of Controls on Stability,"
"Every Good Regulator of a System Must
Be a Model of That System,"
first name not used by
as first-generation cybernetician
"Genius" essay
"Grandfather Clock" project,
habituation and dehabituation studies,
homeostatic autopilot idea,
homeostats built by
imaginary bead-and-elastic machine
influences of
interactive thermostat imagined by
An Introduction to Cybernetics
lectures at Institute for Contemporary Arts
life and career
mental pathology research
"The Mode of Action of Electro-convulsive Therapy,"
modelling of world
"Origin of Adaptation" notebook
Pask and
"Passing through Nature" notebook
as pedagogue
"The Physical Origin of Adaptation by Trial and Error,"
press articles on
psychiatric research
research on habituation
selection viewed by
seriousness of cybernetics work
social basis of cybernetics work
spirituality and
theory of everything
ultrastable system idea
urban planning ideas
vision of adaptation
vision of knowledge
war, adaptation, and society viewed by
writings of
Ashby's law
Asplen, L.
Asylum (documentary film)
asymmetric approaches
Ashby's views on
control and
funding and
power hierarchy and
At Home in the Universe(Kauffman)
Augustine of Hippo
Austin, J. L.
automatons, See also robotics
autopilots, cybernetic
aversion therapy
Baader-Meinhof Red Army Faction
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bailey, Christopher
Baird, George
Bali, trance in
Bannister, Denis
Barnes, Mary
Barnwood House
Barrett, Syd
Bartlett School of Architecture
basin of attraction
Bates, John
Bateson, Gregory,
Ashby and
at "Dialectics of Liberation" conference
at Esalen Institute
as first-generation cybernetician
Laing influenced by
life and career
madness described by
"Minimal Requirements for a Theory of
as nomad
as Perceval's Narrative editor
spirituality and
Steps to an Ecology of Mind,
symmetric approach to psychiatric therapy
"Towards a Theory of Schizophrenia,"
vision of adaptation
Bateson, Lois
Bateson, Mary Catherine
Bateson, William
Bear, Greg
Beat writers and artists, cybernetics and.
See also specific names
Beck, Julian
Beck, Ulrich
Beer, Ian
Beer, Simon
Beer, Stafford,
Ashby and
Ashby's law and
Beyond Dispute,
biological computing work
Brain of the Firm,
Brown and,
"Chronicles of Wizard Prang,"
"Computers, the Irish Sea,"
criticism of
Cybernetics and Management,
"Cybernetics and the Knowledge of God,"
cybernetics as hobby for
Designing Freedom,
Diagnosing the System for Organizations,
Eno and
Eucrates viewed by
first name not used by
Fun Palace and
The Heart of the Enterprise,
hylozoism and
as independent consultant
influences on
international relations viewed by
"The Liberty Machine,"
life and career
Beer, Stafford (cont.)
management cybernetics
Management Science,
operations research
organizational charts viewed by
paintings of,
Pask and
Pebbles to Computers: The Thread
as pedagogue
Platform for Change,
political views
Project Cybersy
SAM machine,
as second-generation cybernetician
September 11 terrorist attacks viewed by
social basis of cybernetics
as Society for Psychical Research member
spirituality and
symmetric approach to psychiatric therapy
systems theory of
team syntegrity approach
viable system model (VSM),
"What is Cybernetics?"
writings of
Beer, Vanilla
Bennett, John
Berger, Hans
"Bergson and Intellectualism" ( James)
Berke, Joseph
Anti-University of London and
Kingsley Hall described by
Notting Hill Free School and
Two Accounts of a Journey through Madness,
Berkeley, Edmund
Beyond Dispute(Beer)
Beyond Modern Sculpture(Burnham)
Bigelow, Julian
aversion therapy and
history of
military research on
new music and
as technology of the self
Biological Computer Laboratory (BCL)
biological computing. See also chemical computers
Beer's research
nature and
new research
ontology and design in
Pask's research
"Biologically-Inspired Robots" conference (2002)
biology, theoretical
Bird, J.
"Black Box" ontolog
Ashby's attitude toward
Ashby's description of
brain as "Black Box,"
CORA and
homeostats as
as performative image of world
stances on
strange performances and
"tortoise" as "Black Box,"
Black Panthers
Black Room, The(Wilson)
Blake, Raymond
Blake, William
Blohm, Hans
blueprint attitude toward designn. See also design
Bomb Culture(Nuttall)
Bonsiepe, Gui
Borck, C
Bowie, David
Bowles, Paul
brain. See also psychology and psychiatry
as adaptive (performative) organ,
AI research and
alpha rhythms in
animal experimentsn
Ashby's research
biofeedback and
chemistry of
cybernetics and
delta rhythms in
electromechanical models for,
expectancy wave in
feedback system models for
habituation behavior in
importance of structure
loosely connected systems in
neurons in
as organ of knowledge
as parallel to management system
research approaches to
theta rhythms in
training by punishment
Walter's research
Brain of the Firm(Beer)
Braitenberg, Valentino
Braithwaite, John
Brand, Stewart
Braslow, J. T.
Brecht, Bertolt
Bremermann's limit
Brooks, Rodney
as businessman
Cambrian Intelligence,
robotics research
Brown, George Spencer
Brown, Jerry
Brunel University Cybernetics Department
Beer's study of
Huxley's discussion of
mandalas in
nirvanophilia and
ontology of
Burden Neurological Institute
Burgess, Anthony
Burnham, Jack
Burns, David
Burroughs, William
flicker and
Naked Lunch
on sleep therapy
Walter's influence on
Butler, F.
Butlin, Billy
Byatt, A. S.
Cage, John
Calculator Saturnalia(Pask, Glanville, Robinson)
Cambrian Intelligence(Brooks)
Canguilhem, G.
Cannon, Walter B.
Capra, Fritjofn
Captain Beefheart